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The Double-Edged Sword of Vulnerability in Media: An Empirical & Theoretical Essay
Maryam A. Ndiaye, BSc, Cilia A. Kader, BASc, and Fatimah S. Ndiaye, BA
In an age where social media is the medium of choice f or the average individual, expressing emotional vulnerability in public f orums has become commonplace. While there may be a f ew benefits to this phenomenon, it is a double-edged sword. There have been and continue to be individuals who exploit their own vulnerability and that of others f or personal gain, but also to their own detriment. We strongly suggest the redefinition of vulnerability as a liminal, transitory state rather than a place of settlement. Vulnerability must be expressed with great discretion and caution, more so than ever when expressed in a sphere so public as the media.
Humankind has revered the virtue of strength since the beginning of time. Such a f ixation is understandable as strength of the body and mind equals greater resistance towards the dangers, trials, and tribulations that besiege us throughout lif e. This generally results in a longer, healthier, and consequently more f avorable existence. In recent years, however, the virtue of strength has been challenged by an unexpected foe, vulnerability.
Modern Perceptions & Benefits of Vulnerability
Vulnerability was once considered a weakness and a trait of the f eebleminded. Consequently, it was generally repressed. As research on the benef its of emotional vulnerability and the cathartic effect of emotional decompression have progressed, vulnerability has garnered significantly positive public support. Social stigma towards vulnerability has decreased dramatically and it is no longer taboo to share one’s feelings, consult a mental health specialist, or to display the entirety of one’s emotion online. The allowance of sensitivity and vulnerability has been benef icial in some instances, especially as the media has become a place of f ree expression for the common person. For example, enabling individuals suf fering f rom rare medical conditions to f undraise f or treatment or connect with other sufferers and medical specialists who can assist them, allowing various social activists to start and maintain awareness campaigns, and bringing public attention to relevant issues such as crises, events, and crimes.
The Emergence of False Vulnerability
However, it is our observation and empirical conclusion that a trait, concept, or notion, once perceived as desirable, virtuous, or popular, tends to become adopted by the masses and eventually corrupted by insincerity. The cause of such a phenomenon is likely the natural sociability of human beings; that is to say, an ardent and perpetual desire f or validation f rom our peers and our habit of social learning and emulation (Frith, 2013). As such, we overexploit virtues until they have exhausted their admirability. The concept of vulnerability is no exception. Particularly with the emergence of social media and increased opportunities to express oneself f reely, humankind has exploited vulnerability f or wealth, validation, sympathy, and so on. This has come to be known as f alse or insincere vulnerability. As stated by Lindsey Metrus (2021) in her insightf ul article, “Forced Vulnerability” Is Causing Societal Resentment and Fear, “Requesting round-robin sharing or on-the-spot emotional soliloquy during team meetings can create an unnecessarily comparative atmosphere as employees try to out-vulnerable each other.” False or f orced vulnerability births insincerity and that is the very opposite of what vulnerability is intended to embody. In our modern culture so deeply entwined with societal approval, opportunities for capitalization, and the romanticization of trauma, insincerity, and vulnerability are on a path towards synonymousness. In essence, it is a truth universally acknowledged that if one is wronged, one must be given due consideration, attention, and protected status. This truth has birthed a generation of troubles, some of the most prominent of which we shall expand upon.
Child Exploitation
Many are f amiliar with the “Instagram parents” whose social media accounts are f looded with photos of their children engaged in suspiciously aesthetic activities. These guardians are problematic, according to Dr. Deborah Voreen (n.d.), namely because they are breaching the privacy and trust of their child who is of ten too young to appreciate and make a well-inf ormed decision concerning the publicization of their personal inf ormation. This is especially problematic when a child is suf fering f rom a mental or physical ailment. A parent who overpublicizes their child in such a predicament brings into question the nature of their intentions. They are taking a child and placing them bef ore a camera in their most vulnerable state, such as when they are ill or emotionally distressed, and exploiting this vulnerability to the public. There are safe and appropriate places such as child health organizations where parents could express theirs and their child’s concerns and seek support and yet many take to various social media platf orms such as YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook that, with f ew notable exceptions, are not equipped to allow f or the safe expression of vulnerability especially in ref erence to children but are f ully equipped towards popularity and monetization. Additionally, numerous examples of this phenomenon can be f ound among child stars raised in f ront of the scrutinizing lens of a camera who, once reaching adulthood, have spoken out against placing children in the public eye. Daniel Radclif f e, who starred as
Harry Potter, shared how he was visibly “dead behind the eyes” in a number of scenes he appeared in as he was an overworked, exhausted young actor. Sophie Turner, who portrayed Sansa Stark in Game of Thrones, spoke about how internet trolls called her “fat” and a “bad actress” and how she considered suicide on multiple occasions because she had “lost the motivation to do anything.” Macaulay Culkin, star of the Home Alone movies, was abused emotionally and physically by his f ather who threatened him to “do good or I’ll hit you.” Fortunately, Culkin successfully emancipated himself at age f if teen (Bumf uzzle, 2019). These are just a f ew accounts of the widespread exploitation of children in the media.
The Encouragement of Unhealthy Behaviors
Beyond children, adults are also capable of exploiting themselves in the media through f alse vulnerability. Doing so is colloquially ref erred to as “sadf ishing” (Bissell, 2020). Sadf ishing is usually temporary and limited to a younger demographic. While most sadf ishing is mildly problematic, the greater issue lies with chronic insincere vulnerability which some adult inf luencers have turned to f or publicity and f inancial gain. For example, there has been great controversy over social media inf luencers such as Nicholas Perry (better known as Nikocado Avocado) and Trisha Paytas who are notorious f or their breakdowns, instability, and excessive theatrics. Whether these behaviors are genuine or not, inf luencers of this nature receive much attention and scrutiny through their content f eaturing emotional and physical abuse, maladaptive coping strategies, bodily harm, and increasingly dangerous behavior, all in the name of entertainment. This culture of toxicity, histrionic behavior, and self -harm has perhaps spiraled out of control because inf luencers of this nature receive the undivided attention of morbidly f ascinated viewers. Similar to the appeal of sideshows and public punishments of the past, many f ind it dif f icult to turn away f rom a spectacle regardless of its ethical dubiousness.
Vulnerability Leading to Tragic Consequences
Even with ardent sincerity, vulnerability expressed under inappropriate circumstances and to the wrong audience has had devastating effects on those expressing themselves. Italian teenager, Matteo Cecconi, eighteen years old at the time, took his own lif e during a class break when he ingested lethal chemicals. Police sif ted through his computer and discovered that ten users had connected with Cecconi through a pro-suicide forum and were strongly encouraging him to end his lif e (Zorzut, 2021). Japanese serial killer, Takahiro Shiraishi, murdered nine people whom he had contacted over Twitter. He f irst encouraged them to commit suicide, and then of fered to assist in the process (Wakatsuki & Cheung, 2020). Another Japanese serial killer by the name of Hiroshi Maeue murdered three people through online persuasion. He f ound his victims through a suicide club website on which individuals who were apprehensive of dying alone sought partners to die with. Maeue pretended to be interested in committing double suicide with his prospective victims and when they came to their agreed-upon location, he murdered
them. Maeue later blamed his cruelty upon his paraphilic sexual desires, claiming that he “wanted to see a f ace in agony” (Fuqua, 2020). These are rather extreme examples of negative consequences to online vulnerability, but there exist countless cases of milder but still devastating versions. Many an inf luencer has had their self-esteem and psychological health compromised or destroyed by the scathing and abusive responses of internet trolls. Mental health specialists are constantly stressing the importance of a healthy support system and a saf e space f or expression. If this is dif f icult to f orm even in a f amilial sphere, it is near impossible to do over the internet. With billions of internet users, there is simply no way to completely separate the good f rom the bad. As cynical as it sounds, the internet is not, and will never be a completely safe space to f ully express oneself.
Redefining Vulnerability in Media
We warn our children against speaking to strangers. Why then do we encourage anyone to bear themselves emotionally to the same strangers? There is a time and place f or everything, and vulnerability should be no exception. It is a common misconception that to truly accept and appreciate a concept, we must broadcast it to the masses. Quite the contrary, we do not broadcast our bank inf ormation when we receive a tidy sum of money. Instead, we protect it by practicing discretion and common sense in its handling. The same precautions should be exercised in the expression of vulnerability. Furthermore, trauma ruminated upon f or inappropriate durations of time is counter ef fective. They say time heals all wounds, but we believe that is only accurate if there exists a conscious effort to heal and overcome the wound in question. But it seems many are content to take up residence half way through the vulnerability process, dwelling on their trauma and f urther magnifying its ef fect on their lives. At such a point, vulnerability morphs into rumination which has been shown to prolong emotional distress (Echiverri et al., 2011). In conclusion, we suggest that vulnerability be redefined as a liminal, transitory state rather than one in which we should endeavor to settle. Adopting the latter approach undermines the timeless virtues of strength and mental f ortitude, and promotes a society driven by pity and insincerity. The media is an innovative and dangerous tool all the same and so we must practice great care and discretion when using this tool to express ourselves vulnerably.
Bissell, J. (2020). What is Sadf ishing?: A New Trend That Parents Need to Know About. The Bark Blog. Retrieved Oct 19, 2021 f rom https://www.bark.us/blog/what-issadf ishing-trend/
Bumf uzzle, M. (2019). The negative impact f ame has on child stars. 8forty. Retrieved Oct 19, 2021 f rom https://8forty.ca/2019/05/09/the-negative-impact-fame-hason-child-stars/ Echiverri, A. M., Jaeger, J. J., Chen, J. A., Moore, S. A., & Zoellner, L. A. (2011). Dwelling in the past: The role of rumination in the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 18(3), 338-349. Frith, U. (2013). Are there innate mechanisms that make us social beings. Neurosciences and the Human Person: New Perspectives on Human Activities. Pontif ical Academy of Sciences, 215-236. Fuqua, L. M. (2020). The Suicide Serial Killer of Japan | True Crime. Medium. Retrieved Oct 19, 2021 f rom https://medium.com/true-crime-addiction/the-suicide-serialkiller-of-japan-true-crime-494ed2be8514 Metrus, L. (2021). “Forced Vulnerability” Is Causing Societal Resentment and Fear. Byrdie. Retrieved Oct 14, 2021 f rom https://www.byrdie.com/forcedvulnerability-5120240 Voreen, D. M. (n.d.). Child Exploitation Exists on Social Media. Medium. Retrieved Oct 19, 2021 f rom https://medium.com/illumination-curated/child-exploitationexists-on-social-media-55da79fb79f
Wakatsuki, Y., & Cheung, E. (2020). Japanese ‘Twitter killer’ sentenced to death f or murders of nine people. CNN. Retrieved Oct 19, 2021 f rom https://www.cnn.com/2020/12/15/asia /japan-twitter-killer-intl-hnk/index.html Zorzut, A. (2021). DRIVEN TO DEATH Boy kills himself af ter being egged on by sick trolls on suicide website. The U.S. Sun, June 10, 2021. Retrieved Oct 19, 2021 https://www.the-sun.com/news/3048879/boy-kills-himself-after-beingencouraged-by-trolls/