‘I’ve done a lot of dating – but it’s good to be fussy!’ I
could be a dating professional – I’ve been on so many dates over the past few years. A recent survey I read said that, in 2019, single Brits collectively spent a whopping £2billion and 96 million hours on finding love in 2019. That’s mad, but everyone wants to find a partner. Dating is what we all like to talk about – as proven by the popularity of shows like Love Island and dating apps. But I reckon finding ‘The One’ is not as easy as it used to be. People go on more dates and spend lots of time on apps, but in general, I think everyone now tends to be more picky about what they’re looking for in a partner. Social media makes it easy to connect with many more likely candidates. I do think it’s a good thing to go on lots of dates, because with each experience, you learn more about what you want. You need to really get to know someone before you make anything official. It doesn’t matter where you go, what you do, or how much money you spend – it’s all about getting to know someone. When I date, I just think, “Tick!
Jorgie on First Dates Celebrity Special in 2015 Tick! Tick!”, if they do things right. It’s like a test! But it’s good to be fussy – I’ve dated so many idiots. I want someone who is polite, funny, generous, caring, willing to impress, and not too full of himself. I’ll take my time until I meet my perfect man!
MY TYPICAL DAY: ‘WE MUST HELP THE MOST UNLOVED ‘I’m the worst cook – I usually eat out’ PETS IN RESCUE SHELTERS’ Going out for food I SLEEP IN AS LATE AS I CAN. I am not a morning person! I get up, feed my dog Lady, and then have breakfast, which is usually muesli or porridge with coconut milk. I did Veganuary and really enjoyed it, so I’m trying to eat vegan when I can. I LOVE SPINNING CLASSES, AND TRY TO GO A FEW TIMES A WEEK. It’s like being in a club! I love the feeling of everyone in the room together, burning those calories. I’ll then shower and do some admin. I DO A PODCAST CALLED LOOSE LIPS with [Love Island star] Samira Mighty. It’s so much fun. Once a week, I’ll get the train to London and head to the studio, and Samira and I will start gossiping. The time goes so quickly – it doesn’t feel like work. I’ll have a sandwich for lunch, then I have meetings or catch up with friends in the afternoon when I’m in London. I’ll get the train back to my mum’s in Manchester. MY MUM’S AN AMAZING COOK. I used to love her sweetcorn beef hash before I started eating more vegan meals. I’m the worst cook ever – I’d be rubbish on Celebrity Masterchef! If Mum hasn’t cooked, I’ll usually just have a pizza or eat out. Then I’ll watch Netflix – I’m loving the series Cheer at the moment – before going to sleep at around 1am.
New research shows that more than half of UK shelters have seen more dogs arriving in the past 12 months than the year before. I adopted my dog, Lady, from a dog shelter, and she is the love of my life. I absolutely adore her and she brings so much With her joy to me and my mum. More people definitely dog Lady in need to adopt, but I wish they would also Manchester remember the disabled dogs. When we visited the shelter, Lady was the one at the back of the kennel who no one wanted. She only has one ear after her mum bit her other ear off when she was young. This broke my heart and made me want her more! I hate that people often pick pets just for what they look like. She is an amazing dog and I’m so happy we chose her.
IF I RULED THE WORLD... I’d have a day with everyone wearing the same colour. I think it
…and I’d give guide or therapy dogs to people who need them.
would unite us. The colour would change each year.
Pet power is underrated – they can really help.
● Listen to the Loose Lips podcast with Jorgie Porter and Samira Mighty on all podcast providers, every Monday and Thursday. See more at acast.com/looselips