• Canadian Military’s Trusted News Source •
Naden Band Christmas Concert
Volume 65 Number 49 December 14, 2020
in support of The Salvation Army
Dec 19 at 8:00pm live on CHEK TV
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Photo by PO2 Bradley Settle, HMCS Whitehorse Sailor Second Class Joshua Hustins at the helm of HMCS Whitehorse during exercise Trident Fury 2020. The exercise took place Nov. 30 to Dec. 13 off the coast of western Vancouver Island, as well as in Molly Maids the vicinity of Constance Bank, and the southern Gulf Islands. It involved HMC Ships Regina, Calgary, Display 2 and (3.322”) x 2” Nanaimo, Whitehorse, Fleet Diving Unit (Pacific), the Naval Tactical Operations Group, 443 Maritime Helicopter Squadron, 407 Long Range Patrol Squadron, as well as U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Blue Shark. Weekly
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