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Loquitur achieved its seventh consecutive first class award from the Associated Collegiate Press. In addition to this, Loquitur was awarded two marks of distinction in coverage and content and opinion content.

According to Bernon Peacock, a judge for the Associated Collegiate Press, "Loquitur captures the tone and essence of the people, events, issues and ideas of interest and importance at Cabrini."


Peacock also stated, "Opinion content strength is epitomized by consistent and significant commentary on local issues." Foundation organizes Trivial Pursuit challenge

A day long Trivial Pursuit challenge, scheduled for the week ofNov.12-18, is part of a nationwide event occuring in 80 cities.

The event is organized to raise money for the local Easter Seals campaign .

The event will be held at the Adam's Mark Hotel on City Line Avenue and Monument Road in Philadelphia, beginning at 10:00 a.m. Registration forms are available from the Easter Seal Society at 3975 Conshohocken Avenue in Philadelphia, or call the Trivial Pursuit Hotline at 879-1005 for details. The deadline for all teams or individual regis_tration is Nov.12. CAMPAIGN from 1 we ourselves can't stop committing the sin." Cuomo places the burden of choosing on the individual, realizing fully that morality cannot be legislated .

Margaret Reher , chairperson of the religion department , remarks that abortion has received an undue amount of attention in this campaign. She urges the electorate when voting to consider other vital pro-life issues of nuclear war, capital punishment, child abuse, euthanasia, unemployment and care for the poor and aged . Reher suggests that those who espouse a pro-life position adopt a consistent ethic oflife as set forth by the bishops in their pastoral letters. She encourages people to vote on the broadest range of interests . "You've got to vote," she said. "It is a moral responsibility. " news briefs by Lucia L. Laurito and Eileen J. Riddle Hoguet's ·do's and dont's in the mailroom

John Hoguet, mailroom manager, suggests that students write their return address on their letters when writing to family or businesses . Their mailbox number and not their room number should be included to insure that their mail goes to the proper box.

Due to vandalism, six mailbox doors have been ripped off. A $25.00 fine will be charged to anyone who is caught tampering with mailboxes. This fine is backed by . the dean of students and will be added to the students bill.

According to Reher, the Church 's voice in politics should not be construed as a threat to the political process. She cites the bishops' most recent letter of March , 1984: "The Church recognizes the legitimate autonomy of government and the right of all, including the Church itself, to be heard in the formulation of public policy."

Rev. Mark Falcone, 0 Praem , campus -ministry, and Sr. Bernadette Casciano , campus ministry, adhere to the Church's guidelines in not endorsing specific candidates. They advise students to look at all the issues , weigh them , then vote according to the dictates of conscience.

Lisa Nolan , sophomore, will be taking a hard look at all of the issues when she goes to the polls. "I will vote according to the best interests of the country, " she said . Rockworld holds second sweepstakes

Rockworld's second major sweepstakes is here. Student's will have a chance to win one of 40 major prizes in Rockworld's College-Only Sweepstakes II.

The college music-video show will give away 16 windjammer Caribbean sailing cruises, 15 oars whitewater rafting adventures and 9 Bic sailboards to 40 lucky students in the Nov. 16 drawing. Students can enter by writing their name, address, telephone number, and college name, and sending it to: Rockworld, 1698 Central Avenue, Albany, NY 12205. All entrees must be received by Nov. 15, 1984. Kamen to lecture on scientism and creationism

The religion department will sponsor a lecture on Tuesday, Oct. 16 at 8:30 p.m. in the library conference room.

The lecture is entitled '~d God said, Let there be a big bang;' scientism versus creationism." The lecturer is Barnett Kamen. Kamen is currently in the PhD program in biblical literature at Dropsie College. Advance' center offers help

Advance, the center for preventive psychology, is offering help to anyone who is suffering from compulsive eating, bulimia, or anorexia. Living with any of these disorders is a frustrating battle that you don't have to do alone, according to the therapists at the center.

Help is available at the center by calling (215) 647-8699. All calls are strictly confidential. Dr. Robert Ramalia and Dr. Florence Seaman are available for private and group therapy. Rose Tree Park site of Juniors for Seniors' fair

Sr. Regina Peterson, MSC, chairperson of the social work department, invites Cabrini students to once again join Wawa and the senior citizens to attend the 12 centers in Delaware County at the "Juniors for Seniors" fair.

The fair will be held at Rose Tree Park on Oct. 13, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Part of the proceeds from Cabrini's haunted house will also be contributed to the cause. - ------------------ I I I I I I I I I I I

MEN $1.00 OFF .A Stg/e.A/,ovs

Both apeclala Include_. wuh, cut and blow dry. Regular •$to Special Oller for Cabrini Studenta With Thia Coupon 323 E. LANCASTER AVE. ACME SHOPPING CENTD


Regular $17

FOR APPOl~TMl!NT CALL- ... 887-1854 ~--- --------------- The 8th Annual Marching Band Festival Sunday, October 14 from 2 to 5 p.m .. ·

The participating bands will be from the following high schoqls: Penncrest, Upper Merion, Harriton, Garnet Valley and Upper Darby Enjoy a lazy Sunday afternoon listening to the talents of the students in these local high school bands Sponsored by the Fine Arts Department


JOB Sl3UAD ---------------

SALES: Cherry Dale Farms. a retail candy. LOAN FORGIVENESS PROGRAM: Students who FITNESS INSTRUCTORS: Mobile Fltnea confeciian and card stare needs sales/counter help an ha\18 borrowed through the Pennsylvania Higher Education group needs lnatructors. Must have own car; Wednesdays and Fridays from 3:00 ta 9:00 p.m. The store is Assistance 11/;Jeoo{s (PHEAAJ Guaranteed Student Loan men a nd women who are able to motivate are located in W'{nr>NOOd. Contact Mrs. Toltzis at Ml2-9989 . program and will be teach ing either math or science in a rlMded for convenient part-time hours. ExperiPennsylVania secondary school may be eligible for the loan ance Is preferred but not mandatory. Call BABYSITTER: VMan Peildn of Rosemont cancellation through PHEM's new loan forgl\leness program 449- 3389 a nd uk for EIieen or Maryann. needs o responsible male/female to care for her 7 and 1) Contact the financial aid office for details. VALLEY FORGE SPORTS GARDEN: Immediate year old boys every do( from 4:00 to 5:30 or 7:00. Will provide P,\RT-TIME SALES: Joyce Selby shoes In the openings for load ~nter attendanls. skate guards , disc meal '/OU miss dinner in the cafeteria. Thls job Includes Court at King of Prussia needs sales help stock people and Jock~ and reception/st . Please contact Mr. Pollard (father of chauffe<ing her children to activities and pays $75 per week. cashiers. The jobs will be in1erchangable . The hours OIIOilablE Cabrini '84 alumnus, Kurt Pollard) at 296-8131. Student must ha\18 a car. Contact Mrs. Peildn at 525-4816. are for c::k¥, nights and v;eekends. Salary Is negotiable. YARDWORKER: $5.00 per hour. flexible . Contact Kathy at 337.92n, schedule . Contact Mrs. D.R. Mower at 642-0820 . Call after 5:00 MRT TIME JOB: Clark Products. Inc. located In the Marion MIii Business Center on Fayette Street In W. BABYSITTER: Needed to take care of two girts. DAY CARE CENTER: Part time assistant. wo,ldng Conshohocken, has an opening for a part time job doing ages two and three and a ha~ years old. Transportation will with small children . Specia l needs program Educotion ~,or . light assemblies. Pay is $5.00 per hour. Hours are flexible . be provided . Hours needed are from 9:00 am to noon on Send resume ta: Special Needs/ Box 541731 Phlladelph~ Interested. please call Mr. Ruben Clark at 828-7600 . Friday mornings. Contact Joyce Sutterer at 687-5049. 19O s F. I..AIIIIONT BELIN ARTS SCHOLARSHIP_: LITTLE HEEL SHOP: in Suburban Square. JANITORIAL: Part-time light janttorial work. Appllca1lons for this fine arts scholarship whoch encompasses Ardmore is looking for an assistant manager . Hours are Mon .-Fri. 6:00-9:00 p.m. Maguire Insurance 11/;Jenc,. 259 E. painting. sculpture , music. drama. dance, literature and Su/lday thru Saturda( do( work. tt interested. please call Sue Lancaster Ale. W'{nrw,ood, Contact Ben SanFellce at 649-71)() archttectore , etc. are OIIOilable In the financial aid office. Lenton at 896-6180. ext. 244. Start at $5.00 per hour. ln1erested students should act as appllcallon deadline is Dec. 15. Preference Is given ta residents at the HILLARrS GOURMET ICE CREAM: Is looking CLERICAL WORK: Taylar Gifts of 355 East Abington or Pocono Northeast region of PennsyMJnla. for students who are l,1terested In part time work from 12-3 or Connestoga Rd.. Wayne Is looking for part time help 3 hours a 12-3:30p.m. v;eekc::k¥, Please contact Nina Patel at the Paoli day. 5 days a v;eek. It interested. call 688-3046 . DRIVERS: Domino 's Pizza needs 15-30 people ; Shopping Center at 647-0659. , . must be at least 18 years old, ha\18 a car and Insurance TEACHEFI SAIDE - EARLY CHILDHOOD: St. Flexible hours and days; con earn between $5-7 per Flat SPECTRUM SHOWCASE: The Court at the King Da'Jid's Nursery School. Hours are 9-1 Monday -Friday or rate Is $3.35 plus six percent mileage plus tips. Contact ant,y of Prussia mall needs retail clerks for full and part-time jobs. Tuesday-Friday. Please call Elaine Blazier at 687-3m . Greve or Kevin Core at 293-0980 . Hours are flexible , Including weekends and evenings. It CHILO CARE: DMne Providence Villoge at 686 MINTER'S HELPER: Tom Rosato of 454 Interested. please call Melanie Pesta at 265-6353. Marple Road In Springfield. Working with mentally Glenwyth Road In Stratford. Is laalclng for O palnte(s helper to ACCOUNTANT FIRM: In Wayne , C~ firm needs handtcopped girls. Prefers Special Ed. or education majors . help out to,- the next ten v;eek,, Hours are flexible . Interested, accountants and typists. Please send resumes ta Elmwood Monday through Frida( 3:00-8:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 7:00 on please call Tom at 687-2.092. P.O. Box 1816. West hestec !":. ~380 Saturda( and Sunday. It interested call 328-n30 .

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