Mafuta, the Bell family’s Defender 130 on the road. Below a modified Disco makes it through a mud hole – definitely an ‘Offroader’ at the wheel.
The difference between an Overlander and an Offroader very important distinction needs to be made between the offroader and the overland traveller; often the two are thought to be the same. An offroader uses his vehicle, usually highly PRGLÀHG DQG QRW KLV GDLO\ driver, for recreational purposes and perhaps the odd holiday where he will venture into the realm of the overlander for a while. His priority is to test the limitations and endurance of 36 SA4x4
both himself and his vehicle either in designated 4x4 areas or on a round trip to an adventure destination where he will rely on the vehicle to take him to remote places RYHU GLIÀFXOW WHUUDLQ 7KH offroader has nerves of steel. The overlander’s objective is adventure travel over vastly changing terrain while testing his own courage and resourcefulness and the vehicle’s endurance and reliability, all while maintaining some degree of comfort, usually over an
extended period of time. Not all overlanders like to drive far from the beaten track and many will never exploit the off-road capabilities of their vehicles. There is nothing wrong with this way of travel. Many places we have been are accessible by a welldriven, unloved sedan. If you are an offroader who intends to become an overlander, you
will have a fantastic journey if you are willing to adapt your mindset by carefully considering your long-term travel needs. There is a German I never met who toured Central South America at the same time we were there (the ÀUVW WLPH DURXQG :H KDG mutual friends so the rumours we heard were fresh. He March 2020