4 minute read


Kelli Dougherty staff writer

Some Cabrini students serve time at :erford prison. They are Juniors Tricia .i!lerand Lor, Staneruck, Sophomore Heidi ::-ooleyand Senior Mollie Chesna.


However, the time being served is not a :=.shment for a crime but actually a reward nelping others overcome the barrier of

These students have volunteered their time

·-,e Prison Literacy Project, sponsored by ministry.

This program exposes illiterate prisoners to world of reading and writing, with the student tutors.

-Between 40 and 60 percent of Graterford 's - tes are illiterate or have only a third or ai grade reading level," Schuller, student :dinator of the program, said°.

The program matches a student with an -ate to improve his reading and writing ..;ties. According to Francesca Bansbach, campus minister, "This program will allow prisoners to get through their basic reading and writing skills, which will hopefully lead to acquiring the~eberal Equivalency Diploma (GED) and-then able them to courses off~:at~

MercyCollegeinl..owerGwyneddTownshipwas the place to be on Friday.

Cardina!AnthonyJ.Bevilacquaansweredques~from students on the state of religion in 's • homosexuality, abortion and v~edin parishactivities.The th~ents as the "future ."ents the young adults, to the oup of 30 that life beagardenofrcre5,butyoushould stop and smelI;them.

0 Satunlay, Oct. 2 • Clinton's American Healdtftan PremdentOirlton explained Saturday that his health care1eform.willtak~shape across political boundaries.WhenCongresspassesahealthpackage, it will not have a labelon it statingRepublican or Democrat but ratl,er "Made in America" Governmenf'will control prices and decide wh.\t new technologies and techniques can be used.

The President tried to stop Republican criticism of the plan's key fuqding mechanism by making workers pay 80 percent of their employ- ees' insurancepremiums. The GOP feels this will killjobs in minor businesses.

0 Sunday, Sep. 28- Blow out in Russia Violencebrokeoutwhen enemiesofBoris

N. Yeltsin, armed with rocks, clubs and machine guns, smashed through troops to get to the ParliamentBuilding (White House).

At least 24 civilians and soldiers were killed. Over 100 people we1einjured. This was the army's first show of force • during the two-week-<;>ldcrisis between governmentand lawmakers.

This is reported to be the worst violence since.the1917 Bolshevik Revolution.

0 Monday, Oct.4 • Kelso keepsjob.

DefenseSecretaryl..esAspindecidednotto takedisciplinaryactionagainsttheNavy'stop adrniraloverthe 1991Tailhooksexualharassment scandal. Admiral Frank B. Kelso II will keep his job.

TheNavy'sLas Vegas conventionwas the Tailhookscandal's birthplace.

Kelso would not resign from his job but w,!itedto seewhat.Aspin had to say.

Kelso,60, a 1958Nava1Academygraduate is scheduled to retire next July.

on Cabrinitradition

involvement in the program.

Another reason this project is lacking students is a conflict of schedules, according to Schuller.

But the maingoalis~prisonersthroug ,.Myschedule conflicts with the night that these basic skills~fu, ~-~elhaveaclass," will irnprovetbeirfutureonthc~. ~~said, "but hopefully, ThismaybedifficwtduetoPiefacttheteis 1lflerthis semester's training program is coma shortage ofsiw:lent~and •l.-ar~•~ J.cu with the new students on list of inmates trying to ge_tioto.theprt,gnnr. night thatwiD fittn~schedule."

this is in response to the mission of the college. We are following the footsteps of Mother Cabrini, because she worked with the immigrant prisoners in the United States."

On a individual basis, student involvement is due to other reasons. "At fust I initially became involved with the project to fulfill my Seminar 300 requirement," Chesna said. "But this year I decided to come back because it is more than just teaching someone how to read. You learn so much about society andalotofthe influences of the environment."

There are avarietyofreasoosw'1ystudCllt$ ~ptesendy aregoing through are not gettinginvolved,aax,tdmgto~ the~ JeSSiooandshould be available to She said some studentsarefearfulof being-. by Janµary. the prison.

A studentmustcomplete a one-hour adult

"It's a shame that there are so many stereo- literacy training program, in addition to a onetypes about prisoners that keep students from hour prison orientation, before actively bejoining," Schuller said, "butl have not run into coming a tutor. anyproblemsorconflictsandwasneverputin

The roots of Cabrini's interest in prisons a dangerous position. I am glad I got past those goes back to when Mother Cabrini learned of fears."

Italian immigrant pr_isonerswho did not under-

Students' parents often feel the same fear, stand English or their rights in this country causing them to disapprove of their children's Bansbach said, "One of the reasons we do

"You also learn a lot about yourself," Chesna continued. "I listen to their stories and leave there thinking about them. It actually makes you realize these are real people."

Ortiz volunteers her time for other reasons.

"l always wanted to teach literacy and saw an opportunity to do so, even though at first I was skeptical of being in a prison," she said.

"I also find it is an enrichening experience, and I learned a lot about myself and the world through it," Ortiz said.

What's Happening _Security Update

Legal Party Scheduled 10/7

:l Rock'in AIDS luau legal party will ,e held from 9:30 p.m.-1 a.m. in the Widener Center Gathering Area. Guest DJ Brian Naab will provide ent~taiq-,, ;:::ient,along with Cabrini band Reservoir :><>gs. The cost is $$ and the money r.lised will be donated to the Philadelphia .-\IDS Walk.

Author Presents Book 10/8

:l Author Jerry Spinelli presents "From Fried Chicken to Fiction" Literacy O;,nersations, Lecture and Book Signing at , p.m. in the Widener Center Lecture nail.

Art Show Held

Flea Market & Craft Fair 10/16

0 Cabrini Children'sSchool will hold a flea marketandcraftfairfrom9a.m.-la.m. Weather permitting,theeventwillbeheldin theChildren's -Schoolparking lot; in case of rain it will be relocatedfothe Grace Hall Atrium. For more info~ c:allKaten Stauffer at 647-3968 or The Chilifreit'sSd,oolat 971-8520.

AJl)SWaJkSdMd11hd 10/17193

OThePhiladelphiaAIDS Walk begins with ~on at 9 a.m. 'Thewalk will begin at 11 a.Jl,l.and a freeconcertandpicnic will take place from 2-4 p.m. at EakinsOval. For more info CQntactJoelle~Box 132.

HedhC.Refrom Panel Scheduled


ClHcalth Care Reform: Is the Cure Worse ThantheDisease?willbeheldfrom7:30-9:30in the Grace Hall Atrium. Four panelists and a moderator from various health professionswill speak

Security incidents, as reported by security office, from Tuesday, Sept. 28 through Oct. 4.

Institutional Vandalism 9/28/93

0 Six or seven textbooks were reported stolen from a chemistry professor's office in Grace Hall.



0 Security responded to a call about a O A car was observed by security problem on Residential Boulevard. Resi- driving across Woodcrest's front lawn, dent director informed security th~~ three t?e lawn and entering the street at unknown males were.J~~l~ug, high rate of speed. The car sped no parking signs ou~~~~hel;l ight. the suspects saw RD~lli{y ran. A se~, &~t sign was found in fl&i~ous~, fi!- ft ·~----:;:-~?


Simple Assualt/Disorderly Conduc~ ~meone t pied to steal the tele9/28/93 • vist~;f • 2. The alarm went off.

0 RD informed security of three nonCabrini students entered the building wi_thout signing in. Two of the males had no identification, and the third presented security with a fake I.D. The suspects were intoxicated and became loud and disorderly when asked to leave the building.

Stolen Property 10/1/93

Suspicious Person 10/5/93

0 A female Cabrini student reported to security that, whilewalkingfrom the Widener Center to House 6, she saw a man running through the woods, ducking behind trees. No suspect was found.

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