7 minute read
2 loquitur - friday, oct. 12, 1984 opInIon
The benefits from , being bilingual
by Vicky Rodriguez
Communication is an amazing phenomenon. In a few short years, we humans progress from infant "goo-goos and ga-gas" to adult thought-provoking conversations. We learn to speak the language of those around us so that we may easily communicate our thoughts, needs, and desires to them. This makes life a great deal easier-that is, as long as we stay in our own familiar habitat.
But would communication be as easy if we were suddenly transported to Colombia, France or Germany? This is a problem that many Americans are faced with when traveling to places that don't speak their native language . Even President Reagan needs an interpreter when visiting another country. More visiting dignitaries are able to greet the president in English than he is. able to greet in their language.
Americans may have a basic understanding of another language but actual bilingual fluency is rare. In contrast, most other countries require their students to speak a second language. United States citizens could widen their international communication span if the government would pass a law requiring every student to be taught a second language beginning in grammar school.
A bilingual education would benefit Americans in many ways. Knowledge of another culture could improve American foreign relations by helping them to understand different points of view and systems that are different from their own.
A second language could provide more international business opportunites. Businessmen would be able to explore new possibilities and establish new trade without the necessity of a translator. Learning another language could also increase an individual's marketability in the job field. Major companies like IBM, Ford, and AT&T who do a great deal ofbusiness on foreign soil, hire bilingual employees instantly over 4.0 graduates.
We should make it a goal, if not for ourselves then for our future children, to establish a standard bilingual education in the United States. We now have the freedom of speech; why not also have the freedom to communicate that speech to our foreign neighbors?
w~ ~+,:(tt "Ah, Mr. President, you really could've benefited from that second language bill proposal. You just told the prime minister that his wife is a toad!"
editorial leiter Opinions will reflect mentali1y Food committee rebuttal
Every other Thursday at 1:00, I meet with the food committee . In two meetings, we've suggested a separate non-smoking section, conducted a food survey and explored all focxfcomplaints. That's great when you consider that only three dorm reps attended the last meeting, which ran approximately 15 minutes.Yet students commented in the Loquitur ·that food committee meetings take too long and "SGA is not productive." It shows poor taste to criticize something you know nothing about. How can people pass such harsh judgement without ever having attended one meeting - and all are publically invited to attend all meetings. I'll gladly listen to and address all complaints voiced intelligently and directly through the proper channels. Not only are uninformed opinions damaging to SGA, but also to the individuals who make them.
It happens all time; the news reporter stops the man on the street and asks him to respond to the question of the day. The question may run along the lines of "Should there be a nuclear freeze? Why or why not?"
The first person stopped responds "Yes, there should be a nuclear freeze because we (the Soviets, the Americans and •anyone else involved) are all human and no one should have to suffer or.die because a few people don't agree with each other." The second person might respond "Russians are commies they won't honor a nuclear freeze. They don't care about anything."
A third person might respond ''It doesn't matter now. Since the Soviet Union has enough weapons to blow the world up three times over and the United States has enough weapons to blow the world up two times over, aren't the number of weapons irrelevant."
The answers the reporter receives are uninformed. Yes,they are the personal opinions of the individual, but that doesn't mean that a person's opinion should neglect making an intelligent statement.
For example, many people complain that organizations such as SGA, campus ministry and WCAB are non-productive. Yet, they are usually not an active part of these organizations, working on its programs through the planning and execution stages. Do they allow these organizations to be productive for their benefit?
It follows that a person cannot make a valid criticism when they know nothing about a particular subject. One should realize that there is a certain way to go about making a judgement or a criticism. Weigh the pros and cons of a topic; there is always a good and bad aspect. Being one sided only shows the next person what your education is worth. Virginia Smith, Food Committee Chairperson
opIn1on Let us not legislate moraliiy
by Kathleen A. Breslin
Cardinal John Krol took advantage of "Respect for Life . Sunday" to voice his opposition to the Mondale-Ferraro ticket. He joins a list of Roman Catholic prelates who have publicly condemned the Democrats for their pro-choice platform. "Respect for Life Sunday" serves as a reminder of the harsh realities of abortion for Catholics. Churches display photos and literature which bear testimony to the grim statistics on the issue. This public display serves to stimulate our sense of shame and guilt at being a part of a society that tolerates this crime against humanity.
At the mass I attended, the reading of Krol's letter was preceded by stories by my parish priest describing a recent mugging and rape-murder. These topics were relevant that Sunday. The emotionally-charged congregation was primed to receive the message their archbishop had prepared for them.
As an opponent of Mondale and Ferraro, Krol is, by elimination, a supporter of Republican nominee Ronald Reagan. Reagan is opposed to abortion and favors a constitutional amendment to abolish it.
Abortion, however, is a hard fact oflife. As Mondale said in Sunday's televised debate, "Those who can afford to ha\re them, will continue to have them. The disadvantaged will go out in the back alley as they used to." He added that the people in America have always decided basic moral issues for themselves. "It has been our strength, and we are the most religious nation in the world," he saici
It apparent to me last Sunday that Krol would better serve his flock by encouraging Catholics to consider the full scale « national issues rather than · ·
issue of abortion.
By denouncing Ferraro and Mondale, Krol supports a candidate who as President sought cuts in Social Security and Medicare, accelerated the arms race, reduced financial aid for needy students, raised taxes 22 percent for those earning less than $10,000 a year and cut taxes 8 percent for those earning between $100,000 and $200,000 a year. Reagan's record is a direct contradiction of his pro-life stance.
The intermingling of church and state, as espoused by Reagan and Krol, could have serious ramifications for all religions. Throughout the campaign, Reagan has personally encouraged the fundamentalists in their mission to make America fit their image of a Christian nation. Traditionally, fundamentalists have been anit-Catholic and anti-semitic.
Any element of intolerance which is evident in the American political system endangers the First Amendment. The electorate must safeguard this amendment through the voting process so that all religions continue to have a voice in this society.
Krol asserts that "every Catholic is obliged in conscience" to oppose abortion privately and politically. How then would he counsel Ferraro whose conscience dictates that she not impose her views on another?
In conclusion, Krol would be well-advised to speak to area Catholics on the spiritual aspects of abortion so that, given a choice, they may consciously reject abortion. Morality cannot be _le_gislated, but. it can indeed be inspired· by responsible
loquitur cabrini
Editor. Barbara Mongelli News Editor: Lucia Laurita Assistant Peggy Simon Perspectives Editor. Virginia Smith LMng Editor. Gia DIGlminiani Features Editor. Bonnie Zischang Spam Editor. Michelle Bamber Business Manager. Robin Larkins Assistant to Editors: D. B. Field Art Editors: Beth Daly and Debbie Clclrello Photography Editor: Cara Graham Assistant Mark Viggiano Photography />dviser. Dr. Carter Craigle />dviser: Dr. Jerome Zurek staff: Margaret Angelucci, Larry Aquino. Michelle Bamber, Frank Bakosld. Karen Bowers. Kathleen Breslin. Karen Clark. Chris Corcoran. Bernadette Demski. Mary Beth Evich, Katie Glim~ Dor1s Hickman, Kerry Hogan. Donna Hors~ Chris Koerner, Joan Kramer, Maureen McAnespey, Robert Marchesanl Gerard Matthews, Barbara Petracci. Laura Przywara. Trish Rell!\( Eileen Riddle, Kathi Wachenheim. Cathy )bung
Laquttur Is published weekly during the school year by students al Cabrini College. Radna,; Pennsylvania 19087. SUbscriptian price Is $1) per year and Is Included In the benefits secured by tuition and student fees.
Laqultur Is published weekly during the school year by students of Cabrlf!i College. Rodna,; Pennsytvonia 19087. &Jbscflptian price Is $1J per year and Is Included In the benefits secured by tuition and student fees.