Vol. XXII, No. 2
October 17, 1975
to Aid
Self Discovery
by Fran MacDonald You feel lost. Your parents can't help you, your friends can't help you, and you have no where else to turn. Your problem isn't really serious, but you need an answer. Where do you go? This year, in an effort to answer this question Cabrini has reorganized its counseling service, open to all members of the campus community. This service includes three psychologists, with different backgrounds and philosophies, to aid students in adjusting to college life. Dr. Sidney Portnoy is a clinical psychologist who received his training at Temple University. Dr . Portnoy has dealt with patients of all ages from adults to three-year old children. He feels that he is here -to "help anyone who has something of concern that they cannot work out for themselves ." He hopes to help students evaluate themselves. Dr. Portnoy believes that every person goes through several stages in his or her lifetime. His job is to help students understand their present stage, so they can comfortably move on to a new one. Sister Therese Merandi, is also a member of the counseling team. She is trained in Clinical Psychology and Theology, and has spent the past seven years at the Gregorian University in Rome, working with college students, sisters, and priests. Sister Therese believes that students should "understand themselves more." She. feels that it is important for the college student, who is becoming more independent, to clarify his or her values. These values, Sister Therese feels, help provide a basis for the future.
SAGA Food Woes by Lorraine Ostrowski
"We're trying." So states Tony Tkaczuk, SAGA food service manager at Cabrini. A few weeks ago, students wondered if they were trying. There were complaints about the menu, the food, the sanitation, all made through a committee of student representatives. Since then, Tkaczuk has worked on correcting the cafeteria situation. 'rhe problem of improperly cooked food stemmed from the fact that the kitchen was Dr. Sidney Portnoy, and Dr. Donald D'Orazio: under-staffed . A new worker had been hired "We want to help students become comfortable with themselves." in September, but quit one week into the school year . This left only one cook to make The third member of the counseling ser- reason for the three counselor system. "It offers a broader spectrum of appeal for the salads, entrees, vegetables, etc., and one vice has already served as campus p€rson simply could not do the job properly . psychologist for the past three years. Dr . students." Each of the psychologists thinks that the Tka czuk has since hired more help and Donald D'Orazio received his degree in the chief cook is able to concentrate on Clinical and Developmental Psychology in maturing process is responsible for many of cooking more varied menus properly . Manchester, England. He hopes that his the students' problems. Dr . D'Orazio feels that "just trying to deal with the exIn planning menus , Tkaczuk tries to list a main purpose is to be available so "that popular entree with an unpopular one. The students know there is someone to go to." pectations of functioning as a mature adult cook pays special attention to the proper Students should feel at ease to sit down and can be a trying experience." He believes, as preparation of meats, and in response to interact with the psychologist, in order to do the other counselors, that involvement in regular therapy will help students to find an ·various queries, the manager points out that come to grips with themselves . liver naturally takes on a green tinge while Clinically, all three counselors are answer themselves. The psychologists will offer guidance, but will let the students • sitting in a heating utensil, , and any pink similarly prepared. It is up to the individual coloring found in pork or Ifalian sausage is to decide with whom they feel more com- themselves discover the solution as a part caused by seasoning, not by undercooking . fortable. Dr. Portnoy believes that the of the growing process. At the present time, a study is being done Flies and insects were a problem, stated students should "shop around" and choose the student committee. At present, an exthe counselor who best suits their needs. to determine the feasibility of a counseling terminator from Hygienic Sanitation Co. Sister Mona Hallock, Vice President of center, which would be located on campus. now visits the cafeteria area every two Student Affairs, agrees that this is th€ No definite plans have been made at this time . weeks. In addition, Tkaczuk uses a powerful aerosol insecticide to contro l pests as needed. byCalhy Stale donuts are also becoming a thing of Ryan the past. Fresh donuts now arrive from The Symmetry Festival, which is planned Rosemont each morning, and SAGA has for February 1976, will run from Friday, purchased a donut machine so that students Feb. 20, until Friday, Feb. 27th. The festival may have donuts made on the spot. will include a variety of displays and art Tkaczuk states that he has received shows illustrating different aspects of sym positive feedback since the original commetry. plaints were aired. The main purpose of the various displays "People feel an effort has been made ." is to relate the idea of symmetry as more than just a mathematical principle. It is a basic organization or principle which is present in many ways. Many events are planned for this eight day festival, some of which are still !entative . For Saturday, Feb. 20, a symposium on symmetry is planned which will be headed by Robert McGee, chairperson of the math department. An open house service is plairned for the following Sunday at 4 p.m., in which the liturgy will go along with the festival's theme. A speaker is planned for Monday to talk about symmetry in general, and to introduce various symmetrical prindples. A number of displays will be set up in Sacred Heart and the library, including an art exhibit. This festival is open to all members of the campus community and its planners The world is full of symmetry. In preparation for the Symmetry Festival, LOQUITUR hope that it will be an interesting a~d will try to run in future issues, pictures or illustrations of the symmetry around us. beneficial experience. People should begin to see symmetry as they never did before .
I );,
'Festival Plans Taking Shape
Do The Students Think That SAGA
Has Improved?
See Page 2
Page 2
October 17, 1975
Campus Comments SGA News On October 22, 1975, Frederic Storaska, author of "How to Say No To A Rapist and Survive", will be appearing at Cabrini. Storaska is the Executive Director of the National Organization for the Prevention of Rape and Assault. Along with Storaska's 8:00 p.m. talk, representatives from Delaware County's Women Organized Against Rape (WOAR) will be presented. Admission at the door of Sacred Heart Hall will be $1.50 for students carrying I.D. or $Z.00 general fee.
Religion News
The Public Fork It Over
by Ray Crew Cafeteria food is like the weather, death and taxes. It's inevitable and no one seems to be able to do much about it. For every discarded piece of meat loaf, there are a dozen complaints and for every complaint there is a sinking feeling that nothing will ever be done to correct the situation. Well, a few weeks ago something was done. Reacting to what they saw as a consistently poor menu, an S .G.A. committee confronted the management. An agreement was reached and improvement was promised. Was the promise kept? That's the question I posed to a number of students and faculty. Their reactions were varied and interesting . I preserit them here with the disclaimer that they do not reflect the views of this reporter or this newspaper . It was a standard Friday evening. Most of humanity had already left for greener pastures in departing trains and cars. Those not so fortunate were preparing themselves for another Cabrini weekend. Tony nervously eyed the knots of people who were sporadically ent .eri g the cafeteria. As the knots broke up into their individual parts they were greeted with a choice of swiss steak, pancakes or fried fish. Maybe not the most compatible platemates but taken one at a time . . . well, who knows? Suddenly there was a staccatto report from the juke box followed by yet another rendition of "Wouldn't It Be Nice," to be followed by "The Sloop John B.," to be followed by "Wild Thing" and so on and so on into infi.nity. It was dinner time as usual. At my table I waited until the first morsels of swiss steak and the rest were down, then I popped the question, "Whattaya say, has this stuff gotten better or what?" At first there was dead silence. Still . swallowing, Greg Pasquarello, a transfer junior from Lebanon Valley College spoke up, "It's definitely food for thought," he said. "Would you care to add to that?" I · said after a moment. "Well," he replied thoughtfully, "I think we should return to a Catholic menu of fish, but not on Fridays. It would make more sense to serve fish on Mondays. Fish is brain food and as you well know thinking is unethical from Friday to Monday. Aside from that I think the napkins are delicious but I wish they would_
The Awareness Group will be concentrating on "Women in Prison" this semester. They are planning to conduct a symposium on this topic and hope to get speakers to elaborate on the particular situations and conditions surrounding this problem. Maggie Kuhn of Gray Panther fame, has been rescheduled for Tuesday, December 2, 3:30 p.m. "The Problems of Growing Old and What The Gray Panthers are Doing About It" is the topic. Further information will be announced. God is alive and well and living at Cabrini. According to Dr. Reher, chairperson of the Religion Department, 20% of her students have elected to take religion courses beyond the requirement.
Ms. Suzanne Toton Zurek reports that 12% of her students are taking religion as an elective .
Academic News "Educating the Sexes: Some Nineteenth Century Perspectives" will be the topic of an address by historian, Dr. Nancy Weiss, to be presented at the fall convocation, October 17 at 10 a.m. in the mansion . Dr. Weiss, whose teaching specialties are 20th Century U.S. History and Black . History, is an associate professor of history at Princeton University. She has published in many scholarly journals and books and is the author of "Charles Frances Murphy, 1858:1924: Respectability and Responsibility in Tammany Politics ;" "Blacks in America : Bibliographical Essays;" and "The National Urban League." In addition, Dr. Weiss serves as a member of the board of counselors advisory committee on Afro-American studies, Smith College; as chairperson of the committee on the status of women in the historical profession, Organization of American Historians; and as a trustee of the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation. Dr . Weiss graduated from Smith College, summa cum laude, and received her Masters Degree and Ph .D. degree from Harvard University . Several scholarships will be awarded at the fall convocation . Mary Beth Senkewicz · will receive the Lawrence R. Sedler Memorial Scholarship. Donna Duquette '79 will receive the Cabrini alumni association
get ' a liquor license here." Loti Ostrowski, a senior, after sampling her napkin, added, "The food doesn't make me sick anymore. I guess I've gotten used to it. Overall though it has improved." Jean Bledsoe, a junior and student manager in the cafeteria said, "People are too apt to complain just among themselves. They wait until things get to a point where they can't take it. Why not make a legitimate complaint to the proper authorities at the beginning?" Ellen Mayer, a senior, seemed most enthusiastic. "There's been a 100% improvement in the food. It's not Mom's home cooking but it's good enough. The 'Cabrini (Continued on page 3) disease' is a thing of the past." Sitting next to her Harry Penny, a transfer junior from Valley Forge, disagreed. "Army food is superior." Art Young, head resident at Counsel Hall and lecturer in English, was more descriptive than most. "I would have preferred the sole of my left shoe to that veal we had last week!" Tom Nerney, a junior, also had a negative opinion. "I think its getting worse. The food hasn't been too substantial lately and sometimes I can't even eat it." Joe Rickards, echoed his sentiments. "It's horrible. It's just plain horrible." Bill Madden, a freshman said, "It has its ups and downs. It's generally edible most of the time though." Al Nicolosi, also a freshman, agreed, "The food is decent . . . at least recently." So much for their opinion. Now it's my turn. fn all fairness to SAGA, I have io ad~ < ..... mit that the food is much improved over what it had been. Granted, the Galloping · A typical dorm room: Imagination takes over. Gourmet would gallop to the parking lot if he ever ate here, but we must temper our expectations with acknowledgement of the reality of the situation. Food prepared in quantity always suffers. It can't be helped. Even the best institutional menu can not by Maureen Larkin Peanuts characters . compare with home cooking. If you think People decorate their houses according to Some of the more ingenious students use Cabrini has the worst food you ever tasted, their taste and income. The same can be Indian print bedspreads to add more variety I could direct you to any number of other said for the method college students use to to their room by hanging them on the colleges where the fare is much worse. decorate their dormitory rooms. ceiling or wall. Keep this in mind the next time you are . This year, like any year, students are putOther residents, crammed for extra tempted to use your steak for a doorstop. ting their imaginations to work when it space, take the headboards off their beds. · With all its potential for indigestion and comes to decorating their rooms. Several of Another space saver is to take the beds off with all its stale jukebox tunes, dinner time the residents use wicker to decorate their their frames anti place the mattress on the at Cabrini isn't all that bad. rooms. Trash cans, lamps and chairs all floor. Both these methods, which are meant made of wicker seem to be the big new craze as space savers, may also turn out to be new on campus. .. fads in the future. Tending plants is one craze from last Their countenances were aglow as Kay of joy. Kay in turn made hers also shedding In the mens' dorm, the scheme of year that is still going strong. Plants l"an he and Carter came out of their car. tears of joy and contentment. It was decoration is not as complex as the iuuml in almost every room. Some are kept beautiful. women's. Their rooms are more simply Beautiful white and yellow daisies were in brown pots, othe~s in terrariums, while distributed to each guest ·asthey entered Rev. Friend then invited the guests to exdecorated hut still give the effect of "home · some others are in ' macrame plant hold1m; the church. away from home." Interior decorations intend to the newlyweds their best wishes. hanging from the ceilin_g. Unable to contain myself with joy, I burst clude posters of their favorite rock grou1,s, "Amazing Grace" played while Kay, CarQuite a few people on camµus are inforth with congratulations! Carter's father pictures and other miscellaneous odds and ter and Rev. Friend marched up to the terested in crewelwork, embroidery and ends. had to settle for second place. Many friends altar. Carter welcomed the guests tJ:lanked · nl!edle point. As a result, they decorate then joined in. Music played while the them for coming. The ideas of decorating a room vary from their rooms with their finished products. newly-weds marched happily down the Rev. Friend gave , a wonderful homily on person to person as they do from one college Huge posters, decorative cards, little aisle. the individuality of the person. He also to the next. You could go through every glass animals and road signs are the most Over two hundred members of the wedspoke of the simplicity of the daisies and of room on campus and not find one which h; common decorations. ding party gathered on the Cabrini campus Faith, Hope and Charity. similar to another. One thing is for sure The "oldies but goodies" include pictures for a celebrative picnic. The minister then asked Carter to make though, what is "in" today will be "out" of home , postcards from friends, stuffed his commitment. He did amid copious tears A friend, animals, candles, Snoopy and the other tomorrow .
Letter to the Editor
_:~ ~-- ----·_:_· .=.._·..:·..·~--: (
Room Decorations:
October 17, 1975
·campus Comments (Continued from page 2)
award. The scholarship is presented annually to an incoming freshman who displays academic promise . Miss Duquette is a graduate of Archbishop Carroll High School in Radnor. Dean 's list certificates will also be awarded during the program.
Education News Dr. Fred Petrone
Petrone Resigns by Joyce Crowley
Fred Petrone, Chairman of the Education department is leaving Cabrini College after thirteen years. Dr. Petrone has accepted the position of Director of General Studies at Thomas Jefferson University. He will be in charge of the nursing program which offers a Bachelor of Science degree. He will also be exploring the opening of new programs. Dr. Petrone's thirteen years at Cabrini have not been wasted. Along with his teaching and chairmanship, he is the codirector of the Evening Division and the first President of the Cabrini Chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP). He also actively participated in the certification of the Elementary, Special and Early Childhood Education programs. Dr. Petrone says that he did not actively seek out his new job. Last summer he answered an advertisement to teach a methods course in the evening and to his surprise was offered a much larger position. Dr. Petrone remarked that although he has had many good years at Cabrini, he will welcome the change. He commented that you can get awfully tired of repeating yourself. Dr . Petrone will be replaced next semester. Dean Brown said that all the Department of Education personnel, Mr. Tomasco and herself, will act as a screening committee and will ultimately recommend two or three people to Sister Mary Louise . Members of the present faculty are welcome to submit their applications. All of Petrone's accomplishments have not centered around Cabrini. In the fall of 1976, his book, Denlopmental Kindergarten, will be published. In it, Dr. Petrone proposes the all day kindergarten and mandatory changes in curriculum. Dr. Petrone has left his mark on Cabrini. The sentiment of his departure is reflected in the words of Dr. Brown, Vice President to Academic Affairs. "Dr. Petrone has been supportive of all college endeavors and we sincerely wish him every success in his new position."
The Pennsylvania Student Education Association Convention was held in Harrisburg on September 26 and 27. Three students from Cabrini along with Mr . Kuhns and Mr . Litavec attended this Convention . They attended conferences and meetings concerning current educational issues. The PSEA Club on campus is now con- The cast of "The Red Shoes," Greg Pasquarello, Ann Reilly, Mary Beth Senkewiu., and ducting its membership drive . This club is Ray Crew, prepare to delight children of all ages. open to non-education majors as well as education majors. Of major projects which the PSEA Club, done in conjunction with the Council For Exceptional Children, is the Charistmas party for the children from The role of Karen is played by Ann The Cabrini College Theater Lab opened St. Mary' s Institute and Don Guanella its fall season with · a children's theater Reilly, with Ray Crew as Snogg, Gregg School. Pasquarello as Nels, Denise Genello as · production of "The Red Shoes ," on October Meetings are held monthly. Jemmo, Mary Beth Senkewicz as the 11, 12, and will hold performances on October 18 and 19 at 3 p.m . in the Grace Hall Grandmother and Mark Donahue as the Little Theater. Burgomaster. Dancers will be Rita Maffei, Terry Signorini and Barbara McHugh. The play will be directed by Daniele Based on the fairy tale by Hans Christian Perna , Cabrini Theater Lab Director and Andersan, the story tells the plight of Martha Cavanagh, student director. Louis Karen, an orphan girl, and her pair of magic The library student lounge, located on Silk will be the production stage manager ., shoes . The play is the first Cabrini Theater the top floor of Holy Spirit Library, is now Admission for "The Red Shoes" is $.50 Lab presentation produced especially for open for student use. per ticket. children. The Library Committee is painting the
Cabrini Presents "Red Shoes"
Ubrary News
room, and Mrs. Carolyn Gough, head librarian states that floor cushions, a soda machine and a hot pot or coffee urn will be added. The lounge is the library's answer to students' requests for a place to relax, converse and study within the library. Students are encouraged to take advantage of it.
Club News Applications for Kappa Sigma Omega are available in the cafeteria. Please return the completed form to Mary Clare Moran, Box No . Rll2. Kappa will hold interviews Friday evening, October 21.
Sports News Women's intercollegiate basketball tryouts and practices will begin Wednesday, November 5, at 4 p.m. in the gymnasium. New students and members of last year's team, are invited to try out.
CoITections The General Fees article of October 1, 1975 contained the following error : Library - approximately 1/2 of the total cost per student per year . It should read: Library : approximately 1/3 of the total cost per student per year.
Editor ...... ..................... Photographer ................................
. ..............
Fran MacDonald .. Dr. Jerome Zurek Frank Cariola . Ray Crew Business Manager ............................. Rosemary Scanlan Staff .............................................. Teri Alberici Joan Buonnano, Ray Crew, Joyce Crowley, Cindy DeRitis, Janet Gen~ naro, Louise Humes , Maureen Larkin, Claire Mannion, Lorraine Ostrowski, Edda Pitassi, c 'athy Ryan.
October 17- 18
The Harrisburg Review article of October 1, 1975, contained the following errors: In the article, it was stated that the Biology and Chemistry departments received five year approvals, the English department received five year approval with a one year follow-up visit. The Special Education Department and the Social Studies program received full program approvals and Early Childhood has been initially approved .
It should have read that approvals these departments Secretary Pittenger.
for will be recommended to
The Elementary Education Department will be re-reviewed in the Spring, with the possibility of het·oming an ·independent program .
personal growth weekend
It should have read that the Elementary Education Department will be re-reviewed in the Spring. The Cabrini Education Department may also consider the idea of separate programs. According to Dr. Brown, these tentative recommendations will become official at the end of October. The Office of Academic Affairs will then publicize the complete report.
It should should have read: According to Dr. Brown, these tentative recommendations will become official at the end of October . The Office of Academk Affairs will then publicize the final response from the senetary of Education.
a workshop specifically directed to a better understanding and acceptance of one's self. The weekend w i II center around questions of personal awareness and blocks to intimacy as they relate to life process.
for further contact,
Sr. Constance O'Connor SHCJ Rosemont College Rosemont, Po. 19010
525 -6771
Page 4
VolleyballRises To New Fame by Janet Gennaro In the past few years, volleyball has risen to a higher level of popularity than ever before in America . It is no longer viewed as just a seashore sport played on the beach . Colleges and universities pride themselves on the success of their volleyball teams and professional volleyball teams compete for national titles. Volleyball has appeared as an annual gym activity at Cabrini College for many years . Last year, students of Cabrini organized to form intramural teams. Last year's intramural success has prompted the formation of teams again this year . Newest evidence of Cabrini's growing in terest in volleyball is the formation of a women's intercollegiate volleyball team, a first time at Cabrini . The team consists of 18 players, the coach, Mrs . Helen Goodwin, and the manager, Joseph Reilly. When asked how the team got started,
Mrs. Goodwin stated that "Eastern College invited Cabrini College to represent their junior varsity team, since they only had enough members for a varsity team ." By accepting this invitation, Cabrini travels with the Eastern team to each game at the expense of Eastern College. Mrs. Goodwin stated, "We do not wish to remain in the junior varsity category forever. We would like to work our way up to the varsity level." The women's intercollegiate volleyball schedule is made up every two years. By 1977, when the next schedule comes out, Cabrini College may become an independent varsity team, with its own junior varsity team. The League presently consists of 15 area teams. At this time, however, the Cabrini team is grateful to Eastern College for giving them the opportunity to participate m an intercollegiate volleyball league .
October 17, 1975
Act Naturally by Edna Pitassi Q: What happens .when word gets out that an English teacher has experience in producing TV shows? A: An influential voice approaches one day with the idea : Marilyn, how about making a promotional film for Cabrini College! Dr. Marilyn Johnson, teacher of Freshman English, Milton and Fundamentals of Speech is also a film maker . In the near future, when the folks in Admissions travel to various high schools to beat the drum for Cabrini, her movie will accompany them. Wanting to capture what is special about Cab!ini is not as easy _as taking home movies. As Dr . Johnson points out, "Ther e are a lot of good ideas, but I am con cerned about technical problems , like handling t he super 8mm format ." Other areas causing her to have "desperate thoughts" are "whether to use one narrator or several voices taking up different topics; how to 'slide' from one subject to the next ."
She plans to include action shots of the basketball and volleyball teams . "Some programs of study (like history and philosophy) will be difficult to script and to find pictures to go along with the narrative . Theatre Lab, Chemistry & Biology will be easier." "Students and faculty are contributing in an informal way," she continues . The script writer is Fran MacDonald , '77. Dr. Johnson does not " want a false pic ture ." She prefers spontaneity--students "doing something, not talking to her." While Cabrini has definite appeal in scenery, atmosphere, and the personal feeling between student and faculty, our film maker is "depending on the students to come up with the script." You will see a strawberry-blonde roaming around campus with a black object sitting on her shoulder, ready to focus on suspecting students . Don't panic; just remember Ringo's famous words : They're gonna put me in the movies . . . And all I gotta do is act naturally .
Dr. Thomas Smith:
VolleyballTeam Wins Debut by Louise Humes
Father James Hennesey
The Cabrini girls volleyball team made its debut on Monday afternoon, September 22. They defeated Eastern College in a scrimmage 15 to 5, 12 to 15 and 16 to 14. In the last game, Cabrini was behind 13 to 5. But with power serving by Linda Finocchiaro , Jane Ellen Lutz and Joan Buonanno combined with some Eastern mistakes, Cabrini came out on top 16 to 14. Jane Ellen Lutz, Joan Buonanno, Martine Jubilee, Debbie Brown and Cathy Crowley were the starting players with Cathy Ryan and Kathy Sheilds substituting . The team is coached by Mr s . Helen Goodwin and managed by Joe Reilly. The September 30th game, scheduled with Our Lady Of Angels, Aston was cancelled .
Biologyand Cosmetics by Teri Alberici On Thursday, Sept. 25, the Biolog y Club sponsored Dr . Tom Smith of Lan vinCharles of the Ritz . The topic of Dr. Smith's le c ture was " Biolog y a nd Cosmetics". In hi s presentation Dr . Smi t h included the biological theories behind cosmetics and the reasons for and proper use of cosmetic s. • Dr . Smith dis c ussed the biol ogical theorie s which lead to different fragran ces in perfumes, different types of lips ti ck stick and glos s, and the variou s ty pes of blush . He explained that cer ta in fragr ances must be placed in glass rath er than pl ast ic containers to prevent a chemical combination which would form an ot h e r fragran ce. He also cleare d up t he mi sco nception of the moisturizer. Though moisturizers do moisten the outer layer of skin, their main objective is to keep moisture from leaving the skin. Thus, moisturizers form a protective layer en-
casing the skin allowing lit tle or no wat er to escape. Dr . Smith went on to point out that cosmetics are used for three reasons: " fragrance , de coration and care forming a triangle, for at one poin t in a lifetim e a person will use cosmeti cs for all three purposes." In his conclusion Dr . Smith made several observations : Before buying perfume , spray it on your arm and keep it on for around an hour so you can get the true fragran ce of the perfume as combined with your skin . - Aerosol perfumes give less perfume than the natural sprays . - If you do not ha ve t ime to do a good make up job than do not wear any . Putting on make-up is a job that requires both skill and time. - More and more European men are wearing make-up and in a few years makeup for men will be popular in the U.S.
Immigrant Revolution by Fran MacDonald Between 1821 and 1920, this country experienced a major r~volution . It was not the battle to become free from Britain, or the woman's fight for suffrage. It was the massive influx of Catholic immigrants into the United States . On Thursday, October 2, Rev . James Hennesey S.J., spoke in the chapel of Cabrini College on this Catholic immigration . Father Hennesey is president of the Jesuit School of Theology in Chicago. He has been professor of Church History at Berkeley, Calif. and Fordham University, and visiting professor at the Gregorian University of Rome, and Stanford University. Father Hennesey's lecture centered around the influx of 35 million German, Irish and Italian immigrants into the United States. The Germans .,11J Lhe Irish came first, seeking a new and be :.ter life. The Italians followed in 1890. Father Henne~ey touched upon the reasons for the massive immigration and the reception the im_migrants received once they reached the United States . The Catholic Church in the United States , Hennesey said, was cold and inhospitable toward these immigrants . The Church however , provided an element of fa~iliarity to the immigrants in a strange land. It was not until 1945 Hennesey stated, that the immigrant Catholics began to move up · in status within the Church. Fr. Hennesey is a recognized authority in both American and modern European Church History . He has published and lec tured widely in these areas.
Psychoanalysis and Everyday Living A non-credit discussion group is being offered by the Extension Division of the Psychoanalytic Institute of the Philadelphia Psychoanalytic Society in which psychoanalytic ideas will be applied to everyday life. An instructor, a fully trained psychoanalyst, will meet with the class for eight weeks. Initially some of the basic ideas of psychoanalytic theory will be presented and discussed. During this initial period decisions will be made · about the phenomena which the students wish to consider during the remaining meetings. Depending on the interest of the students we may investigate political institutions or political figures, characters in novels or movies, social institutions, etc. The class will be limited to twelve students. A fee of $30 will be charged. The class will meet at the instructor's office at 101 Wooded Lane, Villanova, Pa. 19085 (LA 5-1872), on Tuesdays from 3-4:30 P.M. beginning October 28 and ending December 16. If you would like to participate please send your check for $30.00 with the following information: Name, address and phone, major, or area of concentration in school, what you would like to get out of this course, to: James M. Pedigo, M.D., 101 Wooded Lane, Villanova, Pa. 19085.