I Monday, March 9, 1981
Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087
SGA tO revise its constitution BY n M LAWLOR rently SGA officers, with the exTheresa Collins may be the last ceptio n of dor m re ps, serve the ir SGA president to be elected in terms from Ja nuary to Ja nuary. December and take office in Janu- · Collins said that the committee will consider !'laving terms run ary. from September to September, The election this past December with electio ns in April or May. may be the last to go to a run-off. "When you start in J anuary, you Students who go before the just get going when summer vacaJudiciary- Board this semester tion comes," Collins said, "And by may be the last to do so. the time you get going in the fall These and other possible changes will be addressed by an your term is ending." She added that it would be easier SGA ad hoc committee formed to study and propose changes to the to conti nue programs over the current SGA constitution, accord- Christmas break than over the ing to Theresa Collins, SGA presi- summer va cation. Another aspect of the election dent. Collins said that she and her system to be studie d for possible vice-president, Fran Carusi, saw revision is the vote counting the need for revision. They sug- system, according to Collins. Under the current system, a cangested it to Sr. Sharon Morano, who concurred with the idea. didate has to receive 51% of th.! Morano is advisor to SGA. It was votes, including abstentions, to decided that a committee would be win. If there is no winner by this system, then there is a run-off beformed. The committee was selected tween the top two vote getters, and from volunteers in SGA. Ten stu- the one with the most votes in the dents serve on the committee, Col- run-off is the winner. It has been suggested that the lins chairs, and Morano is advisor, 51 % requirement be dropped, and according to Collins. , Collins said that she asked area the candidate with the most votes colleges for their SGA constitu- ·in the first election be the winner. Collins said the vote count policy tions. These are to be used for will be a priority item . She said it reference by the committee. studied One issue being addressed is the should be carefully election system now in use. Cur- because there could be cases
where close races would make the
Gumbleton calls for soc ial consciousness
51 % rule more practical than it has
been in the past. Another itein to be studied by the committee, acc ordin g to Collins, is the Judiciary Board. She said it will be completely revised, and probab ly re named. Curre ntly, st udents who are written up go to the Judiciary Board if they feel they are innocent. The Boa rd pa sses a judgment, and if the student is still dis-satisfied, his appeal is to the Dean of Students. The Board is made up of the SGA executive board, and the vice-presi dents of each class. Thus, violations go from administration, to students, and then back to administration on appeal. The level above the Dean of Students is the Conduct Committee, made of both students and administrators. Collins said she would like to institute a chain of appeal where there are both administrators and students on each level. The remainder of the committee's work, according to Collins, will be wording. They will re-word the areas which are redundant, such as the duties of officers, and work on areas which are vague, such as Article VI which says that there will be parlementarians, but puts forth no duties for them.
he added. In response to a question from the audience regarding the need for nuclear weapons as a defense against atta cks from other countries - most especially the Soviet Union - Gumbleton replied "If we would begin to make an effort into disarmament we would realize that the Soviet Union wants it as badly as we do. Leonoid Brehnez, . Prime Minister of the Soviet Union, admitted it in his summit talks," said Gumbleton. Gumbleton expressed concern over the change in attitude of the · American people regarding the use of nuclear weapons. "A forgotten Hiroshima can hurt our world. Whoever forgets the past is doomed to repeat and that is the situation we find ourselves in, in our present world." "Since World War II a structure of balance of terror has begun to BISHOP THOMAS build· up," said Gumbleton. "Five J. GUMBLETON nations had nuclear capacity by (Photo by David Milburn) the late 1950's and before the end of BY. BERNADETTE LYNCH this decade 14 nations will have The need to have a raised social nuclear capacity." consciousness regarding the build "This mutual Assured destrucup of nuclear weapons was voiced tion policy clearly violates Chrisby Bishop Thomas J . Gumbleton, tian Gospel," Gumbleton said. Auxiliary Bishop of the Roman "The devastation and harm from Catholic Archdiocese of Detroit. any use of nuclear weapons could Gumbleton spoke on the arms race never be .justified if yo11follow the topic at the Saint F rancis Cabrini te ·achings of Jesus and the lecture, Thursday, Feb. 26. church." " We a re the only nation tha t has "'Young people grow up today a debate which will go beyond the lie of G.E .; ' We bring good things eve r used at omic bombs," said with the conviction' that it's all courtroom ," and " the third leve l is to life.' " Gumble ton. "We have to begi n to going to end in a ter rible holocaust the reality of the world toda y-a The P lowshares E ight group develop a whole new attitude about in a very short tim e. That fear of reality that must temper our moral ha ve been basing their legal war and begin to reali ze that war dr ead is having a terrib le effect of idealism.'' defense on the Nuremberg Princ i- is unthinkable, " he added . the future of this countr y ," sa id Judge Salus told the court that pies , the Geneva and Hague ConIn evaluating the nuclear arms Gumbleton . the eight defendants have been ven tions , the U.N. Charter and the race from a moral point of view According to Gumbleton we ar e charged with Criminal Coercion , U.S. Army Manual of the Law of Gumbleton questioned how Amer- reaching first st rike capability to Criminal Conspiracy, Simple Land Warfare. The Support Com-- ica could justify the fact that it wage and win a nuclear war and Assault, Burglary, Disorderly mittee has referred to the Mark spends $500 billion a year and used that in times of international crisis Conduct and Criminal Mischief. 12A as "anti-property and anti - resources to build up armaments. this could be devastating . "We are But there are also some moral life" and has said that it "is of destruction when 30 children are looking at the most dangerous . reasons as to why the Plowshares specifically denied status or sane- dying every minute of hunger a'nd situation the world was ever in Eight destroyed property. One lion under" the previously men- 500 million people are living in we are rushing along the path that - reason, the Plowshares Eight Sup- tioned rules and regulations . poverty. • leads to that outcome. port Committee said, is "to In answering the question of "We use weapons that can only Some suggestions that reverse the logic of the arms race "Why General Electric?" the Sup- lead to destruction, " said Gumbleton proposed were : (1) that keeps us enslaved to the rule port Committee stated that "G.E., Gumbleton. Even if weapons are Begin to support efforts going on in that 'If it can be done techone of the seven prime contractors never used this race is an act other places (non-violent civil nologically , it must be · done, for the Bomb, is selling weapons to against the poor. "The only area in defense) , (2) Begin to support the because if we don't, they will.' " some of the most repressive President Reagan's budget that World Court (United Nations " We have demonstrated that governments in the world" did not suffer major cutbacks is mechanism for settling conflicts ), what has been done, can and must They also went on to say that the area of defense spending which and (3) Work more actively to totals around 38 billion ," said rebuild social order (New Internabe undone," the Support Commit- "G .E. and Westinghouse have Gumbleton . tional Social Order). tee said "Tangibly we are able to each supplied over one third of the point to two warheads _that will nation's power reactors as well as Gumbleton went on to say that "Archbishop Sheen suggested at never be used for the purpose of all the power reactors exported by the nuclear arms race is a dilemna a prayer breakfast in January , for all christians . "I think it is our 1979with our nation's leaders that mass destruction for which they the United States ." were intended" The Support Committee put responsibility to work at a positive we have to make a choice. We have response and extricate ourselves to trust two trinities before us - ( 1) The Plowshares Eight Support • -,their feelings into a nutshell when the trinity of nuclear weapons or Committee said that ".a weapon of ·they said that "G.E . is making a from the race .' ' "Through prayer we can (2) the trinity of the loving Father , mass destruction should not be de- business in killing." scribed by words which suggest When . answering the question achieve a conversion of heart and Son and Holy · Spirit," said value or legal status, They stated "Why the Mark 12A?" the Com- a healing of memory (Hiroshima) Gumbleton. that "to call the Mark 12A 'propermittee stated that "the Mark 12A can be brought about," said "We have to decide which one ty' is to reveal our own blind- is a Re-entry Vehicle ," and that Gumbleton. "Once we reach this · we trust in and then and only then n;ss." They feel that this blind- the destructive capacity in the conversiori we would begin to sup- can we eliminate nuclear arms in ness was 1'caused l>ythe corporate warhead has been increased port things like the Sall lI treaty," the world and have peace. "
Trial is stage for plowshares - BY TAMRA DiMARI NO Ra in and demons tra tors singing hymns marked the beginning of the Plowshares Eigh t trial, being held recently in Montgomer y County Court. The Plowshares Eight , including peace activists Dan and Phil Berrigan, and six others, were arrested last September after breaking into the King of Prussia General Electric Plant and damaging two warhead cones and pouring blood on blueprints and tools. The break-in "was, of course, a symbolic protest,'; · an area newspaper said recently, and this trial is . their (the Plowshares Eight) stage. "There are three levels 'to this drama,'' the newspaper said, the first being legal, "and tbe trial will probably be confined to that focus, much as defendants would like to enlarge it to broad moral issues." Montgomery County Judge Samuel W. Salus II made his point during pre-trial proceedings that he was "not interested in philoso- phy," and that the Plowshares Eight was there to be tried for the Sept. 9 break-in. He was referring to the philosophy that took up most of the morning pre-trial proceedings on Feb . 23. The second level to the "drama," according to the newspaper, "is that moral plane-
Vol. XXVII,No. 9