The Lookout: A Journal of Undergraduate Research at East Carolina University, Volume 10

Page 107

The Lookout

The Double-Edged Sword of Vulnerability in Media: An Empirical & Theoretical Essay Maryam A. Ndiaye, BSc, Cilia A. Kader, BASc, and Fatimah S. Ndiaye, BA Abstract In an age where social media is the medium of choice f or the average individual, expressing emotional vulnerability in public f orums has become commonplace. While there may be a f ew benefits to this phenomenon, it is a double-edged sword. There have been and continue to be individuals who exploit their own vulnerability and that of others f or personal gain, but also to their own detriment. We strongly suggest the redefinition of vulnerability as a liminal, transitory state rather than a place of settlement. Vulnerability must be expressed with great discretion and caution, more so than ever when expressed in a sphere so public as the media.

Introduction Humankind has revered the virtue of strength since the beginning of time. Such a f ixation is understandable as strength of the body and mind equals greater resistance towards the dangers, trials, and tribulations that besiege us throughout lif e. This generally results in a longer, healthier, and consequently more f avorable existence. In recent years, however, the virtue of strength has been challenged by an unexpected foe, vulnerability.

Modern Perceptions & Benefits of Vulnerability Vulnerability was once considered a weakness and a trait of the f eebleminded. Consequently, it was generally repressed. As research on the benef its of emotional vulnerability and the cathartic effect of emotional decompression have progressed, vulnerability has garnered significantly positive public support. Social stigma towards vulnerability has decreased dramatically and it is no longer taboo to share one’s feelings, consult a mental health specialist, or to display the entirety of one’s emotion online. The allowance of sensitivity and vulnerability has been benef icial in some instances, especially as the media has become a place of f ree expression for the common person. For example, enabling individuals suf fering f rom rare medical conditions to f undraise f or treatment or connect with other sufferers and medical specialists who can assist them, allowing various social activists to start and maintain awareness campaigns, and bringing public attention to relevant issues such as crises, events, and crimes.


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