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Cabrinicontractsnew companyto 'clean house'
by Christina Feehan staff writer
Thecollegehousekeepingstaff,longemployed bythecollege itself,was replacedinthespringby an outsidecompany. Long-timeCabriniemployees, now ex-employees, do not like the changes that occurredwhen theywere hiredby the ISS corporation.
This change,likeany, has broughtaboutrrnxed feelings.
AcrordingtoBobDiSalvatore,diredorofuousekeepingservices,therewas a feasibilitystudy conductedtofindoutifcontractingoutthehousekeeping staff would improve the quality of service and benefitthecollege.
"It would be more economical to contract out, accordingtothefeasibilitystudy,''DiSalvatoresaid.
~likeCaranfa.chiefphysicalplantofficer,agreed withDiSah-aroreandsaidCabriniwill benefitgreatly from contracting out both economically and throughthe~ of work.
··Contractingoutwillbringsa,ingsand a better qualityofwotktothe~ -Caranfasaici After thestudywasdone,theseniorstlfhuedandagreed to go ahead with the takingand analysisofbids. The analysis of bids was a long process that included acquiring information from comparues that wanted to hire Cabrini's housekeeping staff. The senior staffthen conductedan examinationof ISS, the company chosento employ the staff.
Even though Caranfasaid that contractingout thestaff is beneficialto thecollege,membersof the housekeepingstaffdisagree.
Choosing to remain anonymous, one housekeepersaid that he/shefeelsas if the staffis under a whipwiththenewcompany.'Thestaffwasnotwell paid before, but now we are not well paid and working under conditionsthat are far worse than with Cabrini, one employeesaid.
more RUSSIA from 1
In an attempt to ease the standoff with Yeltsin's opponents holed up in the parliament building, negotiators from both sides agreed on Thursday. Sept. 30 to restore electricity if the unyielding lawmakers ratify a plan to surrender their weapons. This agreement, however, was not accepted, greatly increasing the chances of violence erupting.
President Clinton, like most Americans, was taken by surprise by the events in Moscow. He moved quickly, however, to throw the support of the United States behind Yeltsin in his showdown with the Russian Parliament. In doing s•o, the United States has decided that Yeltsin's suspension of a Parliament elected under Communist Party voting rules is acceptable.
The upheaval of the government, plus the fear of bloodshed, has caused the U.S. Embassy in Russia to issue an advisory to Americans planning on visiting Moscow to "exercise caution.·, This warning could have a serious impact on Cabrini as well.
According to Helene Hennigan, head language department, both she and Dr. Antoinette Iadarola, president, met this past summer with Roustem Bichurin, director of the Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Foreign Languages in Nizhny Novgorod, to discuss setting up an exchange program of faculty and students between the college and the Institute.
"Thepresident hopes to set up exchanges in various countries so that the Cabrini community may share more fully in the cultural diversity for which we aim," Hennigan said. The
AccordingtoDiSalvatore,thestartingsalaryfor thehousekeepingstaffrangesfrom$6,070-$9,027.
'The staff is expectedto the same amountof work as when they were employed by Cabrini," DiSalvatoresaid 'They are expectedto clean the bathroomson a daily basis,the same as before."
'These alteredconditionsincludecleaningwith harsherchemicals,witha bleachthatstingsoureyes, and with reduced health benefits,"anotherhousekeepersaid.
Oneemployeesaidtherearecliscrepanciesamong theirbosses."DiSalvatoreinstructsustodoachore one way, and ISS tellsus to do it anotherway," he/ she said. "ISS has taken us back to slavery."
AlthoughCabrinistilladvisesISSastowhatthey shouldandshouldnotdo,theworkershavesaidthey are lookingfor other places of employmentif this situationdocs not improve.
"There are more students. more work and not enough of us to go arounci"one housekeepersaid. ''We should get a pay increaseand more workers shouldbe hired.''
In contrast, Caranfa said there have been no major changesamong the staffanciat present,ISS andCabrini,aswellas thehousekeepers,areironing out any minorproblems.
"We feel that Cabrini is benefiting from this change.'.Caranfasaid 'Thefoodandbookservices were onceemployedbyCabrini,butnow theyhave alsobeen contractedout"
Caranfaalsosaidthatwhenthecompanieswere screened for bidding this past spring,the advising staff carefullyinspectedthe ISS treatmentof employees. "It was the most important aspect we lookedatwheninterviewingthecompanies,''Caranfu said.
''WewouldnothavecontractedISSifwedidnot think that they could do a betterjob than our own management,"accordingtoCaranfa college is also making more efforts to get international students to study here.
The Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Foreign Languages, founded in 1937 on the basis of foreign language courses, provides academic programs in languages and linguistics at bachelor's, master's and doctoral levels. Since the opening of the City of Nizhny Novgorod (formerly Gorky) to foreign visitors in 1991, the Institute has been hosting groups of students from Western Europe and the United States studying Russian language and culture.
"Although the title of the Institute mentions foreign language, the Cabrini exchange is not limited to language majors," Hennigan said. The exchange program is also open to business majors and students of sociology. as well as a number of other possibilities, including internships.
Iadarola is invited as a guest of the Russian government during Thanksgiving break this November to hammer out the details of the exchange link between the Institute of Foreign Languages and Cabrini. as welJ as to talk with the presidents of various colleges in Russia about the American higher education system and privatization of colleges.
The Nizhny Novgorod Institute, however, is located appro.ximately 188miles southeast of Moscow. where the daily struggle between Yeltsin and his opponents is being waged.
"I would be hesitant of sending anyone, faculty or students, in light of the situation in Russia," Jadarola said. "Whatever happens in Russia will very much affect what will happen with the exchange program."
Even so, Iadarola remains optimistic.
"Negotiations between the two schools are still getting through.'' she said. Many of ladarola's contacts in Russia also seem to think that Yeltsin will prevail and things will
Housekeeper more
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work themselves out.
"It's important to allow our students to study and travel abroad," Iadarola said. "It is a learning experience that one never forgets. The more Cabrini can do to prepare its students to live and work in the next millennium is really exciting."
Many Cabrini students seem to think thlll the prospects of studying abroad and allowing foreign students to come to America to learn about our lifestyle and culture is a good idea.
JohnCunicelli, first-year student, felt the exchange link is a great objective for the college to have. "Russians seem to hate Americans," he said. "If they had the opp0rtunity to come here to study and learn our culture, they would realize we are basically just like them, with only a few differences."
Katie Ellis. first-year student, was hesitant about the exchange program. "In the thought process. it's a good idea, but no teacher or student is going to go into a country where so much turmoil is occurring in their political system," Ellis said. "If the turmoil should calm down, however, it would be a great learning experience."
In an effort by faculty to promote international studies and prepare students who wish to study abroad, once the final details have been worked out between the Institute of Foreign Languages and Cabrini, the language department will offer Russian 101 in the Spring of 1994.
Any student who has fulfilled the competency requirement in Spanish, French, Italian or German may take the Russian 101 class on a pass/fail option. ''This is allowed in order to encourage language study by all majors," said Hennigan. So. as the tumultuous events continue to unfold in Moscow, the world, and Cabrini, awaits.
Bogia said,"We' re coming close to meeting the challenge. Right now, we are asking alumni, parents and everyone involved in the Cabrini community, to help raise the one million dollars we need."
According to Director ofDevelopment MaJ) Helen Herzog, there may be little interaction because the development office isa one-person department. Herzog said, "Faculty speak with me informally about enhancing their programs." She added, "It is my job to go out and raise money. By doing this, I'm representing the students and the students are benefiting from their teachers."
On the other hand, professors such as Dr Joseph Romano, professor of philosoph). worked closely with him last year on the Inauguration Committee. Romano said,"Ever. though I don'thavedirectlinks with Mr. Stable) I saw how personable he is, how easy he is to get along with. He's very competent."
Hedtke said. "Mr. Stabley has proven hi~ expectations through the Dixons' Challenge a~ well as the increase in enrollment this schoo. year." Hedtke added that with a position like Stabley's, it is unfair to make any judgment~ after one year. •'After the next two to three years, we' 11have a better understanding of who Stewart Stabley is and whether or not he'<: living up to his expectations and promises.''
Stewart Stabley, vice president of institutional advancement, has been a member of the Cabrini community for about one year. Stable} received a bachelor's degree in journalism at Pennsylvania State University and later a masters degree in communications management and 12 years in higher education institutions.
Throughout his career, Stabley worked for 15 years in corporate management and 12 years in higher education institutions.
Prior to his responsibilities at Cabrini. Stabley spent time at Allentown College of Saint Francis De Sales, Northwestern University and Illinois University.
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