14 minute read
How Pre-Assessments Increase Diversity in the Classroom
Rachel E. Brown
The use of pre-assessments in the classroom should be required, regardless of subject or grade level. They are resourceful in determining students' previous knowledge, interests, strengths, weaknesses, learning strategies, etc. Whatever the teacher hopes to learn about their students can be determined through the use of different types of preassessments. Regardless of which type of pre-assessment is used, the result is the same: an increased awareness of student needs and student diversity. Other types of assessments measure growth and knowledge at the end of a course or unit, however pre-assessments are meant to be administered at the beginning so that teachers are more prepared going into the course or unit. This paper dives into the intricacies of preassessments and the benef its they have with teacher preparation, lesson planning, incorporating diverse teaching materials into the curriculum, and on student engagement, comprehension, and academic success. This paper also connects the purpose and philosophy of pre-assessments with the purpose and philosophy of schools; creating and maintaining an equitable learning experience f or all students.
The use of pre-assessments is something that should be both encouraged and required in all classrooms. My reform advocates f or the required implementation of preassessments in classrooms f or all subjects and grade-levels. Pre-assessments are quick and, if conducted correctly, an easy way to gauge where students stand as a whole, and as individuals. Opinions of pre-assessments and their contributions are somewhat varied. However, the inf ormation gained f rom their use depends on their intended f unction.
As of now, the use of pre-
“Differentiated learning will allow assessments in the classroom are students to learn in a way that fits determined by teachers individually. them best and accommodates their There is no requirement or policy to specific needs (Moon, 2010).” ensure this action takes place (Standards, Assessment, and Accountability, 2019). Without preassessments, teachers will have to guess their students' needs as a whole rather than individuals. Their lesson plans will ref lect this. As a result, students will be stripped f rom
the opportunity of getting individualized or dif f erentiated learning. Dif ferentiated learning will allow students to learn in a way that f its them best and accommodates their specif ic needs (Moon, 2010). The main reason teachers shy away f rom using preassessments is because they believe their sole purpose is to measure growth f rom the beginning of the unit to the end. Of tentimes, they believe that pre-assessments give them inf ormation they already know, and so, they consider them a waste of time. However, pre-assessments can be used f or more than just measuring student growth f rom the beginning to the end of a unit (Guskey, 2018, p. 1). Some of the most common types of pre-assessments include Prerequisite, Present, and Preview (Guskey, 2018, p. 3-4). Prerequisite pre-assessments f ocus on what the students already know. Instead of teaching f rom a singular level, with the knowledge gained f rom this assessment, teachers will be able to dif f erentiate their lesson plans to accommodate certain patterns within the students. Present pre-assessments tests students’ current skills, interests, knowledge, and dispositions. This can be benef icial if a teacher is wanting to gain insight on individual learning methods. They can also adjust lesson plans to encompass certain interests to increase the excitement and overall enjoyment of learning. Preview pre-assessments are used to identif y and introduce the students to some of the material they will be learning within the unit. It will begin to establish learning goals and objectives, and why they are important and relevant (Suskey, 2018, p. 3-4). Between these three types of pre-assessments, teachers will be able to learn their students’ interests, skills, weaknesses, learning methods, study habits, and current and previous knowledge, while also determining sections of the unit that will need more or less attention (Doubet 2015, p. 62). The most importantthing to remember when distributing pre-assessments is to know the f orm and f unction of the pre-assessment, and to clearly share that with the students (Guskey, 2016, p. 41). Pre-assessments correlate with certain ideals of the philosophy of education, and ways of making education more equitable and accessible to all students. Pre-assessments will change the way teachers interact and connect with their students, jump-starting a personal learning experience that both teachers and students will benef it f rom.
Philosophy of Education
My personal philosophy of education aligns with the values of progressivism. Progressivism supports an education that f ocuses more so on the student’s individual interests and needs (Ornstein, 1985, p. 189). By doing so, they also “agreed in opposing traditional education and wanting ref orm in schools” which leans away f rom traditional lecture styles in the classroom (Ornstein, 1985, p. 189). This corresponds with the inclusion of my pre-assessments reform given that the use of pre-assessments is to allow teachers to gauge what the student’s interests, strengths, weaknesses, and current knowledge is, while also being able to create lesson plans that support dif f erentiated learning (Weselby, 2020). It also allows the teacher to incorporate various
learning strategies that extend beyond traditional teacher lectures. When students have “more options on how they can learn material, they take on more responsibility f or their own learning” (Weselby, 2020). Progressivism is essential f or teachers' success in the classroom as it not only makes teaching easier, but more enjoyable as well. The use of pre-assessments will allow teachers to plan ahead in their curriculum more effectively by being able to determine where the students are at the beginning of the unit or class as opposed to f iguring it out as they go. It will save a lot of time having to revise lesson plans mid-semester, and also helps the teacher to f ocus the subject content to the specif ic academic needs of the students. This point is supported by progressive ideas since, "opposing the conventional subject-matter curriculum, progressives experimented with alternative curricula, using activities, experiences, problem-solving, and projects" (Ornstein, 1985, p. 190) All of these are examples of dif ferentiated learning styles and techniques that can be implemented in everyday classroom activities. Differentiated learning techniques not only benef its students, but teachers as well. Changing things up prevents teachers f rom going through the motions while teaching, igniting a ref reshing and exciting twist to the traditional teaching methods commonly f ound in the classroom. I believe that progressive ideals are also beneficial in positively af fecting student achievement. It states that, “children’s readiness and interests, rather than predetermined subjects, should shape curriculum and instruction” (Ornstein, 1985, p. 191). This is putting students f irst in the learning environment, tailoring the curriculum to the students’ needs as opposed to f orcing them to learn collectively in a manner that would only benef it a portion of the students. As a result, student achievement will increase once they are taught in a manner that best f its them (Reckmeyer, 2020). Not every student will benef it f rom straight lecture or f rom PowerPoint presentations. Likewise, not all students are openly participating and engaging during classroom activities. Student engagement is important f or student achievement and having a mutual understanding between students and teachers is a great way to improve that (Reckmeyer, 2020). Students will be more willing to open up and trust teachers once they see the teachers are taking the time to tailor lesson plans to their individual interests in needs, and therefore, will be more enthusiastic and engaged throughout the course.
Progressivism is not only benef icial f or both teacher practices and student achievement but is also benef icial in increasing diversity in lessons covered in the classroom. The diverse students are the students that don't benefit f rom traditional learning methods. They will be able to share with the teacher what works best for them and what specific needs they seek to have addressed in order to have a greater chance of succeeding within the classroom. Since these students are of tentimes disadvantaged, the reform of implementing the use of pre-assessments in the classroom will also provide a more equitable and accessible learning experience f or all students. It will not be tailored to either the traditional learners or the more diverse learners, rather, "research shows dif f erentiated instruction is ef fective f or high-ability students as well as students with
mild to severe disabilities" (Weselby, 2020). Progressivism is not about completely abandoning traditional teaching methods and curriculum, rather it will f ocus on encompassing all needs and interests of students in order to develop well-rounded lesson plans, materials, and activities (Progrėssive Education - Philosophical Foundations, Pedagogical Progressivism, Administrative Progressivism, Lif e-Adjustment Progressivism). Therefore, all students will be given equal opportunity to learn with a learning method and pace that best f its them. This is supported by progressive ideals that state, “as in-service practitioners, teachers should create safe, developmentally f riendly, and engaging classrooms in which children, f ollowing their own interests, learn at their own pace” (Ornstein, 1985, p. 189). Progressive ideals in the classroom are necessary to f oster an educational environment that advocates f or the students during the learning process. Oftentimes their needs and interests are overlookedby traditional teaching methods and curriculums. While the inf ormation they are learning are essential within a given subject and course, the way that inf ormation is presented or portrayed to the student makes a world of difference. Discovering the various methods of presenting inf ormation that is most beneficial to the students is vital f or individual student success. Progressivism encourages their "instructionally f lexible" beliefs, therefore, aligning with the ref orm that the use of preassessments in all classrooms are necessary to increase student diversity and success in the classroom (Ornstein, 1985, p. 191).
Barriers, Equity, and Access
Progressive ideals in the classroom are necessary to f oster an educational environment that advocates f or the students during the learning process. Oftentimes their needs and interests are overlookedby traditional teaching methods and curriculums. While the inf ormation they are learning are essential within a given subject and course, the way that inf ormation is presented or portrayed to the student makes a world of difference. Discovering the various methods of presenting inf ormation that is most beneficial to the students is vital f or individual student success. Progressivism encourages their "instructionally f lexible" beliefs, therefore, aligning with the ref orm that the use of preassessments in all classrooms are necessary to increase student diversity and success in the classroom (Ornstein, 1985, p. 191). Another obstacle many teachers may face in the classroom are overly large classes. In the textbook it says, "classes too large f or teachers to provide sufficient help to overcome learning problems often lead to inef fective instruction f or low-achieving students" (Ornstein, 1985, p.330-331). Once again, the advantages of pre-assessments allow teachers to connect with their students more personally, even despite larger classes. The questions in pre-assessments can be tailored to address the students' individual needs, strengths, weaknesses, and interests, which is an excellent way to bridge the gap between teacher and student (Guskey, & McTighe, 2016, p. 39-41). In doing so, teachers can take what they've learned and group students according to their learning styles and academic level so that it is easier to determine which students need
a certain kind of help. It is important that students are given instruction that is the best f it f or them. It can be easy with a large class to assess the group as a whole, in which case only certain students are reaping the f ull benefits of the teaching methods being used while the others are lef t struggling. Being able to provide f lexible lesson plans that are capable of extending to f it the needs of all students is essential in ensuring that all students are receiving an education that is both equitable and accessible to their individual needs.
The prevailing ef f ort to equalize educational opportunities that aligns best with my ref orm concerns “Student Learning Styles” (Ornstein, 1985, p. 360). Dif f erent cultures cause students to learn and behave in the classroom in dif f erent ways. Learning various cultural backgrounds f ound within their classroom will allow teachers to best accommodate their students during the learning process that is both f amiliar and encouraging f or them (Ornstein, 1985, p.360). An example was provided by Vera John Steiner and Larry Smith who “workedwith Pueblo Indian children in the Southwest. They concluded schooling f or these children would be more successful if it emphasized personal communication in tutorial (f ace-to-face) situations” (Ornstein, 1985, p. 360). Student learning methods extend beyond personal preferences. Learning the cultural demands of students will allow teachers to connect and reachtheir students on a deeper level. It will not only engage students to be more successful in the classroom, but will also allow them to be more comfortable, understood, and cared f or by their teacher (Weselby, 2020). It is easier f or a teacher to teach students who come f rom similar backgrounds. The teacher is more aware of the cultural and economic similarities and is better able to provide materials and classroom activities that are f amiliar with both (Weselby, 2020). The challenge comes when a teacher notices that certain students are not responding or connecting with the lessons the same way other students do. This situation can be avoided if teachers are already aware of the cultural dif f erences in the classroom and how to approach them. This initial awareness can be provided throughthe use of preassessments administered at the beginning of the course or learning unit. Another educational opportunity that aligns with my ref orm is, “Culturally Responsive Teaching” (Ornstein, 1985, p. 365). “Teachers implementing culturally responsive teaching typically stress advantages such as the f ollowing: allows teachers to pursue a wide variety of instructional strategies appropriate for a range of students… allows teachers to incorporate multicultural resources and materials in subjects and skills routinely taught… allows teachers to select participation structures that ref lect students’ ways of behaving” (Ornstein, 1985, p. 365). In this instance, all students are being provided materials that are best f it f or their various backgrounds and learning styles. All students are then given an equal opportunity to succeed within the classroom.
The use of pre-assessments is something that should be required and implemented as in all classrooms. They have a wide scale of f unctions that offer both teachers and students
a greater opportunity to increase diversity within the classroom setting through dif f erentiated learning. Differentiated learning will allow teachers to accommodate a diverse group of students so that all students are having their educational needs met (Moon, 2010). In doing so, the students who struggle to learn with traditional teaching methods will be given a more equitable chance to learn with their peers (Ornstein, 1985, p. 189). The students’ individual needs will be more effectively met, ensuring that all students are receiving the highest quality of education f or their academic success (Doubet, 2015, p. 62). By diversif ying the teaching materials and styles, teachers will also be able to incorporate a more inclusive environment where increased representation takes place. The use of pre-assessments is a progressive take on educating students, one that will allow students a greater chance to reach their f ull potential. It is essential that pre-assessments are a mandatory part of all courses across all subjects and gradelevels.
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