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ROYD Nursery Infant School have received yet another successful Ofsted report. Miss Jones, Headteacher, commented: “I am extremely proud of all the people associated with Royd Nursery Infant Schools achievements.

“Her Majesty’s Inspector (HMI) highlighted that we are an ‘inclusive school which nurtures all pupils’. This comment continually comes up whenever we have people visit our school.
“We put the pupils at the heart of everything that we do and are huge believers that if our pupils are happy then they will always excel with the high quality learning that they receive at Royd.”
Mr Sly, deputy headteacher, added: “The HMI completed a range of activities throughout the two day inspection including lesson observations, looking at books and conversations were held with pupils and staff.
“The quality of the learning throughout the two days was extremely high as was the work displayed in pupil’s books throughout the academic year.”
The HMI reported that, “Teachers have high expectations for what every pupil can achieve, the quality of work is high and that pupils speak with enthusiasm about how they learn.”
Miss Jones further commented: “The children are real ambassadors for our school and they did you proud on the day, as they do every day. Our staff work so hard and I am delighted that the report reflects their efforts. I would also like to say a huge thank you to the parents and carers who continually support us as a school and to the governors who provide challenge in order to help drive the school forward.”