FACEBOOK.COM/LOOKLOCALnews@looklocal.org.ukwww.looklocal.org.uk Tel: 0114 283 11 00 Art in the gArden- pAge 5 whAt’s on- pAge 8 & 9 ISSUE : 1234THURS, SEp 8, 2022 FOR YOUR FREE QUOTATION VISIT OUR SHOWROOM, CALL 0114 240 0158 OR VISIT directkitchens.co.uk MASSI VE NO W ON Take your futureto the next level Gain a qualification equivalent to three A Levels whilst learning in the classroom and on-the-job through an industry placement. We offer T Levels in the following subjects: • Business (Management and Administration) • Construction • Digital • Education and Childcare • Engineering and Manufacturing • Finance and Accounting • Health • Motor Vehicle (Maintenance, Installation and Repair) Apply now by www.barnsley.ac.uk/t-levelsvisiting: For more information call 01226 216 123 or email info@barnsley.ac.uk SEP0522TLA Sheffieldcomes‘popstar’1970’sto He’s make‘Gonnayou a SeeStar’page 02 MAn diES AF tEr BEing hit By trAM

A man has died after being struck by a tram in Sheffield, police said. The incident happened at about 21:15 BST on Friday, on a stretch of track that runs to the rear of IKEA, off the A6178 Sheffield Road. The man had been on the track when he was hit, South Yorkshire Police said. His family has been informed and are being supported by Investigationsofficers. have been continuing on Sat urday and officers are keen to hear from wit Stagecoachnesses. Supertram declined to comment

Issue 1234 Call 0114 283 1100 8th September 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk2 Local News test drive ericstead.co.ukat 0114 245 ericstead.co.uk4404 @ericsteadmotors@EricSteadS35Sheffield,Ecclesfield,9WN mg.co.uk Model shown MG4 EV Trophy Long Range in Volcano Orange, £32,190 on the road. *Range applies to All-New MG4 EV SE Long Range with the 64kWh battery from a single charge on the WLTP combined cycle: Combined Range 281 miles (450 km): City Range: 360 miles (579 km); Combined Driving Efficiency: 3.8 miles/kWh (16.0 kWh/I00km).
EV 100%
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A SPOKEN word performance about how “someone can make a comeback from the darkest of times and still be able to laugh about it” is coming a local Theatre. Local performer Eleanor May Blackburn brings Subdural Hema toma, “the story of several people’s journey through a brain injury and a celebration of what lies ahead”, to the Civic on Wednesday, September 7. Mixing the voices of parents with tragic and, at times, comedic mo ments, Chapeltown-based actor, writer and theatre maker Eleanor takes the audience through the twists and turns of hospital life, looking at the lighter side of a debilitating and life-changing head
David tobringsEssexhis‘Tour’Sheffield
Show will put brain injury in the spotlight

Ticketsinjury. to the spoken word piece, which contains factual audio re cordings and physical theatre, cost £8 (£6 for concessions), with Pay What You Can tickets also available. Buy online at www.rotherhamtheatres.co.uk or from the Box Office (open from 10am to 2pm, Monday to Saturday) at the entrance of the theatre.
All-New MG4 HatchbackElectric
David Essex will be bringing his na tionwide UK tour to Sheffield City Hall on Saturday 10 September 2022. David first shot to fame when he went to an audition for the London production of the musical Godspell and was chosen by enthusiastic US producers for the role of Jesus. He received major awards and some ec static reviews which saw him lead a cast at the Roundhouse and then at the West End for two years. Since then David Essex has enjoyed a remarkable career that has combined concerts, records, theatre, compos ing, films and television with striking success. He has written, recorded, and produced albums that have sold millions of copies worldwide. He’s also had twenty-three Top 30 singles in Britain alone. These include the Grammy© nomi nated Rock On which not only topped the charts in Britain and the USA but sold over one million copies. Subse quent singles followed such as Lamp light, Hold Me Close and Gonna Make You A Star which made David a household name. Mayhem ensued throughout the UK, with crowds for his concerts resembling Beatlemania and traffic stopping whenever he ap Davidpeared.has continued to this day to produce and write albums includ ing 2013’s Reflections and has con tributed to stage and screen with the likes of Silver Dream Machine taken from Silver Dream Racer, in which he Actingstarred.credits also include That'll Be The Day, its sequel Stardust, Travel ler, The Guvnors, Black Prince and more recently BBC TV's EastEnders as the head of the Moon family. The atre credits include outstanding per formances in Evita, Boogie Nights 2, ELF!, Footloose, Andrew Lloyd Web ber's Aspects Of Love, plus his own musicals Mutiny! and All The Fun Of The DavidFair.has also written a bestselling poetry book Travelling Tinker Man & Other Rhymes plus two successful autobiographies A Charmed Life and Over The Moon, the latter a Number 1 Sunday Times Bestseller. The last few remaining tickets are available via www.sheffieldcityhall. co.uk.

Thetersbeeheartbroken mum of a teenager found dead in his bedroom said he was attempting the same dangerous viral Blackout Challenge as tragic Archie LaurynBattersbee.Keatingfound Leon Brown, 14, unresponsive in his room last Thursday (August 25).
What a ‘carry on’
This week Sheffield City Council’s Finance Sub-Committee will be considering the latest report on the current budget position. The quarterly review highlights the extraordi nary difficulties the council is in following a decade of government cuts which has seen the council’s spending power reduced by nearly £250m (30% of its overall budget). Making matters considerably worse for the city’s finances is the on-going cost of living crisis and inflationary pressures.
The 30-year-old, from Cumbernauld, Scotland, has issued a warning to other families about the online game, reports the Daily Record. It comes after Archie, 12, had his life support switched off just weeks be fore having suffered a catastrophic brain injury.

Councillor Bryan Lodge, Co-Chair of Finance
“Aftersub-committee:12yearsof government cuts the coun cil’s finances have been decimated. But right now, it has never been as serious as the costof-living crisis and inflation is bringing the city’s finances to the brink.
“There are a number of positions that the council have recruited to over the past year, and there are a number of posts where we have Interim Directors appointed. “We aren’t proposing that senior posts aren’t filled – but that we have staff here already who can take on these additional responsibilities. It would be irresponsible to be engaging in an expensive recruitment process at this time and focus needs to be on the budget rather than distractions around recruitment.

A concerned Grandmother wants to warn parents of a ‘dangerous’ Tik Tok challenge ‘killing’ several young teens.
This is after a reading an article in the Daily Mirror about a teen found dead in bedroom by mum after tak ing part in viral 'Blackout Challenge'
See page 6
Labour Councillor Bryan Lodge has called on the council to freeze re cruitment to vacant posts with a sal ary over £100k.
The council is currently hung – with no one political party having control – meaning that unlike in previous years it will not just be La bour councillors who will have to make dif ficult budget cuts.
The deadly challenge encourages people to restrict their breath until they fall unconscious.
“Many difficult decisions are coming down the line and this is the first year of the new coun cil structure with committees responsible for overseeing the delivery of services and control of their budgets. Labour councillors will hold all these committees to account”.
“It’s a hung council – with no party in overall control – making it even harder for Labour to take the strong action needed to get on top of the “We’vefinances.already seen Lib Dem and Green councillors misleading the public with their constant references to the Council being a Labour run administration – they need to be honest with the public and recognise their own responsibilities. “But we won’t shy from our responsibilities and will work hard to get this right and to put Sheffield first. Next week the council’s finance committee will meet, and Labour are propos ing that the council should suspend any highwage appointments whilst we stabilise the council finances.
Concerned Grandmother warns of dangers of viral Tik Tok challenge
The following article was recently published Daily Mirror Mum Lauryn Keating, from Cum bernauld, Scotland, tragically found her 14-year-old son Leon Brown dead after he attempted the Blackout Challenge which killed Archie Bat
This can cause low levels of oxygen
Issue 1234 Call 0114 283 1100 8th September 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk 3Local News
Issue 1234 Call 0114 283 1100 8th September 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk4 Local News • WINDOWS • CONSERVATORIES • FACIAS & SOFFITS • DOORS • COMPOSITE DOORS • DOUBLE GLAZING • GARAGE CONVERSIONS • GARAGE DOORS NEWLY REFURBISHED SHOWROOM 247 Manchester Road, Deepcar, She eld S36 2RA. For a prompt & professional service ring Ian on: We fit Firestone rubber flat roofing We are a small local family business and have been fitting top quality Windows, Doors & Conservatories since 1978. Why use big firms from out of town, when you can use: A local company with local people offering a localDIDservice.YOU KNOW? We also repair: Misted Up Double GlazingDoors & Windows Handles / Locks / Seals New Door Locks Fitted For the best quality products at the best possible prices, ring now for a free quote. HOME IMPROVEMENTS DEEPCAR VISIT OUR SHOWROOM NOW! Use your Conservatory all year round with a tiled roof system! Mon - Fri - 8 - 5pm Sat - 8 - 1pm - Sun - 10 - 12pm OPENING TIMES 0114 288 5898 07787 140 430 24hr Answering Service WE BEATWILLANYGENUINEQUOTE 40 Years of Quality Service DuringBefore Completed

Photo:negligence.ArtIn The Gardens 1 – at Ukraine tent: The Lord Mayor of Sheffield, Councillor SionedMair Richards (third from left, front), visits the stall dedicated to Ukrainian artists alongside Ken Marshall (left) of Young Artists, Peter Clark (second from left), managing partner at the event’s premier sponsors Graysons Solicitors and local artist Alan Pennington (right)

Thousands of visitors attended Sheffield’s Art In The Gardens with stallholders reporting bumper sales.
Over 300 amateur and profes sional artists were displaying their work alongside craftspeo ple of numerous disciplines. Sheffield’s Graysons Solicitors –who returned as premier spon sor of the event for the fourth year running – enjoyed record breaking numbers entering their children’s art competition.
Crowds enjoy the return of Art In The Gardens
Peter Clark, managing partner at Graysons, said: “We’ve had the privilege of being involved in Art in The Gardens since 2019 and this year must surely rank as one of the best. It was a real pleasure to be able to help stage such an important event in the city’s arts’ calendar once again. It’s a wonderful celebra tion of the outstanding talent in the region.” Art In The Gardens is widely recognised as the largest event of its kind in the region. Sheffield Lord Mayor Council lor, Sioned-Mair Richards, was in attendance for the artist prize giving Graysonsceremony.Solicitors specialise in property, family law, life time planning, wills, estates and trusts, elderly client services, personal injury and clinical
Mr Ireland, the headteacher, will share the values and ethos of our school, present information on our success and lay out our vision for the future. There is no need to book a place and we hope that many families can attend from within and beyond our catchment. In the meantime, our website has a lot of information about the school, www.stocksbridgehigh.co.uk Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

WhitwellStocksbridgeCommunity Centre Cedar Lauren5.00pmRoad&6.30pm-07342047530 WEDNESDAY High Green St Saviour’s Church Hall Mortomley Lane 9.30am & 11.00am 5.00pm & 6.30pm Lesley - 07837 451281
MONDAY WhitwellStocksbridgeCommunity Centre Cedar 9.30am,Road5.30pm & 7.00pm Lauren - 07342 047530 TUESDAY ChapeltownChapeltown Working Mens Club Market Janice5.00pm9.30amChurchPenistonePenistoneNatalie5.00pmPlace&6.30pm-07833167229CommunityCentreStreet&11.00am&6.30pm-07500945661
StOxspringAiden’s Church Sheffield Road 5.00pm & 6.30pm Claire - 07952 158923 FRIDAY ChapeltownChapeltown Working Mens Club Market 8.30am,Place10.00am & 11.30am Lesley - 07837 451281 SATURDAY ChapeltownChapeltown Working Mens Club Market Lauren9.00amPlace&10.30am-07342047530
THURSDAY ChapeltownChapeltown Working Mens Club Market Lesley5.00pmPlace&6.30pm-07837451281
Art lovers voted with their feet to make this weekend’s Botan ical Gardens’ outdoor extrava ganza a massive success in the event’s 19th year.
Issue 1234 Call 0114 283 1100 8th September 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk 5Local News
THURSDAY 29 SEPTEMBER 2022, 4.30 to 7.00 pm

We look forward to welcoming Y5 and Y6 pupils and their families to our open evening. There will be opportunities to tour the school, meet staff and students, and to find out about the learning and care at Stocksbridge High.

If you like corny jokes, well-known popular songs and songs from the musicals, then look no further than Christ Church on Manchester Road, Stocksbridge from the 15th to the 17th Sep tember at 7.15pm.

· A pop-up performance at Fox Valley shopping centre at 2:30pm on Saturday 10th September.
For a full run down of the times and Venues across the two weeks of the Home Grown Festival visit the website nitybrarySamuelslectedAfestival/arts-announce-our-homegrown-con-arts.co.uk/steel-valley-beacon-https://steel-valley-beafreeprogrammecanalsobecolfromStocksbridgeCo-op,Kitchen,StocksbridgeLiandStocksbridgeCommuLeisureCentre.

Issue 1234 Call 0114 283 1100 8th September 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk6 Local News Christ Church Stocksbridge A United Reformed and Methodist Church Local Ecumenical Box o ce: 2883937 Christ Church, Manchester Road Stocksbridge S36 1DY Carry on Cruising The Musical Thursday 15th, Friday 16th, and Saturday 17th September At 7:15pm
highlights throughout the fortnight include:

· An online exhibition by the pop ular local artist Valley Boy which launches on September 12th.
· An exhibition trail of young peo ple’s artwork throughout the town.
What a Carry On
· Waldershelf Choir Drop-In at The Venue 7.30pm on Tuesday Sep tember 13th.

The church community were dying to do some thing to get them out of the post covid blues and to have a bit of fun. So, following in the footsteps of their previous success ful musical productions, writer and director Simon Utting put pen to paper, or at least fingers to a laptop keyboard, and Carry On Cruising The Musical was Setborn.on the cruise ship SS Stocksbridge, Captain Bert Sigh sets sail for the Americas with an odd as sortment of singles on a “lurve cruise”. There’s a batty aged novelist re searching her latest book, a “Girl Band” looking for a new fella for their lead singer, a mysterious eastern European Count
·Open Mic Nights at The Pen Nook on Wednesday 14th September and Wednesday 21st September.
The event will close with a special Steel Valley Beacon Grand finale performance on Friday 23rd Sep tember with an evening of local talent, sketches, music and songs at Christ Church on Manchester ArtisticRoad. Director for Steel Valley Beacon Arts, Mandy Aitken, said: “We have organised Festivals in the past but this is most definitely the biggest event we have put on – we want it to be a real celebration of the local talent right here in our own “Pleasecommunity.comealong and support these great events and get involved in some of the fantastic commu nity groups we have here in Stocks bridge. This is a vibrant and creative community and we have a great op portunity here to celebrate what we have here on our own doorstep.”
Home Grown talent tops the bill at Stocksbridge festival
The spotlight will be on local tal ent in Stocksbridge during Sep tember with a special two-week festival planned to showcase eve rything from comedy to photog raphy and poetry to performing arts. The Home Grown Festival has been organised by Steel Valley Beacon Arts supported by the Up per Don Arts Community as well as Christ Church, Stocksbridge Co-op and a host of other local businesses and organisations. It will run in venues across the town from 9th to 23rd September with the focus on providing an opportunity to give a platform to local performers and artists and celebrate the home grown talent in the community. The Festival will open on Sep tember 9th at the Rugby Club on Manchester Road with art dis plays and glassmaking sessions at Stocksbridge Library as well as po etry reading session, there will be a Home Grown and UDAC launch event with a Ceilidh from 7pm to 10.30pm at the Rugby Club. The popular Bolsterstone Male Voice Choir will also be taking part with a drop in performance at Bol sterstone Village Hall on Monday 12th September at 7:30pm – en couraging new members to join the Otherchoir.
Committed employer KMF Training and Consultancy Ltd. has taken on Barnsley Col lege T Level students for two years and is pre paring to take on more in September. Direc tor, Chris Vaines, said: “Barnsley College has a great reputation and is an obvious choice, but aside from this working with a great local College is also very convenient for both the employers and the students.
“The benefits to my business include the abil ity to create content faster than originally an ticipated and from a T Level placement point of view, the students are gaining valuable work experience. My positive business results speak for themselves and we have also had the opportunity to work with a great Work place Co-ordinator who was able to keep us informed at all times with any processes and or questions we had.”
If you’d like to find out more information about T Levels at Barnsley College and en rolling this September, visit www.barnsley. ac.uk/tlevels, call 01226 216 123 or email info@barnsley.ac.uk
A total of 21 riders will take part in this year’s challenge which will see them embark on a gruelling ride covering 335 miles from The Tyne to The Thames – cycling from New castle to London where they’ll finish at Tower Bridge - their starting point 14 years ago. The team will start the chal lenge on Monday September 5th and finish on Friday Sep tember 9th in the capital. Since the first charity ride in 2007 from London to Paris the team have covered more than 4,800 miles across 14 countries and raised £546,000 for charity so Thisfar.year they have set them selves the challenge to raise a further £54,000 to tip the grand total over the £600,000 mark. They are fundraising for Shef field’s St Luke’s Hospice, Ac tion Against Cancer and The Dransfield Foundation. The annual ride was founded in 2007 by brothers Mark and Paul Dransfield. Mark is the founder and owner of Sheffield based Dransfield Properties Ltd and Paul owns PA Contracts which is based in Hull. They took on their first ride and just kept go ing – adding to the miles and the fundraising every year. In the last 13 years the fun draising team has travelled all the way around Europe through Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Portofino, Rome, Dubrovnik, Trieste, Munich, Berlin, Co penhagen, Oslo, Stavanger and last year’s route which finished in TheirAberdeen.fundraising endeavours have helped support medical research and purchase vital healthcare equipment for Shef field Children’s Hospital, Leu kaemia and Lymphoma Re search, Action Against Cancer and Bloodwise, as well as lots of smaller charities and local ini tiatives through the Dransfield OneFoundation.ofthe team’s biggest achievements was providing a new hydrotherapy pool and block at the Ryegate Centre in Sheffield transforming this fa cility for the local community with the riders also taking part in volunteer sessions to help complete the Markwork.Dransfield said: “We will be re flecting on all that has been achieved over the 14 years on our Tour of Eu rope. After so many rides across Eu rope it really does feel great to be back cycling in the UK and heading back to London, where it all began a decade and a half ago.
Charity cyclists embark on the final leg of their epic 14-year challenge
A team of hardy cyclists from the award-winning Sheffield property firm, Dransfield Properties Ltd, take on the last leg of their tough Tour of Europe challenge in September.

Equivalent to three A Levels, T Levels have been designed in collaboration with leading employers to provide the skills that businesses across the region need. T Levels are unique as they combine classroom study with industry placements, so those on the programme gain tor. Upon course completion, students will be able to progress to Higher Education, Higher Apprenticeships or skilled employment.
Barnsley College has developed its provi sion by offering T Level qualifications in Childcare, Construction and Digital to adults aged 19 and over from September 2022, making it one of very few colleges across the country being selected to offer this special provision. These free qualifications are employer en dorsed, have been developed to deliver world-class technical education and are ideal for anyone wanting to upskill or retrain for a new Initiallyindustry.launched in September 2020, Barns ley College was the first South Yorkshire College to offer the pioneering new T Level qualifications. The College currently offers T Levels in eight subjects to 16–18-year-old students, and from September 2022, Child care, Construction and Digital courses are being offered to students aged 19 and over who are hoping to retrain or further their ex isting Adultscareers.studying a T Level will complete a skill-scan as part of their enrolment. The skill-scan will analyse the applicant’s existing skill set, experience and determine the length of their studies. Flexible pathways may be available, meaning students will be able to
Issue 1234 Call 0114 283 1100 8th September 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk 7Local News
“We like to challenge ourselves with the route every year and this year we’ll be aiming to complete the Rapha route through our beautiful countryside, en suring a stop off at our own Fox Valley Shopping Centre in Stocksbridge of “I’dcourse!like to thank everyone who has continued to support our charity ef forts over the years and promise them this will be our very last ask, so please dig deep to help us support people who are really struggling. Every penny raised goes directly to frontline sup port and all of the riders pay for their own accommodation and expenses, nothing comes from the money that is generously donated.”
Many local businesses are embracing T Lev els as a great way to bring in new ideas, the latest skills and as a new way to find, nurture and secure talent.
College offers T Levels to adults
Barnsley College’s Assistant Principal of Young People and College lead for T Levels, Neil Johnson, said: “Following the success of our initial T Level cohorts, it is a fantastic op portunity to be able to offer these world-class qualifications to adults to support their career aspirations, and with no course fees!”
Industry placements are core to the make-up of T Levels; depending on the skill-scan out come, those enrolled onto the courses may spend up to 45 days in a work environment throughout the programme to gain hands-on experience and apply vital technical skills.

As part of the upcom ing Sheffield Walking Festival, you can visit the Highs and lows of TheBradfield.organised walk takes you from Low Bradfield climb through fields to High Bradfield. The route passes St. Nicholas’ Church and Bailey Hill and then passes through woodland before crossing more open land. The final section is along per missive paths around Agden Reservoir. The route has excel lent views across this section of the Dark
Issue 1234 Call 0114 283 1100 8th September 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk8 What’s EvEnt
9 Stocksbridge Art Society Exhibition Opens (running from 9th to 15th Sept) at Christ Church. Drop into Christ Church most days and see some wonderful work by local artists. Free Event. 9 7.00pm Home Grown and UDAC launch event. Ceilidh 7pm to 10.30pm with bar.
Thursday 11th - Saturday 15th Oct Curtain at 7:30pm Tickets £9 | Concessions £8 (Tue & Wed only)
You will receive a warm welcome, (including a cup of tea/coffee!), to the amazing Grade II Heritage Aschurch.you walk round, its heritage will be obvious in its stainedglass windows above the chancel and the plaques, many of which were consecrated 150 years ago in memory of a congregation member, Parkin Jeffcock. Parkin was the engineer, who fully aware of the risks to him self, was killed in the second-day explosion at the Oaks Colliery, Barnsley, in 1866, along with 360 miners, men and boys, the worst mining disaster in England to that date.
6 Bradfield Walkers are Wel come - Local History Morning Round Walk with Malcolm Nunn, meet at Rural Lane Car Park at 10.30am, return around 1pm. FREE but do nations welcome. 2337463 or tory@mypostoffice.co.ukorg.ukwww.bradfield-walkers.oremailbradfield.his
8 Stocksbridge & District His tory Society Meeting – Christ Church Hall 7PM. ‘ The Frank Thackary Collection of Local Postcards’ . A view of Deepcar and Stocksbridge in the last centaury. All are very wel 8come.Stocksbridge and Upper Don 50+ Group Will meet 2pm-3:30pm in Stocksbridge Library Topic: The Local Co-op New members welcome FRiday 9 Sheffield Lakelands Exhibi tion (and more) at Stocks bridge Library by Pennine Artists, a group of respected professional and semi-pro fessional artists who have exhibited widely, individually and together, selling artwork for over 20 years. This exhi bition will be in the Library until the 24th of September. Contact Jackie on 07562 113692 Free Event.

Chris McShane and Ensemble, at the Venue. Free Event. LIM ITED NUMBER OF TICKETS call 07792 142 545 9 Stocksbridge Steel Town Heritage Walk – A short walk around the centre and an in troduction to the history of the steelworks and the early Co-op movement. Meet at Zorro Lounge, Fox Valley10:30 - 12:00. SaTuRday 10 St Leonards Church Wort ley are hosting a presenta tion in words and pictures by Andrew Beevers and Dawn Johnson of “St Leonards graveyard stories and local histories”. This will be in the church on Saturday 10th Sep tember at 7.30 pm. Tickets £9 including pie and pea supper, entry by ticket only. Tickets available from Joan Clark on 0114 2887435 or at Wortley Post Office. 10 chapeltown forum village show in Newton hall, Chapel town. Bring exhibits in 9.3011.00.am Judging 11.0012.30pm Open to public 10.00-4.30pm Children rides in chapeltown centre10.00104.00pmArt Round ‘ere paints, draws and sketches out doors in our beautiful local countryside. You get art tu ition alongside a bit of local history and environmental education. There is no fee but you will need to bring basic kit, pencils and paper. We can have up to a 15 minute off road walk to countryside sites so dress appropriately. Meet at 10am at Bolsterstone Church Hall. Contact Jackie on 07562 113 692 Free Event 10 Fox Valley Event – some thing is brewing down at Fox Valley Piazza around 2.30pm. Free Event. 10 Coffee Morning and Cake Stall. Stay for coffee, a chat and bacon sandwich or sim ply buy to take away. Hoy landswaine Church Hall 10.00 - 12.00. Sunday 11 Wadsley and Loxley Com moners - ‘Muck In’ Day (prac tical work on the common), 10am-noon, meet at Long Lane Car Park or Rural Lane Car Park www.walc.epizy. com. Tools supplied, bring gloves, families very wel 11come.Harvest is being cel ebrated at Bullhouse Chapel this Sunday 11th September @2.30pm and will be led by the Rev.Philip Bee. Everyone is welcome to join us in wor ship at this Dissenters Chapel where services are still held regularly 330 years after it being built (car park nearby S36 9Nf) 11 2pm to 4pm Chapeltown silver prize band will be playing at the bandstand in Chapeltown Park. Free event. Refreshments available. If you don’t fancy climbing the hill you can bring your car into the park from Station
WEdnESday 7 Stocksbridge & District WI are meeting at Christchurch Community Hall Manchester Road Stocksbridge at 7.15 for 7.30 start. We are celebrating our 7th birthday with our an nual meeting and party. Fur ther details on 07939941818

By Elizabeth Addyman Produced by Syl Langan By arrangement with Josef Weinberger Ltd Tuesday 11th Saturday 15th Oct Curtain at 7.30pm Tickets £9.00 Concessions £8.00 (Tues & Weds only)
www.ecclesfieldprioryplayers.co.uk email: info@ecclesfieldprioryplayers.co.uk Charity Number 518074

Ecclesfield Priory Players Produc�ons EPPiC Theatre Well Lane High Street Ecclesfield Sheff eld S35 9TP tickets@ecclesfieldprioryplayers.co.uk Tel: (0114) 2402624
Church, Mortomley Lane, High Green, S35 3HS.
ThuRSday 8 Chapeltown WI will be holding their meeting at 7.30pm in Chapeltown Meth odist Church. The speaker will be Helen Slater speaking about Community Action in Nepal. The competition is for a decorative scarf or shawl. New members or visitors will be made welcome.

8 Don Valley Probus will meet on Wednesday September 14th at 10.00AM in Christ Church Hall, Manchester Road, Stocksbridge, with a presentation by Steven Gaye “Penistone – Sheffield Rail way”. Our meetings are al ways relaxed and take place on alternate Wednesday mornings throughout the year, and we look forward to welcoming our regular mem bers, visitors and new mem bers. For more information, please call Stephen Clarke on 07593 792967.

EPPiC Theatre, Well Lane, High Street, Ecclesfield, Sheffield, S35 tickets@ecclesfieldprioryplayers.co.uk9TP Tel: (0114) 240 2624 Ecclesfield Priory Players Email:www.ecclesfieldprioryplayers.co.ukProductionsinfo@ecclesfieldprioryplayers.co.uk Charity Number 518074
Ecclesfield Priory Players were formed 90 years ago in September 1932, and performed their first play in Feb 1934. The Secret Tent was originally performed by EPP in 1958 in the Gatty Memorial Hall.
On the day you can also see a su perb exhibition of the church's history and activities over the Styears.Saviour’s
ThePeak.walk is led by Bradfield Walkers are welcome, and the 5.3 mile walk starts from the Sands Car Park on Thursday 15 Sep Onlytember.assistance dogs are allowed on festi val walks.

The Secret Tent “Just tell me the truth!”
HERITAGE OPEN DAY: Saturday 10 September: 10am – 4pm

On listings

issue 1234 Call 0114 283 1100 8th september 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk 9
ThuRSday 15 Open practice with No ID, come along if you are in Y5 to Y13 create your own arrange ments of Pop Songs with a peer band. 6pm to 7pm. No charge. At St Ann’s Hall, Hay wood Lane, S36 2QQ Deepcar. Free Event. 15 -17 Christ Church presents “Carry on Cruising the Musi cal” Christ Church presents “Carry on Cruising the Musi cal” a mad romp around the America’s on the “Lurve boat” led by Captain Bert Sigh. Who knows what you’ll find messing about on the water! Another fab show Directed by Simon Utting. Not to be missed. Tickets £5 and £8 call 2883937 FRiday 16 Art Exhibition, children’s artwork “My Town” through out the valley in the shop windows including – The COOP, The Bridge, The Business Hair Salon, Eyre and Co Ac countants, Samuel’s Kitchen and Stocksbridge Library and others. Free Event. SaTuRday 17 Friends of St Nicholas’ Church, High BradfieldHeritage Open Day, 2-4pm, Church open, refreshments, guided tours of the church, Treasure hunts, Tours of the graveyard by Malcolm Nunn at 9am and 2pm 17 at 7pm Stocksbridge Christian Centre an evening of fun, Bingo, Beetle,and Baked Potatoes £7 per person. Ring 0114 2884377 to book. 17 Friends of Loxley Cemetery Open Day. Visit a privately owned non-conformist ceme tery with up to 10,000 graves which is in the process of re generation following decades of neglect. 2pm. Pre booking for flood and war grave GreavebridgeDay,17loveThisazzafriends.chanceLounge17Offmike.ford53@hotmail.com.tours,LoxleyRoad,S66RL.ArtRoundEremeetZorroat10am–anothertojoinJackieandSketchinginthepibringapencilandpaper.welcominggroupwouldtomeetyou.FreeEvent.GreaveHouseFarmOpen-NewHallLane,StocksS364GH1pmto4pmHouseFarmisaCare
Road 5mph with hazards. 11 “Scene from Alice In Won derland” Afternoon perfor mance St Ann’s Hall (with Af ternoon Tea) 2.30pm Tickets £5 from 07792 142 545. Monday 12 VALLEY BOY EXHIBITION GOES LIVE ON Steel Valley Beacon Arts website tails.seebynatedNotdisplayhishasfansco.uk/.steel-valley-beacon-arts.https://Withalmost5000onFacebookValleyBoykindlysentussomeofamazingphotographstoonourvirtualgallery.onlythishehasalsodotwoprintsforauctionSteelValleyBeaconArtsourwebsiteformoredeFreeEvent.

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designers at

prices. Available
Glass and Midhope Pottery and of course Fox’s Heritage. Open 10:00 thro 15:30. WEdnESday 14 Bradfield Walkers are Wel come - Local History Morning Round Walk in the Loxley Val ley with Malcolm Nunn, meet at Loxley Village Green (junc tion of Loxley Road and Rod ney Hill) at 10.30am, return around 1pm. FREE but do nations welcome. 2337463 or tory@mypostoffice.co.ukorg.ukwww.bradfield-walkers.oremailbradfield.his
Sunday 18 Friends of St Nicholas’ Church, Hight BradfieldHeritage Open Day, 12noon4pm, Church open, refresh ments, guided tours of the church, Treasure hunts, Tours of the graveyard by Malcolm Nunn at 9am and 2pm Monday 19 Photography Display Opens at Christ Church. Jim Barter Painting By Numbers. Art and Artificial Intelligence and Rebecca Aitken “Memo ries of Steel Valley Beacon Arts and more” Free Event. 19 Art Works session at Christ Church with Julie Bryan local artist. £2 charge to cover art supplies. Julie will guide you through making and design ing a beautiful card to take home. There will also be a display of artwork created by members of the Meeting Place. Starts at 1.30pm 20TuesdayFriends of Wortley Hall Gardens next meeting will be on Tuesday 20th Sep tember and will be a walk by affordable to in Contact 07957 399
TuESday 13 Friends of Loxley Cemetery Open Day. Visit a privately owned non-conformist ceme tery with up to 10,000 graves which is in the process of re generation following decades of neglect. 2pm. Pre booking for flood and war grave theHeritageValley13aroundtheiryouthestartsArt13Offmike.ford53@hotmail.com.tours,LoxleyRoad,S66RL.OpenSessionStocksbridgeSocietyatChristChurch,at9.45am(dropin,seeartistsworkingandwhilearetherehavealookatwonderfuldisplaysetupChurch.)FreeEvent.StocksbridgeTownHall.HistoryMuseum-OpenDay.DiscovercollectionofBolsterstone
What happens if you don’t advertise? - nothing Make your event stand out with an advert.

Mens and ladies fragrances inspired

difficulties. There will be local crafts, green details.onfarmments,demonstrations,woodworkingrefreshentertainment,andtours.ContactBarbara07724505911formoreFreeEvent.
Scentsations708by Amie GLAZINGBARRIER 1982Est. MOT - SERVICE - REPAIRS 0114 283 1615 8am - 5pm Mon - Fri Diagnostics & Air-con refills Auto - electrical work Suppliers of Flo-gas and gas bottles suitable for BBQ’s DCSS (garages) LTD Manchester Rd, DEEPCAR S36 2QY Finest Indian food Quality wines & ales First class service Cinnamon Spice Restaurant & Takeaway Seating for up to 60 Booking advised Parties Welcome 01226 766 006 5 Market PenistoneStreet,S366BZ 5.30-11:30PMTAKEAWAYSOPENFOR7DAYSAWEEK

A visit and consultation is completely free and you are under no obligation to do anything. If you decide to make any arrangements you can be safe in the knowledge that all our professional services and work are fully insured and we are members of the Society of Will Writers, so all our clients are assured of the highest standards of conduct at all times. All our clients (and their families) that we have helped in the past have been very happy with our services and tell us they have gained great peace of mind knowing that they have sorted everything out. Pre-paid Funeral Plans
For brochure, quote or home visit IMPORTANT NOTE:19th August OCTAGON A guide to residential and nursing care in Sheffield Autumn IMPORTANT NOTE:19th August A guide to residential and nursing care in Sheffield Autumn 2019 K. DYSON M.B.I.E. TEL: (0114) 288 3169 TEL: (01226) 762 481
Issue 1234 Call 0114 283 1100 8th September 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk10 Family Notices 8216© 2022 Syndicated Puzzles solutionoptionnotpartto If you like Str8ts check out our books, iPhone/iPad Apps and much more on our store.The solutions will be published here in the next issue. Str8ts 489 37 26 15 933 1 5793 26© 2022 Syndicated Puzzles5637 325 87 257 1384 762 62 639 8216© 2022 Syndicated Puzzles247195638 613784592 598263714 471639825 956827341 382541967 764918253 125376489 839452176 STR8TS No. 611 Medium 72134 89164253 892314 76812 348596721 43756 164589 26534189 554328 294 76 How to beat Str8ts –Like Sudoku, no single number can repeat in any row or column. But... rows and columns are divided by black squares into compartments. These complete a ‘straight’. A straight is a set of numbers with no gaps but can be in any order, eg [4,2,3,5]. Clues in black cells remove that number as an option in that row and column, and are not part of any straight. Glance at the solution to see how ‘straights’ are formed. Previous solution - Easy SUDOKU board by entering numbers 1 to 9 such that each row, column and 3x3 box contains every number Foruniquely.many strategies, hints and tips, visit www.sudokuwiki.org If you like Str8ts check out our books, iPhone/iPad Apps and much more on our store.The solutions will be published here in the next issue.www.str8ts.com No. 611 Very Hard Previous solution - Tough Deaths In Memory Jane 07850 709 666 Haworth 07377 005 0114177288 1104 Contact us today for friendly and professional advice: Jane came to see my parents to help them protect the family home. She really made us all feel at ease, especially my parents. We had no idea what we could do to protect Mum and Dad. Having set up trusts and Lasting Power of Attorney’s, Mum and Dad can get on with their lives without worrying, knowing everything is now in place. Thank you Jane! Mrs Boyle and family, Ecclesfield

We know that planning for the future is a very personal matter. Not everyone is able or wants to travel to an appointment in town to sort out their affairs. We can visit you at a convenient time in the privacy and comfort of your own home to discuss your unique circumstances.

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3.5.51 – 7.9.21

A year has gone by so very fast. I miss you coming home from a shing trip so happy. I miss all your silly jokes, all the stories, I even miss the war haha, but most of all I miss you. Love you always Sue and Bouncer xx Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high. A whole year since you left us Dad. Love and miss you always. Damian and Louise xx
Forever in our hearts Loving Wife Mavis & Family “A gentleman passed this way”

PILKINGTON Joan Passed away peacefully at Alpine Lodge Care Home on 21st August 2022, aged 96 years. Formerly of Clarence Road, Hillsborough. Beloved Wife of the late Austin, dearly loved Mum of Marie, Mother-in-Law to David and cherished Grandma to Charlotte and Jay. The funeral service will take place in the South Chapel at Grenoside Crematorium on Friday 16th September 2022 at 4.30pm. Family owers only please, donations in lieu are for the bene t of St Luke’s Hospice. Any enquiries to T W Birks & Son, 100 Manchester Road, Deepcar, S36 2RE. Tel. 0114 288 5555
Terry Shouler
Lorraine COOPER (Née Shaw)
1935-2020 9th September In memory of a life so beautifully lived, a person so deeply loved.
GRAN G E (Née Stuchbury)
Passed away on 1st September 2022. Beloved Wife, Mum, Momma and Great Momma. Funeral details to be con rmed.
Betty, passed away peacefully on 19th August 2022 aged 86 years. Beloved Wife of the late James, much loved Mum of Nancy, Sally and Jane. A dear Mother-in-Law of Michael, Adam and Steven and also a loving Grandma and Great Grandma. Funeral service to take place at Grenoside Crematorium South Chapel on Monday 12th September at 11.30am. Family owers only by request, donations for Alzheimer’s Research may be given on the day or sent to Eric Eyre Funeral Service, High Green, She eld, S35 3HR.
Statement from South Yorkshire’s Mayor, Oliver Coppard, on the appointment of Liz Truss MP as the Prime Minister. Thanks for the lift Will the couple who brought me home from Bolsterstone on Sunday before last please get in touch so I can compensate, thanks. BD Thank you Thank you so much to Kath Retallie and the two lovely men who helped take Mike Parr into the Coop and also a big thank you to Sue at the checkout for being with him.
D.Long (Arboriculturist & Urban Forester)
Jono Milnes, Yorkshire Ambulance Service Area Clinical Lead, South, said: “This is a really exciting time and initiative, which allows our patients to receive specialist in volvement from the very earliest opportu nity, supporting our aim in becoming the best emergency and urgent care provider by Data2023.”will be gathered throughout the pilot period to help measure the impact of the video triage and gather learning.
Stop Rwanda Dear Editor, The announcement of the next Prime Minister isn’t the only thing happening on the 5th September. That’s also the day we take the Government back to court over their brutal Rwanda policy.
The Highways Act has been amended to impose a Duty for local highway authorities (Councils) in England to consult before felling street trees. It also states that local authorities “MUST have regard to any guidance given by the Secretary of State to local highway authorities about how to discharge the duty”. Mr Smith informed that the guidance was due to be published shortly, for consultation. About the duty, Smith informed: “that flowed from what occurred in Sheffield… it’s all about ensuring that Local Authorities don’t fell healthy trees.” He said that the Forestry Commission (FC) was producing guidance on how to identify whether or not a felling licence is necessary. On costs associated with the duty, he said: “local authorities will be given an amount to contribute to what is deemed to be the appropriate costs of implementing that…”.
We have had an enquiry from a local school, and whilst the school itself cannot apply, a group within the school, eg a gardening group, could do so.
New PM
We must show the Government just how many of us think the Rwanda plan is inhumane. I am writing to you today to lend my voice to the #StopRwanda campaign and urge you to do the same. From publishing a story on the appalling details of the plan to calling on our local MPs to #StopRwanda, you can make a huge impact. We only have a week until the court case, and we urgently need people to show support for charities like Care4Calais and campaigns like Stand Up to Racism who are challenging the Rwanda policy.
the Sheffield City Council Executive Director for ‘Place’ stated: “The Council does not have a duty to develop a strategic approach to sustainability… The Council is required to have regard to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) as a material consideration in the exercise of its planning functions. The NPPF sets out the government’s expectations for sustainable development, or growth…” The ETAP informs that the UK Government has introduced the aforementioned changes to: “make sure the planning system fully recognises all the benefits trees provide” and “to make sure trees in the urban environment are no longer seen as a management liability because of the costs, rather that they are seen as an important asset.” These positive changes will initiate a positive cultural shift in the way society values and cares for the natural elements of the built environment, particularly ‘green infrastructure’. The committee system of local Government that the Council adopted last year, and the positive changes that STAG have already secured, will help minimise the likelihood, continuity, or repetition, of previous wrongs and associated conflicts and losses. These changes include the introduction of a highway Tree Wardening programme, assessments of canopy cover, and monetary valuations of associated beneficial ecosystem services, and the formal adoption of tree strategies. The strategies will help ensure a strategic approach to tree population management, so that trees are managed sustainably, in a way that represents current good practice.
“I’ll be writing to the new Prime Minister this week, extending the invitation I offered to her predecessor to visit South Yorkshire, and in turn reassure our communities that this government is committed to raising its focus beyond London and the “OurSouth-east.communities across South Yorkshire need to feel confident that they can rely on the new Prime Minister and her government to improve the health and wealth of our region, even more so at a time where all too many people in our region are faced with tough decisions about whether to heat their homes or put food on the table.
Stroke patients benefit from new Video Pilot
Supported by the South Yorkshire Inte grated Stroke Delivery Network (SY ISDN) the pilot will run for six months from midAugust 2022 and has the aim of improving stroke patient outcomes across the region.
Sheffield is a welcoming place. We treat each other with compassion. That’s why our community should be appalled that the Government is choosing to threaten victims of war, torture and persecution with the callousness of deportation to Rwanda, especially when there are more humane options available that would comply with the international human right to claim asylum.
Janet hods@sheffieldcivictrust.org.ukRidler
Those who are experiencing symptoms of a suspected stroke will have a video triage assessment with a stroke specialist at one of the Hyper Acute Stroke Units (HASU) across the region. An app, provided by GoodSAM, will support a video triage be tween the patient and the Stroke Team at either Doncaster Royal Infirmary or Royal Hallamshire Hospital.
“In this region we have the ambition to build an economy that’s innovative, sustainable and fair. I want to see the Truss Government step up to match our aspiration with the tools and resources we need to make South Yorkshire thrive. If not, the people of South Yorkshire will see this Prime Minister as it saw the last, with promises that are left undelivered.”
I’m sure like many others in Sheffield, I have followed the development of the refugee crisis closely for some years and I have witnessed how so many people in our community have responded with kindness as the shocking crises in countries like Syria, Afghanistan and Ukraine have unfolded in recent years. We’ve welcomed asylum seekers with compassion, as our new neighbours. Now we need to respond in a similar way to stop innocent refugees being deported to Rwanda.
You have the power to sign post supporters to these organisations – I hope you can join the fight to #StopRwanda.
“The video triage trial means the correct assessment for a patient having a stroke can literally make a big difference to the patient’s future quality of life. What more could a patient want than a specialist stroke doctor being involved in the diagnosis from the minute you enter the ambulance. Excit ing news for everyone.”
In July 2021, the National Planning Policy Framework was revised and now includes the following requirement: “planning policies and decisions should ensure that new streets are treelined… unless, in specific cases, there are clear, justifiable and compelling reasons why this would be inappropriate.” A new National Model Design Code supplements the National Design Guide and is intended to: “ensure that local planning authorities produce local design guides and codes, to apply the principles in the National Design Guide”. The Code directs users to make use of the aforementioned technical guidance when considering development Inproposals.March2017,
Heritage Open Days 2022
Tree action group
Yours sincerely,Jessica
Mr Smith informed that, as part of the England Trees Action Plan 2021 to 2024 (ETAP), the Government would publish guidance for local authorities to develop their own local tree and woodland strategies, as well as new ‘Supplementary Technical Guidance for Highway Tree Management’. The latter is being drafted, with arboricultural input, and will supersede the Operations Note (051) that the FC published upon conclusion of its investigation of alleged illegal tree felling by Sheffield City Council.
Barbara Horsman Stocksbridge Community Forum
Issue 1234 Call 0114 283 1100 8th September 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk 11Your Letters Calling all groups served by Stocksbridge Town Council
“Congratulations to Liz Truss MP on her appointment as our new Prime Minister. Many may not have voted for her, but we are all now relying on her ideas, energy, and judgement.
South Yorkshire has been successful in securing funding along with seven other regions to pilot Stroke Video Triage. The pilot has been commissioned by NHSE and primarily involves Yorkshire Ambu lance Service, Royal Hallamshire Hospi tal in Sheffield, and Doncaster Royal In firmary.
There’s plenty going on in our local area with events including the Steel Valley Heritage Walk, the Heritage of Bolsterstone Inventors and Archaeologists walk, an open day at Stocksbridge Valley Museum and an exploration of the next planned route of the Upper Don Trail and the TransPennine Trail. There are many more events happening across Sheffield and South Yorkshire - you can find out what’s on in the free Sheffield Heritage Open Days brochure which can be picked up from The Venue, Stocksbridge Library, the Leisure Centre and other outlets, or downloaded from Heritagewww.sheffieldhods.comOpenDaysisafantastic way to engage with and learn about our local history and heritage. All the events across the Sheffield area are organised by local groups and coordinated by myself, together with a team of volunteers, on behalf of Sheffield Civic Trust. I shall also be leading some ‘behind the scenes’ tours of Sheffield Town Hall this weekend so I might see some of you Ithere!hope you will enjoy 10 days of amazing free heritage events between 9 – 18 September; do let us know what you enjoy best and if there’s anything you’d like to see added to the programme next year.
There is another round of paticipatory budgeting ready to be awarded. All groups are invited to look at the application forms and submit a bid. £60,000 is on offer but no one group can apply for more than £20,000. Groups need to have a bank account and Thererules.are application forms and information sheets in the library. If you need to ask questions, the clerks are in on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10 'til 2 at the Town Hall. 0114 2887895.
The video call will help ensure that patients can be taken directly for treatment, increas ing the speed in which the patient receives stroke intervention treatment and reduc ing handover times for staff on scene. It will also help in the identification of stroke mimics who may then be taken to the near est Emergency Department.
Last November I attended the National Tree Officers Conference. I’ll just share some of what the Forestry Commission’s National Urban Forestry Advisor –Jim Smith – had to say.
Dear Editor, On 25/8/2022, Sheffield Tree Action Groups (STAG) – the umbrella group that represents all tree groups in the city – celebrated its seventh anniversary.
The South Yorkshire Stroke Survivor and Carer Panel supported the funding bid from the SY ISDN. The Panel was devel oped to allow those who are living with stroke or caring for someone with stroke to share their views and help shape stroke services in the region. Mandy Rylance, Stroke Survivor and Dep uty Chair of the Panel, said: “I strongly be lieve that after having lived experience of a stroke, the contribution panel members can give to any future projects is significant.
This Friday 9 September marks the start of Heritage Open Days, a 10-day national festival which sees historic venues and buildings open up to the public and put on special tours, talks and events especially for the Heritagefestival.Open Days is England’s biggest festival of heritage and culture, and across the Sheffield area we have over 130 events planned between 9 – 18 September. You can visit places which are normally closed to the public, go behind the scenes, and access places which normally charge for admission – all completely FREE!
Lots of love from Angela Parr and all the family.
Completed bids need to be in by (FRIDAY, 16TH SEPTEMBER) to check bid applications against criteria. The projects are to be voted on at The Venue, on Tuesday, 11th October, where all members of the community are invited to attend and Comevote.on folks, I know time is tight, but get your skates on, to make our valley a better place to live and work for everyone.
The four major criteria are environmental, access works, road safety measures and recreational facility improvements. I believe that bids connected to the forthcoming crisis in increasing costs over the Winter will be included.
Issue 1234 Call 0114 283 1100 8th September 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk12 Local Directory Plans Draw Professionally All Types Of Building Work Planning & Building Regulation Approvals Obtained FREE, Competitive Quotes ARCHITECTURAL KNOWHOW Richard: 07951 663 564 Darren: 07938 623 132 Aerials & ArchitecturalTVBlinds HandymanLocksmiths LOCAL LOCKSMITH Est. 1978 Covering All Areas | No Call Out Charge All types of locks supplied and fitted, including Chubb, Yale and Everest door locks. UPVC Door Lock Specialist. Ring Us On: 0114 288 58 98 | Or Mob: 07787 140 430 Visit our website: www.deepcarhomeimprovements.com ADEEPCAR Established 1978 Call Wayne: 07983 386 705 JOINERY Fencing, Worktops, Doors & Skirtings etc PLUMBING Leaks & DrippingBlockages,Taps,NewTaps ALSO External & Internal Handrails & Grab rails Repair / Replace Door Locks. Glass Replace for Foggy Windows Handyman All types of domestic work. No job too small. 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NO JOB TOO SMALL 0114 288 6942 07803 164 530 Or visit us www.attiliusgroup.co.uat:k Builders G.R.BUILDERSPROPERTYREPAIRSANDMAINTENANCE PLASTERING PEBBLE DASHING BRICK AND STONE POINTING ROOFWORK INSURANCE WORK WELCOME TEL: 2888051 or 07866 818391 MARTINSAERIALS • service••Sky•FreeviewFreesat•CCTVInstallation,andrepair 07566 756 369 0114 282 5279 Joinery LEEJOINERYDYSON Local man, over 30 years experience, no job too big or small, bespoke work no problem, fair price For a free quotation call: 0781573081901142886951or THE COMPLETE, RELIABLE SOLUTION FOR • Central Heating Installation • Boiler Upgrades • Gas Appliance Servicing • Cookers & Fires • Repairs & Breakdowns • Radiators • Power Flushing • Landlord Certi cates • Home Owner Reports • Bathrooms & Showers • All General Plumbing 24/7 EMERGENCY CALL OUT TEL: 0114 3830006 MOB: 07707 447345 THE COMPLETE, RELIABLE SOLUTION FOR... 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TEL: 0114 383 00 06 MOB: 07707 447 345 info@complheat.com Central Heating Installation Boiler Upgrades Gas Appliance Servicing Cookers & Fires Repairs & Breakdowns • Radiators • Power Flushing • Landlord Certi cates • Home Owner Reports • Bathrooms & Showers • All General Plumbing 24/7 EMERGENCY CALL OUT CONTACT US FOR A FREE QUOTE Check out our website www.complheat.com Boiler swaps & servicing Gas Servicing Heating and radiators Leaks and repairs Full and part bathrooms installed EME&PNETTLETONLUMBINGHEATINGRGENCIESWELCOMENOJOBTOOSMALLFULLYQUALIFIED07717724660 1992bennet@googlemail.com 0114 286 2194 (Evenings only) GASDAVIS All aspects of plumbing and gasheatinginstallations 07854 415 718 lukedavisgas@outlook.com Boiler repair specialists LPG qualified engineers Central heating installation Landlord safety checks Boiler servicing and upgrades PlumbingPRO-TECH&Heating Call Karl French on: 0114 246 6137 0114 288 protechheating@yahoo.co.uk2846 Boiler installations Central heating systems Gas hobs Landlord certi cates Gas servicing Under oor heating Bathroom installations Jonnyinfo@deltaheating.co.ukHeaslip:07788464945 14 Hall Gate, Penistone, She eld, S36 6BP Plumbing / Bathrooms / Heating Plumbing / Bathrooms / Heating CHARISMA BLINDS SHEFFIELD 0114 258 54 96 Free no obligation home visits and quotes OFFERS ON VERTICAL AND ROLLER BLINDS Local family business ESTABLISHED 1992 www.charisma-blinds.com Plumbing & Heating Bob Pemberton - Oughtibridge ••• Boiler swap specialist Day. 07778 799 899 • Eve. 0114 286 44 50 Plumbing repairs No job too small STAY WARM THIS WINTER Painters / Decorators Deepcar,011407788RichardsonSteve9051522888200Painter&Decorator5CullRowSheffieldS362PU Bramall & Betts Over 35 years’ experience DecoratingPaintingand Contact me today for a free estimate 01142 881 932 07779 674 keithbramall@hotmail.com674 SHAUN STAPLETON C ALL 07823 889 119 PROPERTY REPAIRS & MAINTENAN C E PLASTERING SERVICES | DAMP PROOFING INTERNAL DOORS | FLAT ROOF SPECIALISTS EXTERNAL UPVC WINDOWS AND DOORS GENERAL GARDEN SERVICES DRYSTONE WALLING Carpets DC CARPETS Tel: 01142 421 906 Mob: 07909 617 134 • Carpets Fitted & Refitted • 30 Years Experience • All Materiels Supplied 25 years experience M.S.CLEANINGCARPET Carpets & suites cleaned FULLY INSURED Reductions for OAPs Tel: 0114 288 44 88 Mob: 0754 965 3121 MAN & HANDYMANGARDENINGVAN shutters@gmail.comSouthyorkshire07305342887Shuttersrangeinc: Full height, bay win dows, tracked and solid Blinds range inc: Vertical, roller, Roman and curtains Free survey and fitting Roofing Permanent Flat Roof Systems (50 Years Life Expectancy) • Reroofs • Fascia & Soffits • Cladding And Guttering • Chimney Stacks Rebuilt And Repointed • Roof Repairs • Ridges Rebedded And Pointed • Roof Repairs • Dry Verges And Ridge Systems • Rubber Flat Roofs And Fibreglass Roofs • Hot Bitumen Flat Roofs • Moss cleared • Gutters cleaned All work guaranteed Free quotes Call Craig on tel 0114 2999 553 mob 07423 537 363 25yearsexperience LOCAL ROOFING AND BUILDING SPECIALIST LOCAL ROOFING AND BUILDING SPECIALIST Removals REMOVALS & STORAGE BASED IN THE S36 AREA NOBODY IS CLOSER! 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For free advise or a quote call us on 07704 266 004 LOCAL BUSINESS WITH OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE • Alterations • Brickwork • Pointing • Plastering • Tiling • Plumbing • Joinery • Paving • Patios etc ALL YOUR BUILDING NEEDS TAKEN CARE OF Email k.a.hbuild@outlook.com ANNEXE, THE POPLARS, LONG LANE, STOCKSBRIDGE, S36 4GH. - FOR A FREE QUOTE CALLMobile: 0756 3747 428 Landline: 0114 288 4451 K.A.H BUILDERS ALARMS \ CCTV REPAIRED & INSTALLED Complete Wireless Alarm System £399 2x Motion Detectors, 1x Door Sensor 1x Wireless External Sounder Control trough your mobile phone 1 Camera CCTV Kit Installed for £275 Connected to existing TV / Monitor Connects to mobile phone Colour Image at night 0114 303 6051 www.eses.org.uk | amy@eses.org.uk RETIRED BRICKLAYER NEEDS SMALL WORK �����������

Guest No.1 Nicolai Klindt top scored for Sheffield with 12 points from six outings whilst Jack Holder also demonstrated plenty of speed on his way to double Captainfigures.KyleHowarth was involved in a big Heat 14 spill, while Adam Ellis, who was competing in his first league meeting back since breaking his col larbone just over three weeks ago, was also involved in an awkward spill in Heat Seven - both walked away from their crashes. Lewis Kerr rounded off his night with a paid win in Heat 11 whilst reserve pairing Justin Sedgmen and Connor Mountain’s points didn’t necessarily reflect their efforts.
James Mumford had an excellent run to claim 5th place and was first in the men’s over40 category in a time of 21-50. The winner of the ladies race was Ruby Sykes who is also a second claim run ner for Penistone. Sarah Halstead was first lady back for Penistone in 3334 which gave her third place in the ladies over50 Othercategory.Penistone runners gaining top three posi tions were Simon Pike (3rd over40 man in 2448), Stuart Woodhead (2nd over65 man in 28-28) and Barbara Haigh (2nd over60 lady in 36-35). The completion of the three race series saw Penistone runners figure amongst the series prizes too.
Malcolm first at windy Southport
Chapeltown RBL started the season with a 5-1 win over Southey Social, but had to come from behind to win.
Man of the Match Smith then set up Morgan Cowell who controlled in the area and found the bottom corner on A minute later Jay Carter made it 3-1 after a mix up at the back allowed him to take it around the keeper and score in to an empty net. Following a good move Josh Ball did well down the right and squared for Smith to score a goal of his own, and the scoring was complete late on with the unselfish Ball again doing well be fore Joe Moorhouse squeezed the ball in under the Southey keeper.
For Sale BRADCOT Full All weATheR Awning- ClAssiC• 900mm, fits sizes 886-907. includes pegs and storm straps £500 Tel: 0114 4535747 OR 07741489697. CARAVAnsTORe CAnOPY Awning,• 240mm

Sheffield’s need for two more league points now rolls over to King’s Lynn on Thursday (September 8, 7.30).
SHEFFIELD 36: Nicolai Klindt 12, Jack Holder 10+1, Kyle Howarth 5, Lewis Kerr

Issue 1234 Call 0114 283 1100 8th September 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk 13Local Directory BH SKIP HIRE ALL SKIP SIZES AVAILABLE Same day service Reliable delivery and collection Covering all LookLocal areas Competitive prices 07721 045 850 0114 288 6338 PROBLEMS WITH CONDENSATION BETWEEN YOUR DOUBLE GLAZED UNITS? DI D YOU KNOW? A 0114 288 58 98 07787 140 deepcarhomeimprovements.com430 No Call-out charge | Emergency Service Available OSS D EE P CA R Established 1978 WindowsWindows W. MAW SKIP HIRE FOR RELIABLE SAME DAY SERVICE • MINI SKIPS • 3 TON SKIP • 4 TON SKIP • 6 TON SKIP • 8 TON SKIP All prices subject to V.A.T. Credit Cards accepted Skips available up to 40 yard wheel barrow access available OPEN ALL DAY 6 DAYS A WEEK 01709 560 056 20yd & 40yd Roll On / Roll Off Skips. For Green & Wood Waste Ring For Details Skips & Removals TIGER’S WELL BEATEN
Belle Vue 54 - 36 Sheffield Tigers
Legion enjoy big win
Spencer’s Dash of the summer second claim Penistone runner Kai Sunman was the race winner in a very quick time of 19-30.
After an even start, Ryan Keeney head ed Southey in front at the back post from a corner.
The Owlerton outfit kept things close early doors, but three 5-1s in the space of four races mid-meet ing created a healthy enough gap for the hosts.
The Tigers certainly spent plenty of time in the mix on an entertaining night of racing at the National Speedway Stadium.
Legion made an early double change and quickly equalised when Niall Smith beat his man and pulled back for Mitch Savage to slam home from the penalty spot after 30 mins.

SHEFFIELD’s wait to cement their Premiership play-off place goes on after being beaten 54-36 at Belle Vue. Just as they did on their previous visit two months ago, the Tru Plant Tigers found things tough against their rivals who ended their regular home league campaign with an unbeaten record in Manchester.
BarnsleyResults parkrun 10, Mark Law 21-00; 19, Michael Walsh 22-18; 32, Martyn Goodwin 23-26; 44, Stuart Smith 26-06; 84, Daniel Batty 29-22; 97, Susan Hall 30-55; 101, El eanor Law 31-37.
Chaeltown RBL 5-1 SoutheySocial l £50 Tel: 0114 4535747 or 07741489697. CARAVAn winTeR COVeR £20• Tel 0114 4535747 or s07741489697.mAllDROP leAF KiTChen TABle,• light Oak colour £20 - 07741 489 697. sTuRDY PeT CAge,• Carry Cage suitable small dog or cat £10 Tel: 0114 4535747 or 07741489697 VAngO AiR Awning 360 £450, 07759647765.• mOunTAin RiD ge summiT• 21 gears, Full suspension £155 ono Tel: 07415942912. hYunDi AmiCA,• genuine 30,000 miles, new Clutch £800. Tel 2846524. 2 lARge winDOw FRAmes,• unused 8ft x 4’ 6”. 3 Openers, perfect for cheap extension. £75 each or £120 for both. Tel:2846524. 2 mOunTAin BiKes,• 1 ladies, 1 gents, 1 Bike Rack + 2 spare wheels. good Condition. Tel: 07833966001 or 0114 22830073xlighT wOOD Dining ChAiRs -• £20 each or £30 for pair 0114 2311052. useD gRAYCO ChilD CAR seAT• with instruction booklet £20 0114 2311052. Blue mAnTis BACK lAsh BiKe,• 18 gears, very good condition - £40 - 0114 2311052. DuCKeR AnTique Pine DRessing TABle wiTh• DRAweRs and separate mirror – very good condition£50 ono 07973918880. wanted POwAKADDY gOlF TROlleY• , any condition. Parts, wheels, chargers etc. 0114 2464546. ChOPPeR Push BiKe AnD hOnDA• 50,70,70cc. Cash paid. Please phone 07518938321 before 12 noon with mOTORCYCdetails.le, BRiTish,• Japanese, german. Any condition Pre 1982. Decent price paid Tel: 0114 2456562.

James Mumford was series winner in the men’s over40 category. In the same cat egory Simon Pike was third. Stuart Woodhead was second in the men’s over65 category, Barbara Haigh was second in the ladies over60 category, Lorraine Mackie was sec ond in the ladies over50 category and Myfanwy Cross third in the ladies over35 category.
Windy conditions put paid to a sub 40 minute 10k time at Southport for Malcolm Rose. Malcolm still managed to claim first place in the men’s over65 category. Another Penistone run ner claiming first place in his age category was Keith Gordon at the Caernarfon half marathon. Keith was first in the men’s over70 Atcategory.thefinal
BELLE VUE 54: Brady Kurtz 13, Norick Blodorn 10+3, Matej Zagar 8+1, Max Fric ke 7+1, Tom Brennan 7+1, Charles Wright 6+1, Jye Etheridge 3+1.

fans will also notice a significant invest ment in a brand-new fea ture above the frozen game zone, with a brand-new jumbotron being installed over the summer. The previous jumbotron had been in place for ten years and shared many amazing memories with fans but its replacement will play a central role in enhancing the Steelers fix ture experience with the new deal being signed off early 2022. New goal line technol ogy cameras along with a complete upgrade of the systems within the Arena and a new instant replay system has also been in stalled allowing fans to see what match officials see when making their vital Thedecisions.Sheffield Steelers have also confirmed the date of their now famous ‘Shirt Launch’ and ‘Meet the Play ers Night’ with the event taking place on Friday 2nd September, the night be fore our exhibition game against Coventry Blaze.
Dom Stokes, Head of Live Events & Venues, Utilita Arena Sheffield said: "How amazing is it to have ice hockey back at the House of Steel? Every preseason the anticipation and excitement just builds and builds. The motivation by everyone involved in the product on and off the ice to be quite simply bet ter and better every day is very clear to see. So many initiatives on the go and so many innovative projects that will develop! Bring on the next 8 months!!" As well as the Steelers shop being open we will have special shirt merchandise points on the Arena floor for you to see the new team shirt for the first time and make your purchases. The Steelers 2022/23 season will face-off at the Utilita Arena Sheffield when they welcome Cardiff Devils on Saturday 10 September 2022 at 19:00. All 2022/23 fixtures are now on sale co.uk/.www.utilitaarenasheffield.via
Utilita Arena Sheffield Ready for the 2022/23 Season. Although Yorkshire is still experiencing the summer sun, the temperature with in Utilita Arena Sheffield has dropped to make way for the Sheffield Steeler’s highly anticipated return to the ice for the brandnew ice hockey season. For the next eight months, the ice will play a pivotal role for the Arena and Steelers, with an average of 6,000 fans attending each home fixture to help cheer on their team between the months September and AfterApril. taking the ice out back in April, the time has now come to get it back in place in time for the start of the 2022/23 ice hockey Thisseason.is no mean feat and takes an entire 2 days to make 180 square meters of ice followed by a further 2-3 days to build it up to skating standard.
Issue 1234 Call 0114 283 1100 8th September 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk14 Local Sport
Ball Sponsor: Charles worth StocksbridgeLandscapesareback in action next Saturday 10th September at home with a 3pm Kick Off against ThinkingHornsea.ofgiving rugby a go? Training: Wednesdays @6.15pm, Bolsterstone Pitches, just turn up. Pictured is our new fixtures board located at the pitches in memory of former player Oliver Sinclair.

Twelve boxes of white paint are used to cover the ice in three layers, which is sprayed on. The ice is then given an ‘umbrella’ spray of water, which is a very fine ‘rain-like’ layer, followed by second and third layers which get closer to the ice. This process seals the ice. Then it is time to mark out and paint in the lines for the ice hockey, once com plete the same process is used to seal the markings. The sponsor logos are then placed and sealed in which takes approximately two Returningdays.
Globe Holiday sponsored Stocksbridge Rugby suffered a defeat against Halifax in a dis appointing start to the season at bolsterstone. After 20 minutes the pigs trailed 32-0 but not through lack of ef fort. The next 20 minutes saw Stocksbridge ‘wake-up’ and keep the Halifax team at bay stopping them putting anymore points on the scoreboard before Debutanthalftime.
1 Shildon settled into their game and after 30 min utes drew a good save from Harry Ambler in the Church goal from a stoop ing header at the far post.
Shildon's number 5 was injured and replaced after 40 minutes. Immediately from the restart Nathan Keightley had a good break and his low drive from 12 yards was well saved at the near Keightleypost.was free and then ruled offside. The players disputed the linesman's ad vice. Immediately after the Church players lost a bit of
A mix-up on the left hand touch line let in the Shildon attack. Ambler made 2 great point blank saves, but a low cross from 6 yards left him stranded and Dean Thexton scored low to the Halfright.time Shildon 1 PCFC 1

The Emirates FA Cup Qualifying Round 1 Shildon AFC 2-1 Penistone Church A report by Martin Webb This FA Cup First Round Qualifying match saw Penistone arrive trying to put their recent league defeat at Frickley behind them. Shildon had con vincingly won their last two of their last three games. Shildon play in the North ern Premier League East Division and came into this match with 3 points from their 4 League matches. Heavy rain at kick off made the ball skid on the pitch.
A full-blooded FA Cup tie with plenty of action in both goal mouths saw Church just edged out of the Churchcup. Vice-captain Brett “WeLovellare disappointed but very proud as a club and we’re very proud as a team that we’ve gone toe-to-toe with a team from a league above us. The lads really put a decent shift in today against the higher opposi It’stion.one of those bitter-sweet feelings, yes we’re out of the FA Cup and we’ve lost but we’ve really given a good account for the Toolsta tion North East Counties League, the football club and the supporters who’ve travelled in their numbers EVagain.”Sportswear County Se Stocksbridge Scorers for AFC Church – Brad Kemp, Harry Hurst, Alfie Broughton, Ryan
fa CuP Heartbreak for Church
The second half of the match didn’t see much avail for the Stocksbridge side as Halifax put another 27 points on the board. Stocksbridge’s Steve Hawk sworth sponsored by “Gate Stoops Farm Boarding Kennels and Cattery” put the boys in blue on the scoreboard by scor ing the only try for the home team. Having given Halifax a head start in the first 20 minutes of the game it allowed them to build momentum which Stocks bridge couldn’t match. Returning to first team action was Stuart Cheetham, Blaine Walker and Lee Foster who put their boots back on for the first league game of the season. Looking into the coming weeks we will see more returning play ers which will help build the strength in depth for the Stocks bridge Stocksbridgeteams.
Fox Catering Man of The Match was awarded to Andy “clock tower” Beal who is sponsored by Mick Gribbins for yet another reliable perfor Matchmance.
nior Premier Division AFC Penistone Church 4-1
Sheffield Steelers Return to the Ice

Both teams made a brisk opening and the game took a while to settle. Church had the ball in the back of the net after 5 minutes, but Elliott Firth was ruled offside. 2 minutes later Shildon returned the fa vour with a goal chalked off for offside. Goal 20 minutes. A corner from the right, saw Wayne Hughes head down into a crowded box from the far post. Ryan Johnson headed the bounc ing ball on to the far right of the Shildongoal.0PCFC
After 65 minutes Shildon brought on a tall substitute Billy Greulich-Smith. His first touch sailed over the Cameronbar.
Rugby SuffeR fIRStDefeatLeague
concentration leading to an opening and the goal. Goal 44 minutes.
Park Steels Reserves
A good opening for Church from the kick off was cleared. Church then showed promise down the right and through the mid dle. A crisp cross was just put over by Hughes. Church were unlucky when a corner was scrambled free from 3 yards out.
Simpson was replaced by James Young after 72 minutes. Shildon also made a swap up front. Church then swapped Re ece High by bringing on Leon ChurchHurles-Brook.andShildon traded blows. Church had the bet ter of the exchanges. Goal 90 minutes. Church were drawn to the near post leaving 2 unmarked on the left post. The header back by Billy Greulich-Smith went across goal and land ed inside the right post. Full Time Shildon 2 PCFC 1
Jake Bevan went off with a knee injury and didn’t make a return, we hope for a speedy recovery. Meanwhile Sam Miles also made his de but having come through the ranks in the Colts set up. Vice Sami “the snake” Whittaker said “some crackin’ tackling and line speed, looked the part” in the aftermath of the game. Sam is one to watch in the coming sea sons at Stocksbridge. What can only be described as a “bad” pass from Ryan Smith stopped debutant Sam scoring his first senior try!
Kath Busfield and Liana O'Sullivan won a closely fought final in the Ladies Priory Cup at Stocksbridge Golf Club on 3 September. They beat Helen Moffett and Hilja O'Sullivan by 1 hole in the match play format. Af ter 10 holes Kath and Liana were 3 holes down and star ing down the barrel of defeat. But a great fight back in the latter holes proved enough to pip their rivals. The four are pictured coming off the 18th hole at the Golf Club. On the same day the Gents competed for the Cumber land Cup, a Stableford format competition, with players re ceiving 95% of their handicap allowance. Neil Elliott (13) was the overall winner with a very strong 42 points. Neil's round was a fine example of consistent golf with 11 pars and only 7 dropped shots. Bill Boucher (26) continued a good summer season fin ishing second with 41 points. Pete Westhead (10) and John Gonciarz (19) both finished with 40 points, but Pete took third place on countback.

SeCtiOn CReate neW teamS
Busfield and O'Sullivan Win at the Golf Club

DoDworth Miner rugby Leagues, after a very successful sea son for its youth section, are creat ing 3 new youth teams. “Across the board, from the U14s down to the U8s we have been hold ing our own against some of the more established clubs in Yorkshire.” Coach Danny Ryan,told Look Local. “Our youth teams are fully sub scribed at present so we are creating three new teams, which means now we are able to take in new recruits across the board. So if your child is between the age of 15 and 3 and you think they might want to give Rugby League a go. We have seen our boys and girls go from strength to strength this year. They have grown in confidence and made friends along the way. We have been especially pleased to see our girls do so well, who play alongside the boys up to the age of 12 and have matched the boys tackle for tackle all Weseason.have many kids from the stocks bridge/pensitone area playing with us already and have fantastic facilities Rugby league is a game for all shapes and sizes..so get in contact and come and give it a go. Contact Danny Ryan on Facebook/ twitter/instagram or 07806459758

The Division 2 winner and over all second place went to Gary McLoughlin (27) with a net 68, losing out to Martin Bye on countback. Nasser Hassan (17) and Brad Lawton (15) were second and third with a net 69 and 70 re Thespectively.Dragons Section com peted for the Wharncliffe Dragon Trophy on 31 Au gust. It was a good day for the higher handicap golfers with Alan Flack (28) winning with a net 60. Bob Mason (19) was second with a net 61. Horace Boothroyd (23) and Stuart Roebuck (22) both finished with a net 62, but Horace took third place on count Theback.Gents competed for a Pro's Prize Stableford on 4 September. Ben Stringer (3) had a superb round, winning with 39 points and his round included 1 eagle and 4 birdies in a gross score of 66. Dave Buxton (9) was a close sec ond with 38 points, finishing strongly with 2 birdies in the last four holes. Steve Hill (15) and Shaun Stapleton (13) both finished with 36 points, but Steve took third place on Oncountback.26August the Rabbits Past Captains played their annual Stableford competi tion. The Rabbits Section is for higher handicap golfers of 16 or above. The winner of the Trophy this year was Mick Siddall, with 42 points. Mick was some way clear of second placed Geoff Spriggs with 35 points. Eric Wilkin son was third with 34 points. Finally, the Ladies competed for the Autumn Trophy on 4 September. Liana O'Sullivan (5) completed a successful weekend winning with 35 points in the Stableford for mat. Liana's Mum, Hilja (20 was second with 32 points and Bev Sykes (23) was third with 31 points. This was the last summer competition for the Ladies section and the positions for the Ladies Champions Bowl are now confirmed. Hilja O'Sullivan was the overall winner, with Liana O'Sullivan in second place, Margaret Pearson in third and Bev Sykes in fourth. yOuth
Issue 1234 Call 0114 283 1100 8th September 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk 15Local Sport ERNEST THORPE Halifax Road, Thurgoland Tel: 0114 2882152 Mon - Fri: 8:30am - 4:30pm (last test) Now open 08:30am - 12:30pm from Saturday 6th August Sunday: Closed YOUR LOCAL MOT ONLY STATION Unbiased vehicle testing for over 40 years. Need we say more? MOT’s £35 No booking required Local Sport OLF CLUB HIP DEALS Stocksbridge Golf Club T RY G OLF FOR £110 Anyone wanting to try golf can join the House plus Golf membership scheme for just £110. The £110 fee entitles the new member to house membership of Stocksbridge Golf Club with £20 bar credit and a maximum of 6 rounds of golf ( 6 x 18 holes or 12 x 9 holes) Anyone joining Stocksbridge Golf Club on the above o er will not pay any more membership fees until March 2024. NEW ME M BER O FFER: G E N T S : £680 (£8.72/week) L ADIE S : £600 (£7.70/week) FOR FULL M E M BER S HIP SECRETARY/ TREASURER, JOHN BUXTON: 0114 2882003 PROFESSIONAL ROGER BROAD: 0114 2882779 STOCKSBRIDGE GOLF CLUB, 30 ROYD LANE, DEEPCAR, SHEFFIELD S36 2RZ. STOCKSBRIDGEGOLF@HOTMAIL.CO.UK - STOCKSBRIDGEGOLFCLUB.CO.UK
RuGBy LeaGue
The Gents September MidWeek Medal took place on Thursday 1 September, with some relatively high scores coming in at the top of the leader board. The Division 1 and overall winner was Martin Bye (10) with a net 68. Second and third in Divi sion 1 went to Martin Chay (9) and Steve Coutts (9) with a net 69 and 71 respectively.

Steels came closest during a goalless first half with both Poole and Macaskill causing havoc on both sides of the box with a fantastic ball zipping across the goalmouth begging to be touched but was just out of reach of Rawson.
Issue 1234 Call 0114 283 1100 8th September 2022 www.looklocal.org.uk16 Local Sport Look Local (Publishing) Ltd. Copyright © Look Local 2022. An independent publication registered as a newspaper at the Post Office. 516 Manchester Road, Stocksbridge, Sheffield, S36 2DU Philips 50PUS7506/12 50” 4K UHD LED Smart TV Philips 55PUS7855/12 55” Silver Ambilight 4K UHD LED Smart TV LG 32LQ630B6LA 32” HD Ready Smart LED TV with Freeview Play Samsung UE43BU8000 43” Crystal UHD 4K LED Smart TV 2 WarrantyYear 2 WarrantyYear 1 WarrantyYear PromiseMatchPrice Smart TV including Net ix, BBC iPlayer, Amazon Prime and more Works with Google Assistant Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos The magic of ambilight Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos Alexa built in Freeview HD and Freesat HD webOS Smart Platform with Net ix, Disney+ and more Works with Hey Google, Apple AirPlay and Alexa Hoover DXC8DE/1 8KG B Rated Condenser DryerWhiteFreestandingTumble Hoover HCF5172WK FreezerFridgeFrost175x55cmFree £329.00 WAS £399.00NOWONLY£269.00 WAS £299.00NOWONLY£399.00 WAS £499.00NOWONLY£999.00 WAS £1580.00NOWONLY £395.00 WAS £549.00NOWONLY £289.00 WAS £599.00NOWONLY £349.00 WAS £549.00NOWONLY £179.00 WAS £299.00NOWONLY 5 WarrantyYear 6 WarrantyYear 1 WarrantyYear 1 WarrantyYear Samsung Series WW80TA046AH5 8KG MachineWashing1400RPM 1 WarrantyYearSamsung QE65LS03AA 65” The Frame Art Mode QLED 4K HDR Smart TV FA CUP JOY FOR STEELS FA Cup 1st Qualifying Round Stocksbridge PS 2-1 Atherton Collieries

Steels came from behind to knock out step 3 side Atherton Collieries and book their place in the 2nd qualifying round of the FA Cup for the first time since 2010/11 season.

Steels got a corner and Poole’s balls into the box caused havoc all afternoon and his ball was headed by Murray and it came to captain marvel Ross Goodwin who pounced to give Steels a much deserved equalizer on 67 min Stocksbridgeutes. continued to look dangerous but Atherton were never out of it and those watch ing from the terraces knew that one chance was all it took. Thankfully that chance fell to Stocksbridge, another Steels corner, this time ball was cleared but straight back to Poole who put in a inch perfect cross for Elliot Mur ray to head home his second goal of the week and this time it would prove the winner.
Atherton had a couple of half chances but Stocksbridge to a man worked hard all over the pitch to make sure that come Monday at 1pm our name would be in the bag for the next Marinedraw.FC await in the next round with the tie to be played at Bracken Moor on Saturday 17 September, 3pm KO.
Next Home game:Saturday 10 Sep, 3p KO vs Ossett Utd FA Trophy

Stocksbridge continued to be the better of the two sides after the break and should have tak en the lead when another thunderbolt from Lemon was tipped over the bar. Then had a few more goalmouth scrambles with Ather ton able to survive the pressure.

Steels were good for the money and had the ‘lions share’ of the best chances throughout the 90 minutes.

Steels though continued to play their own game and didn’t let their heads dropped.

Against the run of play the visitors took the lead, on 55 minutes, through a fantastic indi vidual effort from Smith flew into the bottom right corner past a very impressive DavisonHale, who despite the goal had an excellent af ternoon between the sticks for Stocksbridge.