Loop October 2010 - Fresh air for flying

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EASA ATTACK PILOT GROUPS UP IN ARMS OVER LICENSING PLANS + FIRST TEST! Bose A20 headset + TECH Keeping racers fit + HE DID IT! Noujaim success +




2010 £ 2 .75


9 PA G E S O F A I R C R A F T F O R S A L E I N S I D E L O O P M A R T + STALLS Alan Cassidy's guide + BOOKS Riveting reads + NEW PILOT ATPL at 18! p001.loopcoveroct.indd 1

8/10/10 16:32:39

This flight bag is already packed.


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The traditional flight bag has been grounded. The new AV8OR ACE adds even more to our paperless, full electronic flight bag solution. In addition to including all FAA IFR charts, the AV8OR ACE now offers VFR sectionals and Eurocontrol charts.* And the new Portable Glass Panel adds a Directional Gyro (DG) representation with graphical flight plan display, rate of turn, altitude, ground speed and split-screen moving maps. Its geo-referenced charts and large, easy-to-use touchscreen put everything from navigation and weather to multi-media entertainment in the palm of your hand. So put down your old flight bag and visit us online to locate your authorized dealer. *All charts require chart data subscriptions.














IF you’re in a chirpy mood, full of the joys of ... err... autumn, you might want to skip page 6 this month. Unless you like reading about impending costs and potentially ruinous changes to the licensing for PPLs in Europe. The most destructive change planned (to FAA license holders) has appeared so late in the day that we will know within the week if an AOPA bid to challenge

FLIGHT T TEST EST ES T DC gets to grips with the Diamond DA40 NG as the Austro evolution continues

it has succeeded. Cross fingers. A small note too, to remind you of changes to our subscription charges. Thus far you are likely to have received LOOP free. We will be including a print and delivery charge for the first time in five years, and hope you aren’t baulked at its £19.95 per year cost. As ever we aim to be priceless, delivery charge or not.


ALAN CASSIDY p34 This month our resident MBE tackles the of stalling and why pilots shouldn’t’be afraid. He also bestows the benefits of trying an AOPA aerobatics course (p48).



39-50 Everything from club news, to things to see and do, to advice on courses and safety. Plus ideas on how too get more out of your PPL


LOOP flight





houls out All the ghouls y-in fly-in AC fl for the VAC Page 42



alified at Fully qualifi 18 yearss of age (!) Page 477


i tan: aviation Rutan: Jill Rut er blood her is in he 5 Page 50

K HEARD NICK his own i hi gives weather warning Page 44


Nick Heard


With experience comes wisdom, and Nick has amassed a veritable

Do you take for granted flying licence affords the privilege your that there is a lot you you? Remember need to remember



Loose Articles







Let your ambitions soar

TO... www.loop.aero

DO you know someone between the ages of 14 and 18 that has a real passion for flying? Well this could be their chance to get their foot on that first rung of the ladder. Especially if they fancy a career as a pilot, engineer or air traffic controller. The Cotswold Airport Flying Scholarship programme is open and accepting entries for its 2011 scheme. There are ten places available and open to young people living in the Gloucestershire and Wiltshire



Decades of flying experience in all conditions... including combat


DOROTHY POOLEY ALAN CASSIDY Former World Flying iinstructor and Top MBE Helicopter er Freestyle aerobat Current British aerobatic pilot. Phil and instructor Champion examiner, on Dennis is is our re National Advanced resident Brains Dorothy our rotaryy expert shares Aerobatic champion for testi testing gear her wisdom and respected author

area. The programme is funded by airport owner and chief executive Ronan Harvey, the scheme is run in partnership with fly2help, the airport based charity and flying organisations on the site. During the scheme the students will be able to experience flight, receive tuition at the airport’s ground school and see how ATC works. Applications are available now from www.fly2help.org and the deadline is January 31 2011. www.cotswoldairport.com


14 INCOMING Thoughts on no more RBAR, more on diesel, and a drawing of a cat!

6 OUR NEXT BATTLE EASA licensing plans cause uproar amongst pilots and owners

16 GEAR: BOSE A20 The brand new A20, Bose’s first new headset for 12 years

8 SUBSCRIBE NOW Don’t miss the chance to keep being part of the family

18 GEAR: NEW STUFF New products from GPS units to furniture, plus shop window

9 NEW EVENT Time to make a new note on your calendar for... LOOPLive!

20 GEAR: RACE EXPERTISE How the top techs keep a Red Bull raceplane in top condition

11 BOB DAVY iPhones and Blackberrys get Bob’ss attention, and so does RBAR

34 AEROS WITH ALAN Alan explains how to overcome the fear of stalls whilst flying

13 DENNIS KENYON Passing on gems of knowledge from his wealth of experience

66 INSTANT EXPERT The Thielert Diamond DA42: Everything you need to know

2010's likely lads and lasses

NEED TO SPEAK YOUR MIND! THEN EMAIL OCTOBER 2010 LOOP 39 www.loop.aeroYOUR OPINION that mbe tha Wycombe seems at Wycom another, but itit seems g or another airfiTOelds Some airfields LOOPspecialise in one thing on here; from gliders to warbirds from +CLUB FOCUS


A little bit of everything

incoming@ to do with aviation is going everything trial flights to top-of-the-range race aircraft all have their place at the Air Park

Aerobatics: loop.aero nerves of steel not essential different pilots develop +NOTAM and this even at an early stage, is largely due to the is a great variety of “Everybody here is very DIFFERENCES YCOMBE way of increasin tasks that they set themselves. increasing your spatial pro-aviation, from the fixed Single engine piston Air Park in and situational awareness, The greater the variety LS asE V I T Aaircraft +TH wing operators to the helicopter well as just a wa Buckinghamshire with Single tasks, the greater will of these way of learning new become Lever Power Control companies and the gliding club. handling is one of the best the pilot’s skill set and situationall with all skills. I have worked and/or an Electric We’re very lucky with that and we awareness. kinds of ‘students’, from known airfields in the country, Flight information get great support from our parent brand new PPLs to experienced One way of enlarging with a history of use that System (EFIS) now fighter pilots. The one company, Arora Family Trust. set is to get into more this skill pre-dates WWII, and a list of thing they aircraft need Differences all have in comm “There are five of us in the types, preferably those common is the ability names based there that reads Training signed off to develop furthe engineering team and we look are significantly differentthat further as aviators. like a Who’s Who of British from by an instructor. See Realise that the personal the first PPL trainer. after Airways Flying Club’s fleet aviation: training and Cessna If you have AIC Pink 070/2010 development proc gained your PPL on a of 11 aircraft as well as over 25 process in aviation gurus Wycombe Air Centre, PA28, you is a long and neve will gain a lot of new privately-owned aeroplanes. Most never-ending path. Lees Avionics, Heli Air, Airways insight just It doesn’t really ma by flying a Cub for a of the private aircraft are based matter in whichCODE EGTB COVENTRY Flying Club, and the Bianchi’s few hours, ICAO order you try thing Change of openingTRAINING or another low-performance but some come here for here things, just get some just are warbirds amazing at training of plenty some variety and kkeep FIRST FLIGHT times ad radio There’s ‘vintage’ type. Aerobatic maintenance from Denham, White learning. amongst them. training, knownWinterWycombe, with The Airways The airfield, originally - Alan Cassidy frequencies: knows WAP better than Waltham and other neighbouring Wycombe is i the was 0700-2000Flying Club and LOOPTV th h One as Marlow Airport, best b who Mon-Fri t place l Parr, not to t just airfields.” lland because d for f your most is Jerry Star product video, Ministry Air Centre (also Cessna the Air 0900-1900, aviation requisitioned bySat/Sun i titraining i films cases. Unfortunately fil films, tests, is gold standard: Jerry’s interviews Chief Engineer there as there he works for fixed and show in 1941 in 1939 and opened Again tautology - yyou Summer lot of pilots who do not are a reports. Mon-Fri dealers for 30 years) on military aircraft in the working are either for airfield operator Airways Aero and Upload in 1965Sat/ wing, Heli Air for PPL(H)s Booker and ready or you are no your 0600-1900 413. Your first example read CAP own videos not! FinallyasI RAF Royal Air Force. He’s been at WAP when online but because is feel Associations, and whilst civilian Booker Gliding Club for gliding. as the it is particularly unf developedSun there comment the worst offences as one of 0800-1800. you’re unfortunatewas years, and although he for seven for the it in not only or aircraft on that rate working not he’s on RUNWAYS someone name air the under traffi aerodrome Coventry APP incorrect English it is ffic personne personnel compound else’s! all day working on aircraft spends tautology! and private customers he’s incorrect RT by misu Registerclubs Park’. I always cringe when TWR Three, 1 x Asphalt, 2 x Grass online misuse of ‘Wycombe Air123.825mHz, the great Wycombe vibe that I hear that receive Van’s RV-12. building histoown the latest it’s LANDING FEES often much worse tthan phrases, particular phrase, as monthly programs the FACILITIES 118.175mHz, RADAR it is him there until darkness has andyouexclusive keeps Air OD on Wycombe So can SEP. insertion of unneces From £14 for a light news as well as unnecessary so ugly shop, the unnecessary andPilot supplies136.150mHz WWW.LOOPT just go tohe works on his own RV. verbiage. as fallen “I to Jerry: V.AERO Not according Park? incorrect “ofs” but uunfortunately DETAILS to create You are either inbound ‘Pad’ restaurant and bar, and your “I fiaccount! or you rst starting flying in gliders in like being here, it’s a busy airfield own it is becoming more are going somewhere LIVERPOOL maintenance, Airways Aero Associations Ltd, major numerous prevalent else! The as the mid-70s and then in Cessnas with lots always going on. There’s pilots hear others do second phrase is often 7 November firms , Wycombe Air Park, Bucks, SL7 training, andOnspecialist it and think misused after gaining an RAF Flying it sounds “cool”!” It is nothing worse than a deserted (ATC) by airline pilots and 529261 there 01494 Tel: 3DP. and will hangarage of be plenty plus an important particularly Scholarship in 1979. In the early to use correct RT as airfield! service pilots, but we www.wycombeairpark.co.uk it soundsparking. 'Aircraft Crash all professional and will that there is only one know Exercise' in the hhelp “Final”! obtain a better service you to The third phrase is an River Mersey. The from Air American Traffi ffic controllers. import which is totally exercise area is 100 2010 www.loop.aero OCTOBER 40 LOOP incorrect. - Dorothy Pooley metres es centered on WH WHI WHILST WHILS WHIL WH HILST IILST LST LST T YOU’RE RWY 09. YO YOU’R YOU Y OU O UR RE E THERE TH THE THER T HERE HERE THOUGHTS... T THOUGHT THO THOUGH THOU TH THOUGHTS RE H HOUGHTS EL OUGHTS OUGHTS LE LET ET ET US HTS US KNOW TS S... K KNO .... JUST NOW JJU OW YOUR UST UST T REGIS YOU YO Y REGISTER REGISTE REGISTER, REG RE REGIST R O OUR EGISTER EGISTER UR U GISTER R STER, TER ER, LOGIN ER, ER LOG LO L OGIN O G GIN IN N AND AN A ND COMMENT! COMM COMMEN COMMENT CO C COM OMMENT! O MMENT! MM MENT! ENT! NT! T!



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www.loop.aero www l OCTOBER 2010 LOOP 45

There's nearly always something interesting outside, be it flying or ground running

90s a friend and I decided to build a Van’s RV-6. “We flew the aircraft for eight years but decided to sell it for various reasons three years ago. I thought I was cured of the aircraft ownership side of things, but soon I started to get bored in the evenings and at weekends! “I went over to Oregon to the Van’s factory, flew the RV-12 demonstrator and when I left I handed over my credit card details. I started building the kit just over a year ago and hopefully it will be finished in the Spring. “It is a really great kit to build and will be a joy to fly. I build whenever I can with another friend after work, during tea breaks and at weekends. I’m very fortunate to be allowed to build it in the hangar at work.” Wycombe Air Park itself is one of the busiest GA airfields in the country, not just the south. There are always plenty of things to see and do, and of course a vast spectrum of different aircraft


mountain of helpful Here's three more hints. for to remember next time you fly. NICK HEARD has been He’s a flying instructor, one of LOOP's expert pilots since the very first issue. current B747 captain Sponsored by and a former RAF Tornado #1 It really is a good pilot idea N 8 February keep your aircraft cabin to groundschool training 1956, 8 Hunters clear as possible from as at loose and it stuck. It shows Cranwell, what weather limits do you launched from RAF articles. Pens, screwdrivers, use for how that alternate? If your disastrous things can destination West Raynham even paperclips, can get if the airfield is borderline on all British weather is not Norfolk for an exercise. in where you don’t want get forecast, given the +STAR QUE you really want a ‘cast attention it deserves. weather forecast was The STION iron’ to be – mixed up with them Whilst many poor for alternate, with TAFs and of the lessons are particularly Raynham, but RAF cables. I know it’s verycontrol Marham, much better than your METARs relevant to the fast jet/low just 15 miles southwest, minimum in club aircraft, but difficult was requirements. take a situation, much is useful fuel forecast to remain moment before you to us in suitable as get in to With October on us already, General Aviation. a diversion airfield. have a look around we should turn our thoughts and get rid First, always maintain The Hunters completed of anything that you to the autumn and winter features can. suspicion of weather a healthy exercise and recovered the particularly good practiceIt’s forecasts, of UK weather; most of especially if it appears if Raynham short of fuel. to West us probably you are about to fly to be The never really forgot them aerobatics, towards your limits – weather had deteriorated, but just as relevant VFR the so-called summer during for IR-rated as appropriate. or IMC/ they were sent to Marham so anyway. local navigation trip a Don’t for Later sunrises mean where a assume an airfield forecast visual recoveries. Unfortunately, later few bumps in the air heating of the atmosphere,day-time can be be relevant for your route; will Marham’s weather had enough to dislodge so local also early something morning mist and fog effects, particularly deteriorated, such that in the cockpit. take around mountains or longer to clear, and may Controlled Approaches Ground coasts, can affect the only clear to become required. Unfortunately,were weather drastically over low cloud before couldn't cope with the ATC a infl very short distance. reforming mist later. so many aircraft at once. ux of The Second, ensure you're atmosphere becomes two landed successfully. Just Four not launching into a more moist as Atlantic #2 With the evenings attempted to get in visually, drawing but Sucker’s Gap – a short in and temps lowering, systems dominate, had to eject instead. One worth thinking about it’s leading to more cloud a belly landing, but one achieved period of good weather, what perhaps expected after to wear (or, at least, and increased risk attempting to get back, pilot, in what to crashed the passage of a front, take with you) in the of carb and airframe and was killed. cabin but which actually with regard to survival icing. Surface winds So in the space of 30 after minutes, turns out to be a short a forced landing. A are generally stronger, six Hunters and one forced pilot ANXIOUS ABOUT AEROBATICS interlude before some landing late in the day resulting in more lost. Subsequently, the were more bad RAF Q| I recently gained low-level turbulence weather arrives. result in getting stuck may changed its ideas regarding my and trickier in an PPL and have always landings. Winds aloft This can often be seen isolated field as darkness the use of diversion airfi been are also falls interested in aerobatics, stronger, increasing chances trough of low pressure when a and the temperature introducing the conceptelds, passes, of nav drops. A of although slightly nervous errors through drift, and but there can be many coat or thick jumper Weather and Crash Diversions perhaps I other may well would still like to get (or controlled airspace incursions. situations where this be Alternates). The Crash a lifesaver started. as can be you make your Alternate is seen Would you recommend Grass runways stay wet plans to get rescued. – perhaps involving the a close-in airfield where throughout getting a few hours the season, so carefully A packet of energy could quickly divert to an aircraft early return of fog or low cloud, of consider sweets and in under my belt or shall flying take-off and landing as in West Raynham. some water will be a ‘crash’ at the destinationevent of performance. The eye of useful, airfield, a hurricane booking lessons now? I start And while cold, crisp will a torch. And always as whereas the Weather provides the sunny Alternate is keep A| Once a pilot has a may occasionally improve days example of this – the best that charged mobile a more distant airfield, new PPL, New Orleans situation, the phone unlikely to his learning and developmental airport TAF, during Hurricane with you! still be mindful of ice be affected by the same on weather. phases are just starting. the aircraft and on taxiways. Katrina, actually indicated The story of the West All the one Raynham future So, spend just a bit more flying you do will teach hour of perfect flying Hunters was recited conditions! to me you something and enable looking at those forecasts time Third, for IFR pilots: do my first day of Meteorologyduring you you have to develop more as flying. (I think I just talked before an alternate airfield available, an and What varies is the rate aviator. into a trip to Florida...) myself at which #3 Coupled with late afternoons in the autumn comes increased bird RADIO GAGA Our feathered friends activity. Q| I am learning to get fly very active as the sun I am trying to get my and radio to go down – we’ve starts calls right, but I cannot all work the remarkable films seen out what is correct. on I often BBC of flocks of starlingsthe hear calls such as “G-ABCD their thousands, moving in is inbound to yourselves” as one around the sky. or “G-ABCD is on Finals” To give =^\] EZg[dgbVcXZ ) or yourself some help %+B=o EA7h VcY :A “G-ABCD is holding in this ;DG NDJ Ih hZaZXiZY Wn i]Z ldgaY¼h bdhi [V short of situation keep your bdjh V^gXgV[i Wj^aY runway x and is fully I]Z hbVaaZhi landing Zgh VcY V^ga^cZh# lights on to keep yourself :bV^a XdciVXi#Vk^Vi^dc VcY a^\]iZhi 6C9 NDJG I have also heard ATCready”. 5`VccVY#Xdb dg XVaa as EA7 VkV^aVWaZ EA6C: bright as possible, (( ' ., %' ). ). people to call “abeamasking and be :Vhn ^chiVaaVi^dc :AI! lll#`VccVY#Xdb of” or ready to go around “overhead of” a location, eZg[ZXi [dg gZigdÄi if you see a but I big flock flapping about cannot find these in when CAP 413 so on finals. ▪ please help me. 44 LOOP OCTOBER A| You are quite right 2010 www.loop.aero in all of these

First, always maintain a healthy suspicion of weather forecasts

ero www.loop.aero FOR THE LATEST NEWS GO TO... www.loop.ae

flightCLUBHANGARCHAT RATED NGARCHAT the GET dy Green, dy ndy Andy A derr And d Alan Cassidy talks nder ander aerobatics Flight Club talks to Wing Commander Page 48 first solo See p47 AOPA fastest man on earth, about his SEND


4 CAPE TOWN BID Steve Noujaim talks about breaking Henshaw’s iconic record

The social side of the airfield is based and maintained here; always busy as well. “The Airways including Nigel Lamb's Red Bull Flying Club is open seven days a racer. AAA are also the UK and week and there’s always someone Ireland Tecnam agents, including in the lounge ready for a chat. the brand new Tecnam P2006T “They have have regular fly-outs twin (last month’s LOOP flight and recently we flew down to test). Newquay for a walk along the But it’s not all new stuff. For beach and a bit of lunch - there metalheads there is the chance to were 13 aircraft in total. Things like catch site of the rarities worked on that work really well. The location by Tony and Pia Bianchi, their unit of the airfield is good too. It’s great is filled with classic and very rare warbirds from Buckers and Yaks, to for trips down to the South Coast. The Isle of Wight is only 45 minutes Spitfires and even a Fiat G.46. away, so there are always a lot of They are currently working on aeroplanes going back and forth.” a Yak 18, trying to restore it to its It seems getting out of work original condition and a Hawker on time is the only problem for Tempest Mk V - the only surviving any aviation enthusiast based at one with combat history. Wycombe. Jerry said: “In the summer “Like many airfields, most people with our hangar doors open involved in aviation can normally there’s nearly always something be found hanging around after interesting outside, be it flying or ground running. We have a Spitfire, work having a chat, it’s very rare Yak and probably more Chipmunks that anyone goes home at finish time. We are very fortunate to based here than any other airfield, work here, and at the end of the as well, or even some of the Red day it saves us all from having to Bull Air Race aircraft which were get a real job!” hangared and maintained here.”

he Every year the good people at Goodwood open the doors forr the Revival. Thiss is thing where everything classic is on show, from cars and bikes too aeroplanes and helicopters. It’s a fantastic threewhere event day visitors are ress invited to dress d up in period costume.


Clockwise from main: one of the busiest towers in the South; Tony Bianchi's Spit; a fair warning; the bar; Jerry working on his RV12



Don't forget the awards LAST month we launched the first ever LOOP Hangarchat awards giving your chance to vote for your favourite clubhouse, instructor, airfield restaurant and much more.

The categories are: Best Facilities Most helpful ATC Friendliest Clubhouse Hero of the Year Best Hire Aircraft Club of the Year Airfield of the Year

cial Hayward Aviation Special Safety Award. ub If you know of any club or person that deservess to ds, win one of these awards, ero email awards@loop.aero and we’ll add your votee to the list of nominees.

OP 41 www.loop.aero OCTOBER 2010 LOOP

DAVE CALDERWOOD p24 DC’s had a busy month! Not only has been out testing the new Diamond DA40 NG against the original, but he also found time to put the new Bose A20 through its paces.

DENNIS KENYON p13 With nearly 60 years of piloting and over 14,000 hours in his log book, you can bet Dennis has a few words of wisdom to pass on to less experienced pilots... and that’s what he’s doing this month.



N E W S W I R E MYSTERY 5 VS JEPPESEN TALK about shooting the messenger… Five former Guantanamo inmates tried to sue Jeppesen for providing flight charts to aircraft that carried them there. The case was rejected.


Steve Noujaim’s j epic p Cape p Challenge g success was a triumph p off man and machine


HE pioneer spirit is still alive. Steve Noujaim is the new holder of the iconic London-Cape TownLondon solo flight record after beating Alex Henshaw’s legendary time last month. Despite horrendous storms, unhelpful ATC, an alternator problem, and nearly being locked in a toilet en-route, ex-RAF jet pilot Noujaim used every ounce of skill and more than a little help from friends to cross the line on his return an amazing 23 hours inside than Henshaw’s 1939 time. Flying his self-built Van's RV-7 G-IIXF, he also managed to beat South African pilot Chalkie

Stobbart's SA-UK-SA reverse roundtrip time set earlier this year, making it an outright besting in both directions of the route in the 'Henshaw class' ie a sub-200hp SEP. In a demonstration that Noujaim and Stobbarts are right at the limits of what times can be set, Noujaim’s time for the SA-London north leg was a mere 60s faster than Stobbart’s, after more than 30 hours of flying. After landing back at Southend, where he was greeted by dozens of friends, family and fans, Noujaim explained it was probably the hardest and most intense flying feat of his long

04 LOOP OCTOBER 2010 www.loop.aero

career, and not one he wants to repeat again soon. He said: “For me, it was a lifetime achievement, but something I never want to repeat. The sky-high moments were few and far between, interspersed mostly by fear and dread of engine failure. “I knew it would be a tough series of flights, but I was unprepared for the emotions I felt and the relentless concentration required. Discomfort was a factor, but the mental aspect I found shocking.” With just voices on the radio and a fuel tank in the passenger seat for company, he explained:

“I pretty much knew that for large portions of the flight, if the engine stopped, I would have to jump out and take my chance. This and my responsibilities to my wife Anna were uppermost in my mind. For me, it was all about doing my best and never shirking or giving up.”

I knew it would be a tough ... Discomfort was a factor, but it was the mental aspect that I found shocking

He made the outbound leg ahead of schedule, arriving in Cape Town after 35hrs 16mins and making just two stops for fuel: in Tamanrasset, Algeria, after a 10-hour flight, and Brazzaville, Congo, after nearly 11 more hours. That left a leg of nearly 11 hours to Cape Town, only halfway in the journey! Steve grabbed a chance to rest in Cape Town, cramming a much needed sleep into barely 12 hours on the ground for refuelling and maintenance – before doggedly climbing back in to his heavilymodified Van’s to do it all over again the other way! The north leg refuelled in the



NORMAN SURPLUS has halted his autogyro global circumnavigation until Spring 2011. Delays for crash repairs saw him miss a good weather window for crossing the Bering Straits.

CESSNA workers narrowly refused to come out in majority of strike action at the firm, during new pay contract talks. Still, the firm was forced to let 700 of 8400 staff go.

FOR THE LATEST NEWS GO TO... www.loop.aero

5 MINUTE READ... same spots, and was dogged by an alternator problem and a horrendous five-hour stretch of pure IFR in dreadful rain storms and zero visibility between Brazzaville and Tamanrasset, which Steve said called on every ounce of his RAF training. At one point he saw 2000ft/min descent over 11,000ft mountains, levelling out just 900ft above minimum safe height. He said: “The poor autopilot had not been able to cope, so I just put a towel over my head and the coaming, shut out the world, and flew instruments. Nothing else mattered – just me, XF, and staying in one piece for Anna.” After clearing that hurdle, in contrast to the great help by ATC at various legs who knew of the record bid and gave him priority, just as the record was looming and nerves began to fray (even more!) Spanish and French ATC proved less than helpful in demandingg that he avoid zones.

Rival bid already breaking records TONY SMITH’S Cape Run, also aiming at Henshaw’s time, is due to depart this month. And it has already broken records in testing. Smith has built a 180hp Glasair IIS RG, with a 220kt cruise speed at 75% power, and in tests this month he set a John O’Groats to Land End time of just 2hr 38min, averaging 205kt. The reverse direction record is 3hr.

Smith, 65, plans to depart 19 October, using the aircraft’s renowned slipperiness to stop just once for fuel. He aims to make the flight in just four 13-hour legs of 2600nm each, stopping once en-route at Abuja in Nigeria. Budgeting for a nine-hour turnaround (and sleep!) in Cape Town, he has targeted a UK-SA-UK round trip time of just 65 hours. Amazing!

Even with the round trip record safely bagged, Noujaim's return to Southend was made with just 60s to spare inside Stobbart’s SA-UK leg time from his own record attempt – a last bit of history in a truly epic flight. Despite this, the FAI officiators say it is not a record for the north leg, requiring an existing record be broken by 1%.

MORE ON THE CHALLENGE To read the full story of Steve's amazing flight to Cape Town and back, he has written an extensive article describing the trip and its high and lows, and listing everyone who helped, in October’s Light Aviation, the official magazine of the Light Aircraft Association. Read Steve’s excellent blogg of

Get a quick fact fix... Despite Smith's and Noujaim's projects being in the works for years, their similar departure times are simple fluke.

Smith departs this month the flight and more background of the immeasurable help and assistance he got from supporters and friends, at capechallenge.wordpress.com Steve’s nominated charity for the Challenge is the excellent Fly2Help. If you'd like to make a donation to support them and celebrate the record, just go to y p g www.fly2help.org

Steve's RV-7 is a work of art

Midway through a 20-minute powernap

Paul Bonhomme leads the welcome party

QUOTE OF THE MONTH “My gut feeling was that the chances of disappearance and death were as high as 40%” Steve Noujaim on the challenge of flying an SEP 12,000+ miles single-handedly for the best part of four days with only five stops and little sleep WHAT THEY SAID... “After a week of sheer excitement, drama, worry and elation I hope that, like me, you are left with one enduring sentiment – admiration for Steve. He dreamed of doing it and he did it!” Martin Barraclough, Project Co-ordinator for Noujaim’s record flight Steve’s excellently executed and successful record-breaking flight certainly had me on the edge of my seat! Well done Steve! Taff Smith, who plans his Cape Run assault on the new record this month STAT ATTACK Cape Challenge in numbers.

12,267 miles Roundtrip distance covered by Steve Noujaim and G-IIXF

The Th h route t

Steve Noujaim's rou route took him over vast tracts of Africa and was as near dead-straight as possible.

83hr 16min Total roundtrip time 63hr 4min Total flying time 20hr 12min Total ground time 169kt Average speed in flight 2360 litres Total fuel burn by G-IIXF /hr 37.4l Average fuel burn in flight Priceless The feeling Steve has! www.loop.aero OCTOBER 2010 LOOP 05


PILOTS ASK: ‘IS EASA TRYING TO KILL OFF GA?’ New rules and attack on N-reg pilots to heap costs on UK PPLs


DOUBLE whammy of news from EASA has raised the possibility of up to 15,000 UK pilots each having to spend hundreds or more on extra training and paperwork to keep flying, while at the same time moving towards making N-reg licences illegal for many others. A recent proposal on Flight Crew Licensing from EASA has made it clear that every UK pilot will need an appropriate EASA licence within the next two years at most. The CAA says that about 15,000 UK holders of the old CAA licence will have to convert to EASA licences – but that it, the CAA, does not have the manpower to convert them all at the same time. The CAA recommends that holders of the old licence convert now to a JAR-FCL type licence (issued since 2001). The JAR-FCL licence will automatically be accepted for an EASA licence when that becomes law. The main difference between the CAA licence and JAR licence is radio navigation

– not taught under the old CAA PPL syllabus. For those pilots that need to undergo training for radio-nav, the cost could mount to hundreds of pounds or more. This only applies if you want to fly an EASA aircraft, ie something like a Cessna 172, Piper PA-28 or Diamond DA42. If you fly a Permit aircraft, known as Annex II, then you can continue to fly on your national licence. Meanwhile, a separate piece of proposed legislation would render FAA-issued licences invalid for pilots resident in the EU, including some 10,000 FAA IR holders in Europe. This proposal has drawn horrified responses and outcry from pilot groups. The fight is on to have the ‘N-reg’ changes set aside before the European Commission votes on it – but that is due this month! Time is running short. Pilot rights group IAOPA explained: “Proposals on Flight Crew Licensing will make it impossible for European citizens to fly in Europe on American licences, render worthless the

FAA Instrument Rating and blow “The holder of an FAA IR would the bottom out of the market in have to study for and sit seven N-registered aircraft. theoretical knowledge exams, “If they are adopted, the which are currently the greatest plans will force thousands of barrier to the IR for pilots. pilots to undertake new training “EASA’s claimed motivation for courses costing millions attacking the N-register and slide the alreadyis safety, but that is depressed used aircraft a smoke-screen for market into the mire. political chauvinism. Proposals The safety benefit will “There has never been will make it be zero. any evidence, or even impossible for any credible claim, that “To fly an aircraft in Europe, no matter EU citizens to the N-register is unsafe. what the country of this move, EASA fly in Europe With register, would require has gone far beyond on American its safety remit and an EASA licence and if applicable an EASA stepped completely into licences Instrument Rating, if the realms of political you were domiciled in Europe. protectionism.” The minimum requirements Martin Robinson, Senior VP of to convert a third country IAOPA, added: “The regulatory PPL would be to pass an impact of this will be enormous, examination in Air Law and and I believe they are poorly Human Performance, a PPL understood, even at EASA. I Skills Test and a Class 2 medical. cannot believe they have done It would also be necessary to a proper Regulatory Impact demonstrate English language Assessment on FCL. If they even proficiency, and to have a begin to work out how many minimum of 100 hours. That people would be driven out of would convert the licence to a aviation by this, EASA and the EC PPL with an SEP rating. would recoil from it.”


THE late announcement of the regulatory proposals makes the whole thing look like a stitch up: the EC is due to vote on the issue on October 14th. The race is on to have the entire FAA issue set aside, and the only realistic way to do that is to write to your representative in the European Parliament. Martin Robinson said: “If you feel strongly about this write to Mike Smethers, Chairman of the EASA Board of Management, at the CAA in Kingsway, with a copy to your local MEP. But time is so short we can only take emergency measures at this stage.” The hope is to let the European Parliament realise pilots have had no time to respond and have it set aside from the main vote for greater study. Go to Europarl. org, the website of the British office of the European Parliament, and click the ‘Your MEPs’ button to find your MEP. www.europarl.org.uk


AEROBATICS ICON ECALLE DIES THE world of aerobatics is in mourning after the reigning World and European champion Renaud Ecalle was killed alongside his family in a crash in France. Ecalle, who was a captain in the French Air Force, died when his Jodel DR-1050 went down in the Herault region of France. With him was his wife and their two young children. There were no survivors. The family was returning from an open day at Jonzac airfield in Charente-Maritime, where Ecalle had performed a demo flight in an Extra 300. Ecalle has been reported as having difficulty talking to

What you can do

the air traffic control tower in Montpellier and contact with the aircraft was lost. The weather in the region was poor, with rain and gusty wind conditions which continued to hamper search and rescue missions launched the next day. The French Secretary of State for Transport,

WAC Champion Ecalle in 2009

Dominique Bussereau, spoke in a statement “of his emotions and his deep sadness” and praised Ecalle as “the exceptional pilot”. Ecalle recently won the Unlimited European title to go alongside his World title, taken last year at Silverstone. Event organiser and British aerobatics supremo Alan Cassidy said: “Renaud first came to our attention in Spain when he was still 18. He was brought to that summer’s Unlimited contest as a warm-up pilot. We were impressed with his ability even then, as a teenager. It is a real tragedy.”

NEW 'LUXURY' AUTOGYRO APPROVED ONE of the pleasures of autogyro flight has long been said to be the wind in the hair feeling. But, here’s one for those who like to land without needing a comb. The new Magni M24 autogyro is the first factory-built fullyenclosed two-seater approved by the CAA under its autogyrospecific regs. It’s brought into the UK by Magni Gyro UK, whose Steve Boxall said: “The approval has been a team effort. As well as full commitment and support from Magni in Italy we’ve had an engineering, technical support and flight test team here in the UK liaising with the CAA.

“The CAA have been superb. I’ve been involved in project management for many, many years and I’ve never seen a project which has run like this!” The M24 is powered by a Rotax 914 Turbo and priced at €69,000, and deliveries will commence immediately. www.magnigyro.co.uk

Nice! The brand new Magni M24

THE WINNERS Rotary speedfreaks... Sikorksy’s X2 is the first of a new wave of speedy helicopters Redhill, which is forging ahead in development by AND LOSERS planning a new hard strip Chesley ‘Hudson River’ Sullenberg... done a deal for his life story with Hollywood Cessna... quarterly revenues THIS MONTH... shot up in summer Robinson... first R66 turbine reaches the UK this month Gulfstream... G650 set to pipe Cessna Citation X as fastest bizjet 06 LOOP OCTOBER 2010 www.loop.aero

FOR THE LATEST NEWS GO TO... www.loop.aero There’s a lot of N-reg aircraft and FAA-licensed pilots in the UK and Europe... will they be here for much longer?



NEW SCHOOL FOR SCOTTISH PILOTS PILOTS near the M8 corridor in Scotland have a new school to choose from, after Cumbrian stalwart Border Air Training opened a new facility at Cumbernauld Airport. BAT have been based at Carlisle Airport since 1991, and owner Howard Sandham said: “We have had a great year and we expect to do very well at Cumbernauld. “We pride ourselves on giving the best in flying training, from two-hour slot times and high standards of instruction with our very well looked after aircraft, all

owned and maintained by our company Northumberland Aircraft Maintenance which serves northern England through to central Scotland.” The Cumbernauld school’s training and rental fleet will include a Cessna 152, a Cessna 172 with new avionics and paintwork, a Grumman AA5 with recent engine overhaul and a Piper PA28 Arrow to choose from. Sandham added: “We have a few other additions which we’ll have to keep under wraps just for the moment!” www.borderairtraining.com

SANDOWN ALIVE AND WELL A LAST-MINUTE High Court injunction to prevent the closure of Sandown Airport on the Isle of Wight means the airfield is still alive and kicking, despite wishes by the landowners to close it. The problem stemmed from the land on which the strip is based being owned by a company with no inherent interest in aviation; it would like to use the land for property development. But, Specialist Flying School based on land it owns adjacent to the airfield, say they have a legal right to use the airfield - and the High Court agreed, granting them the continuing rights to operate there. John Woodhouse said: “When we showed the High Court Judge

in London our paperwork and deeds, he agreed we had the right to use the field. So, we are still open for business, and welcome all who wish to fly here to come and visit!” Supporters of the site showed their feeling by staging a mass fly-in just days before the nominal October 1 closure date. Woodhouse says he would be prepared to offer a land-swap compromise to the airfield owners so they could still pursue their investment plans: his firm owns the 130 acres next to the strip. The site is strictly PPR on 01983-402402 – fly in and make use of it! www.flyingschool.com

The fans of Sandown that flew-in in support of the airfield

Aerobatics, which lost its finest exponent Chalkie Stobbart, who saw his short-lived South African flight record smashed by Steve Noujaim FAA IR holders... now wondering if thousands of pounds of training have been wasted British history... if the Vulcan XH558 doesn’t get enough donations to keep flying in 2011, it’s grounded Cessna... forces to shed 700 staff Norman Surplus... forced to shelve his global autogyro bid (for now!) because of weather www.loop.aero OCTOBER 2010 LOOP 07



DON’T DAWDLE! Pilots are taught to make a decision and do it. So rather than think, “I'll do that tomorrow or next week”, we urge you not to fall into that trap and to pick up the phone and call us on 01223 497060 to confirm your subscription to LOOP. Job done; 12 months, sorted. We’re here from 9am to 6pm. So no prevaricating. Don’t put it off. CALL 01223 497060. Or go to WWW.LOOP.SUBSCRIPTIONS.AERO and place your order. As always, LOOP will never pass your data on to anyone else. We don’t even try the 'Oh, go on...' third party opt-out; you have always been too important to us to share!

WHY SUBSCRIBE? If ever you needed reasons why you should continue to carry on with LOOP on its journey, here’s a few:

OUR WRITERS Our 'Galacticos' include Alan Cassidy, Dennis Kenyon, Paul Bonhomme, Bob Davy, Nick Heard, Phil O’Donoghue, Stan Hodgkins, headed up by the best Editorial Director in aviation Dave 'DC' Calderwood!

OUR PHOTOGRAPHY David Spurdens has been bringing you eye-popping aviation photography since Issue No.1: it’s art. If you need to see examples, head to www.davidspurdens.com and see where others get their inspiration.

OUR DESIGN AND OUR IDEAS We’re not just aviation fans, we’re publishing fans! We love making LOOP each month and put our hearts and souls into making it better each year. Subscribing means you won't miss a bit of it. This new subscription charge coincides with some major new additions to LOOP and what we will be bringing you... it's a publishing revolution for us and aviation, and we want you to be part of it. £19.95 for 12 issues... STILL the best value in aviation!



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A NEW DATE FOR YOUR CALENDER Get your tickets, LOOPLive! is joining the Goodwood Festival of Speed


IKE poring over new aircraft? Want to speak to experts about flying, or pick their brains for advice about the best new kit and equipment for your aircraft? And, do you fancy a great weekend of aviation fun? Then put June 30-July 3 2011 in your diary, for the first ever LOOPLive! show. We’re teaming up again with Goodwood to be part of its Aviation Exhibition at the mammoth Goodwood Festival of Speed next year, as UK aviation gears up to stage a show which can rival events like the Boat Show and introduce aviation to a huge new audience of potential pilots. Following the inaugural Aviation Exhibition at the 2010 Festival

of Speed, Goodwood are going big next year with a raft of manufacturers and attractions already signed up. The FoS event attracted a record 176,000 people over the three days, 90% of whom were new to aviation – great news!. We’ve always been keen on getting new blood into flying and this is the first event that we think can truly do it. So what better place for LOOPLive! to kick off ? Exhibitors for this year’s Goodwood event included LOOP, Patriot Aerospace, Pilatus, Honeywell, Hawker Beechcraft, Conciair, Nicholson-Mclaren, Close Aviation Finance and Red Box. Over 400 aircraft flew in and the event included daily air shows including displays by the Red Arrows, and the chance to fly

Thousands turn up ever year to enjoy the Festival of Speed... we’ll be there next year! in one of only three de Havilland Doves in the world still flying. LOOPLive! will see world exclusive first flight tests of new aircraft at the show including a live link to a big screen in the LOOPLive! tent so you can take part in a flight test. We’ll also be testing new equipment and our seasoned professionals will be on hand to provide advice from new gear to buy, to flying techniques.

Mike Husband of Goodwood Aerodrome says: “Anyone who has been to a Goodwood event, such as Revival, Glorious Goodwood, the Festival of Speed or Vintage will know that it’s all about the customer. We have a certain way of doing things that are quintessentially British in character and style. The Goodwood Festival of Speed Aviation is no different.” Major manufacturers are already



WIN LOTS OF FREE STUFF AT THE FLYING SHOW! ORGANISERS and exhibitors at The Flying Show at the NEC in November have piled up a mountain of things to be won at the event. Visitors will be able to enter a draw to win one of five Airbox Aware units just by going to the firm’s stand and

signed up for next year. Tickets go on sale on the 1st of November. Entry to the aviation event is free if you fly in and LOOP has teamed up with Goodwood to provide free entry to the Festival of Speed on the Thursday when you fly in! CONTACT To find out more call Mike Husband on 01243 755087 or email mike.husband@ goodwood.com

filling in a form. The Airspace & Safety Initiative are giving away two more. Show organisers, the BMAA, are laying on a major prize raffle, with Pooleys stumping up two £1100 Flymap F7 Moving Map units for winners, complete with UK CAA charts.


The theme is easy access to aviation, looking at affordable flying and new pilots. There will be numerous displays and deals from over 100 exhibitors. The dates are November 27/28, at the NEC in Birmingham. www.theflyingshow.co.uk

LAST month, in the ‘UK Distributor’ section of the Instant Expert article on the Cessna 172, we neglected to include that Wycombe Air Centre are of course also Cessna dealers for the UK, selling a full range

of new and pre-owned Cessna single-engine piston aircraft. In fact, WAC are the oldest established Cessna dealer in the country, and operates a fleet of 14 Cessna aircraft! More at: www. wycombeaircentre.co.uk


HOW ABOUT A CHANGE OF CAREER? THINKING of a job in aviation? You’re in luck… Boeing forecasts there is a need for at least 1m new personnel in flying and maintenance roles over the next 20 years. The firm’s crystal ball predicts global demand in growth for commercial aviation will require 466,650 new pilots,

and 596,500 maintenance personnel, coinciding with a surge in demand for newer and more environmentally friendly aircraft to replace existing fleets. Its regular and highly-respected Market Outlook report says: “When you add up all the numbers, you quickly understand the issues facing this industry.

Our challenge is adapting our training to engage the future generation of people who will fly and maintain the more than 30,000 airplanes that will be delivered by 2029.” China will experience the biggest demand of any single nation, with a need for 70,600 pilots and 96,400 engineers.

www.loop.aero OCTOBER 2010 LOOP 09

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I T A I N ’ T H E AV Y

MGL EFIS SUITED TO LIGHTWEIGHTS OWNERS of lightweight homebuilts and microlights with an eye to saving more weight have a new featherweight EFIS from MGL Avionics available. The firm’s ‘baby’ Xtreme glass panel weighs less than 400g, and can be configured to combine full flight

instrumentation with engine monitoring, and GPS. The unit fits into a standard 3 1/8-in panel hole, displaying via 4.3-in screen able to be viewed MGL say in direct sunlight. It’s from £850, available from MGL’s UK distributor Parts For Aircraft. partsforaircraft. co.uk


SIKORSKY X2 IS FAST THE Holy Grail of 250kt in a helicopter has been achieved by Sikorsky with its unusual X2 Technology Demonstrator. The hybrid machine uses a pusher prop at the tail to significantly raise forward flight speed, at the same time as it slows the main rotor to prevent tip overspeed issues. X2 successfully achieved a speed of 250kt true air speed in level flight, accomplishing

the program’s ultimate speed milestone – to demonstrate that a helicopter can cruise comfortably at 250kt.

Sikorsky’s X2 hits 250kt


CTC BOND GROWS TRAINING giant CTC Aviation is so confident students will pass its CTC Wings commercial flight training courses, that it has enlarged its Bond Protection Scheme to £40,000. This is money a student would have returned to them from a security bond if they contrived to fail the course. The firm is the preferred pilot training supplier for numerous airlines, and CTC Wings boss Captain Lee Woodward said: “We are very proud that over 98% of our cadets complete training

with flying colours. However, when you are investing significant funds into your career, it’s good to know that a considerable amount of the financial risk is reduced. “By increasing our ‘Bond Protection’ to £40,000 we believe we offer the best such safeguard available for aspiring pilots. In addition to our strong track record, this ‘Bond Protection’ offers added reassurance that your investment will be protected in the event of failure during training.” www.ctcwings.com



LO O P ' s m a n w i t h a tt i t u d e a s w e l l a s a l t i t u d e HAVE you seen some people who have actually of the latest ‘apps’ done this but in the age of for the iPhone and YouTube and Facebook it’s iPad? One that caught no longer tenable. I tried When you my eye recently was to explain this in longhand point the where you point the to a colleague who was iPhone at the night phone towards insistent on flying far sky and it displays the too low at a fly-in this a nearby correct constellations summer. 2500 spectators aircraft, it of stars into the screen are 2500 opportunities shows its appropriate to the piece to post something online of sky the phone is registration, for the CAA to peruse at pointing at. It’s brilliant. flight number, their leisure on Monday I’m not into gadgets, morning (which I’m told unlike many pilot mates. altitude, they do. If you were them, airspeed, and wouldn’t you?) I don’t even have a GPS, instead using a 1/4-mill Some years ago I had a origin map and a stopwatch share in an aeroplane with using the technique I was taught a few colleagues, one of whom as a sprog pilot at a university air went off the rails when his wife squadron 30 years ago. decided to leave him and run But the latest iPhone apps are off with another man. Strangely making me wonder if I’m missing (to us) he never saw the double out. Now an app-writer has standard of the fact that he had used the constellation/ pointing been having affairs for years in technology to produce a display full view but that’s another story. that tells you, when you point the In order to try and impress his phone towards a nearby aircraft, recently estranged wife with her what registration/ flight number/ new boyfriend in her new home altitude/ airspeed/ origin/ he took to flying loops and barrel destination the target aircraft rolls over the house, which would has. You might argue about the be sad enough if she had moved terrorist aspect but fact is it has to the country. Whereas in fact been on the net for years anyway she had moved to a house in so no new news there. Wokingham High Street. But, it was quite disconcerting, The two problems I have with sitting at Waltham recently, when iPhones and Blackberries are: the airliners were landing on 09L A: Trying to have a conversation at Heathrow, and so flying over with someone who has one can Waltham on their turn to finals, be as distracting as if they’re pointing a friend’s iPhone at the looking after a couple of naughty incoming and identifying which children, ie they are constantly airline pilots might be showing up distracted by it/them. Once in an an hour or so later for a coffee or internet cafe I waited patiently quick beer on their way home. for 30 minutes for one of four Until now the height of people sitting round a table at technology on a flying day out four terminals to leave. Finally for me has been sending a text I asked the nearest when they message in the air to give a realwould likely be leaving. He replied time ETA to someone somewhere that it would be the same time as I’ll be landing or maybe doing the other three because they were an air display at. If it’s illegal I talking to each other on the same humbly apologise to Vodafone or site! Now this sort of thing can the Government but it’s not only happen at the flying club, or even been fun but a useful tool. in the privacy of your own home. I’ve held back buying an iPhone B: It’s very easy to turn into an or Blackberry until I can use one apps bore if you’re not careful as a back-up GPS because, like (and I might be guilty.) texting, the function cuts off at The answer to A is for all altitude and to get low enough iPhone users to wear an iPhone to use it you might as well just cap. On the dome of the cap it says read the road signs. I know of ‘Kick Me’.

BOB ON THE NEWS I AM saddened to hear the news that Red Bull are not staging their Air Race series next year (LOOP, September), instead taking an Air Rest for a year, planning a return in 2012. Most of the people I talk to think the planned one-year hiatus is in fact probably permanent and I think I agree. As much as we liked it, the fact is it never took off (sorry) in the popular media: TV. Trying to find out what the results were on a raceday was hard enough on the internet, let alone on the telly. And, the prangs and near-prangs seemed to get more and more frequent as everyone tried harder and harder, including the two high-profile incidents this year: the Adilson Kindlemann crash, and Matt Hall skipping off the water. Both were fine, thankfully. My bet is that someone in the United States will take it on. Friends of mine who attended Reno for the legendary Air Races above the desert recently this year said that over there they absolutely love the RBAR series – the New York race was shown on live TV – and regard the series pilots as international heroes.

CTC’s Wings courses now come with added peace of mind www.loop.aero OCTOBER 2010 LOOP 11

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Fo r m e r w o r l d h e l i co p te r ch a m p i o n a n d i n s t r u ct o r THERE are mixed blessings in the years flying by as father time catches up. But there are compensations, especially in aviation where more years equal more flying experience. My 58 years and 14,000+ hours as pilot and instructor have taught me more than a few quirks and knacks to pass on. I often say one doesn’t need to be run over by a tank to know it will hurt. I’ve been close to a few ‘tanks’ over the years and I hope these words will help others to steer clear. New pilots have no shortage of written help available, but no document can cover every tricky situation that can confront a pilot. So, here’s some of my bon homilies! When instructing, I discuss my flying experiences with students, to save them from ‘tank syndrome’. High on my list is engine failure and the often long-winded methods we are urged to use to avoid becoming a casualty. The helicopter has a unique ability to ‘autorotate’, ie to continue to handle normally, albeit in a one-time descent, and landed safely after an engine failure. Indeed, I feel that providing the pilot can demonstrate the ‘engine

failure’ exercise followed by to ‘transition’ in forward flight a good landing, he could be remaining clear of the ‘shaded signed off for the annual LPC area’ until the required height. (licence proficiency check.) But such techniques deprive a But, there are times of low helicopter of its unique vertical airspeed and/or low height, climb ability. where it may impossible to So what is the answer? In achieve the required rotor my 14,000 hours I am still RPM is necessary to produce awaiting an engine failure, so a steady-state autorotation personally I’ve decided I’m and safe landing. For most not prepared to adopt an ‘elf n helicopters the numbers are safety’ take-off technique as a around 40kt and 400ft. way of life and in so doing lose Flight manuals contain a one of the major advantages graph, the ‘height velocity’ the helicopter possesses. diagram, which shades in the My belief is to conduct a area less than the desirable risk assessment, determining speed and height. Some in the the likelihood of an engine industry refer to this graph as malfunction during the few the ‘deadman’s curve’ or the seconds operating within ‘avoid’ area. I don’t subscribe the ‘shaded’ area, and then if to either view. satisfied take a different view Helicopters possess the of the ‘deadman’s curve’: to me unique ability to land and the shaded area becomes an take-off vertically, area of extra caution. allowing access to I reduce whatever sites unusable by our risk is present when fixed-wing cousins. flying those few However, vertical seconds within Some in the take-off or landing ‘shaded’ area, industry refer the requires flight within by devoting extra to it as the the ‘shaded area’ of attention to handling the height/velocity during take-off and by ‘deadman’s diagram, albeit for curve’ or 'avoid’ doing so maintain the seconds only normally. helicopter’s unique area. I don’t The alternative ability. Of course, this subscribe to and recommended only applies to private take-off technique is piloting: the CAA say either view.

no flying within the ‘shaded’ area for all public transport operations, and I agree. It is not for pilots to assume any risk commercially. There is a second area in which I feel many instructors pass on wrong perceptions to students, Exercise 26’s landing and take-off techniques for confined area operations – another cornerstone of helicopter strength. Other than mentioning the five pre-landing ‘S’ checks – size, surface, shape, slope and surround – I always add a final ‘G’: go-around procedure. I’ve flown with many who run through the five Ss then add, “My escape route is…”. At this point, I stop the checks. Personally I won’t, as standard operating procedure, commence any sequence of handling which requires ‘an escape’ manoeuvre. The simile I use here is ‘the old Irishman-and-the-bog’ one: I wouldn’t start from that position! We don’t fly to ‘escape’. Like the ‘height/velocity’ chart we simply plan a handling and go-around departure technique for if the approach situation demands it. If there is a possibility of running into an emergency situation, we won’t be making that approach!

My final quirk concerns the ‘clearing turn’ and ‘lookout’ prior to take-off, a cautionary procedure that gets my pulse going as I once watched a colleague lift off without looking, resulting in a mid-air with a Tiger Moth. Following a clearing turn, the standard call I usually hear is “Nothing on the approach and we’re clear to go.” That is OK but I feel “Carrying out a clearing turn... to see what is coming!” is better. If you are looking for nothing, that’s usually what you see. I appreciate my words are just that – words – but the essence of the clearing turn is attitude – there must be a positive visual check for conflicting traffic. If you are expecting traffic on the approach and it is there, you are less likely to not spot it. By the way, as I point out to my pilots it is always helpful to listen out for the ATC clearance for approaching traffic. Is it for a full stop landing or a go-around following a touch & go? And as I often say to my pilots... the guy out there may be on a first solo and like you has his hands full and doesn’t have a lot of spare capacity. He could be my ‘tank!’ So just to close by saying, as ever, fly safe.

www.loop.aero OCTOBER 2010 LOOP 13


Being Red Bullish I TRY to understand the hibernation of the Red Bull series for next year (and perhaps longer). I’ve really enjoyed watching it each season and Red Bull should be praised for really upping the ‘sexiness’ of aviation (though I have never drunk the stuff... sorry, Dieter!). One thing I always found strange was that the pilots themselves are constricted to less than the limits of their aircraft, in terms of speeds and G-limits etc; in F1, the rules apply to the cars and the drivers drive as hard as they dare. This is the problem for many non-pilots I suppose with RBAR, especially in its TV coverage and amongst motorsport fans: they often

Series heroes are restrained by rules – but still the best, says Max

see ‘their man’ get penalised for effectively going too fast in a race. Pilots understand the reasons why it is not an ‘all-out’ competition between pilots, as to do so would surely be more dangeours than any of us would regard as prudent. I still think the best pilots win, but how much these restrictions hamper a growth in popularity is uncertain. I for one really hope it returns. Max Porter

Max wins.... A copy of FLIGHTTEST 2010! Well done Max!

No head aches


ACROSS 7 Airlines that enjoy preferential rights from their governments for international operations (4,8) 8 Transfer electronic data into a database, document or device (6) 9 Airline group that started life in 1926 as Boeing Air Transport (6) 10 Although the most populous city in Central Switzerland, and capital of the district, it doesn`t have an airport! (Most people wishing to fly there head for ZRH) (7) 11 Phonetic alphabet’s first letter (5) 14 Founded by Arturo Merino Benitez LAN Airlines is now this country’s flag carrier (5) 16 In 1915 this German company manufactured and flew the world’s first practical all-metal aircraft (7) 19 Abnormal vibration, especially in a nosewheel (6) 21 Compression ignition (6) 22 Give ‘green’ electricity but can cause problems for air traffic controller’s radar returns (4,8) DOWN 1 Formerly Roborough, from 1923 (8)


LAST MONTH’S ANSWERS ACROSS 7Three Pointer 8 Strait 9 Thermo 10 Mock-Ups 11 Omega 14 Stack 16 Hunsdon 19 Polish 21 Intent, 22 Piper Clipper DOWN 1 Whiteout 2 Newark 3 Epitaph 4 Dirty 5 Stream 6 Trim 12 Grounded 13 Audible 15 Chippy 17 Sit-Ups 18 Shark 20 Oops 2 Refuse to acknowledge – an ATC request for example (6) 3 Manufacturing process: liquid material is poured into a mould (7) 4 A giant with 100 eyes or a fair child perhaps? (5) 5 A set of character or ‘number’ uniquely identifying a single unit, for traceability and warranties (6) 6 A small island (4) 12 The ‘H’ in HAS (reinforced structure to house/protect military aircraft from enemy attack) (8) 13 There’s a pair on the Lancaster, Liberator and Hampden (but not Stirling and Wellington) (7) 15 Established by Romney Marsh in 1916 as Emergency Landing Ground for the RFC fighters defending London against Zeppelins, now an industrial estate (6) 17 The Bannerdown Gliding Club operates from here (6) 18 Once capital of Japan this city is now more famous for the protocol bearing its name concerned with fighting global warming (5) 20 Vulcan’s distinctive sound (4)

14 LOOP AUGUST OCTOBER 2010www.loop.aero www.loop.aero 05 2009

IT WAS gratifying to see John Bailey respond and expand on the Junkers Jumo, and he is quite correct in the detail. The feature I wanted to highlight about opposed piston two-stroke diesels is: they have no cylinder heads, just cylinders, eliminating one area of risk in flight. John’s mention of other firms who have designed and produced aircraft compression ignition engines was pretty extensive, and prompted me to refer to one of my own books on the subject, ‘Diesel Engines Medium and High Speed’ published by BP in 1964. It refers to the Commer TS3, “is a design which has been used for many years, and been made in quantity” as well as to the Napier

Deltic and others. They also consider the Maybach engine, particularly the crankshaft, which is, they say “a most important exception (to the norm) based on an extremely ingenious design. “This is found in the Maybach MD, based on the use of a discwebbed crankshaft in a tunnel type crankcase. The crank reduces engine length by using large diameter discs instead of the ordinary crank webs and main journals of conventional designs, the rims of the discs form inner races for heavy duty roller main bearings, the outer races are carried in the individual transverse walls of the crankcase. “These main bearings are of large diameter, have high load capacity with very low friction

Well known in postie vans characteristics, and give an almost unlimited life. “The bearing is reckoned to have a life equal to that of the engine as a whole (of the order of 100,000 hours).” Now there’s an engine to dream about, one that runs on Jet A1, has no cylinder heads, with a life of 100,000 hours. Where do I sign up? Keep reciprocating! Phil Ward, email


Are those Rolls-Royce turbofans? “Oohh yes!” Denis

Liked Colin the Schnauzer! If readers would like a ‘flying portrait’ of their pets, mail briancowles747@fsmail.net Jill Cowles, Shoreham

Ready for a strafing run on the croquet lawn... LOL! AP


Cabbage patched I WATCHED a very interesting programme about the building of a Wellington bomber 24 hours. Much was made of the unique structure of the Wellington and this got me thinking of the time when I was out desert bashing near Riyadh in Saudi Arabia. I came accross a group of weird looking plants which had thick dark green stems about 12-ft high topped with what looked like cabbages. One “Cabbage Tree” had fallen down and the outer bark and soft inner pulp eaten away, leaving a tubular exo-skeleton of fibres in a geodic pattern. Obviously nature had beaten Barnes Wallis to the draw, so to speak. I wonder if he was ever in the Middle East and got inspired by these “Cabbage Trees”? Jim Cripps

Safer diesels I AM enjoying the diesel engine correspondence. My Jodel Mascaret diesel homebuilt took me to the RSA Rally in St Yan: 1000nm at average 112kt groundspeed for 17l/hr of Jet-A1. It compares well with the standard aircraft which offers 105kt for 23l/hr of avgas from a Continental O-200A. No thanks at all to the government for the fuel tax on Jet-A1 used for GA. A risk analysis also shows significant safety benefits for a diesel engine, in avoiding carburettor icing, carbon monoxide, vapour lock, some fire risk, and exemption from hand starting. The calculation shows a saving of the equivalent of six aircraft, a pilot fatality, and 4 injuries per year, for the UK fleet. Peter Fines


Full marks to Korea Aerospace for saying GA is a place they want to be: newcomers to the industry can only be good. Gary Sefton



NO ‘TAMs Whilst recently trying to obtain information on the NATS/ AIS website I realised that we are now no longer able to obtain notams when entering the ICAO codes of airfields who have recently relinquished their licenses. I contacted NATS who informed me that they had asked EAD (who maintain the website) if pilots could continue using the ICAO codes for Narrow Route briefs. Let us all hope they do as surely failure to reinstate this facility constitutes a safety risk! Bob Cushing

If you like Mike Da Mustang, try ‘Gee Bee the Litte Racer and Friends’ iPhone/iPad app, based on Kermit Weeks’ collection! Pia Bianchi

Art Nalls proves that irrespective of the size of the task, aviation provides the inspiration to overcome. Tim Lowes

ISSUE 61 ISSN 1749-7337 LOOP Publishing (UK) Ltd 9-11 The Mill Courtyard Copley Hill Business Park Cambridge CB22 3GN T: 01223 497060 F: 01223 830880 E: incoming@loop.aero W: www.loop.aero LOOP is published by LOOP Publishing (UK) Ltd. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written prior permission of the publisher. EDITORIAL Editor Richard Fairbairn E: richard@loop.aero Staff Reporter Dave Rawlings E: dave.rawlings@loop.aero New Media Editor Helen Rowlands-Beers E: helen@loop.aero Creative Director Bill Spurdens E: bill@loop.aero Art Director Dan Payne E: dan@loop.aero Chief Photographer David Spurdens E: david@extremesportsphoto.com ADVERTISING Sales Manager Dave Impey T: 01223 497067 E: daveimpey@loop.aero Key Accounts Lotte Lambourn-Brown T: 01223 497060 E: lotte@loop.aero LOOPMart Classified Sales Ryan Coogan T: 01223 497791 E: ryan@loop.aero LOOPMart Aircraft Sales Chris Wilson T: 01223 497060 E: chrisw@loop.aero Commercial Director Gary Stodel T: 01223 497060 E: gary@loop.aero PUBLISHING Editorial Director Dave Calderwood E: dc@loop.aero Director Sam Spurdens E: sam@loop.aero Director Dave Foster E: dave@loop.aero CONTRIBUTORS Alan Cassidy, Bob Davy, Dennis Kenyon, Nick Heard, Stan Hodgkins, Phil O'Donoghue, Paul Bonhomme

www.loop.aero OCTOBER 2010 LOOP 15




FIRST TEST OF NEW BOSE A20 HEADSET It’s taken Bose 12 years to replace its market-leading X headset with a new one - the A20. Is the new headset that much better? Dave Calderwood puts it through its paces to find out + THE A20 AT A GLANCE

PRICE: £920 + Enhanced Active Noise Reduction with input mikes inside and outside the cups + Bigger, more comfortable ear cushions, boosting passive noise reduction + Lighter, simpler headband

+ More modern design and materials + Bluetooth mobile phone connectivity + External audio input + Longer battery life + 8 Five year warranty + Weight 340gm

The stylish, sleek and sexy Bose A20... the new leader of the pack! 16 LOOP OCTOBER 2010 www.loop.aero



EPLACING the Bose X with a headset that actually is better, rather than just a bit of marketing fluff, must have been a difficult task for the US company. After all, the X has been lauded by pilots all over the world and is usually found hard-wired into many top of the range aircraft such as the Cirrus SR22 and Cessna Columbus. But according to Bose, it was determined not just to add new features which many pilots had been asking for, but it also wanted to improve the acoustic performance. There were chinks in the X’s armoury, small chinks admittedly, but that’s what Bose had worked to over come with the A20. LOOP was given one of the first A20 headsets in Europe for review. First up let’s talk about the primary function of any headset - the sound. I’ve been using the A20 flying a Diamond DA40 D at Shoreham, while doing some recurrency training. R/T in this part of the busy south-east is essential and often fast-moving. Shoreham itself is pretty busy and if you’ve ever tried talking to Farnborough Radar, well you’ll know that’s a real jamboree. Using the A20 was a real delight. The clarity of the messages coming in was the best I’ve ever heard, and my returning calls seemed to be understood ok. The sound quality of the A20 is astonishing - it really does strip out all the unnecessary sound leaving just the voice you want to hear. In fact, it even seems to enhance the quality of the incoming voice transmission to improve clarity. That’s a real bonus when the workload’s high, such as when calculating a new heading and ETA for a diversion, while also


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Page 20 keeping an ear out for your callsign. And yes, that exact scenario did happen. Despite being on a ‘Basic’ service with Farnborough, they still called to point out traffic closing in on our left, requiring an acknowledgement. The ANR doesn’t completely remove all outside noise, but it’s reduced to a minute level of being ‘just there’. So if the DA40’s engine was to quit, I’d probably be aware of the lack of sound as well as the missing underlying vibration. I didn’t try switching off the engine in flight to check, sorry. The quietness induced by the Bose A20’s ANR is something to be marvelled at, particularly if your aircraft has a noisy cabin, as many composite construction aircraft have. Bose says it has uprated the ANR by having microphones both inside and outside the ear cup to more effectively detect, measure and react to cockpit noise, thus creating a more precise noise cancelling signal. New electronics achieve and this and can cope with higher noise levels than before. That’s with the ANR switched on. It does have to be manually switched on, even if you have taken the option of hard-wiring the headsets into your aircraft’s intercom. It switches itself off after 3-9 minutes in inactivity, says Bose, and I can confirm that. Useful - if you forget to switch off and pack the headset away in your bag, it means the batteries won’t be flat next time. With the ANR off, the sound quality is ok and there’s a definite improvement in the ‘passive’ noise reduction. This is down to the new ear cushions, says Bose. They’re plump and lush, very tactile, and finished in a very soft leather. However,

once you’ve tried the One important change ANR, you won’t go is to the control unit. It back - the difference is too has been redesigned, outstanding. not only to incorporate Bose has The new ear cushions new features, but the old contribute hugely to the listened to exposed volume controls A20’s overall comfort are now set within a pilots about level. The new bigger plastic surround - so the what the few ear cups/cushions isn’t accidentally glitches the X volume seem to embrace the changed. had, and also ears with just the right The ANR is switched on amount of pressure, by pressing the power what features button. claimed to be one-third You can either they'd like of the pressure of other use the A20 powered leading headsets. The by 2 AA batteries, said new headband is a very clean to last 45 hours, or if they are redesign of the X, though the hard-wired in the aircraft. family resemblance is kept and Below the power button is it sits on the head so lightly you another LED and another button forget it’s there. The headband - these are for the Bluetooth is lighter with easily adjustable connectivity. It can pair with a extensions and simple swivel mobile phone to make or take a joints on the ear cups. The call. The process is simple and company says the weight-saving the headset paired with an iPhone on the headband balances in seconds. We made a call while the extra weight of the new on the ground to test the system technology in the ear cups. The and it worked perfectly. A20 weighs 340gm, exactly the At the base of the hand unit is same as the X. You’d never notice an auxiliary input socket for an the weight redistribution - it just external audio source, such as works. an iPod or handheld GPS. Also on Materials used in the A20’s the hand unit is a three-position construction are stylish and switch which allows the pilot(s) high quality, as you’d expect in to choose who hears what. In a £920 headset. Strong, quality the ‘Mixed’ setting, an incoming plastics with precise shutlines R/T call can be heard along and chamfered edges. The outer with an external audio input. In side of the ear cups looks very ‘Prioritised’, the external source is modern and neat, with two muted when there’s an incoming exterior microphones recessed call. The third position is ‘Off ’, into each cup. The only slight naff removing the external source touch are a small clamp held by completely. This means that you two crosshead screws in each ear can set, say, four headsets to cup swivel - they’re hidden from different responses. The pilot(s) outside view so barely noticeable. will want ‘Prioritised’ while So, importantly, the A20 is a passengers can continue with the major step forward from the X in ‘Mixed’ setting. Various options its primary function and comfort. are available. Without Bluetooth, But what’s also happened is that the price drops to £835. It can be Bose has listened to pilots about had with the standard GA plugs what the few glitches the Bose or the six-pin connector for hardX had, and also to what extra wiring. And a helicopter version features they’d like. will be available soon.

Even in a very noisy cockpit the passive noise reduction is good on the A20


THE story of Bose goes back to 1956 when Dr Amir Bose graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, bought a stereo and was disappointed with the quality of the sound, so after a period of intensive research into the behaviour of sound, he created his first product, a speaker. In 1964 he created the Bose Corporation. There’s a similar tale behind the Active-Noise Reduction (ANR) technology that underpins both the Bose X and A20 headsets. Dr Bose was on a flight in 1978 and was offered the in-flight electronic headphones. Again, he was disappointed with the result, finding that noise intruded and if you turned up the volume it distorted the sound. On that flight, he decided the answer was to cut out background noise and he started development immediately. Various prototypes using ANR were built and in 1986 Dick Rutan and Jeana Yeager used a set for their successful Voyager nonstop round-the-world flight. By 1989 Bose had the first commercially available ANR headset available for light aircraft and helicopters. This was followed in 1995 with the Series II, awarded Product of the Year by AOPA, and in 1998, the Bose X followed which has set the standard by which all other headsets are measured. www.bose.euw

The new control unit, making it hard to accidently change the volume level www.loop.aero OCTOBER 2010 LOOP 17



There’s no shortage of amazing books about aviation. Here are some of the best

“I met people who expressed doubt at the story of five or six English fighters engaging 20 or 30 Germans... I can say I saw it happen many times." £18.99 www.palgrave.com

“Things broke away and hit the side with a terrifying thump and the sooner I got out the better. I scrawled rapidly on my pad, ‘Bailing out; engine seizure’” £10.95 www.crecy.co.uk

“He put his bombs into a cluster of Panzers cresting a small hill. The closerange blast effect was devastating, even to the seasoned Wells.” £14.99 www.qbookshop.com

“Two patrolling Zeros gave chase, but in vain: the B-26s not only boasted the most powerful radial engines available but were fitted with four-blade props.” £20.00 www.zentihpress.com

“A Hurricane crashed near Godstone. Harry Deacon bailed out and landed with a bullet in the leg, only to have a shotgun thrust in his face by a youth.” £30.00 www.aurumpress.co.uk

“After the flight... When the instrument was corrected it was found that the true reading was Mach 1.02. Britain had a supersonic aircraft.” £9.99 www.qbookshop.com

“It isn’t little bits of plastic... it’s a real aeroplane and you’re flying it and there really are bandits at three o’clock trying to shoot you down!” £9.99 www.anovabooks.com

“One night we were paid a visit by an enemy aircraft which sprayed cannon shells about without doing much damage but the noise woke us all up.” £14.99 www.jones-sands-publishing.com



FLYING FURNITURE COFFEE tables aren’t much cooler than these. Available in several different colours, the table uses a propeller spinner from a Piper Tomahawk. Hikoki also design other furniture with aircraft parts including tables using a R22 air intake fan, Lycoming crankshafts, Cherokee 140 propellers, desk tidies using 172 wing struts and much more, all finished off to a highly polished, quality standard. Everyone working at Hikoki is mad about flying so know what will look good in a living room. www.hikoki.co.uk

18 LOOP OCTOBER 2010 www.loop.aero



BRAND NEW FEATURE RICH GPS SKYDEMON, the VFR flightplanning company, has just launched its own hand-held GPS unit with its software (much praised by Phil O’Donoghue in the July issue of LOOP) loaded on. The unit comes with a bright, 4.3in touch screen and is feature rich. The unit includes the company’s own dynamic approach plates, NOTAM briefing and plotting, weather briefing and decoding, adaptive charts and a virtual radar – which sends out virtual pings along your route ahead, returning information about the terrain, airspace, obstructions and other

The SkyDemon showing everything you need on your approach features on your trajectory. Despite it’s compact size the Mobile SD has a claimed battery life of between 90 and 150 minutes - longer than most sorties, plus it comes with a cigarette lighter socket adaptor. As part of the launch SkyDemon are encouraging customers to try it for free.

All you have to do is download the free trial of SkyDemon Plan and launch the simulator, which provides what the company is calling a ‘near-identical experience’ to using a SkyDemon Mobile device in flight. SkyDemon Mobile SD devices have an RRP of £579. www.skydemon.aero

FOR ALL THE BEST GEAR GO TO... www.loop.aero




“LOG BOOK NOTES: Morning. We intercepted some Me.109s at 23,000ft over Swanage. The fools tried to escape by diving and we went down after them. I got up to about 600mph









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GARMIN has been granted a Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) for its G500H all-glass avionics system aimed at the VFR helicopter sector. The STC is for the Bell 206-series and Bell 407. Very similar to the fixed wing model, the G500’s PFD screen shows attitude, airspeed, vertical speed, altitude and course/heading information, and the MFD shows detailed moving map graphics, with the helicopter’s current position in relation to terrain, chart data, navaids, and flight plan routings. The G500H is compatible with Garmin’s new GSR 56 Iridium transceiver. This is a worldwide position tracker enabling the aircraft’s location to be monitored via web-based displays. It can

also be linked up to Garmin’s TAS and TCAS I traffic systems. The G500H is available immediately at $24,995, which includes the GDU 620 display/ control unit, GRS 77H AHRS, GDC 74H digital air data computer, GMU 44 tri-axial magnetometer, and GTP 59 temp probe. Synthetic Vision Technology, giving a life-like view ahead on the PFD, is also available as an option for $7,995. www.garmin.com

New N Ne ew fe ffeatures eaatttur ures ur es with wit ith upgrade upgr up grad ade www.loop.aero OCTOBER 2010 LOOP 19



THE TRUE STAR OF THE RACE We all know about the pilots when it comes to air racing, but what about the aircraft? LOOP speaks to Nigel Huxtable, Nigel Lamb’s race technician for three years during the Red Bull Air Race season. Nigel explains what life’s like living with a raceplane


HE RED Bull Air Race Series, although on a gap year, is one of the few places you can see an aircraft pushed to its limits in a short amount of time. But what do the people who look after the aircraft do when it’s not in the skies? What does it go through during the course of the year? GETTING READY RBAR usually starts during the last week of March in Abu Dhabi, which is usually guaranteed sunshine and warm temperatures. Not so in Buckinghamshire, where Nigel Huxtable is based and where he worked on Nigel Lamb’s MX aircraft. “We do the majority of the work to the aircraft before the

season has even started. The problems occur after we’ve finished with all the mods. We then have to flight test the aircraft and try to prove that the alterations we’ve made actually make a difference to flying,” said Nigel. “The weather isn’t normally good in February and March, so it can be a bit of a panic because we don’t always get as many flight testing hours we’d like. But once we’re happy with it we have to break it down and put it into a container then Red Bull pick it up and take it out to the race for us. The MXS fuselage is slightly different to the other aircraft in the series. As the tail doesn’t come off, you can only get one on a standard 747 pallet but with an Edge you can get two. The

20 LOOP OCTOBER 2010 www.loop.aero

wing is constructed in one piece and goes into a custom made ‘suitcase’ with padded foam; another box carries the other parts including wheel spats, wing tips and everything else. “I then jump on an airliner and get to the race airfield. The aircraft will already be there, laid out on the floor, ready to be pieced back together again. When I joined Red Bull, each team consisted of a pilot and technician, so when it came to putting the aircraft back together the technicians had to help each other out. It takes about four people to lift the wing – but you wanted this to be as quick as possible, because you didn’t want the other technicians to see too much. So before you called them over you’d cover up


Nigel Huxtable is an experienced aircraft engineer and pilot. With 35 years maintaining aircraft of all shapes and sizes Nigel is something of a walking aviation encyclopaedia. He has rebuilt plenty of classic aeroplanes and assisted with many others including a Mk XIV Spitfire. He worked with Nigel Lamb for three years during Red Bull and is now the Chief Engineer at Air Training Services (01494 473 664) in Wycombe.

the engine, cowlings and various other bits and pieces. ONCE THE AEROPLANE IS PUT BACK TOGETHER Most race weekends are four to five days, but the first race of the season differs. Red Bull need all the telemetry systems, video cameras and an EFIS system installed ready for the race. “This had to be done every year as the equipment and cameras got better,” said Nigel. “Red Bull supplied the equipment but it’s down to the technician to fit it. Red Bull also supplied the EFIS and everyone had the same one. It’s like a standard unit but it also has a G-meter and can show live gate times - I doubt the pilot had time to actually look at it, but it was there if they needed it. Race

FOR ALL THE BEST GEAR GO TO... www.loop.aero

ABOVE: It takes a lot of work for both pilot and technician before an aircraft can perform like this

You didn’t want other technicians to see too much. So before you called them over you’d cover up the engine

control can also see the timings and G-force so they know instantly if the pilot has broken the limit. “After that’s all be installed The technician will go round again and make sure they’re happy with everything, sign all the log books up, then from a technical point of view from Red Bull, they want to check the log books and they do that before any aircraft flies.” DURING THE WEEKEND The aircraft is intensively looked after during a race weekend. Considering the longest time the aircraft will be flying is 20 minutes during testing, it gets a lot of hours of maintenance. “It’ll fly for a minute and a half and then when it comes back will be mollycoddled so it’s well looked after. Problems with the aircraft are few and far between. And the aircraft probably only flies for 30 hours during the whole season and the majority of that is ferrying. And it gets maintained after every flight. “The day is made up of moments of hectic rushing around and then, lots of time. I have lots of time to check and

fiddle around with everything. I have to download all the data after every flight and check it. But I’m with the aircraft so that’s fine even though it’s time consuming. It’s when it goes wrong that there’s a problem because there’s a time scale on it. For example, we had problems in Abu Dhabi. We were up against extreme temperatures, Matt Hall and Mike Goulian had electrical troubles and couldn’t get started and we nearly didn’t. Matt was in front of us and didn’t get going, but in their attempt to start they flattened both the ground units. The rules state that the aircraft must be self-sufficient and be able to start but in high temperatures ground units were permitted. We had a problem because they were flat thanks to Mike and Matt. But we got it going and you have to put in a lot of power in as the fuel in the pipes would have vaporised. Once it started I pulled the wingtip and swung the aircraft around so Nigel could get to the grid. But as I did it blew all the flooring up for the prize giving ceremony. I wasn’t very popular.” www.loop.aero OCTOBER 2010 LOOP 21


AFTER THE WEEKEND “After the race the aircraft will do one of two things. Either get taken apart and freighted to the next destination or if they’re close then it’ll get ferried there which I used to do. “If it’s going to be freighted the aircraft will have an oil and filter change before it gets put away, because if there’s metal in the filter, or we have problem, we can sort it out straightaway. We would also have a very through look round the entire aeroplane and make sure we don’t need to replace any parts for the next race, and if we do order them. “If it’s being ferried the aeroplane will be reconfigured. If it’s running with a small tailwheel you need to change it for a bigger one, open out the air intakes, change the spats. Over the years we’ve had different sized inlets and outlets for the cowlings, but we put the bigger ones back on to ferry it. It’s a lot longer flight than the aircraft is used to.”

MODS AND PROBLEMS Nigel thinks the Red Bull Air Racing is even more difficult, compared to other series, when it comes to improving the aircraft. “If these races were like Reno, it’ll be a lot easier because it’s all about going faster in a straight line. There are changing factors such as altitude, pressure density, temperature and wind variation, but you can factor that in. So mods can be tested quite easily. You can put something in or tape something up and try it again – you might see one or two knots improvement instantly. “The problem with air racing is the majority of the time the aircraft is on the track it’s at a very high angle of attack, not flying straight and level, so therefore it’s very difficult to prove anything that we’ve done pre-season will actually work. “We had a new canopy from MX come in. I received it in very basic kit form. It was just the blown canopy and a rough shell which I had to make a frame for. But when I finished it and put it

22 LOOP OCTOBER 2010 www.loop.aero

on the aircraft, Nigel and myself looked at it and we thought it was going to be five knots faster, we were really pleased. But other than being lighter, it made no difference whatsoever!” One thing that all the technicians worked on during the series and over the seasons was trying to improve the cooling drag. “All the teams tried to keep the cowling down to a minimum as well as the exhaust outlet to a minimum, whilst increasing the pressure and not have huge intakes. Which is easy when flying straight and level. Sometimes we know instantly when somethingg hasn’t er worked and other times it’s not so clear cut. Nigel will sometimes go back and say, “I think that’s an improvement,” but it isn’t, and other times you t’s instantly know because it’s running too hot.. “One year, we had finished

CLOCKWISE FROM MAIN: Lamb ready for take off; lining up the MXS-R for a test run; refilling after qualification; and Lamb warming the engine before his turn. BELOW: discussing possible changes before the next session

the Canadian race in Windsor and then it was the European races, so the aircraft came back to Wycombe and we spent a lot of time setting up the ailerons again. Nigel was over the moon and it was the best it’s ever been. Got to Rotterdam and after the first run, came back and said, “it’s un-flyable.” And that’s the trouble – it was different weather conditions. It’s always hard to tell how things are going to be.” END OF THE SEASON “The final race of the season is normally Perth so after the race the aircraft is sea freighted back - it’s a lot cheaper and takes about two mo months so it’s a bit of a break. The ai aircraft would get back by mid-Dec mid-December and by then hopefully hop you’ve got everyth everything sorted out. The ne new engine will be th there as well th new parts as all the for the next season. And the process s starts again.”


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Generation of the species Diamond's DA40 NG is more than just an engine upgrade, it's a thorough revamp of one of this decade's ďŹ nest aircraft Words Dave Calderwood Photos Dave Spurdens

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OMETIMES it’s all too easy to get a bit blase about a new aircraft. Take the Diamond DA40 NG shown here parked on the apron at Shoreham Airport, outside Flying Time Aviation and the wittily named ‘Terminal 2’ cafe. The DA40 has been around for a while now, with the first example arriving in the UK in 2001 powered by a 180hp Lycoming IO-360 engine and known then as the ‘Star’. When it arrived it was the first all-new certified four-seater out of Europe for many years – and

it was constructed mostly from Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer (GFRP). It wasn’t exactly a revolutionary new material but composites were still fairly new in light aviation back then. That avgas aircraft was followed by what was revolutionary – the turbodiesel version powered by a 1.7-litre Thielert Centurion engine. That aircraft arrived in the mid-2000s and 42 are now on the UK register. The DA40 D, as it's known, offered much better fuel burn using a much lowered priced fuel, avtur, also known as Jet A or Jet A1.

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The issue is not weight but balance. Put two people in front and reasonable fuel and the CoG is too far forward

However, Thielert went into administration, interrupting the flow of engines and spares (though things are back to their best under the resurgent Centurion banner) so Diamond developed its own version of the Mercedes-based turbodiesel engine, the Austro AE300 and it's this engine in the DA40 NG. It’s easy to look at the DA40 NG and think, “oh, just another engine – how different will it be?”

There's the obvious change at the front where Diamond has done its best to hide the bulkier, heavier Austro powerplant but the result is workmanlike at best... some would say downright ugly. But then you notice the new, more pronounced vertical winglets, and the new MT constant-speed prop with its three ‘curved scimitar’ blades. The canopy too is slightly wider – hard to spot until you see the NG side by side with one of the older models. It’s the same width at the base but then opens out to give a bit more headroom. Hmm... perhaps there’s a bit more to the

NG than first meets the eye? Before we go flying in the NG though, we do a Weight & Balance check and also look up the performance calculations in the Pilot’s Operating Handbook. The first flight is going to be with three of us, the second flight with just two – no issue there, you’d think for a four-seater, particularly since the Max Takeoff Weight of the NG is 1280kg, 130kg more than the original DA40 D. The issue is not weight however but balance. Put two people in the front of a DA40 and

a reasonable amount of fuel, and the aircraft’s Centre of Gravity is too far forward – you have to carry some weight in the back of the aircraft to bring it back within range. Henrik Burkal, Diamond UK’s sales director and demo pilot, carries a 20kg bag of sand in the back for that purpose. We take it out for the three-up flight, put it back when there’s just two of us. Henrik and I do the pre-flight walkround check, with Henrik pointing out the changes for the NG. The engine retains the cast steel cylinder block of the original Mercedes unit rather than the aluminium alloy block of the Thielert engine – it’s a

35-40kg weight penalty but is better for the cooling and life of the engine. It’s one of the reasons why the Austro engine is rated at a max power of 168hp for 5 minutes, ie at takeoff. Max continuous is 92% or 155hp, coincidentally the same output as the latest 2.0-litre Thielert Centurion engine. That bulging engine cowling has a redeeming feature – a flap on the left side which makes access to the oil dipstick and filler much easier. There are a couple of changes to the airframe. First is a ‘normal’ round pitot tube rather than the flat one of the older DA40, and more importantly, the ground power input socket is now behind

Diamond DA40 NG parked at a glorious sunny Shoreham Airport.

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the wing rather than in front – it’s much safer to be disconnecting a power lead away from a spinning prop. For a flight school, that’s quite important when brain dazed students forget to switch off the electrics. Still on the electrics, the DA40 NG has been uprated to 28-volt electrics (from 12V) and the battery re-positioned behind the seats to help offset the greater weight of the engine. Walkround complete we get into the aircraft. For the first flight, I’m in the back to experience the passenger position while Jonathan Candelon, Ops Manager for Flying Time, flies from the instructor’s usual right hand seat. Henrik is in the front left seat. Jonathan’s own report is elsewhere but I can report that he made the switch from the older DA40 D used by Flying Time to the NG with no problem. As we took off from Shoreham’s Runway 20, the acceleration and climbout was pretty impressive from my position in the back. The seats are spacious and

comfortable and there was plenty of legroom too – and the view out was completely uncluttered. I’d be very happy being taken for a long trip in the back of the DA40, though I’d rather be upfront. My turn came a little later, and started with the usual checks. Diamond is careful about letting the engine come up to working temperature and part of the pre-taxi routine is to let the engine idle for two minutes or until the temperature gauge is in the green. As we taxied out along Shoreham’s Kilo taxiway to the holding point for Runway 20, the lower idle speed of the NG’s engine was immediately noticeable. It spins at 730rpm rather than the Thielert’s 950rpm and is also smoother too. The DA40 has a free castoring nosewheel so you have to dab the toe-brakes to steer the aircraft, and the taxi speed at idle seemed just about right to maintain directional control easily. At the holding point we ran through the pre-takeoff checks, which were very similar up until the power test. Both the old

The original DA40 D (right) is well-known by many of today's new(ish) airline pilots. The NG is a natural improvement – but not cheap and quite a bit more than a Cirrus SR20: NG base price is €278,700; Cirrus $279,000... dollars.

DA40 D and the new NG have a ‘test’ button which you hold down while the ECUs (engine Electronic Control Units) run through the power and prop cycling tests. The NG test revs the engine harder so it’s a good idea to have the toe brakes on as well as the parking brake. Then there’s a manual test of the pair of ECUs (to make sure both work, just like a twin mag test) plus, on the NG, an ‘auto’ position. Lining up, there was a slight crosswind from the left so I put in a bit of aileron, hold the brakes, bring the power lever up until the electronic readout shows 100% then release the brakes for a performance takeoff. The acceleration on the NG is substantially quicker than on the original 1.7-litre D, and we’re at the rotate speed of 67kt quickly. The aircraft lifts off smartly and we climb out at 80kt, retracting the takeoff flap at around 300ft and bringing the power back to 92%, the max continuous figure. Shortly after, we turn east to head over the South Downs and Beachy Head coast to liaise with the cameraship. As we reach cruise height, we

bring the throttle back to 74%, close to the 75% recommended cruise power setting. Indicated air speed is 124kt, ground speed 141kt and fuel burn 24 litres/ hour. The NG’s fuel burn is about 5% better than the D, according to Henrik. For flying school use, you’d probably throttle back a tad more to get the speed to 120kt – a good speed for flightplanning and mentally re-calculating ETAs. I’m glad to see the trimwheel between the seats is a nice oldfashioned manual device – much easier to set the trim accurately with these. We position the NG around the Cessna 172 cameraship easily for 30 mins or so, then break off for some air work. First up, some steep turns which the NG handles very easily. Perhaps it’s the extra weight increasingly the wing loading, but the NG feels more positive in the air – not that the older D is lacking in this respect. The nose stays on the horizon during steep turns with no real effort. Stalls too are very straightforward, with the aircraft recovering just by reducing the back pressure on the stick. We try the simulated ‘base

M O R E T O T H E N G T H A N A S I M P L E E N G I N E S WA P THE DA40 NG’s new engine, the Austro E4-A (also known as the AE300) is a liquid-cooled inline fourcylinder four-stroke engine with wet sump lubrication. The 1991cc engine has double overhead camshafts and it’s fitted with the latest car technology common rail direct injection. It pumps fuel from the left tank, then returns unused fuel to the right tank. This helps keeps the fuel at the right temperature. This is

similar to the Thielert engine but the NG has a completely new fuel system running a lower pressure pump. Up front there is MT's new constant-speed prop with three ‘scimitar’ curved blades. The prop has wood-composite blades with fibre-reinforced plastic coating and metal leading edge protection, and it’s claimed to minimise vibration with the least weight. There’s a gearbox between the engine and the prop

05 LOOP AUGUST 2009 www.loop.aero

reducing the prop revs, but no clutch (as Thielert use in the Centurion engine). Instead, there’s a torsion vibration damper. In the cockpit, there’s a familiar throttle lever which gives digital engine control with an integrated propeller governor using the gearbox oil system. If there’s a loss of oil pressure, the prop sets itself to fine pitch to allow flight to continue. The ECUs controlling all this are brand new on the

NG, fully rubberised and built to military spec to be more moisture resistant. At the moment the Austro engine comes with a 1000-hour TBO (Time Before Overhaul) when it can be overhauled. Austro says it has been designed for a 2000-hour TBO and expects the current limit to be raised progressively as the engine proves itself in service. There are some components which need replacing at the 300-hour mark

and Austro supplies these free: 1 Alternator, 2 High pressure fuel pump, and 3 the Torsion Vibration Damper. Again, Austro expects the ‘life’ on these parts to rise over time. So far Diamond says very few niggles have come to light with the Austro engine. It’s been in service for over a year in the DA42 twin and some chafing of hoses was noticed. The hoses are now a mandatory inspection item during the 50-hour oil change.

The aircraft accelerates considerably faster than the older DA40 D and we reach 67kt rotate speed quickly

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FLIGHTTEST to final’ turn with landing flap, little bit of power on, banked at 15-20 degrees and pull the stick back... again, the nose bobs but there’s no wing drop and recovery is immediate. Inside, we spend some time looking at the panel – the latest version of Garmin’s G1000 glass cockpit, fully integrated into the aircraft’s systems. It’s equipped with Garmin’s Synthetic Vision Technology (SVT) which gives the huge 10in Primary Flight Display a 3D view of the terrain around. SVT isn’t standard but is a €7995 optional extra. A Garmin GTX 33 Mode S transponder is standard. The demo aircraft also had Garmin’s GFC 700 digital auto-pilot which at €21,690 is a very pricey extra but a fantastically capable bit of kit. Garmin calls the GFC 700 an Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS) and it comprises a twoaxis auto-pilot and flight director system with these features: Q Altitude Preselect and Altitude Hold (ALT) Q Flight Level Change with Q Airspeed Hold (FLC) Q Vertical Speed Hold (VS) Q Navigation Tracking for VOR (NAV) and GPS (GPS) Q Heading Hold (HDG) Q Approach mode and Go Around (GA) pitch/roll guidance. Basically, the auto-pilot, coupled with the G1000, is as good as anything on a bizjet or airliner and can be programmed to fly the aircraft right down to Minimum Decision Height on an Instrument Approach,

should you so wish and if it was legal. Just a brilliant bit of kit if you regularly fly IFR and long journeys. For flight schools and club use though, it’s possibly a bit over the top – though not necessarily so. Some clubs in the south-east who have G1000 aircraft on their books find that they are rental favourites among members who relish the incredible situational awareness – and, possibly, are more comfortable in front of a screen than old-fashioned analogue instruments. Diamond is considering introducing a less expensive ‘Club’ version of the NG, fitted with analogue instruments and harder wearing fabrics inside the cockpit. Certainly the NG’s base price of €278,70 is a bit mind-boggling... However, back to flying the NG and it’s time for us to set a course back to Shoreham. First, we transfer some fuel from the right tank to the left – there’s a panelmounted switch for this – which takes about 30 seconds. On the ATIS we hear that Runway 20 is still in use so we request a left base re-join and set up the course on the MFD. We arrive slightly far out, having put a bit of distance between us and an aircraft ahead, so turn onto a long final slightly high. There’s not a huge amount of flap on the DA40 and it’s not very effective at side-slipping, because of its slim side profile, so one way of losing height is pull back the power and

Vertical winglets of the NG are a change from the 'D'. 30 LOOP OCTOBER 2010 www.loop.aero


Flying Time instructor Jonathan Candelon in the right seat. FLYING Time at Shoreham Airport is one of the UK’s leading operators of Diamond aircraft for training both private and would-be commercial pilots. The school has both single engine DA40 and twin engine DA42 aircraft, and was one of the first to see the benefits of operating new aircraft fitted with a Jet A burning turbodiesel engines. All of its current Diamond aircraft are fitted with Thielert engines, meaning that Flying Time has been through the turmoil that affected the early 1.7-litre Thielert turbodiesel – and now it has come out the other side of those issues and is very happy with the latest 2.0-litre engine. What does it think of the latest Diamond DA40 NG? We asked Jonathan Candelon, Operations and Sales Director of Flying Time, to take a look at the Diamond DA40 NG and to go for a flight in the aircraft. “The first things I noticed as I walked around the aircraft were the wider canopy, the winglets and the air intakes on the engine. There’s also a bit more thought gone into some things like the external power socket being behind the wing it’s a lot safer. “Taxiing, it felt a bit heavier. It’s a little bit more of a challenge to taxi with a castoring nosewheel and all that weight in the nose but it still works pretty well. The power and ECU checks are a bit more aggressive - the engine goes to 40-50% power when it cycles the prop. “You can definitely feel the difference in power! The panel, the extra space and the difference in speed are

all noticeable - it’s a very nice touring aeroplane, very capable and comfortable. I’ve got mates who fly airliners and they would be envious of the sort of kit fitted to the NG! “It feels a lot sturdier in the air. I wouldn’t say you feel the extra weight in a negative way – the wing loading is higher because of the weight and that adds to its positive feel. I did a couple of steep turns and it sat on the altitude perfectly – didn’t have to do much. “On landing, it again felt very sturdy on approach. On the flare you notice the weight and when you bring the power back, it slows down a lot quicker – you’ve got to watch that in case it catches you out. "The [older] DA40s like to float but this has a bit more of a positive landing – no bad thing. Actually, it’s a good thing – the [older] DA 40 is quite good in crosswinds but at times it doesn’t want to settle on the ground and if not careful you can get blown sideways. “From the money side of things, the NG is not for us right now. It doesn’t mean it’s not a good aeroplane but there’s no advantage for us at the moment. For a flying school, maintenance is one of the highest costs and one we like to control. With the 2.0-litre Thielert engine now, there are no surprises – we’ve been through them all with the 1.7 but that’s over now. “The Austro engine [in the NG] is something new and hopefully there won’t be any problems, but there is a risk involved – which we don’t want. In a year’s time? As soon as the numbers add up, yes.” www.flyingtime.co.uk

Engine cowling with its huge lower air intake is not the prettiest, but it is effective.

Basically the auto-pilot, coupled to the Garmin G1000 cockpit, is as good as anything on a bizjet or airliner

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point the nose at the ground – the drag from the flaps and prop, now at fine pitch, is enough to prevent the speed picking up too much. Now at a better height, and the PAPI lights showing the right red/white combination, we continue the approach at 80kt, keeping a little power on as we cross the threshold. The nose is heavier on the NG compared with the older D, and that’s quite heavy, and I’m half expecting a bit of a thump... but no, it flares well, roll the power off, and it settles firmly but nicely onto the runway, tracking easily to the end. As Flying Time’s Jonathan Candelon says, it’s actually easier to land than the older DA40s – the extra weight reduces the tendency to float. Taxiing back, it’s clear that Diamond, like its big rival Cirrus, is pursuing a policy of continual improvement with its aircraft, sometimes inspired by changes in technology, sometimes from in-service reports. The DA40 NG is a fine aircraft, a worthwhile upgrade on the older DA40 D, and extremely capable. The price is a bit eyewatering however, especially in these credit-restrained times, and I suspect many potential buyers will be waiting to see how the new Austro engine performs.

Flying over the famous Seven Sisters cliffs on the south coast of England. Beachy Head is off to the right, Eastbourne beyond.

DATA FILE DIAMOND DA40 NG PRICE Base price €278,700 As tested €317,685 POWER Engine Austro AE 300 2.0-litre turbodiesel Max power 168hp Fuel Jet A or Jet A1 Prop MTV-6-R constant-speed, 3-blade 190cm diameter DIMENSIONS Wingspan 11.63m Wing area 13.54sq m Length 8.06m Height 1.97m Seats 4 Max t/o weight 1280kg Empty weight 880kg Useful load 400kg Baggage 30kg Fuel capacity 106 litres (standard), 148 litres (long range)

Top: Garmin G1000 glass cockpit equipped with Synthetic Vision Technology and digital auto-pilot. Above left: MT prop has new 'scimitar'blades. Above right: Spacious four-seat interior exudes quality.

PERFORMANCE Vne 172kt Max cruise 130kt Normal cruise 124kt @ 75% power, @ 3000ft Climb rate 690ft/min Ceiling 16,400ft Stall speed 60kt (landing config, max wt) Fuel burn 24.6 litres/hr @ 75% Max range 534nm @ 75% (standard), 746nm (long range) Takeoff roll 389m Landing roll 303m MANUFACTURER Diamond Aircraft Industries N A Otto-Straße 5 A-2700 Wiener Neustadt T: +43 2622 26700 W: www.diamond-air.at UK DISTRIBUTOR Diamond Aircraft UK Gamston Airport Retford, Notts, DN22 0QL T: 01777 839 200 W: www.diamondair.co.uk

All specifications and performance figures are supplied by the manufacturer. All performance figures are based on standard day, standard atmosphere, sea level, and at gross weight unless stated otherwise.

www.loop.aero OCTOBER 2010 LOOP 33


Thoughts on Stalling They fill many pilots with dread, but understanding stalls is absolutely vital to becoming a better and safer pilot says Alan Cassidy. And, they can be fun!


GET asked a lot of questions. This might not surprise you. No news there! And I’m not just talking about being questioned by the Thames Valley constabulary… The most interesting thing about most questions is that they almost instantly tell you something about the questioner. This is because of context: the situation that has led the other person to ask the question in the first place. The question generally illustrates the thought processes and premise occupying the mind of the questioner in the near past. A common such question I get goes along the lines of: “What speed does it stall at?”, often asked by newcomers about the aeroplane we are about to fly in. There is no single answer to this, of course, because the question is too vague about other pertinent conditions relevant to the aircraft. But this question tells me immediately that the person asking it doesn’t really understand very much at all about wings and stalling; that they need to be taken back to first principles. Tempting as it is, I try hard to resist the immediate comeback of, “Any speed you like, mate.”

ANGLE OF ATTACK So, Rule 1: Stalling is a condition directly related to angle of attack, hereinafter called ‘AOA’ for short, and something only occasionally, if ever, directly related to speed. The “occasion” when AOA and speed are somewhat closely related is when flying straight and level at a constant

power setting. Those of you who regularly read my LOOP articles will understand why this is rarely the case, neither for me nor for the pilots to whom I give instruction. The crucial thing for all pilots to understand at all conditions of flight is the AOA of the wing, and how close it is to critical, rather than to know how close the aeroplane is to a supposed ‘stalling speed’. There are many stalling speeds, depending on weight, bank angle, turn rate, power setting, wing configuration, density altitude and so on. Yet for any wing configuration, critical angle of attack stays pretty constant. This is why many military aircraft are flown in combat and on final approach by primary reference to an AOA indicator. For example, I was taught to fly a low-speed, “rolling vertical landing” in a T4 Harrier by selecting flap and nozzle positions first and then by pointing the aircraft, at constant attitude, straight at the touch-down point.

Does the aeroplane you fly have a stall warner? I'll bet you any money you like it doesn’t! There is no aeroplane I have ever flown that has a stall warning device...

34 LOOP OCTOBER 2010 www.loop.aero

The only adjustment was to use the throttle to keep the AOA, shown on the left side of the head-up display, at a certain number of degrees. If the AOA got too high, add power; too low, reduce power. Approach speed would vary with gross weight, elevation, OAT, all sorts of things, but it didn’t matter. Just fly the AOA until touchdown.

AOA INDICATION Sadly, I know of no aerobatic light aircraft that have an AOA instrumentation system, nor even a head-up display. But now here comes the amazing thing: all of the light aircraft that any one of us fly do have something that can pretty well indicate the AOA in real time. It's just that most people don’t realise it, and are not taught it. The 'Everyman’s AOA Indicator' is the control column, whose position is directly related to elevator position. Elevator position, in turn, is what drives the wing to adopt and hold different angles of attack. This is simple and ought to be intuitive, but most pilots are unaware of it. STALL WARNING Does the aeroplane you fly regularly have a stall warner? I will bet you any money you like that it doesn’t! There is no aeroplane that I have ever flown, nor one that I have ever heard of, that has a stall warning device. Many light aircraft do, of course, have an “upright stall warner”, but it is never called that. All these vanes and switches work on the hidden assumption that AOA is always positive and that stalling will

always be upright. Anyone who has suddenly encountered heavy turbulence, however, will realise that wings can suddenly experience negative AOA. And, many of us in the serious aerobatic community fly, stall and spin inverted, just for fun: basic commercial stall warners don’t work upside down. An inverted stall can be ‘sensed’ only by the position of the control column and the buffeting of the airflow. How do you know if you are in an inverted spin? Answer: the stall warner is OFF… Now, here is a proposal for cost-cutting in light aircraft

design and production, exclusively meant for those aircraft that have a control yoke with a centre tube that emerges from a hole in the instrument panel: get rid of the wing-mounted sensor, the wiring, the CB, the red flashing lights and the buzzer. Now put green, yellow and red sticky tape (it weighs nothing) around the control tube where it comes out of the panel. Green for ‘normal’ AOA, yellow for sub-critical values that might be flown on landing and red for when the control column is so far back that the stall happens. We are all used to red, yellow

There's no better stall warning device in situations like this than experience and understanding and green. If you see the red tape come out of the panel, hide it immediately by pushing it back inside. What chance inadvertent zoom, stall, spin scenarios now? Just hide the red tape behind the panel. More yellow and red bands could also be applied to warn of an impending inverted stall. Should this idea ever come to fruition, remember I thought of it first...

ENJOY STALLING Pilots, and instructors for that matter, must not fear stalling. There are times when they must avoid it, but there must also be times when they

practice it, should certainly work harder to understand it and might even take their acquaintance so far as to enjoy mastery of it. For stalling is not dangerous in its own right; it is stalling at the wrong place and time that can be life-threatening, and the more familiar we all become with stalling, the less likely we are to do it at the wrong place or time. Most enjoyment in aviation comes from knowledge and mastery of a subject. Stalling is no different. Constant practice, while looking outside and enjoying the view, will enable any pilot to learn how

Stalling is not dangerous in its own right. It is stalling in the wrong place and time that can be life-threatening

to use the control column position as a measure of his margin over the stall. Most handling tests require some sort of recovery from unusual attitudes. The CPL handling test under FAA Regulations requires the pilot to fly semi-aerobatic ‘chandelles’ and ‘lazy-eights’, even in PA-28 class aircraft. Realisation of the direct and intimate relationship between control column and AOA makes these sorts of exercises considerably less worrying. They can be flown without reference to the ASI at low speed, just by the feel of the controls and seat of the pants.

Notice, too, that when you move the elevator trim control the control column itself will move backward or forward. The trim control does not, in fact, demand a particular speed from the aeroplane but a particular angle of attack. It is the combination of trim and power which together work to contrive a relationship with speed. Some aircraft can be brought to an AOA very close to critical, just by using the trimmer. In this case, the stick position will also be close to critical and relatively little additional stick force may

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Stalls aren't confined to nice upright flight attitudes; they can be on knife edge or even inverted. The more you know them, the less you should fear them be required to go over the top and lose lift suddenly. So keep track of stick position, especially if using the trimmer extensively.

FLYING BEYOND THE STALL Handling skills and precise control of the aeroplane do not necessarily come to an end just because the wing has stalled. Equally, prolonged stalling does not necessarily lead to spinning nor to loss of control. My own credo is that aerobatic pilots, especially, should learn handling skills that can be applied even though an aircraft may be fully stalled and inevitably descending. I operate aircraft in which this can be done, and I teach these skills to all my students. There used to be an aerobatic display manoeuvre called a ‘falling leaf ’. (Well, there still is of course, but I just haven’t seen anyone do it for years.) The idea was, at height of course, to point the aircraft at the crowd and then to stall it fully. Stick right back. This was back in the days of Tigers and

Stampes, Chippies even. The aircraft would then descend, and there would inevitably be a tendency for a wing to start to drop. The skill was to let it drop a bit, but then to catch it with opposite rudder and thus to make it go the other way. Until just in time, the rudder would be reversed again and the wings would level. This oscillation could be kept up for long enough to show that it wasn’t a fluke, that it was fine control of the rudder that kept the stalled machine dropping gracefully from side to side. This works best as a display figure in an aircraft with a low wing loading and plenty of dihedral, so it’s not really suited to the modern symmetrical carbon types, but all Pittses are good at it and it is a fine exercise for gaining confidence in flying beyond the stall. I use this principle in an exercise I call ‘parachuting’, wherein we descend trying to keep the wings level with small, precise dabs of rudder. This dynamic meta-stable

36 LOOP OCTOBER 2010 www.loop.aero

condition is great for developing fast, responsive feet and closely simulates the directional instability of tail-draggers when landing on high-friction surfaces. Learn to ‘parachute’ and ground-loops will become a thing of the past.

STALLING THE FUSELAGE Before ending this ramble, I must say something about stalling the fuselage. This also means I must introduce you to the concept of fuselage lift and fuselage AOA. This is an almost completely neglected design concept, but is of special importance in understanding aerobatic aircraft that are required to fly straight and level with 90 degrees of bank. What we call knife-edge flight. In a level aileron roll, slow or fast, and especially in 4-point or 8-point hesitation rolls, we try very hard to remain in level flight even though we are carrying 90 degrees of bank. This is possible in most aircraft, but to be successful we

I must introduce you to the concept of fuselage lift and fuselage AOA. This is an almost completely neglected design concept, but is of special importance must consider the fuselage as a lifting body, rather than the wing. Also, we must consider the rudder as demanding fuselage AOA, just as the elevator normally demands the more familiar wing AOA. The things you know about level flight using wing lift can be transferred to level flight using fuselage lift: Lift must equal weight. Lift produces drag. There is a minimum level speed (Vs1F, if you like) or 1G stall speed for the fuselage. Demanding higher AOA after the lifting body stalls just

results in a deeper stall and faster descent. All these things apply to knife-edge flight as they do to wings-level stuff. Yet have you ever seen a Flight Manual that specifies a minimum level speed in knifeedge? No. Have you seen people doing “slow” rolls or 4-point rolls with the nose cocked up precariously in knife-edge and the aircraft still losing height prodigiously? Yes. Using more and more “top” rudder during a roll demands more and more AOA from the fuselage. It just doesn’t work. The key to successful rolls is to have the right airspeed, not to have a fully stalled, descending fuselage in knife-edge. Find out about the willingness of your fuselage to create lift by trying to make flat turns. Rudder to turn, opposite aileron to keep the wings level. If it turns really well, it will fly well, and slower, in knife-edge. If it turns badly, or not at all, you’ll need a pretty fast speed for a good slow roll. Enough. Go and play. Be safe and enjoy your flying.

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www.loop.aero OCTOBER LOOP 37

38 LOOP OCTOBER 2010 www.loop.aero



LOOP flight




EVENTS All the ghouls out for the VAC fly-in Page 42


NEW PILOT Fully qualified at 18 years of age (!) Page 47

PLANE CRAZY Jill Rutan: aviation is in her blood Page 50

NICK HEARD gives his own weather warning Page 44

Flight Club talks to Wing Commander Andy Green, the fastest man on earth, about his first solo See p47

GET RATED Alan Cassidy talks AOPA aerobatics Page 48

www.loop.aero OCTOBER 2010 LOOP 39




A little bit of everything Some airfields airfields specialise in one thingg or another another, but itit seems seems at Wycom Wycombe mbe tha that everything to do with aviation is going on here; from gliders to warbirds from trial flights to top-of-the-range race aircraft all have their place at the Air Park



ICAO CODE EGTB FIRST FLIGHT The airfield, originally known as Marlow Airport, was requisitioned by the Air Ministry in 1939 and opened in 1941 as RAF Booker and in 1965 was developed as the civilian aerodrome under the name ‘Wycombe Air Park’. FACILITIES Pilot supplies shop, the ‘Pad’ restaurant, and numerous major maintenance, training, and specialist firms , plus plenty of hangarage and parking. LEARNING

There’s plenty of training at Wycombe, with The Airways Flying Club and Wycombe Air Centre (who are also Cessna Star dealers and have been for 30 years) for fixed wing, Heliair for PPL(H)s and Booker Gliding Club for gliding. RUNWAYS Three, 1 x Asphalt, 2 x Grass LANDING FEES From £14 for a light SEP. DETAILS Airways Aero Associations Ltd, Wycombe Air Park, Bucks, SL7 3DP. Tel: 01494 529261 (ATC) www.wycombeairpark.co.uk

40 LOOP OCTOBER 2010 www.loop.aero

YCOMBE Air Park in Buckinghamshire is easily one of the best known airfields in the country, with a history of use that pre-dates the War, and a list of names based there that reads like a Who’s Who of British aviation: training and Cessna gurus Wycombe Air Centre, Lees Avionics, Heli Air, Airways Flying Club, and the Bianchi’s amazing warbirds are just some amongst them. One who knows WAP better than most is Jerry Parr, not just because he works there as Chief Engineer for airfield operator Airways Aero Associations, but because when he’s not working on aircraft for the clubs and private customers he’s building his own Van’s RV-12. So can you OD on Wycombe Air Park? Not according to Jerry: “I like being here, it’s a busy airfield with lots always going on. There’s nothing worse than a deserted airfield!

“Everybody here is very pro-aviation, from the fixed wing operators to the helicopter companies and the gliding club. We’re very lucky with that and we get great support from our parent company, Arora Family Trust. “There are five of us in the engineering team and we look after Airways Flying Club’s fleet of 11 aircraft as well as over 25 privately-owned aeroplanes. Most of the private aircraft are based here but some come here for maintenance from Denham, White Waltham and other neighbouring airfields.” Jerry’s training is gold standard: working on military aircraft in the Royal Air Force. He’s been at WAP for seven years, and although he spends all day working on aircraft it’s the great Wycombe vibe that keeps him there until darkness has fallen as he works on his own RV. “I first starting flying in gliders in the mid-70s and then in Cessnas after gaining an RAF Flying Scholarship in 1979. In the early

There's nearly always something interesting outside, be it flying or ground running

90s a friend and I decided to build a Van’s RV-6. “We flew the aircraft for eight years but decided to sell it for various reasons three years ago. I thought I was cured of the aircraft ownership side of things, but soon I started to get bored in the evenings and at weekends! “I went over to Oregon to the Van’s factory, flew the RV-12 demonstrator and when I left I handed over my credit card details. I started building the kit just over a year ago and hopefully it will be finished in the Spring. “It is a really great kit to build and will be a joy to fly. I build whenever I can with another friend after work, during tea breaks and at weekends. I’m very fortunate to be allowed to build it in the hangar at work.” Wycombe Air Park itself is one of the busiest GA airfields in the country, not just the south. There are always plenty of things to see and do, and of course a vast spectrum of different aircraft



Let your ambitions soar DO you know someone between the ages of 14 and 18 that has a real passion for flying? Well this could be their chance to get their foot on that first rung of the ladder. Especially if they fancy a career as a pilot, engineer or air traffic controller. The Cotswold Airport Flying Scholarship programme is open and accepting entries for its 2011 scheme. There are ten places available and open to young people living in the Gloucestershire and Wiltshire

area. The programme is funded by airport owner and chief executive Ronan Harvey, the scheme is run in partnership with fly2help, the airport based charity and flying organisations on the site. During the scheme the students will be able to experience flight, receive tuition at the airport’s ground school and see how ATC works. Applications are available now from www.fly2help.org and the deadline is January 31 2011. www.cotswoldairport.com


2010's likely lads and lasses


based and maintained here; including Nigel lamb's Red Bull Racer. AAA are also the UK and Ireland Tecnam agents, including the brand new Tecnam P2006T twin (last month’s LOOP flight test). But it’s not all new stuff. For metalheads there is the chance to catch site of the rarities worked on by Tony and Pia Bianchi, their unit filled with classic and very rare warbirds from Buckers and Yaks, to Spitfires and even a Fiat G.46. They are currently working on a Yak 18, trying to restore it to its original condition and a Hawker Tempest Mk V - the only surviving one with combat history. Jerry said: “In the summer with our hangar doors open there’s nearly always something interesting outside, be it flying or ground running. We have a Spitfire, Yak and probably more Chipmunks based here than any other airfield, as well, or even some of the Red Bull Air Race aircraft which were hangared and maintained here.”

Every year the good people at Goodwood open the doors for the Revival. This is where everything classic is on show, from cars and bikes to aeroplanes and helicopters. It’s a fantastic threeday event where visitors are invited to dress up in period costume.


The social side of the airfield is always busy as well. “The Airways Flying Club is open seven days a week and there’s always someone in the lounge ready for a chat. “They have have regular fly-outs and recently we flew down to Newquay for a walk along the beach and a bit of lunch - there were 13 aircraft in total. Things like that work really well. The location of the airfield works well too. It’s great for trips down to the South Coast. The Isle of Wight is only 45 minutes away, so there are always a lot of aeroplanes going back and forth.” It seems getting out of work on time is the only problem for any aviation enthusiast based at Wycombe: “Like many airfields, most people involved in aviation can normally be found hanging around after work having a chat, it’s very rare that anyone goes home at home time. We are very fortunate to work here, and at the end of the day it saves us all from having to get a real job!”

Clockwise from main: one of the busiest towers in the South; Tony Bianchi's Spit; a fair warning; the bar; an Jerry working on his RV12



Don't forget the awards LAST month we launched the first ever LOOP Hangarchat awards giving your chance to vote for your favourite clubhouse, instructor, airfield restaurant and much more. If you have

someone e you thing should be named the categories are; Best facilities, Most helpful ATC, Friendliest clubhouse, hero of the year, best hire aircraft, club of the year, airfield of the year and

Hayward Aviation Special safety award. If you know of any club or person that deserves to win one of these awards email awards@loop. aero and we’ll tally you’re votes.

www.loop.aero OCTOBER 2010 LOOP 41





It's a treat, definitely not a trick The Vintage Aero Club is (g)hosting its All Hallows fly-in again APART from a pilot's uniform, it's unusual for LOOP readers to spend any time ‘dressing up’. But at the Vintage Aircraft Club, they actively encourage it for their

All Hallows Fly in - in celebration of Halloween. Everyone from the club that attends dresses up in costume, some even dress

Unfortunately these three failed the auditions for Britain's Next Top Model

up their aircraft - last year there was even a ‘three engined’ Piper Cub - one piston engine and two broomsticks. The marshalling team also dress up in a suitably ghoulish and may frighten many pilots, especially when they use heads on pikes as their one-off marshalling wands. Leicester Aero Club will also be joining in with the merriment by trying to repel the ghosts, warlocks, witches, etc, with a Breakfast Patrol. As usual, anyone getting into the circuit without having their registration taken gets a free breakfast. Last year I think the spirits won! The event is PPR and pilots must contact either the airfield for permission or the VAC mobile number which will be operational only on the day, Leicester Airport: 0116 2592360 VAC mobile number: 07731 991 545 www.vintageaircraftclub.org.uk

Isle of Man The jewel in the Irish sea. The Isle of Man is a beautiful island famed for its sea food, green fields, quaint Britishness and of course the world's most famous motorbike races, the TT.


+ 2-3 October, 1940s Weekend Rougham Airfield, Suffolk www. roughamairfield.org 01359 270524 + 3 October, Shuttleworth Autumn Air Display, Old Warden, Bedfordshire www. shuttleworth.org 01767-627927 + 5-7 October, Helitech 2010, Estorial, Portugal Helicopter industry event combining a conference, stands and flying displays. www.helitechevents. com/Portugal

Season Fly-in, Popham Airfield, Hampshire 01256 397733 www. popham-airfield.co.uk + 10 October, Autumn Air Show, Duxford, Cambs http://duxford.iwm.org. uk 01223-835000 + 10 October, Helicopter Museum Open Cockpit Day, Weston-superMare, North Somerset www.helicopter museum.co.uk

+ 14-15 October, Pilot Training College Assessment Day, Edinburgh Airport Aimed at anybody considering training to + 7 October, GAPAN be a professional pilot. Aptitude Tests, RAF Cranwell. Interested in www.pilottraining becoming a professional college.com pilot? Then attend this. The computer-based + 25-29 October, tests gauge a user's Introduction to Flight chances of successfully Simulation, Cranfield completing the training University. A course explaining modern flight required to become a professional pilot, with simulation www.cranfield.ac.uk each participant also receiving a one-to-one + 28-29 October, feedback session Pilot Training College with a senior GAPAN Assessment Day, representative. Manchester Airport 020 7404 4032 Aimed at anybody www.gapan.org considering training to be a professional + 10 October, End of

pilot, www.pilottraining college.com + 30 October, Vintage Aircraft Club All Hallows fly-in, Leicester. All events are PPR and pilots must contact either the airfield for permission or the VAC mobile number (07731 991545) which will be operational only on the day. www.vintageaircraft club.org.uk + 30 October, End of Season Fly-in, Wickenby Airfield www. wickenbyairfield.com 01673-885000

November 2010 + 6 November, Shuttleworth Annual Aviation Lecture, Old Warden 01767-627927 www. shuttleworth.org + 06 November, Professional Flight Training Exhibition, Sofitel Hotel, Terminal 5 Heathrow, London. This is for anyone interested in becoming a professional pilot, with stands and seminars from Flight Training Organisations and leading national and international carriers

01225 481440 + 11-12 November, Pilot Training College Assessment Day, Birmingham Airport Aimed at anybody considering training to be a professional pilot. Applicants much register in advance. www.pilottraining college.com + 13 November, LAA AGM, Turweston www.lightaircraft association.co.uk 01280-846786 + 17-18 November, The Challenges for Flight Simulation - The

Next Steps, Royal Aeronautical Society, No.4 Hamilton Place, London. The Royal Aeronautical Society Flight Simulation Group believes there are many challenges in Flight Simulation, and has organised this Conference to identify them and some possible solutions. www.raes.org.uk + 17-18 November, Heli-Power Conference & Trade Exhibition, Olympia London www. shephard.co.uk/ events/57/helipower-2010

This electric mountain railway joins the town of Laxey with the summit of Snaefell, at 2,036 feet (620.6 m) the highest point on the island. The line is five miles (8 km) long, first started operation back in 1895 and took only seven months to complete.

EVERYTHING ELSE Plan your stay... PLAY HERE: GOLF Castletown Golf Links Course This is a links course in the truest sense of the term, with only one tree on the whole course and no deep dunes to hide from the sea breeze - making it a challenging course for even the most skilled golfer. www.golfiom.com

DRINK HERE: CREG NY BAA Have a pint at one of the islands most famous pubs. During TT week you can almost reach out at touch the racers as they go past - although we wouldn’t recommend it. Away from the races it’s a relaxing and homely pub. www.creg-ny-baa.com

STAY HERE: CROIT-NY-BANE FARM B&B Under three miles from Andreas airfield this family run Manx farmhouse nestles at the foot of the Bride hills, surrounded by the farm's working beef and sheep. Guests can enjoy views of the mountains easing the stresses of everyday life. www.croit-ny-bane.co.uk

EAT HERE: TANROAGAN FISH RESTAURANT This small independent restaurant buys as much Manx Produce and seafood as is possible. It also boats homemade bread, soups and sauces, handcrafted desserts with its own ice cream, with friendly professional service. http://tanroagan.co.uk


+ 14 November, Free landings at Turweston, Free landings for fixed gear and all comers. The airfield will be open as usual from 10am to 4pm. You must try the home-made cakes. www.turwestonflight.com.

42 LOOP OCTOBER 2010 www.loop.aero

CONTACT: Andreas Aviation, Andreas Airfield, Ballacorey Farm, Isle of Man IM7 4EW. Tel: 01624 88089 PPR essential www.manxpilots.com RUNWAYS: 2 x asphalt LANDING FEES: Single £15, £20 for a twin.







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Nick Heard

Do you take for granted the privilege your flying licence affords you? Remember that there is a lot you need to remember

NICK HEARD has been one of LOOP's expert pilots since the very first issue. He’s a flying instructor, current B747 captain and a former RAF Tornado pilot


N 8 February 1956, 8 Hunters launched from RAF West Raynham in Norfolk for an exercise. The weather forecast was poor for Raynham, but RAF Marham, just 15 miles southwest, was forecast to remain suitable as a diversion airfield. The Hunters completed the exercise and recovered to West Raynham short of fuel. The weather had deteriorated, so they were sent to Marham for visual recoveries. Unfortunately, Marham’s weather had also deteriorated, such that Ground Controlled Approaches were required. Unfortunately, ATC couldn't cope with the influx of so many aircraft at once. Just two landed successfully. Four attempted to get in visually, but had to eject instead. One achieved a belly landing, but one pilot, in attempting to get back, crashed and was killed. So in the space of 30 minutes, six Hunters and one pilot were lost. Subsequently, the RAF changed its ideas regarding the use of diversion airfields, introducing the concept of Weather and Crash Diversions (or Alternates). The Crash Alternate is a close-in airfield where an aircraft could quickly divert to in event of a ‘crash’ at the destination airfield, whereas the Weather Alternate is a more distant airfield, unlikely to be affected by the same weather. The story of the West Raynham Hunters was recited to me during my first day of Meteorology

;DG NDJ I]Z hbVaaZhi VcY a^\]iZhi EA7 VkV^aVWaZ

groundschool training at Cranwell, and it stuck. It shows how disastrous things can get if the British weather is not given the attention it deserves. Whilst many of the lessons are particularly relevant to the fast jet/low fuel situation, much is useful to us in General Aviation. First, always maintain a healthy suspicion of weather forecasts, especially if it appears to be towards your limits – VFR or IMC/ IR-rated as appropriate. Don’t assume an airfield forecast will be relevant for your route; local effects, particularly around mountains or coasts, can affect the weather drastically over a very short distance. Second, ensure you're not launching into a Sucker’s Gap – a short period of good weather, perhaps expected after the passage of a front, but which actually turns out to be a short interlude before some more bad weather arrives. This can often be seen when a trough of low pressure passes, but there can be many other situations where this can be seen – perhaps involving the early return of fog or low cloud, as in West Raynham. The eye of a hurricane provides the best example of this – the New Orleans airport TAF, during Hurricane Katrina, actually indicated one hour of perfect flying conditions! Third, for IFR pilots: do you have an alternate airfield available, and

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what weather limits do you use for that alternate? If your destination airfield is borderline on forecast, you really want a ‘cast iron’ alternate, with TAFs and METARs much better than your minimum requirements. With October on us already, we should turn our thoughts to the autumn and winter features of UK weather; most of us probably never really forgot them during the so-called summer anyway. Later sunrises mean later day-time heating of the atmosphere, so early morning mist and fog take longer to clear, and may only clear to become low cloud before reforming mist later. The atmosphere becomes more moist as Atlantic systems dominate, leading to more cloud and increased risk of carb and airframe icing. Surface winds are generally stronger, resulting in more low-level turbulence and trickier landings. Winds aloft are also stronger, increasing chances of nav errors through drift, and perhaps controlled airspace incursions. Grass runways stay wet throughout the season, so carefully consider take-off and landing performance. And while cold, crisp sunny days may occasionally improve the situation, still be mindful of ice on the aircraft and on taxiways. So, spend just a bit more time looking at those forecasts before flying. (I think I just talked myself into a trip to Florida...)

First, always maintain a healthy suspicion of weather forecasts

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44 LOOP OCTOBER 2010 www.loop.aero

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With experience comes wisdom, and Nick has amassed a veritable mountain of helpful hints. Here's three more for to remember next time you fly.

Loose Articles #1 It really is a good idea to keep your aircraft cabin as clear as possible from loose articles. Pens, screwdrivers, even paperclips, can all get where you don’t want them to be – mixed up with control cables. I know it’s very difficult in club aircraft, but take a moment before you get in to have a look around and get rid of anything that you can. It’s particularly good practice if you are about to fly aerobatics, but just as relevant for a local navigation trip where a few bumps in the air can be enough to dislodge something in the cockpit.




Survival #2 With the evenings drawing in and temps lowering, it’s worth thinking about what to wear (or, at least, what to take with you) in the cabin with regard to survival after a forced landing. A forced landing late in the day may result in getting stuck in an isolated field as darkness falls and the temperature drops. A coat or thick jumper may well be a lifesaver as you make your plans to get rescued. A packet of energy sweets and some water will be useful, as will a torch. And always keep that charged mobile phone with you!

Birds #3 Coupled with late afternoons in the autumn comes increased bird activity. Our feathered friends get very active as the sun starts to go down – we’ve all seen the remarkable films on the BBC of flocks of starlings in their thousands, moving as one around the sky. To give yourself some help in this situation keep your landing lights on to keep yourself as bright as possible, and be ready to go around if you see a big flock flapping about when on finals. ▪

ANXIOUS ABOUT AEROBATICS Q| I recently gained my PPL and have always been interested in aerobatics, although slightly nervous I would still like to get started. Would you recommend getting a few hours of flying under my belt or shall I start booking lessons now? A| Once a pilot has a new PPL, his learning and developmental phases are just starting. All the future flying you do will teach you something and enable you to develop more as an aviator. What varies is the rate at which

RADIO GAGA Q| I am learning to fly and I am trying to get my radio calls right, but I cannot work out what is correct. I often hear calls such as “G-ABCD is inbound to yourselves” or “G-ABCD is on Finals” or “G-ABCD is holding short of runway x and is fully ready”. I have also heard ATC asking people to call “abeam of” or “overhead of” a location, but I cannot find these in CAP 413 so please help me. A| You are quite right in all of these




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Former World Helicopter Freestyle Champion Dennis is our rotary expert

Flying instructor and aerobatic pilot. Phil is our resident Brains for testing gear

Top instructor and examiner, Dorothy shares her wisdom

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NEED TO SPEAK YOUR MIND! THEN EMAIL YOUR OPINION TO LOOP Aerobatics: nerves of steel not essential

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different pilots develop and this is largely due to the variety of tasks that they set themselves. The greater the variety of these tasks, the greater will become the pilot’s skill set and situational awareness. One way of enlarging this skill set is to get into more aircraft types, preferably those that are significantly different from the first PPL trainer. If you have gained your PPL on a PA28, you will gain a lot of new insight just by flying a Cub for a few hours, or another low-performance ‘vintage’ type. Aerobatic training, cases. Unfortunately there are a lot of pilots who do not read CAP 413. Your first example is one of the worst offences as it in not only incorrect English it is tautology! I always cringe when I hear that particular phrase, as it is so ugly as well as unnecessary verbiage. You are either inbound or you are going somewhere else! The second phrase is often misused by airline pilots and particularly service pilots, but we all know that there is only one “Final”! The third phrase is an American import which is totally incorrect.

even at an early stage, is a great way of increasing your spatial and situational awareness, as well as just a way of learning new handling skills. I have worked with all kinds of ‘students’, from brand new PPLs to experienced fighter pilots. The one thing they all have in common is the ability to develop further as aviators. Realise that the personal development process in aviation is a long and never-ending path. It doesn’t really matter in which order you try things, just get some variety and keep learning. - Alan Cassidy Again tautology - you are either ready or you are not! Finally I feel it is particularly unfortunate that air traffic personnel compound incorrect RT by misuse of phrases, often much worse than the insertion of unnecessary and incorrect “ofs” but unfortunately it is becoming more prevalent as pilots hear others do it and think it sounds “cool”!” It is important to use correct RT as it sounds professional and will help you to obtain a better service from Air Traffic controllers. - Dorothy Pooley

DIFFERENCES Single engine piston aircraft with Single Lever Power Control and/or an Electric Flight information System (EFIS) now need Differences Training signed off by an instructor. See AIC Pink 070/2010

COVENTRY Change of opening times ad radio frequencies: Winter Mon-Fri 0700-2000 Sat/Sun 0900-1900, Summer Mon-Fri 0600-1900 Sat/ Sun 0800-1800. Coventry APP 123.825mHz, TWR 118.175mHz, RADAR 136.150mHz


www.looptv.aero LOOPTV is i the th h best b t place l to t land l d for f your aviation i tii fil films films, video, product tests, interviews and show reports. Upload your own videos online and whilst you’re there comment or rate on someone else’s! Register online to receive the latest monthly programs and exclusive news - just go to WWW.LOOPTV.AERO to create your own account!

LIVERPOOL On 7 November there will be an 'Aircraft Crash Exercise' in the River Mersey. The exercise area is 100 metres centered on RWY 09.


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MY FIRST SOLO ANDY GREEN WHO Wing Commander Andy Green, former fast jet pilot and the current holder of the Land Speed Record and the only man to break the speed of sound on the ground DATE The second week of December 1980 WHERE RAF Abingdon AIRCRAFT Bulldog HOURS WHEN SOLOED 10 and a bit


Andy, in his role as Wing Commander


GOING up for the first time on my own was great. I remember being nervous as my instructor said to me, “stop by the tower, I’m getting out.” And I thought, what? I actually couldn’t taxi straight as my legs were shaking so much. The way pilots are taught in the military is very procedural. We had to learn all the checks, we wouldn’t read them, because when you’re training to fly fast jets, you don’t have time. You’ll be doing weapon checks en route to a target, while fling at low level and keeping formation. So you learn everything from the start. It was all going swimmingly well, but one thing did surprise me. During my training my instructor had always sat next to me perfectly relaxed. As we’d come in to land he would put his hand in his lap when we were in the last couple of hundred feet of approach. Then in the last 50

I didn’t know I was feet he would move his going to be a fast jet right hand onto his knee pilot at the time. The just in case he needed system is, you’ll do some to put his hand on the I actually basic training, just to controls. And it turned couldn’t taxi see how you cope with out that I had been the basics of learning taking this as a cue that straight as checks, hand-eye we were about to land. But he wasn’t there so I my legs were coordination of flying, talking on the radio, had to guess for myself shaking so navigation, all the basic how high I was. much stuff. And then building There was a bit of it up and getting more competition to go solo, and more complicated to find but it wasn’t too bad. I was on out if you’re still learning at a a university air squadron so sensible rate. If you can keep we were doing one or two trips learning quickly then you look at a time to try and go flying. I like you’re going to be in the fast remember it being the second week of December because we’d jets, which I was lucky enough to do. split up from university. But some had managed more time • Andy and the Bloodhound and others less due to weather Project are currently working on and other problems. So the beating his world land speed competition wasn’t too intense, record and hoping to get to we could celebrate everyone’s 1000mph! To find out more visit success and think, great I’ll be www.bloodhoundssc.com doing it tomorrow.


The whole world at his feet IMAGINE turning 18 and being fully qualified as a professional pilot, well that’s exactly what Milan Tomasevic has done. On his 18th birthday he headed off to the CAA’s headquarters at Gatwick and handed over his paperwork for the issue of his full professional licence after completing his ATPL exams, CPL ME and IR! He completed his training at

Stapleford after getting his PPL in the US. Milan was born in Belgium, but educated in Moscow with Russian as his first language. Milan’s father, Antoine, is an airline pilot but claims it was Milan’s grandfather who first stirred his son’s interest, “Milan’s grandfather, who he grew up with, was a military pilot in his young

Milan training in Florida, to busy concentrating to notice the sunset

days in the Soviet Air Force and “Dida Viktor” was hero to Milan,” said Antoine when he spoke to LOOP. Milan is obviously a very bright young man and even finished his school education a year early. “After Milan completed his schooling the question arose of what he was going to study. I came up with the idea Milan could “try” aviation. Milan never jumps fanatically at proposals. He always tends to think things through. So we decided he would first do the PPL in the USA. “Before that he took one lesson in a Cessna 172 in Belgium. I was sitting in the back and I saw how he was touching the controls, how he was orientating himself, how he was following what the instructor was saying (in French which Milan only speaks and understands at a conversational level). “I understood he was doing fine and would probably make it through any aviation training,” added his proud father.


Milan passed his PPL Skill Test in the US at age 17 (and three days) and after some hours building over there was ready for the ATPL course. He picked London Metropolitan University because it was in Central London and Milan could develop his English. He studied relentlessly, not really allowing himself any time off. As an airline pilot himself, Antoine recommended Milan did his IR in an old Seneca twin. “I am convinced mastering conventional instrumentation instead of going straight to the latest technology will give a pilot a huge advantage. “The old Seneca revealed itself to be a good betting horse, noisy, uncomfortable, heavy but rewarding in paying back the extra efforts it demands of you,” he said. His father finally added, “Now, Milan will be looking for a job anywhere on the planet. We still don’t know for sure if his young age will be an issue but that’s another story!”

Flying safely should be at the top of every pilot’s list. But there’s always room fro improvements and LOOP’s little Inside Tip, is here to help you fly even safer. So enjoy this new nugget of information gained by spending too much time at airfields.

KEEP IT SAFE WHILST FLYING IN CONVOY WHEN flying with several friends there are lots of things to bare in mind. Be flexible with your schedule and try to keep the trip VFR. In other words, don’t let your trip be completely dictated by the weather. In turn however, if the weather can’t be relied on, always have extra days built into your travel schedule. On the return trip, be sure to consider the weather and always plan to have multiple routes.

www.loop.aero OCTOBER 2010 LOOP 47




This is how AOPA rolls... try it!

Got your PPL, and want to try aeros? Do the AOPA Aerobatic Course, says Alan Cassidy

AS far back as I can remember, the UK has not had an official, state-regulated Aerobatic Rating among the many qualifications issued by the CAA. It's not always the case in other countries: our relaxed approach is likely due to former AOPA Chairman Ron Campbell, pro-actively negotiating some ‘devolved’ powers from the CAA. About the time Ron and Barry Tempest first produced their Basic Aerobatics text book, AOPA also produced its first Aerobatic Syllabus which effectively set the basic post-war standard for UK

civilian aeros schools. The course became one of several post-grad courses open to those already holding a PPL qualification. But there's a difference between aerobatics and other post-grad skills a pilot may learn. For example, when training for an Instrument Rating you learn all the IMC skills you might ever need: holding patterns, ILS approaches etc. If you become a commercial pilot, you'll use these same basic skills repeatedly for the rest of your career. But there is no such thing as an Intermediate or Unlimited ILS Approach. Re-currency excepted, once you have your IR that's the end to your instrument training. Aerobatics requires a different approach and cannot be squeezed into one simple course.

Aeros training must be progressive and undertaken in stages over quite a long period and in aircraft of increasing capability. So, the British Aerobatic Association and AOPA have worked together over the last decade or so and AOPA now publishes three graduated syllabuses: Basic, Standard and Intermediate, all structured akin to the entry requirements for Beginners’, Standard and Intermediate competitions. I'll talk about Basic here, to give new readers an outline of what is involved. The Basic course is about 8 hours flying time, with a swathe of relevant ground instruction. Theory stretches from aerodynamics and physiology to legislation affecting aerobatic flying: just the stuff you need to know to make sure you stay safe and don’t end up in court – the aims of all Airmanship training. The Basic Syllabus is suitable for relatively low-powered aerobatic trainers, like the Cessna Aerobat, Robin 2160, Chipmunk, Bulldog and so on. Inverted fuel and oil systems are not required. Typical G loadings are around 4 to 4.5 positive and 1 negative. You will learn simple looping and rolling figures, stall turns and half-cuban eights, quarter clovers and the half-loop, half roll combination

sometimes called an Immelmann. You will experience upright spinning and learn how to make emergency, or non-precision, recoveries. You get acquainted with HASELL and learn of the additional airmanship skills needed to aerobat safely and legally in your own local area. You'll find it is only takes a short time flying to get a lot of excitement, satisfaction and fun. No longer will you have the cross-country and expensive ham sandwich to show for all your PPL training. You’ll have taken the first responsible step on what might be a long and challenging path. This rather relaxed, safe and effective, very ‘British’ training system will not, however, last many more years. The new EASA Flight Crew Licensing regulations will impose an official Aerobatic Rating on UK pilots for the first time in living memory. No doubt this will be implemented by the CAA to include ‘grandfather’ rights for pilots already qualified under the AOPA and BAeA systems, but they have yet to make any announcement about how the transition will take place. Mr. Whittaker, please take note. But this is politics... All you need to do to get started is to sign up with your local training school for the Basic Aerobatic Course. Enjoy.

Guide prices to what it costs to get extra ratings. Ring each club or school for full details. Some offer aircraft choice, or may have additional fees (eg approaches). ULTIMATE HIGH + AOPA BASIC Aeros Certificate (8 hours of flying) £1840 + AOPA Standard Aerobatic Certificate (6 hours) £1380 + Advanced PPL Training (customised) - hourly rates £235 + Basic Spin Package (1 sortie) £270 + Basic Formation Course £1225 www.ultimatehigh. co.uk MULTIFLIGHT LEEDS/ BRADFORD 0113 2387135 + MEP: £2178 + IR: £12,115 + IR 55 hours: £12,995 www.multiflight.com WEST LONDON AERO CLUB 01628 823272 + IMC £2525 (own a/c £630) + Night Rating £875 (own a/c £225) + AOPA Safety Pilot/ Flying Companion £1240 + Hour Building (30hrs) £3450 www.wlac.co.uk

CAMBRIDGE AERO CLUB 01223 373717 + Night Rating £825 + IMC Rating £2740 + Advanced Handling £442 + AOPA Aeros certificate (basic and standard, Extra 200) £1768 + Tailwheel conversion (Extra 200) £2210 (@10hrs) www.cambridge aeroclub.com CLACTON AERO CLUB 01255 424761 + Tail wheel conversion (residential, inc B&B) £686 + Farm strip (residential, incB&B) £1076 + IMC (residential,inc B&B) from £1938 www.clacton aeroclub.co.uk A school with a rating or course? Mail dave. rawlings@loop.aero with the details.

Check, check, check...

48 LOOP OCTOBER 2010 www.loop.aero


Light Aviation is the free official publication for members of the Light Aircraft Association, for aircraft kit-builders, restorers, and light sport aviators. It is sent free every month to LAA members, and is crammed with advice, flight tests, engineering guidance, news and features about the world of light aviation.

Membership benefits include: Monthly magazine only available to LAA members Annual membership starts at only ÂŁ48 Priceless advice and access to LAA experts Delivered direct to your door Free landing vouchers FOR AN ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION TO THE LAA, GO TO THE LAA WEBSITE AT WWW.LIGHTAIRCRAFTASSOCIATION.CO.UK OR EMAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS@LOOP.AERO FOR MORE INFO


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Aviation in the blood N

Growing up surrounded by aviation experts and married to a military test pilot, aviation author and pilot Jill Rutan Hoffman, knows a thing or two about flying

OT only is Jill Rutan Hoffman famous because of her father and uncle (Dick and Burt Rutan, in case the name wasn’t a giveaway), she is well known in her own right. Author of two books (Oshkosh Memories and First Flights),

and a pilot herself she is also married to Lars Hoffman, a USAF test pilot, spends her life around aircraft and does a lot of work for charity. Q| What was it like growing up with your dad and uncle? A| I thought it was perfectly

Jill proudly wearing her grandmother’s air show jacket

normal. I thought every dad planned these big, ‘let’s break a world record’ trips. We’d sit around and talk about what we could do next to push the envelope? I didn’t realise how bizarre my life was until years later after I got married. Sometimes us military wives would get the lawn chairs out on the front yard, before our husbands got home. We’d call it ‘happy hour’, and sit around with a glass of wine and chat about the week. One day we were sitting there and one of the wives said: “Do you know there’s a nut job up the road who’s building an aeroplane in his garage?” That was a really weird because it was the first time I realised it’s not something everybody does!

Q| How did you get into flying for yourself? A| I’ve always loved it. Growing up in the military I moved around a lot so flying has always felt like home. I married quite young and went round the world with Lars. When we got back to the US I started ground school. I called dad and said: “Listen, I have completed ground school, passed my tests and I’m going to be near you on business trip for a week - I need to solo.” I was thinking, how hard can this be? I don’t know if he did it intentionally, but it was probably the most difficult week of my entire life. But my proudest moment was when he got out the aircraft and

let me fly solo - this is a man who won’t let me drive his car! He even held back three heavy aircraft, fully loaded with solders, so I could go solo - there was no pressure! It has been hard to keep current but now we’re living back in California I can start again. Also I want to learn again, because being taught by my dad was interesting there are things Dick Rutan can get away with that Jill Hoffman can’t. Q| With your dad and Lars both flying aircraft that nobody else would’ve flown, you must hear a few stories about first flights – was that the inspiration behind your book? A| Lars grew up on Edward’s Air Force Base, his dad was a test pilot as well. He test flew aircraft such as the A10, the F16 and F15. So there have been a few. I used to get told: “Be on the flight line at midnight - I can’t tell you why.” I’d go along and see all these aircraft that very few people knew about. At the time, I didn’t fully understand how unique that experience was. My other book came about on a car journey with Lars. We were talking about how people get to Oshkosh and I told him that I once travelled in the luggage compartment of a Cessna. We thought there had to be so many stories like that and we should write a book. All the proceeds from the books go to space and aviation camps.

Q| You love Oshkosh - why is it so close to your heart? A| When growing up it was hard to have a place called ‘home’, but Oshkosh was the one place I would go back every year and see the same friends and stay in the same houses. I used to walk up and down the flight line begging people for money for dad’s next big adventure. And I just loved the whole experience. I think Oshkosh is too big now. I wish it would go back to the small family community that it used to be, but saying that, it’s still a fun place to go. As a child I can’t remember missing it one year. My grandmother was fantastic and I always stayed in her room. When she passed away the only thing I wanted was her air show jacket. It’s covered with badges from Oshkosh and there are some in the pockets that haven’t been sown on yet - it’s like our family quilt. Q| What’s next in the pipeline for you? A| There’s an aero club on the base, and they’re looking to shut it down, but I’m trying to keep it going. I’m trying to convince the Wing Commander to keep it going. I want to see if I could make it affordable, and bring it closer to people. To find out more about Jill or to order one of her books visit www.jillrutanhoffman.com


Light Aviation is the free official publication for members of the Light Aircraft Association, for aircraft kit-builders, restorers, and light sport aviators. It is sent free every month to LAA members, and is crammed with advice, flight tests, engineering guidance, news and features. Benefits include: • Monthly magazine only available to LAA members • Annual membership starts at £48 • Priceless advice and access to LAA experts • Delivered direct to your door • Free landing vouchers FOR AN ANNUAL MEMERSHIP GO TO THE LAA WEBSITE WWW.LIGHTAIRCRAFTASSOCIATION.CO.UK OR EMAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS@LOOP.AERO

50 LOOP OCTOBER 2010 www.loop.aero



lo tria Fo go l r n t of t a o o W his ne -m W fant on W as th .LO tic FR O web EE P. si A te ER ,

MAKE YOUR FLYING EASY! Let skybookGA™, the most integrated on-line pre-flight briefing service for the GA™ pilot, take the pressure off planning your next flight


oing flying this weekend? Will you be off to the south coast, working your way down through the busy air corridors that are Luton, Stansted, Heathrow and Gatwick plus a host of other active airfields? Before you go, you need to know what are the sensible things to do. The last thing you want is an in-flight problem. Smooth is good. Stay sane. Stay safe. Stay legal, as they say. So, who do you turn to? It has to be the experts, the people who have been developing flight briefing systems for over a quarter of a century, a company that conducts a relentless research programme to provide the data that ensures you get where you want to without any snags. Turn to skybookGA(tm), the most integrated briefing service available, which ensures the relevant information for your flight is at your disposal wherever you are, whenever you want to go, before you set out. Bytron Ltd has spent many years perfecting its commercial flight briefing service for major airlines, NATS and airport authorities. skybookGA(tm) is a spin-off from this focused commercial programme. At the invitation of Thomas Cook Airlines, which uses Bytron’s eFlight Briefing package for its operational aircraft, Bytron has been working with Rolls-Royce subsidiary DS&S to create its first fully integrated and connected Electronic Flight Bag (eFB), allowing maintenance data and engine monitoring on a

global scale. It is this sort of dependable background that gives the GA pilot confidence in the skybookGA(tm) package and assures him that he is getting the same accurate data that underpins much of the commercial aviation sector. When Bytron was formed 1984, its objective was to provide electronic briefing systems that would dispense with the uncertainty of paper trails and fax messages that often reduced data provision to an unacceptable level of uncertainty, and which often left captains or their crew trying to track down essential data for flight plans and, in many cases, footslogging round far-flung airport locations before the full flight briefing plan could be assembled. It was Byron’s mission to abolish these unwieldy processes and it has been a long, hard slog that has brought in its wake great benefits, not only for pilots, but also the environment. SkybookGA(tm) benefits from the lengthy development process that Bytron have relentlessly pursued. Rightfully known as ‘the one-stop shop for pre-flight briefing,’ skybookGA(tm) offers a comprehensive range of planning aids that allows the pilot to customise routes, visualise them, and view them in 3D with Google Earth and Virtual Earth. Detailed and accurate planning also helps with fuel economies. Once you, the pilot, have the route to your satisfaction, a click of a button provides a full

report on the relevant weather and NOTAM that may affect your flight. It’s bang up-to-date information and an approved CAA source. FANTASTIC FEATURES Features include Personal Location Point information, which allows you to create waypoints and store them for future use in your Personal Route Brief. Airfield Brief is another useful feature, which allows you to search for airfields by name, or ICAO and IATA codes. The information includes full airfield and runway details, plus NOTAM/METAR/TAFS/LTAFS/SNOWTAM affecting that airfield, along with a list of neighbouring airfields. The Great Circle Route Briefing will, on entering departure/destination airfields, route width and upper flight level, and create a route using the shortest course between the departure/destination airfields. The brief calculates all FIR and airfields within the route’s width and upper limit and provides NOTAM and MET briefs for these airfields. SIGMET provides advice on potential weather hazards other than convective activity over an area of 3,000 square miles at any one time and produces data on icing, turbulence, dust and volcanic ash. AIRMET provides regional weather forecasts for the GA pilot, covering regions within the UK and is updated regularly throughout the day. GAMET provides area forecasts by European FIR for flights operating at

low-level four times a day. Two of skybookGA(tm)’s integrated features that pilots specially praise are the Quick Weather Maps and Danger Area Briefs. Quick Weather Maps allow you to view prevailing weather conditions and trends at a glance. They provide information on windspeed and direction, temperature, dew points, cloud cover, pressure, and any significant weather changes. Danger Area Brief allows searches for international and domestic NOTAM affecting Danger Areas by FIR, an area name or number during specific time periods. It includes easy-to-view charts of UK Danger Areas. International NOTAM contains information about the establishment, condition or change in any facility, service, procedure or hazard. International SNOWTAM notifies pilots of the presence of - or removal of - snow, ice, slush or standing water associated with the movement area. The most recent development provides for the creation of a Pilot Log (Plog) based on departure, destination, flight level and flight corridor, and even has the ability to calculate fuel burn. It’s also possible to export routing data to a GPS device. It is small wonder that GA pilots increasingly cherish the comprehensive briefing data that skybookGA(tm) offers. They can feel confident that every eventuality has been covered, just a few minutes before setting off to the airport.

NEW AND IMPROVED! Skybook GA™ now has loads of new features, including: RESTRICTED AREAS (TEMP) MAP This has now been updated so you can see multiple NOTAM that are centred on the same point.

SATELLITE IMAGES UPDATE The display for satellite images has been updated to a carousel display to aid searching which now can be opened in a separate window.

METAR FEED This loads airfield METAR details onto Google Earth. Wind speed, direction and cloud cover are displayed. You can also seelive weather along your route.



52 LOOP OCTOBER 2010 www.loop.aero


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Cessna F182Q 1977 Year 1980 Airframe 3937 hrs. Engine 874 hrs GPS GNS430. Transponder GTX330 mode S RNav KNS 80 New. Radio KX197.ADF K86 Audio+Markers KMA20.4 way intercom Brand new Hartzell prop fitted A/P plus extras. £55,000 ono.

Always hangared. IR Panel 2xAlt, 2xVOR, 1xILS, DME, ADF, Comms & Nav x2, Mode S, Garmin 295, New Leather Trim, A/F 3171hrs, Eng 1676hrs, ARC 06/11 £45000 + VAT Contact 01296 622697 / 07773 565267.

1980 PA28R


Total time airframe 10400, Engine 2000, propeller new king radio H.S.I., R.M.I. A sound GA. A/C 6/10 inside & out, PRICE £41,000, Contact: Brian Marindin: 01392 364216/ 07966594106.

2 seat aircraft, Continental C65 new cylinders fitted, new mags, carb ­overhaul, In Good condition, new ­permit. £9,250. Contact Chris Murgatroyd on 07711132247.




One seater racing aircraft, new engine, ready to race. Trailer included. Maintained in approved wksp 35,000 Euros o.n.o Located: Rouen (LFOP)-France Contact: +33 6 09 31 55 55 Email: claude.james@scj.fr

Reims Hawk XP 1977 IO-360K, RR 6 Cylinder VP Prop fuel injected, great short field performance, best 172 Model Available. Contact: Adrian – 01720422350. adrian-davis@supanet.com

2+2 delight to fly -economical- king avionics-txp mode C-VOR-skymap 111C- recent 50 hr Hangared Exeter open to offers. Contact: Stephen – 01395445686. stephen.baker4@btinternet.com


CESSNA 182Q, 1979

Low airframe hours, good paint & interior. New zero time engine and new three blade high performance propeller. Full IFR avionics + GPS & autopilot.

£67,950 NO VAT. Go to our website for full details or call us AirBASE Aviation Ltd Tel: 01953 860701 Email: info@airbaseuk.com www.airbaseuk.com

Lycoming 0320 150 HP '0' Time engine. Airframe manufactured @1960 and 1800hrs. 'N' Registration. Narco MK12D NAV / COM, ILS/ OBS. Narco TXPNDR. 4 place intercom. STOL Kit with droop wing tips and vortex generators and horizontal stab. New annual. Based - Compton Abbas, 1/4 share available, £6,000. Mark Leonard 01929 459208, mandsleonard@aol.com


PA 24 Comanche 260 1965

ADVERTISE HERE! Cessna T303 Crusader, 1982

Low hours factory engines & recent propellers. High spec digital flight display and avionics. Good paint, nice leather interior. 'N' Reg. Based Europe.

CALL CHRIS 01223 497060

TT 4450 hours. Engine 1665 from new, 630 STOH (new cylinders). 3 blade Hartzell prop. 210 hrs from new. Full airways with FM immune Narco 121 VOR/ILS. Last annual August 2009. £30,000. Contact: 01491 573845 or email denise@rotherfieldgreys1.fsnet.co.uk

1974. Capable 4 seat tourer. 100 kts on 35 lph. 3000 hrs TTAF&E, 200 STOH. New prop. ARC to 8/11. Nav/Com, VOR, DME, Mode C. Cover. Flies beautifully. £15,000 ono. Call David on 01296 612955 (eve) or 020 7691 4035 (day).

USD$215,000. Go to our website for full details or call us AirBASE Aviation Ltd Tel: 01953 860701 Email: info@airbaseuk.com www.airbaseuk.com




Europa Classic 912 P.O.A.

MAULE M-6-235

160HP Aerobatic Public Transport C of A, Fresh Annual, Airframe 2950 Hrs. Engine 600 Hrs, newly resprayed, new interior, Kingsilver Crown Com Unit, VOR, ADF, Transponder. £29,950 + VAT. Call Richard Brinklow Day 01892 520500 Eve 01892 824131.

Aerobatic biplane on LAA permit. Lycoming IO360, inverted oil & fuel, recently overhauled Hartzell constant speed prop, Narco radio & mode C, 125knt cruise. £19,750. 01394 448231 / 07929 666069

Great condition. Dependable touring aircraft 120kt cruise. 4hr range. One owner. May be sold with year permit. Contact Alan 01245-264186 alan.stewart@blueyonder.co.uk Photos/video at www.alandstewart.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk

Reg: G-MOUL Jun'90 T/T: 770 hrs 0-540-J1A5D Factory O/H Jun'01 Engine TSOH: 238 hrs Always hangared, prop O/H Jun'08, ARC June'09, well equipped £54,000 VAT paid E-mail: MKlinge1@aol.com Tel. 07831 612233


Premier services at premium prices, Nicholson McLaren apply the highest standards of care and precision to your engine for optimum performance and reliability. Our aim is to be competitive and reliably the best in the UK. Our capability list enables us to offer the full range of rebuild and overhaul facilities, including shock load examination and dynamic testing for: • Textron Lycoming • Teledyne Continental Motors • Constant Speed units • Fuel Metering • Accessories • Bendix & Slick Magneto specialists • Carburetor Overhaul & Service specialists • Carburetor Recall service as per bulletin 582A • Heater Service Agents specialising in Janitorial B series, South Wind plus C&D Associates Heaters. EASA 145 approved, the company is working to deliver a totally professional package of work covering engine and accessories.

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Loop-OCT-Class.indd 5

8/10/10 14:01:25


Piper PA22 Tripacer G ARDS.

1967 CHEROKEE 180

Beagle Pup 150

ZLIN 526


Built 1991, considerable maintenance, very good mechanical condition. In need of coat of paint. Great flyer. Annual – next June. All logs/hours available, airframe 920hrs aprx, engine 120hrs aprx and prop 6hrs aprx since major overhaul. Comes with spare parts worth £8.000+ Total Price £38,000 – no offers. Call Colin on 01543 250505 /07831 845 405

100 hours engine, hardly used since overhaul. This plane is practically as new, the best you will see, Recent rebuild, recover, and repainted. £22,000 ono. Kept in a Private Hangar at Newtownards. Contact: Chris Donaldson on 07768797550.

Total time airframe, 8500’. Engine, 1125. King & Narco Radio Equipment with 1 TKM MX-170 Com/Nav. Sound well maintained, Piper 6/10 inside & out. Price: £25000 Tel: 0044 1392 364216 Email: info@airwaysflighttraining.co.uk

Owner offers this Series 2- B121. PUP 150 (Lycoming 0-320). Fresh annual. Always maintained, delightful handling 150hp pup is a joy to fly. Leather seats, long range tanks, Cleveland disc brakes, Cambrai cover and four place i­ntercom. £29500.00. Contact: 07961 408444– whiskybravo47@hotmail.com

Airframe 2250H, Aerobatic to 3500H, engine WM6III - 900H on condition. C of A until 21/05/11. Propeller Avia V503A at zero hours. Many spares available. £44,000. ono. Allan – 07921694967. Email - jasbaldry@hotmail.co.uk

(Single seat) Complete airframe rebuild!! New Permit. Engine 0290. Totals hours 1783 hrs. Zero hrs since total overhaul. New propeller, inverted fuel and oil system. £18000 ono. email mike.coffee@btopenworld.com or 07973 200035.

MX-7-180 MAULE 1991




G-BTXT. Dec 91. A.R.Cert June 2011. TTAc and engine 1106 hrs. Lycoming 0-360-C1F. Hartzell c/s prop 436hrs. KX155, KI203 VOR, KR76a txp, KN64 DME, AvMap Geopilot Plus. Vortex Generators. £48,000 no VAT REDUCED TO £43,000 no VAT 01388 745126

1960. TTAF 5650. Eng 1150 TSO. Refurbished 1988. Ceconite covering. New struts. Overhauled prop. Tow hook available. Horizon. GPS. No damage history. Fresh Annual. New 3 year C of A. View Redhill. £37,500 ono. Tel: 01342 842092 or 07808157665

6/7 Seater Aircraft. Equipment: KN62A DME, KX165 Nav Comm, KX175B Nav Comm, KT76 Transponder, KR85 ADF, 2 VOR’s, 1 ILS, Skymap IIIC Colour GPS, 2 Altimeters. 6 Place Intercom, 6 Headsets. £58,000. Contact John Cheetham Tel: 07973-601140 Email: john. cheetham@jcinstruments.co.uk

TTSN only 2188, engines 546, Props 60, Shadin Fuel Computer. Colour WX Radar, Collins pro line avionics, Second Altimeter. Century IV Autopilot and Flight Director coupled to Trimble 2000GPS. red/white & grey leather seats. 6 place intercom. Sold with Mar 09 EASA CofA. JAR145 maintained. view UK.£85K NO VAT. jah@heard.demon.co.uk or arthur@eldridgeonline.com

1976 PA 28 151

Socata TB10.

Total time airframe, 13,200’. Engine, 131. Propeller, 1810. King radio & Narco Nav Equipment. A good economic Piper, 6/10 inside & out. Price: £33500 Tel: 0044 1392 364216 Email: info@airwaysflighttraining.co.uk

1996 example, 466 hours total time on engine and airframe, prop 34 hours since overhaul in 2007. This aircraft has benefited from one owner since new. Based and maintained at Goodwood there is no damage history and it is presented immaculately both inside and out. Avionics include x2 KX155’s, KMA24 Audio, KN64 DME, KT76A Transponder, KR87 ADF, KLN90 GPS and Bendix-King colour Skymap. £65,000 + VAT with new Annual check and ARC, Contact Rob Wildeboer 01243 755064 or email rob.wildeboer@goodwood.com.

1981 CESSNA 152

bellanca 7GCAA citabria TTAF 9436 TTE 2403 STOH 500, ARC due Dec 2010, Nav/Com1: KX155A, Nav/Com2: KX175B, ADF: KR85, Transponder: GTX320A, Always hangared and based at Sibson (EGSP), Red Cambria Cover,

Very Good Condition. Price: £17,950, Contact: Alan Jury 01780 720170. Cessna P-210 Pressurized Centurion II



1982. TT: 2900, Engine TSIO-520AF engine (Eagle Engines Golden Series) TSOH: 1140. Interior 8/10, Exterior 8/10. Avidyne and Garmin Avionics. € 234,500. Tel: +00 41 91210 3128/745.66.89 Email: aeromeccanica@bluewin.ch

01223 497060 OR EMAIL chrisw@loop.aero

Beagle Pup 150

G-AZCK, Built in 1969, Airframe number 153 – Total Hours – 3370, Total Engine Hrs – 420, Annual Nov this year, Private use only, Hangared but last 2 years outside with Cambrai Cover, VOR, ILS, DNE, ADF, Transponder mode C, KNS 80, RNAV, Life Jacket, Headphones and Cambrai Cover included. £25,000. Loop stripad ad 216x20 1009:Layout 1 20/10/09 Contact Ian Ross – 02891 465087.


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2004, BN2T Executive Islander, one private owner since new, 430 hours TT, as new, up to date maintenance, Rolls Royce 250-B17C engines (430 hours), Bendix King avionics, Century 2000 ­autopilot, executive interior including club seating (cream leather), folding table, CD player, refrigerator, air ­conditioning, enhanced observation windows and immaculate white paint scheme with blue stripe. Full specification and photos available on request. Please contact Britten-Norman on +44 20 3371 4000 or email sales@britten-norman.com

Hayward Aviation Ltd info@haywards.net Tel: 020 7902 7800

54 LOOP OCTOBER 2010 www.loop.aero

Loop-OCT-Class.indd 54

8/10/10 14:01:34


Robin aircraft DistrIbutor since 1995. The new 155hp Diesel Eco Flyer, now from Finch Aircraft with diesel economy and Robin Perfomance. Contact Steve Bailey 07973 691727 or csbailey@mac.com

ROBIN R2112, 1980

Used aircraft

2-seat metal economic tourer, semi-aerobatic.Suit low hours PPL £26,000 No VAT

ALPHA 160A, 2007

2-seat aerobatic sports tourer, zero-houred engine, new C of A

ALPHA 160 Ai, 2008

Fully aerobatic sports plane, low hours, looks wonderful


£78,000 No VAT £104,000 No VAT

The classic tourer, re-covered / repainted 2005, excellent condition £54,000 No VAT

ROBIN R 3000/120

Distinctive T-tail economic tourer, budget price

£19,500 No VAT


1979 PIPER PA28-161 WARRIOR 11


Mooney M20J

Manufactured in 1990, a/c has a total time of 2050 hrs a/f and engine. Engine with 0 hrs. Very good condition, is always hangared and has a full set of covers included. Cruises happily at 120 knots, carries 4 adults and luggage, making it a fantastic touring aircraft it is very easy to fly. WILL TAKE ANY KIND OF VEHICLE IN PART EXCHANGE. £65,000 – Simon York. 01423 340209

Engine and prop just been overhauled TTAF 9795. Garmin 430, Garmi GTX 330 mode S transponder. ARC to 10/03/2011 Well maintained £49,950 NO VAT Contact: Paul Villa email paul@apollo-aviation.co.uk Tel 01273 440737

EASA C of A, Termikas overhaul in 2007, long range fuel tanks in wings, Becker radio & mode S TXP. Excellent condition. YAK UK Ltd, 01767 651156 www.yakuk.com

1987. Private aircraft, second owner. Airframe and engine: TT 760 hrs, Lycoming IO-360-A3B6D, 200 hp, fuel injected. Interior 7/10, Exterior 9/10. Garmin Avionics. $ 144,400. Tel: +00 41 91210 3128/745.66.89 Email: aeromeccanica@bluewin.ch

Aviamilano F14 Nibbio 180hp.

Fast touring aircraft.

Cessna 120 1946

Rollason Condor D62C

Rare 4-seat Falco. Stelio Frati design. 140kt economy cruise. Owned last 7+yrs. Always hangared. Work of Art, signed by artist. Much TLC applied. Asking - £39,500 NO VAT Email: robin.nash@sky.com Tel: +44 (0)7956 141833

Full IFR fit including GNS530, ‘autopilot’ stormscope and fuel totaliser. Range >900 nm. New engine this winter. Finance available Contact Peter - 01275 795 806/ 07785 591196.

This is a great example of the Cessna 120. 1946 2000 TT 550 on engine. Flys lovely. for more info please come and see for your self or phone me on 07545922794 or richard.flanagan@ gamstonflighttraining.co.uk

Engine – Continental O-240, 240hrs since Top End Overhaul, 1200hrs total. Airframe - 2500hrs. Transponder, 720 Channel VHF, Recent Propeller refurbishment, New tyres. Good Condition throughout. Good short field performance. 85kts cruise. Free O-200 conversion available if required. £13,950 Contact: 07887513204. e-mail: chris.jobling1@btinternet.com

Mistral aviation ltd

Contact: John Kistner Tel: +44(0)1730 812008 Fax: +44(0)1730 816237 Email: sales@mistralaviation.co.uk www.mistralaviation.co.uk

ADVERTISE HERE! CALL CHRIS 01223 497060 OR EMAIL chrisw@loop.aero


The much improved (by original designer) version of Yak-55. New 2001. Only 122 TTSN. M14P engine & MTV-9 prop ‘0’ SOH. Many extras. Perfectly maintained. On Russian register. Only Euro 85,000 including European VAT.

Richard Goode Aerobatics

Tel: +44(0)1544 340120 Fax: +44(0)1544 340129 Email: richard.goode@russianaeros.com


301T Turbo, Hangared, Fixed gear csp 154kt, Full king avionics and skymap 111c, IFR and airways equipped, auto pilot, 6 place oxygen and intercom, new Lycoming engine – 155hrs. New 3 blade hartzell variable pitch prop – 75hrs. £92, 000 No VAT. 01226 790735

PULSAR XP Rotax 912. Built in 2001 she has only 101 hours. She is equipped with a transponder and a Garmin 250XL GPS and Comms unit. I recently took her on a flying holiday around France where at a cruising speed of 95-100kts she was only burning a meagre 13 lph!! Permited until August 2010. Contact: me at dave@theploughinnhorbling.co.uk or call me 07957 864886

1993 AG - 5B Grumman Tiger


TTAF 3385hrs. TTE 986 hrs. New ARC just completed including propeller and carburettor overhaul. Arc expires 12-07-2011. Aircraft bare metal resprayed, corrosion proofed and interior refurbished 2007 (see www.flymoore.co.uk). Airframe, engine and upholstery immaculate condition. IFR a­ vionics. Based at Blackbushe for viewing. £54.000 Tel: Ian 07941 578182 email: ianjamesward@tiscali.co.uk

G-STUA: the classic Pedigree Pitts is up for sale, Factory Built: 1978 s/n 2164, TTAF: 3,664, TTE: 1,230, Last Annual : April 2010, Last Prop Overhaul: April 2010 (@£3,500 cost!) CSU (overhauled): April 2010, Always Hangared; same ownership 15 years. The perfect aerobatic machine from fun for 2 on a sunny day and standard to advanced aerobatic competitions. A very tidy ship in good condition. Based at Stapleford Airfield Asking - £41,000 (no VAT). Contact Patrick on Mobile : +44 7879 88 22 55. E mail: pmr@flylea.com

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BUY AND SELL YOUR AIRCRAFT ONLINE AND IN LOOP MAGAZINE www.loopmart.aero DHC1 CHIPMUNK 1950 Airframe: 11750 hours, Engine: 1036 hrs. C of A until June 2011, new annual, A/Ds up to date, Large box of various manuals. Price: £32K NEW PRICE £27,000 Contact Paul – 01502 678125 Mobile: 07745 775937 Email – paul@blaircroft.demon.co.uk

De Havilland Chipmunk




De Havilland Chipmunk, one owner since 1982, airframe 3958 hours, engine 28 since full top overhaul and new rings. C of A June 2010, all A/Ds up to date. Garmin GNC 300XL fitted. Contact: £30500 ono Contact Bob Bowles 07710002119 bob@bowles77.fslife.co.uk

350 hrs on ENGINE, AIRFRAME, PROP, INSTRUMENTS all brand new. Engine Telydyne Cont. fuel injected 125 HP. Burns 22 litres per hr at 8,000 Ft at 105Kts cruise. Baggage, 250 lbs. Fuel load 95 litres. Short field performance. gmn2008@hotmail.com

1680 hours TT A/F and E. Lycoming IO 540 300bhp Turbo-normalized. 2-axis autopilot, oxygen, extra fuel tanks, electric trim, good radio fit, good, original interior. £22,500 no VAT. Tel: 01491 573845 (Oxfordshire)

R912, PV50 prop, TT 270hrs Dynon EFIS, Garmin GPS295, GTX327, Icom IC-A200, Micro Avionics ANR headsets & intercom, Hyd disc brakes, new Cambrai cover, hangered. New permit July. Contact: Paul on 01309 641451 or 07786 055520



120hp Wilksch (WAM) engine, 120 hrs TTE&AF. May 2007 build. MT three blade C/S prop, glass panel, colour GPS two axis autopilot transponder mode C. 115/120 knots on 15/18 litres per hr. Permit May 2010. £60,000. 07860 558558.

Airframe 7245 hours. Engine 475 hours since zero time (Norvic, new millenium cyclinders). Always hangared. 1 owner last 20 years. Narco Mk12D. GTX320 encoding transponder. Good condition o­ riginal paint. No accident history. Annual Dec 2010. £17950. Tel: 07786383415. Email: vssnottm@btinternet.com

Aviat Husky A-1B-180

See full spec on our website www.aviataircraft.co.uk Contact: +44 (0)1952 770428 CESSNA 182Q, 1979

Total hrs 2300, Engine 200, Prop 200. Colton respray 2004. comprehensive Garmin avionics fit with 530 moving map & tecas. Long range tanks. Black leather interior. Well maintained & in excellent condition. £68000.00 Contact: 01913734453 & 07977571387

High spec, IFR Certified. Manufacturers new, two year warranty applies to this aircraft. Price £125,000.00 (VAT paid via Denmark).




Built and owned by an engineer. TT 500 hours. Excellent condition. Leather interior. Electric trim and panel-mount throttles. Icom radio, Garmin Mode S. Headsets and fitted Garmin 196. New permit. £20,000. Derek - 07860 208080.

Low wing, retractable, four seat tourer, excellent condition, interior beige leather, airframe 2162 hrs, engine and prop 370hrs. Annual to October 2008. Full airways instrumentation, Bendix King KX 20 TSO COM/NAV, KR 85 TSO ADF, Skymap IIIc. Garmin GTX 320 Transducer Mode S, NS 800 RNAV. Email john@jtjaklaschka.co.uk Tel : 01473 620677

TTE 1853 (927 STOH), Prop 75 SOH. New ARC Oct 2009. Complete new avionics upgrade Nov 2006, Garmin GMA 340, GNS 430, GTX 330, GI 106A . King KR87 ADF, K1265 DME. Narco comm 2. 4 place intercom, music input. Complete interior upgrade 2007, two tone grey leather executive finish. Stunning condition, always hangared. Full maintenance manuals and Cambrai covers. Project near completion forces reluctant sale. Contact: Matt Colebrook on 07748 622842 or Email mattcolebrook@gmail.com




Venture motor glider, Very good condition, 1600cc Rollinson engine, Runs on AVGAS/MOGAS, Complete with new Annual inspection and ARC to 2011. Hours: engine 1009 hrs airframe 5186 hrs. £12,000. John Giddins - 078 99987537.

G-Reg. TT airframe 9562.01 (as at 16TH Sept 09). Engine 0-320-D2J (160 BHP @ 2700 rpm) total hours on this engine (as at 16th Sept 09) only 79.45. New Airworthiness Review Certificate (ARC) on 10th June 2009. New paint and interior in 2005. VHF NAV/COM 1 – KX155A. VHF NAV/COM 2 – RT 385A. DME KN-64. 300 ADF R-546E. New in 2007 mode ‘S’ Transponder Garmin GTX 330. Four place Sigtronics I/C. Asking Price: £37.500. For more information please contact the CFI & Operations Manager: Tel: 07899917698. E-mail: charles.hales@gmail.com

Parting out, Engines 1800 from factory, good compressions and no leaks. Props sold. Very good cowlings and control surfaces, fuel tanks and tip tanks good. Grey leather ­ interior. All i­nstrumentation available. A good aircraft that is too good to break but a change of plan makes this the best option. Credit card payments accepted and parts delivered by UPS. Email: ian@aeroservices.co.uk Tel: 01375 891165

ADVERTISE HERE! CALL CHRIS 01223 497060 OR EMAIL chrisw@loop.aero PA28-161


G-ELZY…1986…TTE 2130…TTAF 6880…engine build in 2004…KX155/GTX328/x1 King non G/S indicator…£33,000 + VAT with new Annual. Contact: Robert Wildeboer 01243 755064. rob.wildeboer@goodwood.com.

G-LAOL… 1979… TTE1260… TTAF4440… TT prop 480 since 2006 o/haul…GNS430…GMA340…KMD250… GTX328…KX165…ADF650…KN64 x2 G/S indicators…STEC single axis A/P…£44,950 + VAT. Contact: Robert Wildeboer 01243 755064. rob.wildeboer@goodwood.com.

Reims built cessna F172N


Trinidad TB20GT

Only 95 hrs, Vacuum Pump A/H. D/I. VSI. Transponder. Intercom. Murray Flint Painted. VGC. £23,500 01580 240277 / 07970040724

Year 2000 TTAF&E 405 hours. Full IFR, Full history & logs, no damage history. 2 new Bose X included. Unmarked grey leather interior. A wonderful touring and commuting aircraft, fast and comfortable for cross-Europe use. £119,000. 01534 483848.


Lovely two seat Biplane in excellent Airframe only 2019 hours. condition. Continental 165hp engine Engine 1040 since 1993. with Christen inverted system. Well equipped, Garmin Airfame 220hrs, Engine 900hrs. Full canopy plus aeroscreens for audio panel and mode S open air flying. Brand new radio plus ­transponder. Flies really transponder. New tailwheel, full set of well and in very good Cambrai covers. Smoke system. ­condition inside and out. Fresh LAA Permit. Fresh ­ a nnual/ARC issued at p ­ urchase. View aircraft North Essex. Loop stripad ad 216x20 1009:Layout 1 20/10/09 Page 1 - 07785 286338 £26,000 10:05 ono. Please contact Malcolm Email: ian@aeroservices.co.uk Tel: 01375 891165 Or Email - malcolm@capitalaviation.co.uk

For competitive aviation insurance... Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority

Hayward Aviation Ltd info@haywards.net Tel: 020 7902 7800

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Slingsby Firefly T67M Year: 1983.

G-CEWN - 2008

G-KELV - 2005

G-CEZG - 2008

OE-FYB - 2008

Airframe - 5960 hours (in 22 years), engine - 390 hours since major overhaul (with a TBO of 1600hrs) OH, propeller - 360 hours since major overhaul (with a TBO of 750hrs) OH Date Feb09. Fully aerobatic. Bendix King avionics. Robert – 07737745604, 01666825962.

Airframe Total Time since New: 4225, Engine & Prop since Overhaul: 722, ARC valid until: April 2011, Sensibly priced at £30000 + VAT. Contact Western Air (Thruxton) Ltd for more details 01264 773186

Full IFR 4 seat 2.0l DA42 with G1000 Dual screen Garmin G1000. Long range tanks. De-icing. Oxygen. Platinum design package. Total hours AEP 190. €420,000 + VAT Tel: +44 (0) 1777 839200 – Ext 203

Full IFR 4 seat DA42 1.7l Thielert Centurion Jet A1 powerplant with FADEC. Dual screen Garmin G1000 glass panel cockpit. Total hours AEP 470. Always hangared. Cover and Electric Tug included. £265,000 + VAT Tel: +44 (0) 1777 839200 – Ext 203

Full IFR 4 seat DA42 2.0l Thielert Centurion powerplant with FADEC. Dual screen Garmin G1000. De-icing. Long range tanks. Oxygen. Platinum design package. Total hours AEP 213 €420,000 + VAT Tel: +44 (0) 1777 839200 – Ext 203

Full IFR 4 seat DA42 2.0l Thierlert Centurion powerplant with FADEC. Dual screen Garmin G1000. Long range tanks. Extended baggage compartment. Total hours AEP 443. €350,000 Tel: +44 (0) 1777 839200 – Ext 203

G-LLMW - 2006

G-ITFL - 2007

OE-ADC - 2009

EC-JKE - 2001

Beautifully Built Vans RV8 (G-ZUMI), 200hp with inverted fuel and oil, 3 blade CP MT prop, Fully Aerobatic +6 - 3, 170kts Cruise @ 75% 11Gph, Xsize tyres for field landings, Airframe 212hrs TT from new, Prop newly 0 timed, Engine 212hrs SMOH. New permit to fly from August 2010, immaculate condition, Vans glider tow kit available (not currently fitted) £75000 ono. Tel: 079 4948 6969

Full IFR 4 seat 1.7l DA42 with G1000 Dual screen Garmin G1000. Long range tanks. De-icing. Oxygen. Extended baggage compartment. Total hours AEP 395. £330,000 VAT PAID Tel: +44 (0) 1777 839200 – Ext 203

Full IFR 4 seat 2.0l DA42 with G1000 Dual screen Garmin G1000. Long range tanks. De-icing. Extended baggage compartment. Platinum design package. Total hours AEP 190. €420,000 + VAT Tel: +44 (0) 1777 839200 – Ext 203

VFR 2 seat 125hp DA20-C1 Eclipse. Garmin 430 GPS/COM/NAV with Glidescope receiver. Extended baggage compartment. External power socket. Sheepskin seats. Total hours AEP 270. $185,000 + VAT Tel: +44 (0) 1777 839200 – Ext 203

IFR 4 seat DA40-180 with Lycoming powerplant. MT 3 blade hydraulic constant speed propeller. Meticulously maintained. No damage history. Total hours Airframe 1730 Engine 1730 Propeller 42. €100,000 + VAT Tel: +44 (0) 1777 839200 – Ext 203


Rallye 235C


ADVERTISE HERE! CALL CHRIS 1989 Public transport 160hp, TTAF 4890. 160hrs on factory engine. King Com, Kns 80 DME, ILS Markers, A.D.F. Transponder ARC. June 2010. £27,500 no Vat. Tel: 02088928832 07885283228


G-OODW…1984…TTE 542…TTAF 9790…engine build in 2009…Garmin 430/S-Tec ADF650D/GTX328/KX155/KMA124/ KN84D/x2 G/S ind, Annual due Jan 11, £46,000 + VAT. Contact: Robert Wildeboer 01243 755064. rob.wildeboer@goodwood.com.

01223 497060 OR EMAIL chrisw@loop.aero

Taildragger in a superb c­ ondition. A unique aircraft. Four seats. Year 1979. TTAF 1500 hrs. Engine Lycoming O.540, 80 hours SMOH, Prop new overhaul. Paint/exterior as new. Delivered with new annual. Price 59.000 EUR. si@sigurnes.is



1974. TT 2715 A/F Engine 718 Prop 160. A very sound airplane. Always hangered. New C of A Jan 2010. All a/d’s complied with. King IFR. £43k. ONO No VAT. Contact Mr. P. Brunton 01970 612 567 (office), 01654 702248 (home).

Offers around £85,000. FREE HANGERAGE. FREE STRIP AVAILABLE. She is in exceptional condition and hangared 10 miles west of Salisbury on a private 1000 metre strip. Full ownership or 1/2 share, Engineer on site.10 hrs since complete engine overhaul. KFC200 flight director coupled to 3axis autopilot, NEW :-GSN430, SL30 navcom, GTX330 Smode transponder, GMA340 audio panel, EDM700, Leather seats. Oxygen, TT1560 hrs grahamdimmer@hotmail.com or 07836205010


1980 (serial no.62). TTAF 1853. TTE 1853 (927 STOH), Prop 75 SOH. New ARC Oct 2009. Complete new avionics upgrade Nov 2006, Garmin GMA 340, GNS 430, GTX 330, GI 106A. King KR87 ADF, K1265 DME. Narco comm 2. 4 place intercom, music input. Complete interior upgrade 2007, two tone grey leather executive finish. Stunning condition, always hangared. Full maintenance manuals and Cambrai covers. Project near completion forces reluctant sale. Contact: Matt Colebrook on 07748 622842 or Email mattcolebrook@gmail.com

Reduce your flying costs, fly on a permit



2001. One owner. TT Airframe and Engine 1054, Prop 650. Dual Garmin 430's, Avidyne MFD, Sandel EHSI, S-Tec 55 Autopilot with Alt hold, Garmin Mode S Transponder, WX500 Stormscope. Portable Oxygen system, Cover. Annual to May 2011. £115,000 VAT Paid. Always hangared, view Plymouth. Contact Robin Taylor 01364 73336, 07798 663034 or robintaylor@airteccc.co.uk CESSNA 177RG

One owner! 1974 RG One owner since new. Twin KX 155 radios with twin VOR/ILS indicators. Four headsets. 1900 hours. Engine 770 hours. Based at Biggin Hill. £60,000 Contact: Don Ward 01689853700 kestores@ntlworld.com RALLYE MINERVA 220

1968 one owner a/c always hangered near London. In 1986 a BRAND NEW engine fitted with a turbocharger was installed but the turbocharger was removed. The turbo manufacturers claimed that for continuous use 235 bhp with 250 bhp for five minutes would have been delivered. Some strengthening modifications have been retained. Otherwise the engine without turbo is rated at 220 bhp 400 hrs later still giving breathtaking rate of climb. Short take off and landing, excellent all round visibility, fully IFR with 2* VHF, 2 NAV, ILS, DGO, RMI, 2*ADF, transponder, special extra instrumentation. Not flown since £20,000 spent on new CofA. Brand new propellor (some £8,000). Included a mountain of new and used spare engines, blocks, pistons, con rods, crankshafts, autopilot parts, etc. Ideal aircraft for business or pleasure. Contact Tony Crook, Box 66, 272 Kensington High Street, London W8 6ND or phone 0207 602 4992 or fax 0207 348 0389

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1988, TTA 8665, TTE 280 Zero-timed rebuild 2006, Prop 280, Full King IFR, Trig Mode-S, Full repaint 2006, Public CoA ARC 24/2/2011, Ext 8/10, Int 7/10, Privately owned, Beautiful, reliable aircraft. £44,950. mjw3136@mjwade.co.uk 01280 860355.

ROBIN DR 400 180

Dolt year 2000; 570 hours, Airframe and engine, annual due Sept 2010, 1 owner, hangared from new, immaculate, standard VFR instrument and KMD fitted, reluctant sale, kept at Oban Airport Contact: johnmac1933@btinternet.com, home: 01631 710643, work: 01631 563519.

On Behalf of a Major Finance Company


Cirrus SR20 - G1. Y.O.M – 2003. Registration Number: G-CMLS. Engine: Teledyne Continental IO-360-ES. CAPS ballistic recovery system. Avidyne Flight Max EX 5000-C MFD slaved to GPS. Sandel SN338 EHSI Compass System. Garmin 340 Audio Selector Panel. 2 x Garmin GNS430 NAV/COM/GPS. S-Tec System Fifty-Five X Auto Pilot with ST360 Altitude Selector & Alert. Garmin GTX327 Mode ‘C’ Transponder. EMAX Engine & Fuel Monitoring on MFD Airframe & Engine Hours: 592 TT Location: South West England. Offers Invited Tel: +44 (0)1442 832234 or email: gordon.wyles@wyleshardy.com WYLES HARDY & CO Ley Hill Road, Bovingdon, Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP3 0NW UK T: +44 (0)1442 832234 www.wyleshardy.com


Tecnam P-2006T

Year 1982, Total Time Since New: Airframe - 2530hrs, RH Engine 535hrs, LH Engine - 625hrs, Right Prop - 72hrs, Left Prop 72hrs. Last Annual - April 2010, New Exterior Paint, very good condition, always hangared. Avionics: King KY196 COM, King KY-196 COM, King KN 53 NAV, King KNS 80 NAV/RNAV, King KR87 ADF, King KT-76A Transponder. Priced to sell, For further details or to view please call us on +44 (0)1952 770189

T7-reg, 2010, New aircraft, just ferry hours, ENGINE Rotax Type 912 S3, Garmin, GNS430W NAV/COM/GPS, SL30 NAV/ COM, GTX328 XPDR "S", GMA340, GI106A VOR/LOC/GS Indic. Mid Continent MD200-306 VOR/LOC/ GS Indic. Bendix KI525A HSI, KN63 DME, KDI572 DME Indic. KR87 ADF, KI227 ADF Indic. KA44B ADF Antenna, KG102A Directional Gyro, S-TEC55X Autopilot Artex ME406 ELT. € 285,000 VAT free. Stefano Scossa - 0041 912103128. aeromeccanica@bluewin.ch


Cirrus SR22 G2 Turbo GTS

peter@nelson01.eclipse.co.uk tel: 01395 578487

Dyn-Aero microlight (£55K ono) Rotax 100hp / Grand Rapids glass cockpit / txpr modeC /skymap gps 250 hr / new permit (July 2010) based Branscombe E Devon


Jabiru J400 G-KEVI

ADVERTISE HERE! CALL CHRIS N885SR, 2007, Always hangared, SN: 2369, Total Time Airframe, Engine and Propeller: 410 Hrs, TBO: 1740 Hrs, Continental IO-550-N, 310 HP, Flown only by the owner. maintained by Cirrus Authorized Service Centers. $ 335,000 VAT free. Stefano Scossa – 0041 912103128. aeromeccanica@bluewin.ch

01223 497060 OR EMAIL chrisw@loop.aero

G-CCZU - 2004

G-CCLW - 2003

Excellent condition. Built to a very high standard. Excellent avionics: Garmin GNS 430, Garmin 495, garmin 327, second radio, VOR + ILS. Murray Flint Paint. Propeller, cowl and cabin covers. Detailed feature article of actual aircraft in LAA magazine (Aug 2008). Approx 450 hrs TTAF/E. Contact Pat Kaina for more details: 07714326221, patrick_kaina@hotmail.com. Offers in the region of £48,000, offers considered.

NVFR 4 seat DA40D with 2.0l Thielert Centurion JET A1 powerplant with FADEC. Extended baggage compartment. Total hours Airframe 1008 Engine 44 and Propeller 0. £109,000 + VAT Tel: +44 (0) 1777 839200 – Ext 203

Full IFR 4 seat DA40D 1.7l Thierlert Centurion Jet A1 powerplant. Total hours Airframe 1703 Engine 535 and Propeller 68. £99,000 + VAT Tel: +44 (0) 1777 839200 – Ext 203



Only 890 A/F HRS, 100 HRS engine, good component times, original paint and interior, private use only, King digital avionics. Phone James or Paul on 01328878809. For more details.


2884 A/F HRS, 60 HRS engine and prop, Colton paint in 2005, annual and ARC due August 2011, Skyforce moving map, Narco digital avionics. Phone James or Paul on 01328878809. For more details.

G-BLFZ. /1979 PA31-310 //TTAF: 7,920 Props: L+R 73.25 Engines: Left 1,740 – Right 1,874. ARC renewed: Jan 2010. New Engine hoses : Jan 2010. Garmin GNS 530 COM/NAV/GPS. Garmin GTX 330 mode S. Bendix Colour Radar. Full Co-Pilot Instruments. AOC maintained last 15 years. Asking : £90,000 + VAT/* Contact: Patrick +44 (0) 78 79 88 22 55 pmr@flylea.com Ikarus C 42

SLINGSBY FIREFLY T67M MKII (160HP) Year 1993, Total Time Since New: Airframe - 4418hrs, Engine - 587hrs, Prop - 408hrs, Fresh Annual and all service bulletins/mods up to date Very good condition, Priced to sell. For further details or to view please call us on +44 (0)1952 770189. PIPER PA32-300 CHEROKEE SIX

912 Rotax engine, Radio Transponder, VSI GPS Only 24O Hours from new, 5 years old. £50,000, Contact: Bobpage66@yahoo.co.uk 1969 PA23-250D AZTEC

1978, G KNOW, TT Airframe 2811 Hours, TT Engine 10 Hours Since Rebuild, TT Prop 10 Hours From New, Brand New Hartzell Three bladed prop. King Avionics, full IFR fit. including Piper Autocontrol IIIC 3 Axis Autopilot, Cambrai Cover, External Power Lead, 7343 Airframe HRS 934 ENG HRS, DeTip Tanks (Fuel-84 US Gallons), ice, Good paint and interior, Life Jackets, Electric Trim, Sun Screens. Club Seating, Cream Leather Seats with Blue annual and ARC due FEB 2011. Piping (New 2005). Garmin 430 & Mode “S” Xponder. £73,000.00 Offers Invited, Vat Paid. Owner pilot for last 20 years. Loop stripad ad 216x20 1009:Layout 1 20/10/09 10:05 Page 1 Hangered at Stapleford Essex. James or Paul on 01328878809, for George 00447904338864 more details.

Piper PA-28R-201T Turbo Arrow III

HB-PMS, 1978, TT: 3500 hrs, TCM TSIO-360-FB TT: 600, Prop Hartz BHC-C2AF-1BF TT 3400, In good condition. No damage history. €46,200. Stefano Scossa – 0041 912103128 aeromeccanica@bluewin.ch

For competitive aviation insurance... Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority

1988, Lycoming 0360-A3A, Sensenich 76EM 855-0-58, TTAE 2100 approx, Exterior: 8/10, Interior: 7/10, EASA C of A July 2009, New ARC Aug 2010, King Avionics, this aircraft looks nearly new inside and out and the asking price reflects the engine hours and would otherwise be considerably higher, engine has been extended to 2400 hrs, been repainted in 2006 when the wings and tail were re-covered and the wing spar mod also done. £54,000 No VAT. Contact John Kistner – Mistral Aviation. 01730 812008. Sales@mistralaviation.co.uk 2007 Super Decathlon

1997 Super Decathlon

170 hrs TT. Fully Aerobatic with 180hp Fuel-Injected & MT Composite C/S Prop. Mode S. Full Gyro Panel. GPS. Annual carried March 2010. One Owner. £100K. Call Mark at Blue Yonder Aviation for full info 01787 224290.

310 hrs TT. 85 hrs Prop. Fully Aerobatic with 180hp Fuel-Injected & C/S Prop. Annual just done. 1950lbs GW increase mod. £70K. Call Mark at Blue Yonder Aviation for full info 01787 224290.

Hayward Aviation Ltd info@haywards.net Tel: 020 7902 7800

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After only 37 hrs TT and long-term storage this aircraft has been the subject of a comprehensive teardown and overhaul with no expense spared. All Systems, Engine, Drive Train, etc. rebuilt and updated with latest components. This is, effectively, a zero-timed, AS NEW Helicopter. Awaiting Run-In and Test for permit renewal at Hawarden Airport (Nr Chester). Contact Mike at MKH Engineering. +44 (0) 1352 732366. +44 (0) 7831 272558. flymikehughes@aol.com


Eng less than 600 hrs from new Prop 30hrs SMO. Remanufactured by Socata in 1997. King Avionics full airways, Skymap 111c. All 500hr items completed 2008, Cambrai cover, dingy, Workshop manuals. No VAT (VAT paid). Like new £59950.00 or consider shares. 0789 4472 360 rodshears@ntlworld.com

Turbulent druine d31

Runs on unleaded Mogas. Fuel injection engine. Fully approved in the UK. Basic insurance around 1k. Type ratings. Servicing and spares always available. Rotorway 162F. Brand new. Radio Fitted. Others available Price £39,000 + VAT. SOUTHERN HELICOPTERS LTD. TEL 01279 870211 E-mail jon@rotorway.co.uk Website www.rotorway.co.uk

G-ARIM. A/F and engine zero hours. Dismantled and in dry storage in North Berwick. Estate sale. £4,490. Contact sa300.duster@virgin.net or Phone 01620 850448.


2009 build SportCruiser plane for sale

TT 2975, good component times, engine 530 hrs, Annual until Oct 2010, Met Silver with red leather. Bargain at only £32,000 NO VAT. Tel 01978 780197 or 07780 700418

100 HP Rotax, analogue panel with Garmin 328 Mode S transponder, Large 695 GPS, BRS, Test Hours only, beautiful plane in white, blue and silver bargain at £78,600 inc VAT, ready for permit & to fly home. Call Ben on 0207 536 6356 for details, or see www.czechsportaircraft.co.uk

Pitts S2B

Factory built 1988, TT, AF 797, TT EN 797, 260 HP Lycoming AEIO-540D4A5, Smoke system fitted new 2009, Avionics King KY 196COM 760, King KT76A Transponder. c of a till 13/4/2011, Always Hangered, No d­ amage history. £70,000. Phone 07850689792, 01572724991, nhoughton@btconnect.com LANCAIR 320 Award winning immaculate beauty for sale following loss of medical. Injected Lycoming 160hp with 0 hours STOH. 250 hours TTAE. Overhauled completely in last year. Cruises at 200mph for 1,000 miles at 8 gph! Fully equipped panel. Comes with interchangeable wing tip extensions, cover, Permit to Fly, quantity of spares & more. Always hangared at Cranfield. Transition training available. Contact: Mafopp5@aol.com, or +44(0)1923 269170, +44(0)7836351553. £70,000 + VAT


Excellent Engine & Component Times For Further Info, Contact +44(0)1328 830060 or jeremy.a.taylor@btinternet.com


TTAF 9285, recent prop overhaul, TTE 1090, Continental 0300-D, Annual December 2010, Well equiped, reliable, good starter, Based Full Sutton York, £22,000 no VAT. Contact: Paul 07940576583


Yak55m G-NOIZ


White Waltham based Fabulous condition, £30,000 spent in 2008/9 upgrade. 375TTAF, new prop, engine, plugs, spades. 1/3rd share £18,350 Simon - 07730506129


PA-30 £17,000

1/6th share available. £5300 ono. CofA completed Jan 2009. Well run group. See www.swiftflying.co.uk Contact Roger Hayes on 01285 851311 or 07860 257333

25% shares G-BAKJ. BRNAV/ GPS approach approved. Dream Panel. Leather interior refurbished. Engines under half life, hangared near London/. 160kts cruise. For full specifications and photos contact grahamcolover@aol.com or call 07768063289



Swindon based Grumman Tiger share for sale. 1/5 share in AA5B based at Draycott Farm. £7000.00. £65/hr wet. £100/month. ADF, RNAV, Mode S. May consider non-equity membership. Contact Tony Tel: 01635 200431. tony@redshiftdesign.co.uk

Fully refurbished sporting Breitling sponsored livery. Please see the website www.GKHRE.co.uk for full details, price and contact.

Be free from flying club restrictions: shares available in Mooney M20J hangared at Booker. Touring and day trips in style at 150kts, fully equipped. See www.zitair.aviators.net


Cessna A-185 Skywagon F

PA28 140 Cherokee


Four seat touring aircraft, Great condition, Lycoming 160hp engine, fixed pitch Sensenich propellor, 4660 aircraft hours, 2323 engine hours. Built in 1983. Offers around £30,000. May part-ex LAA or dismantle with enough interest Contact: David Hook - 07711 698636

D-ELFO, 1980, Total Time: 3300 hrs, Engine TCM IO-520-D, TSOH: 1443, Oerhauled: 9/06, Propeller Mc Cauley D3A4C403/80UA-10, TSOH: 1000, OVH 5/03. Interior / Tan, 8/10. Exterior - 8/10. $ 144,400 VAT free. Stefano Scossa – 0041 912103128.


1/12th share in a fine PA28 140 Cherokee. Well equipped (IMC), good availability with web based booking. £2,000 per share £75 per month £70 per hour wet. Based Gloucester/Kemble. 07595 373539 stephen.white2@btopenworld.com (Treasurer Gatti Flying Group)

PA28 161 Shares for sale at £2500 each. Small friendly Group. Recent Annual. £70PM, £70PH Wet. For further details Phone Norman 01608 664613 / 07917 312158 David 01455 613001 / 07980 705844


1970 Piper Arrow1 200hp



BASED AT WELLESBOURNE MOUNTFORD, Two 1/5th non equity shares available in low engine hours Mooney, £165 / month, £75 /hr wet. Good availability. Or aircraft for sale £58,500 07903082740 for Des Hopkins, 07973380774 for Bill Woods.

Corrosion proofed from new always maintained / hangared at Exeter, never used for training 3 blade prop, FM immune & mode S A/F 3837, eng 2300, prop 104. New annual. £28,000. Contact: 07770 238570 pedrothepongo@yahoo.com 01626 833977 julietock@btinternet.com

A fifth share available at £10,000 in this superb 1984 PA28 -161 Warrior II based and hangared at Humberside Airport. Only three other shareholders and operational costs are £84 per hour wet with no monthly standing order. Excellent condition rated at 9/10 inside and out. Contact Chris Dale on 07711 438999 or e-mail chris.dale@gbpom.co.uk

01223 497060 OR EMAIL chrisw@loop.aero

Grumman SUPER AA1

Piper Archer PA28-181 Year: 1982




JODEL DR1051M1 1/2 Share

150BHP upgrade! Only 2850hrs airframe and 380hrs factory zero-timed Lyc O-320E2G, 80hrs since factory o/h on Hoffman prop. 1500ft/min ROC, and 135 cruise @ 28L/Hour. Mark 01296 612316 or 07932 620039.

1x Com / Nav, 1 x Com ILS, KNS 80 Area Nav/DME, ADF GARMIN GPS TRANSPONDER, Airframe Total Time since New: 72704225, Engine since Overhaul: 2056, ARC valid until: April 2011, £30000 +VAT Contact Western Air (Thruxton) Ltd for more details 01264 773186

160 hours TT. 118hp Lycoming. Very Economical. Aerobatic +5/-2G. Full Gyro Panel. KMD150/ SL30 NAVCOM/GTX328 MODE S TXPNDR. JPI Fuel Computer. Aileron Spades. CFP-2 Corrosion Protection Package. High Spec. Perfect Condition. £86,995 (No Vat). For more details and a full specification contact European Dealer, Blue Yonder Aviation Ltd. Tel: +44 (0) 1787 224290 or mark@blueyonderaviation.co.uk

205 hrs TTAF. Lycoming O-235 255 hrs STOH. Good panel with Icom A200, AV80R GPS, electric trims, turn co-ordinator etc. Permit August 2010. Good condition, excellent flyer. £16,500 ONO. Tel 01244 671417.

1/6th shares available in friendly group operating a Robin Regent out of Spilsted Farm Strip, E Sussex. GMIFF built 1991; 1568 TTAF; 828 TTE; always hangared; no outstanding ADs; full IMC kit; Skymap. £90/mth fixed; £80/hr. Call: John on 01424 845400 or Roger on 01424 838403

G-BHTC 3-Seat (or 2+2) at Oaksey. 1/2 share with great co-owner. 30 hours on 105hp Potez gives 3-seats & 100+kts cruise at 21 ltr/hr. 1520 airframe hours, new permit & beautiful. £12,500 Contact: 07967 805059

www.loop.ae ro OCTOBER 2010 LOOP 59

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8/10/10 14:02:29



Shares for sale in Yak52 group based central Scotland. 100hrs A/F & Engine since overhaul. Gorgeous example Warbird flying at flying club rates. Full details from declancurtis@talktalk.net / 07736800682

1/6 th share available £5,100, Good availability, Friendly group, Hangared, Delight to fly this Historic Aircraft. Contact: Phil 01327830549 07794624509. e-mail: intermanxnorton@me.com

Pitts Special S1-E Tex


Share available in G-BMTU at Sherburn in Elmet, IO360 S injected, TTE 680hrs, TTAF 200hrs. Half or third shares considered to suitably e­ xperienced pilots. Contact Neil Pogmore neilpogmore@yahoo.com 07714 205147

MX-7-180 MAULE 1991

Based at Co. Durham, G-BTXT. Dec 91. A.R.Cert June 2011. TTAc and engine 1106 hrs. Lycoming 0-360-C1F. Hartzell c/s prop 436hrs. KX155, KI203 VOR, KR76a txp, KN64 DME, AvMap Geopilot Plus. Vortex Generators. 1/4 share at £9,750 07801 184372

ROBIN HR100/210 SAFARI £4300, £80/month, £69/hour wet. Sixth of Robin Hr 100/210 Safari. London Fairoakes. 210hp Rolls Royce prepared Continental IO-360, All metal construction, four seater, large hold, IFR avionics – stable flight characteristics, Constant Speed Unit, 120 kt cruise, 10 Hr fuel, 1300 nm range, 480kg useful load, Inexpensive and practical tourer, small, well organised and friendly group, Google hr100 for details.

2002 Baron B58. N-REG

Fifth Share for sale £85,000, Beautiful plane with excellent availability low hours, hangared, excellent latest avionics long established friendly group, situated at Fairoaks. Instrument Rating required. Tel : David on 07970 707000

£3,700, £55 /month, £35 /hour wet, Tenth Share of G-CFEE EV97 Eurostar, Microlight hangared at Redhill. Micro/NPPL/PPL licenses, All metal, 2 seater with luggage shelf, 3 blade carbon prop, 100 mph cruise, 3.5 Hr fuel capacity 188kg useful load, Inexpensive and practical sport plane in immaculate condition, low hrs engine and maintenance fund accumulated, Nimble and responsive handling, class leading performance, unobscured vision. Contact Julian 07872824605 GROUP FLYING Join a well run friendly group who enjoy flying the DA40 TDi. Stapleford based this aircraft ideally placed for European or UK trips. Full IFR equipment, auto pilot, a cruise of 130 knots. G-ZANY has excellent availability, a non-equity scheme, no capital outlay which is ideal for those flying 2+ hours a month, whether long distance touring, local flying or IMC training and discounted rates for required conversion training. Call Paul Ponting on 07803 174804. Email info@altairaviation.co.uk or see http://www.altairaviation.co.uk

PIPER 28R -180



Kirknewton/Edinburgh Based. Always Hangered. 3 Blade Prop 180bhp. Engine 653 hours. Fully equipped. 1/4 Share Available. New C of A £7500 Tel 07836 379711 Email: biodun@sfg.co.uk

Based in Fife/Glenrothes. 1940, TTAF/E1200hrs, Super Cub Fuel system 4.5 hrs endurance, solo from the front , Cleveland brakes/800 tyres, Comm KY96A, intercom P & S 1000., £43/ hr wet with free landings, £80/month, Sixth shares at £3,700. Contact: sa300.duster@virgin.net or telephone 07836 589898

2 1/5th shares for sale in friendly 1973 Piper Arrow 2 group based Denham. Fully IFR. £8000. Wet £80 per hr. More details at: http://n747mm.helihost.org/ad/ Contact 07956 282 940 or andrewflyboy1@aol.com


Julian 07872824605







Wellesbourne Warwickshire, no capital Flying Club. No minimum daily or weekend hire, £40 per month, rates per hour, wet, fully inclusive, weekday/ weekend, Cessna 150 Aerobat £79/£89, Cherokee 140 £89/£99, Warrior £99/£109, Archer £109/119, Cherokee 6 £189/£199. FREE BROCHURE 01789 470424 www.takeflightaviation.com

Low-hour continental 65A engine, Sensenich propeller Brand new aluminium wings. USAF D-Day markings Permit renewed May ’09 White Waltham based. Two reluctant sellers due to relocation! £6500 per share 01886 880568

A one sixth share, well equipped with very low engine hours & good ­availability. Private strip & hangar in East Sussex £95pm £60ph wet. £4200, Non-equity share considered. Contact Bryan 01444 892841 BJ@F2S. COM or Geoff 01323 833641

2 shares available in a group of 5. Superbly equipped new aircraft arriving April 2010. £16k per share, £6k of which deferred for 2 yrs. £70 p/mth £45 per hr wet. Call Mike on 01234 355149 / 07725 560809

Lycoming O-235, Classic taildragger, under-utilised, hangared Bourne Park, Andover, long-established group, includes instructor, groupmaintained, on LAA Permit to Fly, £2,900, £55 per month, £45 per hour wet. Phone Robin on 0118 978 1821


fly this cub for £30 per hour - 1/5 share available

Sywell based

ROBIN DR400-160

One sixth equity share only £8,900. 1941 De Havilland DH82A Tiger Moth. A well run group of enthusiasts, instruction available, all welcome. Call Jonathan Webb: 07753 743318, jonathan@retailinaction.com

Two 1/6th Shares. Hangared at Headcorn, IMC equipped, maintenance by Shenley Engineering, June completed annual, lovely to fly, great tourer, friendly group, online booking, £4,750, engine fund Contact: www.triquetra.co.uk/bams or call John 07786 566477.

1/6th share available in well run group based in own hanger at Wellesbourne. 95 hrs TTAE with new full permit. Wilksch WAM 120 diesel engine, MT 3 blade C/S prop. Very economical 16ltrs hr JetA1 at 140 knts cruise. Well equipped for touring, Garmin GNS 430, Garmin VOR/ILS, Garnin mode c transponder, digital EMS. All fixed costs £60/month including home landings, and £35 pr hr wet. Contact: Mark Weaver 07801 or Steve1009:Layout Arnold 07779 311769 1 Loop stripad ad 126877 216x20

Hangared at excellent strip near Horsham.

One of the best Cubs about. Airframe lovingly restored & recovered 2009. 1946 L4, Continental C85 engine. New permit until June 2011. Electric starter & wing tank. Well managed group with plenty of availability.

20/10/09 10:05 Page 1 Share £5000; hangarage £50/month; £30/hour wet.

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BUY AND SELL YOUR AIRCRAFT ONLINE AND IN LOOP MAGAZINE www.loopmart.aero Traffic jams are a thing of the past Miserable waiting in the airport is a thing of the past Flexible travel by air over short and longer distances is here... all for the cost of a business car. And now another new aircraft! Cirrusnet offers a share in the most modern single-engine allweather aircraft in the world. With your own experienced chauffeur-pilot, use small airfields and major airports. A modern airways efficient aircraft with known icing approval dual GPS (of course) but also dual ahrs (a Laser attitude & heading reference in case of GPS failure) and that is the difference! Aircraft shares are limited to eight and you may buy a share for £52500 with a guaranteed buy back after three years of £48000. This is a unique Cirrusnet policy, a new aircraft every three years.



Based at Rochester, semi aerobatic two seat tourer with C/S prop, recent full respray & new leather. Bored with Cessnas and Pipers? Fly an aeroplane with character that always turns heads whenever you land. A very friendly group, on-line booking and good availability make this a viable alternative to renting. Engine fund. £75 PCM and £85 PH wet. 1/8 Share £3000. Contact Dave on 07711 189933

Hangared at Liverpool. Perfect 4(5) place touring 180hp gives 120kts at 35Lph. 2 Bendix King NAV/COMM with Glideslope, DME, ADF and 2-axis autopilot. 1/12 share £3,500. £120pcm £75p/h. Airframe 2846 hours. Engine 1744 hours inc healthy engine cash fund standing at £15,000. Friendly, well run and established group with excellent availability. Call Alan 07976 667807. www.deltaecho.co.uk


To learn more, contact Graham Horne, Caseright Ltd,Turweston Airfield. Tel: 01280 841111 E-mail: graham@cirrusaircraft.co.uk

Thruxton based two seat, semi aerobatic tourer. Excellent availability. Friendly well organised group. 1/5 shares (£4000) available. £70 pcm, £65 per hour wet. See http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ D-EGHW/, Jonathan - 01264 333606, jsb@jsblake.co.uk

Aircraft Dealerships/Grass Reinforcements


Based Old Buckenham, Norfolk. Zero timed eng/prop, EASA C of A, Hangared, E-Allocator booking, Full Panel plus auto pilot. Low Hrs and experienced pilots welcome, excellent availability. £150/ mth + £70 wet. £8000. Call Ray on 07810502850 for viewing and trial flight.

PIPER ARROW 200HP 1/6 SHARE – SUFFOLK 3 Blade C/S Prop. Twin NS800 FM immune RNAV, Michel MX 170C Nav/ comm, Garmin 340 Comms Box,TXPDR GTX 327. Autopilot; 2 x Altimeter; 2x CDI/GS; Slaved DI, ADF, 4 place intercom; Two-tone leather interior. 4-man liferaft; two lifejackets, McMurdo Fastfind GPS ELB. Internet booking system. 815m grass airstrip. No hangarage or landing charges. One-sixth Share available £6,000.00. Hourly rate £90.00 wet : Monthly charge £97.00 (Mar 09). For details: Peter Tel +441284706222. email petespencer@kesdale.com

Aircraft Dealerships & Parts



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8/10/10 14:02:47

Clubs and Schools


Avionics MODE S IS HERE TRIG and FUNKWERK units in stock for immediate dispatch.


Hangar Space


Business Opportunities

Operating from

For Sale Active Flying School & Maintenance Business

Aeroplane Club

West London Aero Club

� � � � � � � � �

GOODWOOD Cessna 172/Cirrus SR20 PPL Training / Hire

www.hampshireaeroplane club.co.uk

The businesses are based at a CAA licensed airfield located in East Anglia. The airfield benefits from an excellent catchment area and close access to the A1.


The school operates a modern fleet of training aircraft offering ratings for PPL (JAR), NPPL, Night, IMC etc. + AOPA Aerobatic courses and tail-wheel conversions. Other income streams include fuel sales, parking, hangarage and ground school. The training fleet is offered on a sale or hire basis.

TWIN TRAINING AVAILABLE Trial Lessons/Vouchers available PPL – IMC – TAILWHEEL – AEROS – NIGHT Ground School available daily, including evenings FIC Training Aircraft parking and hangarage EASA 145 Engineering on site UK leader in Light Aircraft Silencers Historic Club House NPPL available

01628 823272 www.wlac.co.uk

White Waltham Airfield, Maidenhead, M4 Junction 8/9, M40 Junction 4

Maintenance is carried out in house with full EASA Part M, subparts F & G + M3 approvals covering all types of Annex 1 & 2 aircraft including wood, fabric, metal etc. Additional income generated from external maintenance contracts. The site offers huge potential for expansion and development.

Call 07860 633 611 for information on Maintenance Business Call 07931 785 076 for information on Flying School Business

HANGAR SPACE Brimpton Airfield currently have hangarage and tie down space available. 07836 775557

Hangarage to spare? Call Ryan on 01223 499 791

Groundschools 5 DAY PPL GROUND SCHOOL/EXAMS No time? Too long since school? Call Derek NOW. You will be astonished at how much you can learn and how much fun it will be doing one subject at a time, then the exam, then the next, and so on. 5 full days you’ll go home knowing the subject and all exams passed, to take back to your club. Individual single days are also available. COME - STAY - FINISH Ask for a leaflet.

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Imaginative sub-editor required for our range of market-leading aviation titles. We need a wordsmith with creative and meticulous copy-editing skills, who is also able to come up with powerful headlines and reader-grabbing captions. You must have at least one year of experience as a sub-editor. Aviation knowledge would be useful but not essential. However, you must like aeroplanes! The job is based at our lively office on a business park just outside Cambridge.

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8/10/10 14:03:14


Diamond’s sleek, stunning DA42 twin. This is the TDI model fitted with Thielert engines.

Diamond Twin Star The DA42 promised much when launched, but troubles loomed

+ D I A M O N D D A 4 2 FA C T S

+ Made in Austria + Four seats, two engines, low wing, retractable undercarriage + All-composite airframe + Economical on fuel, burns avtur + Popular among flying schools as a trainer, 44 on UK register


LENTY of financial pain has been undergone by operators of the Diamond DA42 but at last the situation is getting better. The original aircraft were powered by two 1.7-litre Thielert turbodiesel engines, converted from a Mercedes car


+ 2004 Diamond DA42 Twin Star type certificated in Europe with 1.7-litre Thielert engine + 2007 New 2.0-litre Thielert engine introduced. + 2008 Thielert goes into administration. Diamond announces plan for its own Austro AE300 engine. + 2008 Production stopped. 30 aircraft at factory without engines. + 2009 Austro engine receives EASA certification. Production of the DA42 restarts as the NG + 2010 Austro engine retro-fit announced - 165,000 euro

engine. It held tons of promise but problems with ongoing maintenance and other issues scuppered Thielert. Now though, the administrator has turned the company around, parts are flowing again, new more powerful and more reliable 2.0-litre engines are being retro+VITAL CHECKS


Engine Problems with the early 1.7 Thielert engines and key ancillaries such as the clutch and gearbox are now well known and costed. Check what time is left, cost accordingly Airworthiness Directives There are a number of ADs affecting both airframe and engine. Full list available on Diamond website ECU Extra batteries for the ECU required by 2007 AD Landing gear Revisons and service inspections required for the main landing gear

! ! !

Twin Star cabin roomy, comfortable and well-equipped. 66 LOOP October 2010 www.loop.aero

fitted and the operators – mostly flying schools – are happy again. There’s a business case to be made for buying an early DA42, re-equipping it with 2.0 engines - just have to do the math! Diamond has launched a new model, the NG, with its own engines, the Austro AE300s. +OWNING ONE

DIAMOND Executive Aviation charter company run three DA42s. The company bought the first two in 2006. Peter Bondair, pilot and one of the founders of Diamond Executive explains the highs and lows. “In terms of flying it’s arguably the finest light aircraft to fly. It’s much nicer than any of its rivals, in my opinion it’s much nicer than a Cirrus and much more agile while being stable at the same time. The systems are great and ergonomically, it’s all laid out very well. From an airframe, flight perspective and fuel burn it’s all fantastic. “The one big negative issue was the Thielert 1.7l engine and it wasn’t handled well but people are either carrying on with the 1.7 or have replaced them with the new 2.0l Centurion Engines. “Nothing has the same combination of attributes. With other aircraft you’re looking at two-to-four times the fuel burn and a six-toten times the cost of fuel because they run on avgas.” diamond-executive.aero

+2 F O R S A L E

PRICE: £265,000 + VAT Built 2005, 1.7-litre Thielert engines. Total time 470 hours. IFR fit with G1000, cover and tug included.

PRICE: 350,000 euro Austrian reg, built 2008, 2.0litre Thielert engines. Total time 443 hours. L/r tanks.



PROS + Economical on fuel + Excellent flying characteristics + Well equipped + Brilliant visibility + Roomy, modern comfortable cabin

CONS + Problems with early 1.7 Thielert engines + Controls different from other twins + Airframe has to go back to Austria for repairs


DIAMOND DA42 TDI Cruise speed 168kt @ 80% power Stall speed 56kt (full flap) Fuel burn 12.5 USG/hr at cruise Take-off 1130ft Landing 1069ft Engine 2 x 135hp 4-cyl 1.7-litre Thielert turbodiesels. MT 3-blade constant speed prop Wingspan 44ft Length 28ft 1in Max weight 3935lb Useful load 1174lb Fuel capacity 50 USG Seats 4 Manufacturer Diamond Aircraft Company Austria UK distributor Diamond Aircraft UK www.diamondair.co.uk +LOOP SCORE

Running costs Durability Performance Reliability Handling TOTAL SCORE

★★★★★ ★★★★★ ★★★★★ ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 19/25


Piper Twin Comanche 1970 86,000 euro

Tecnam P2006T

2010 285,000 euro

Haywards LOOP FP



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