6 minute read
from strhw 345yq3y
by loopedsaxe3
FEB 20-MAR 20 Happy birthday, Neptunians, basking in the radiance of your month in the sun, singing your signature siren song of poetic innuendo and allure. Mercury’s mid-month return to your sign signals time for that business presentation or pitch: show solid commitment yourself to seal the deal. As Saturn goes through your closet of closure and unresolved issues, some life cycles are approaching a natural conclusion. Here the word ‘coddiwomple’ offers a useful approach: the practice of travelling purposefully toward an unknown destination while staying open to all possibilities.
Aries MAR 21-APR 21 While swift, decisive, energizer bunny Mars likes to take the direct route, you may prefer the scenic meander this month. Try reframing this tendency from irritating to interesting, because substituting curiosity for judgement is your savviest growth strategy this year. When the celestial birthday present of the late-month sun, this year’s new moon in Aries and a ve-planet bonanza in your professional sector detonates your creative ame, remember that this extravagant window of opportunity won’t come again for over another decade, so carpe the diem out of it in your own audacious way.
Taurus APR 22-MAY 21 Tribe Taurus can look forward to a lush, relaxed love month as Venus sashays through her ultimate comfort zone: your sign. The full moon of sensible sensualists on March 10 is an ace date for sumptuous schmoozing with signi cant others or taking your irting muscles out for a ex. When Mercury picks up speed again mid-month, so do plans and projects on standby, followed by late-month Saturn starting its thorough restructuring of your career trajectory. Even though Taureans don’t like letting things go, it’s worth asking yourself if there’s enough space available for new life experiences to t.
Gemini MAY 22-JUN 22 Keeping their feet on terra rma can be challenging for Geminis at the best of times, but Mercury see-sawing from forward thinking to wild surmise plus Venus in dreamland this month doesn’t make it any easier. The most useful approach? Stay in the present moment with what’s in front of you right here, right now, instead of projecting into future fantasia. Make decisions one day at a time. With so many planets in your intimate depth sector, you’re a love and money magnet, but forget your usual cool and casual: you’ll need to start sharing those emo feelings, even if it’s just with your twin self.
Cancer JUN 23-JUL 23 With Mercury retrograde for the rst fortnight of March, you can’t be too cautious about over-sharing. It’s way more bene cial to listen, especially when the full moon hits your communication station on March 10, making what you don’t say even more important than what you do. Later in the month, when Saturn moves into your joint ventures sector, expect trust and intimacy challenges along with awesome rewards for lessons learned. Teaming up with a powerful partner, private or professional, is possible now – even a rival who can provide a missing piece of your personal jigsaw. Bring your A-game.
Leo JUL 24-AUG 23 While the thought of organising your act might bore you to snores, your success this month revolves around spaceclearing your of ce or operating zone and making a timeline grading ambitious plans into consecutive steps. Hire help if necessary. The full moon on March 10 could illuminate a nancial path forward if you widen your view nder and don’t linger longer on something that’s run its course. Saturn is presently challenging anything on shaky ground and insisting you make a choice: will you shore up the status quo? Or listen to the adventurous late-month new moon outlining a brave move to greener pastures?
Virgo AUG 24-SEP 23 Romantic routines getting a bit ho-hum? This month suggests a refresh as Venus sets adventurous plans on the menu, or has you thinking sexy escapades out of your usual range. When the once-a-year Virgo full moon on March 10 spotlights your achievements, it’s time to reward yourself with some earthy, non-virtual pleasures. From mid-March onwards, your planetary CEO, Mercury, gets group projects back in synch, while ef cient Saturn arrives for the rst time in 30 years to spend several months doing a few of your favourite things: streamlining, pruning, decluttering, organising and re ning la vie Virgo.
Libra SEP 24-OCT 23 Your galactic guardian, Venus, at her most laidback, indulgent and steamy makes Librans irty, frisky and in the mood to frolic this month. Which is excellent prep for get-it-right Saturn starting an extended course of nessing your authenticity. Lucky you, as the celestial disciplinarian insists you follow your bliss and even in the midst of responsibilities do everything from business admin to shopping to lovemaking consciously, and in your own inimitable style. As the year’s rst quarter closes, consider how you might want to accomplish this during the rest of 2020. Then start putting the word out.
Scorpio OCT 24-NOV 22 Love planet Venus in your relationship house could make this one of the year’s sweetest months for strengthening long-time bonds or for solo Scorps to meet their match. The full moon shines on a turning point in a professional or team relationship as something that looked like zzling either gets its sizzle back or nally ames out. During the last half of March, it pays to listen (your forte!) and shift focus away from faults on to solutions. The late month’s new moon zzes with ef cient ideas for achieving better results with less effort – you’ll be working smarter, not harder.
Sagittarius NOV 23-DEC 21 Your wild mind and mouth working a mile a minute at the start of this month exempli es Sagittarian William Blake’s quote that the road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom, sometimes via the route of mistakes: those mistakes we must make to learn from them. After mid-March, more insights are available for negotiating emotional issues and partnership agreements: though if you’re wanting others to change, how willing are you to do the same? The ery new moon on March 24 is a passionate play date for circulating Sagittarians and coupled-up archers alike to freshen up their romantic choreography.
Capricorn DEC 22-JAN 20 The rst half of March supports nalising whatever needs locking in or wrapping up, so you’re clear to assess opportunities coming in the nal fortnight, when you’re the eloquent Mercury-inspired business whisperer attracting sales and clients. You’ll be happy to hear this month’s Venus is a material world diva who loves glamming up: this is your chance to lavish some upmarket, Capricorn-style pampering on you and your plus one. If emotions erupt round the new moon on March 24 for reasons you can’t get a read on, press pause, shift into neutral listening and table discussions for when temperatures cool.
Aquarius JAN 21-FEB 19 While touchy-feely Venus makes your connections this month more soulful and conversations more deep and meaningful, astute Mercury in your sign during the second and third weeks of March suggests reviewing a shared portfolio or checking the gures on a prospective deal. The planet Saturn goes into Aquarius late in the month to nesse your personal ethics and expertise, then Mars blazes in at the end of the month to reignite that dashing Aqua swagger, along with anything that’s gone a bit blah or predictable – an energetic and amorous transit that won’t happen again for another couple of years. AWW