Friday,September 2, 1994
Vol. XLI, No. 1 Cabrini College Radnor, Pa. 19087
Students stand and &re -recognizedat Convocation
p/KJtoby Garo/ins Croley
Dr. Bob Bonfiglio,vice president of student d~velopment,presents senior class presidentAmy Gallagherwith the AnniversaryBox at Convocation,Tuesday,Aug.30 in Grace Hall. by Caroline Croley managing editor
For first-yea.r students, it was a new beginning. For the seniors, it was a beginning to an end. As the fanfare played softly in the background, seniors and first-year students processed into the Grace Hall Atrium. Convocation was about to begin. - _ScottDorsey, coordinator of the multi-cultural programs, st~od behind the podium asking God for guidance in our individual growth and to do our best in everything we attempt in our daily lives. These words seemed to carry th.rough the room and become the day's theme. Dr. Antoinette Iadarola, college president, elaborated on this theme in her formal opening of the academic year. Iadarola began with the book, "Places You Will Go," by Dr. Seuss. In this book, Dr. Seuss says, "Find the success that lies within you." "During their years at Cabrini, students will be well prepared in that great balancing act called life and learn to live life with dignity," Iadarola
said. With the help of the staff and faculty, students will deal with the ups and downs that occur in and out of the classroom. Robert D' Anjolell, first vice pr-esident of the board of trustees, said, "Learn all you can to formulate a future." After the presentation of college awards and recognition of seniors, it was time for Dr. Robert A. Bonfiglio, vice.president for student development, to present the Anniversary Box to Amy Gallagher, senior cJass president. "Between now and May, the senior class will collect some small keepsakes that will forever mark your place in Cabrini history as the class of 1995," said Boeke. Gallagher said that this is a "year that promises new and exciting changes at Cabrini College." At this time, Bonfiglio commendedtheseniorclassfortheir outstanding attendance, and the first-year students on their community service projects. _ _ The class of 1998 marks a beginning to a new requirement for first-year students. During the presentation, Bonfiglio encouraged students
to come in the Student Develop~ent Office and add special mementos to the box throughout the year. "These mementos will be kept in safe keeping until the year 2007. when Cabrini celt:brates its 50th birthday," "At the end of the year, the diary will be placed in the college archives so the future students will see the true portrayal of student life." After the presentation of awards and the presentation of entering students, Dr. Thomas Boeke, provost, addressed the seniors. "The next few months will fly as you approach the closure of your intellectual life on campus, and in no time, you will come to another place on this campus where the president will present you-with your diploma at graduation," Boeke said. At Cabrini, students have the opportunity to stand twice and be recognized. "First upon your entry of the academic community, as we are doing today, and at the completion of your studies as you prepare to leave here," Boeke said. "I hope this year won't be too long or too bumpy," Bonfiglio said. "I hope it is special."
The Real Mac.oy!!
phOto by c.,,.;,m1e CrokJy
Hypnotist RamelleMacoy visited Cabrini on Mon., Aug. 29. Here he demonstrateshis power over Eric Sevalandand MichelleBlouin in WidenerLecture Hall.
Sept. 2 to 8
Inside ... Week at a Glance ... v'NEWS
Check out if your first experiences volunteerin~ at Cabrini weie captured in Loquitur.
tl'SPORTS pg.12 Take a look into soccer season, both men's and women's.
FRIDAY .-'Nurses now on duty Mon. thru Fri. 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call the nurses office .,ltext 8400.
SATURDAY SUNDAY ll"'Masswill be held at 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. in the Chapel.
II'Adelphia_ Cable Co. will be on campus . For more details, talk to your RA.
ll'Sign up for cable service. .,.,Bring $25.00 to the Student Development office to register your car.
ll'Go meet your Big Brother or Sister at the Big Brother/Sister Lunch in the cafeteria. v'Job Fair from I :00-2:00 p.m. in the Grace Hall Atrium.
Changes mark the start of new year Well th'.isis it. The grind begins once again_for the new school year. For many it's the last year to be free, and frolic to class in sweats and Tshirts. The reality of the "real world" is just around the comer. For others, this is the beginning. Not only are there new students on board this year, but the faculty has gone through many changes as well. Whether you are a student or a faculty member, there are a lot of challenges ahead. For some, it may be unfamiliar computer programs, for others it may be the phone system in the resident halls. Although change can be challenging, it can also be a learning experienee and that is why most of us are here. Some of the new things that many of us will bump into will be the new classes, new faculty, washers and dryers, a new food service, and of course each other. The biggest change is simply to accept , be able to work with, and maybe even live with one another. We cannot c'ount on going into a classroom and knowing everyone. We cannot have the same stµdypartners or work with the same people on class presenqitions. Those days are over. Now it is back to the good ole' drawing board. A blank slate to chalk-up and begin anew. Of course, it is not that bad. It might be hard to get adjusted to at first, but this is the exciting part of it all. Just imagine after we graduate and face the training period of a new job. Imagine eating lunch among strangers and feeling completely lost. Well, we are all in the same boat. We all have to go fishing in the same sea eventually. What change may bring -to you now, will make-adjusting to future changes so much easier.
The Wood Company, Cabrini's new food service program, has been widely accepted. Not only is the presentation of the food nicer, but the quality is better. It is more edible than Seiler's. Some problems_ do exist though. The food is_fine, but the cafeteria lines stretch back to the cm tab. This has been the problem recently, due to the commuters lacking a place to eat. The food court is there, but the food is not. However, it should be completed after Lab(?r Day. The new student orientation, under the direction of Heidi Levine and Karen Szczurek, ran smoothly. The students seemed to orient themselves quickly, to not only the campus, but also to each other.
The comedy troupe created a crowded house Sunday night. First~ year students moved in, but still found the time to enjoy a few laughs at the Red Cloud Coffee House. ·
Cheers go out to the school's e:xtemal and internal tune-up! From !the smaller details, such as the banister in the Widener center, the 1larger changes such as flowers and landscaping. These upgrades ,have been a definite improvement.
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Friday, Sept. 2 , 1994
Taking the cha.lleng'eand riding the rollercoastercalled_ life Kelly McDonald, editor in chief
The fear started wllen I was a small child riding in the back of my family's big brown station wagon. Up and down h.ills, the faster we~went, the worse it ' got._ I was ridiculed by my cousins when I cried, as I anticipated the next gigantic hill because I knew that while everyone in the car was _going down,.my stomach was going up. Luckily, a few years later when I was five, I moved into the city, leaving fewer hills for me to incur. By the ag.e of 13, I had forgotten aboufthose terrible experiences and ventured on to my aunts favorite ride in Disney World, the Mine Train. After all, I thought if she liked it, how bad could it be, right? Wrong! My fear was reawakened as the tears poured down my face and the continuous piercing screams escapeo from my lips as I clutched the bar across my lap, praying it would be over soon. My aunt clung tightly to my arm in fear that I would try to get out while the ride was still moving. Other passengers glared at her with disgust, as though she was an unfit parent forcing me to go on the ride. Later we laughed about the incident, but I certainly learned a lesson. As a teenager, I would watch. my friends go OD roller coasters from the safety of the ground. Eventually, I just got set in my ways. I was afraid, and this would not change. It was easier just to accept my fear rather than try to overcome it. _ A few years older, and maybe a little wiser, I came up against a challenge. I convinced myself that the blue SuperDooperLooper roller coaster, in front of me, was not as big as it looked, even if it did have an upside-down loop. At least I could say that I tried it. It also helped that my family convinced me that it was not neady as bad as the wooden roller coaster they had dragged me on a few minutes earlier. I began to shake and get extremely nerv1ms as we reached the top of the first drop, not to mention that I clung to my boyfriend for dear life as I screamed, "I want to get off!" Before I knew it, the -ride was over and I had survived the loop and everything. I felt proud as I walked over to my family who eagerly waited to hear my reaction. I was presented with a challenge, accepted it and overcame it. This of course was not the first challenge I overcame, but it was definitely a significant one. This experience made me realize that by accepting a challenge, I also accepted change. These two words seem to be. come more synonymous as I get older. Do well in school only to graduate and go to college. We are then challenged to. Think about it, ·we 'are challenged to
gratluate only to find a job and then a better job, and then to raise a family, etc. With every new school and job, things change -and present yet another challenge and more change. Although it seems like a vicious, never-ending cycle, there are so many personal rewards that ri1ake overcoming these challenges worth while._ A sense of accomplishment , strength and learning are just a few of the feefings come with climbing any moun- · tain and letting nothing stand in your way. This realization and awakening hit me at a perfect time in my life, as I enter a new and exciting school year. I will be starting a new term as a Loquitur editor, holding a different position than ·1ast year, and I will also continue with a new job and new re~ponsibilities. Challenges are always presenting themselves t-e,n:Ml-ftndin some cases I even go looking for them. In any case, I am constantly riding the roller coaster called life, where the ups and downs are much bumpier and the ride lasts much longer than at the amusement park. Yet, somehow it doesn't seem as scary. I guess life is one big challenge that needs to be accomplished one little step at a time.
Editor-in-<:hief: Kelly McDonald Managing Editor: Caroline Croley Editorial and Op•Ed Editor: Diane Wrobleskl News Editor: Christina Feehan
Arts and En1ertainment Editor: Regi~a Miller Features Editor: Sheila Brady Sports Editor: Celene Wright Graphics Editor: Jane Van lngen Copy Editor: Richard Jasper Business Manager: Karen Szczurek Photography Editor: Dawnielle Klopp Photography Adviser: Dr. Carter Craigie Adviser: Dr. Jerome Zurek
Staff: Mary Burtete, Stephanie Caldwell, Kathy Cephas, Nicole Coleman, Matthew Craig, David DIMatteo, Patricia Foley. Dyana Glasgow, Joanna· Golesh, Allyson Hannigan, Lisa Hines, Amy Jackson, Andrea Kelliher, Jamie Latshaw, John Lindsay, Katherine Malone, Joseph Marturano, Paul Marturano, Justin Miriglianl, Elizabeth Molloy, Brian Mooney, Michelle Reiser, Donna Schaefter, Richard Schepis, Nina Sciarrotta,"Kimberly Sheldron, Laura Testa
Photography Staft: Caroline Croley, Tricia Reilly
Loquitur is published weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor. PA 19087. Phone: 610971-8412. Subscription price is $25 per year and is included in the benefits secured by tuition and student fees.
Loqultur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. However, if the writer wishes, and the editor agrees, the writer's name may .be left off the letter upon publication and an inscription inserted such as •name withheld at the request of the writer.· Letters should be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words in le.ngth. If a letter is too long for the available space, the editor may edit or condense it. letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays.
The eartorials andopinions published in Loquitur are the views of the student editorial staft and the Individual writers_and not the entire student body or the faculty_and administration. _
Loquitur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice In the uninhibited, robust. free and open discussion of issues.
Friday, Sept. 2, 1994
Experience makes the difference
Melissa Johnson, senior
Whoever said that a good GPA ensures a senior a job upon graduation? This is only half of the battle. The other half is experience, first-hand experience, for a minimum of one year. This became known to me, my junior year, as I btowsed through the classified ads out of curiosity, in the Daily Local News and The Philadelphia Inquirer. As a result, I beg11ncreating _aresume and sent it out to few local pharmaceutical com·panies, in hopes to obtain an apprentice~ ship. As a biology major, an internship for one semester is a requirement for graduation, so my ~dvisor recommended several people/companies to send resumes to. After receiving letter after letter of "thank you··for your interest in our company, but at the time we are not hiring any interns," I became very discouraged. Later I was told about the great opportunities the co-op office had to offer, by a friend, so I decided to check it out. I bFought a copy
of my resume and ·filled out some forms, then made an appointment with Nancy Hutc.Jiinson, the director. She reviewed my resume and said it looked great, then we got out the list of job openings that were available within the biology field. There must have been 10 to 15 listings. She faxed my resume to the positions that interested me, then we waited. Sure enough, a few weeks later, I was scheduled for an interview at a pharmaceutical company in the Great Valley Cooperate Center. Two days later, I was hired and have been there since.· It has been about four months since I started with this company. I am in the pharmacology department at the company, arid I am injecting animals with various drugs the chemistry department fabricates. Due to a significant amount of confidentiality in this mdustry, that is all I can state. Through job, I have been gaining experience within my field, working in the "real world," and dealing with people. It is not easy all of the time, because everyone is not like your best friends that_ you journeyed through school with. I recommend taking advantage of an opportunity to 'work for a company while in school to gain some experience. It will never hurt, but will assist in the long run when graduation is around the corner. It has the potential to bring about a full-time job offer. Definitely visit the co-op office if you do not know where to start, but are looking for a job opportunity. Like my manager has told me, and still does to this day, no type of experience will go against you. In the long run, if there are three applicants searching for one job, and only one of the three has experience in the field, most likely, this person will be hired.
Co-op and Service.s are "TOGETHER."
Campus voice restrained To the Editor: Picture it. Peter Jennings sits at his desk calmly and wannly delivering the day• s news to the citizens of this free and democratic nation. He reports on two or three issues and is about to deliver.another story when suddenly a whispered "Uh, Peter, could I talk to you for a minute"-silences ABC's leading reporter. A man in a butterfly-collar shirt and plaid pants leans into the screen, speaks softly into Jennings' ear and ducks back into the unseen world of television production. Jennings faces the audience and says, "Um, sorry. That last story wasn't such a good idea. Never mind. In other news tonight..." It could never happen, right? Not in this country. Who would want to silence the news? Who would stand before the First Amendment, raise a fatal pen and stab the Constitution in the heart? Apparently Cabrini College would. It seems some members of the administration feel the Loquitur staff is not receiving the proper guidance it needs to judge what stories are fit to run in the school newspaper. In addition, previous editorial boards have not received the proper punishment for what administrators considered "mistakes." In its wisdom, the administration has decided to create an advisory board comprised of students, faculty and staff who will guide the Loquitur, ad~ise them, help them to forge a dignified, proper little college newspaper that is even appropriate for prospective students and their parents to read. This board will be there to give the staff that push in the right direction, that reassuring hug or pat on the back They don't need it!! Loquitur is an educational tool for aspiring young writers, reporters and editors. It is also a forum for debate, discussio_nand the
very foundation of modem media stories, comic routines and lunch-time discussions free speech! The p(oposed advisory board is a clear statement that the administration does not believe in the current faculty advisers, the staff of Loquitur, or the common sense of both. They clearly ,do not feel the Loquitur knows what they are doing. The problem lies in the fact that after many years of Loquitur publications, the administration still does not understand how the system wprks. The advisers' behavior is ' a demonstration of trust, not nonchalant laziness. The advisers do not create story assignments. They do not mandate coverage, content, the style of a story or the sources used. All of these are processes studied and practiced by the editors and writers through Loquitur. And the faculty advisers NEVER censor_ the paper. NoonehasevercensoredLoquitur. Will the advisory board practice censorship? Administrators must stop viewing Loquitur as the mouthpiece for the suppressed concerns of the advisers, editors or anyone who has an"in" with the publication. Th_estaff of Loquitur seeks and has always sought the truth. If, at times, that truth was unpleasant, it mirrored much deeper concerns than petty revenge. It would not surprise us to find that this very letter has been cut off by the so-called advisory board. It would, instead, be an affirmation of our fear. If Loquitur is placed under the regime of a:rf'attrist>ryboard empowered by the college administration, this school will lose an invaluable educational tool, its students will lose their voice, and this country may lose the next Edward R. Murrow, Walter Cronkite or Peter Jennings. Need we say more? If this happens, we may not be able to say more. Sincerely. Doug Eppler, '"T ,_,.,.....tcAllister, Gary White, Steve May, Danielle DiMarco, Bob Macartney, Seniors ~
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Friday, Sept. 2, 1994
First-yearstudents"movein"to collegelife ·
• photo by CarolineCroley
Orientation Counselors Megan Fallon, sophomore, Stephanie Beig, junior, and Christa Gervasi, sophomore, help first-year students move in to Xavier Hall.
:ui, . photo by C8fOlirreCroley
Felix Ortiz moves his futon and other items into Xavier Hall on Sun., Aug. 28.
by Caroline Croley managingeditor As we go through life, we all experience things thatmay seemexciting and exhilarating, andthings that may seem scary. On a nice, hot afternoonthese experiences seemedveryreal to a largegroup of first-year studentsand transfers. It was time to unpack the boxes from the car, meet new people, and say good-byeto the comfortsof home. 1hese studentsopened a new chapter in their lives and took the first step into college life on Sunday,August 28. First-yearstudentDawn Deshackhopesto fit into her new smroundingsand have a good time. "Cabrini seems to be a very nice community, small and private, she said."Everyoneset;msfriendly." First-year student Nicole Hartman, Deshack's roommate, agreed that she was
S. G.A. Wants You!
attractedto the campus because it was smal1and private. Hartman said Cabrini reminds her of home and she hopes to have a good year. While many studentshad great expectations, therewerea few studentswho had mixedfeelings about coming to Cabrini. · Jeanne Lombardo, a first-year student from Havertown,said,"Honestly,atfirstlreallydidnot like Cabrinioriginally."Whilel.ombardo'sfeelings have changed for the better, she said she would have had those initialfeelings anywhere. "It is all too new;" she said. ''It is kind of scary." JenniferMirellisaid,"Itwassadleavinghome. Icriedbutlamreallyexcitedaboutbeinghereand having a good year." · Helpingthesenew studentsis a team of dedicated,hard-worldngupperclassmen.This team is compiled of orientationcounselors,:residentassistants,faculty and staff. Donna·Schaeffer,sophomore, is a first~year orientation counselor. Schaeffer said that the transitionfrom beinga studentat orientationand being an O.C. was an easy one to make. Many orientationcounselorswantedtovolunteei:theirservicesbecausenot that long ago, they weretheonesnervouslymovingintotheirrespective dorms. Schaeffersaid, "I remembervividly what the first college experienceswere like. I remember moving in, schedulingclasses,gettingmy ID and
adjustingto new surroundings.'' Joy McAllister,jiurior:residentassistant,added thisis a hard time for new students. Sh€said it is important to make them feel comfortable with their new surrowldings. On Monday, Aug. 29, from 2:45 until 3:30 p.m., first-yearstudents met with their advisers, co-facilitators,and fellow classmatesto finalize financialaid,class schedules,and other concerns they may have before the semester goes in full swing. . Carter Craigie,professorof English/communications,told his new adviseesthatthe transition to college is a hard one to make. ''This is a hardtimeandyouwillbescaredand · so will your parentst Craigie said. ''You learn to take care of affairs on your own. It is not high schoolanymore." "Each time you go ouf and do somethingthat youwere afraidto do, you will become stronger," Craigie said. Jolyon Girard, chaiJpersonof the history department,said,''Y oudonotwantyourfirstyearof collegeto be like 13thgrade. Collegeis a placeto have fun, grow, and get involved. It is a learning experiencein and out of the classroom." Craigie summed up the day when he said, "Slow down,be calm, and never be afraidto give someone a hug!"
photo by CarolineCroley
Senior Doug Eppler and Sophomore Rob Marish fulfill 0. C. duties by helping students move in after they checked in 1•.
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Friday, Sept. 2, 1994
Stevef's, Stars
,by Sheila Brady features editor
The generous bowl of candy on Nancy Hutchinson's desk says much about what Aries(Mai. 21-Apr. 20):Thismonthwill kind of person she is. Yes, other people ·be focused alinostentirely on r'clatio)JShips. · may display a dish of hard candy, that Sept 8 will bring you eloserto the one you could be two years old, in an old plastic love. Do not let your®eeririnibitions block bowl. Not Hutchinson. · yourpath. She keeps hers ill' a crystal dish. Inside are kisse·s, Hershey's kisses . .Taurus (Apr. 2I~May 21): · tong-tenn . Mmm ... who could resist? commitmentsarehigblightedallmonthlong. Hutchinson, director of cooperative Relationships~have been fu;i.artdcarefree education and career services, is on a thissummerwill become mare solidifiedin first naII_1ebasis with each person who the fall. Thiswill alSQbe_;1powerfulmonth. walks into her office. Her large attenwhereyoucroiuseyourinnateabilitiestoyour· tive eyes and calm disposition show all 'best advantage,especially the 10 and11. . visitors that they come first. They come before the telephone that never stops ringing and before the fax (rvfay 22-Jime 21): The.: of · scb.901 alwaysbringschange,andf91'.this· machine's deliveries. Therefore, it would be almost impossible for a visitor : willbe![monthfullofcbanges: Wafcho~for the5,wlienyoomayfeelpeople an} Wprlm}g to realize that this su~mer Hutchinson . photo by caroline Croley ·against you.But thisW;illbe~greatplOritlJfQf may well ·have been the busiest emNancy Hutchinson, director of cooperative education and career services, :,financialmatters,especially~lbeendQf, ployee on campus. contacts a prospective employer, with a phone call at the start of a semester tHe.montll. • . ". '! .. I'. . ::•·'. . . . ... Hutchinson grew up in New York City, the Bronx to be exact. She_ was fices into one was also a challenge. Each Hutchinson said. "We are very fortu·ir,:JQu)cer(June2~Jujy23):Jms'isi~fugro, educated in Centenary College, New employee had to be. educated, which nate because we get very resourceful . us)rtontb for you! Y-OU '11feel Jersey. She rec~ived her Bachelor's accor_ding to Hutchinson, will be an on- students." .. . ,and.alivethroughout,$eptember degree in English liter.ature and second- going process. Accord4Jg to Hutchinson, these stu;:aijd wi1lbe:able tohandlemlY ary education. dents know the value of cooperative Hutchinson needed to learn the ropes throwatyou,Enjoy: ·· After working for Bergdoff Goodman of a whole new department, on top of education and realize how it will adthepositi ' i ·:v this weekend on 5th Avenue in New York City for her already hectic routine. vance their profes-si.offiri"'tareers. ,(t'--~ v~ . .. . - .. ..andbetween tlte;27and ~:.: ", ... .,, ... seven months, Hutchinson worked at Almost always, she said, the em"Co-op is a tremendously time-con,ti' ', t~ the Philadelphia Common Pleas Court. suming department," Hutchinson said. ployers are very pleased with their coop students' performances during their , J.&Q (Ju.I~'24-At1g: :23x;;):"~u::J!!ve ·'the• She worked with prisoners who were "One-on-one interaction is vital." and the thoughtQf,starting aqother· asking for bail. She worked in prisons, 'Interaction between she and the stu- semester's work with the company. police administration and social service There have been many employer'$, yearofcollege,pe.duipsyciur~~bu8$ dent is vital to keep their interest you. Watob outfor sic~ aJ.1~y chki~ · agencies. This is where she attained·her aroused. Hutchinson's interaction with according to Hutchinson, who have ofallergiesonlhe I4anrl15.Thisinaybeagood counseling experience and patience. fered the students full-time positions employers is equally important. Inter·monthtotakestockofyourlife,orgimiz,eyoor After seven years of seeing the same actions include constant phoning, let- upon their graduation. thoughtsand plan for a successfulsemester,. prisoners repeatedly come through the ters and follow-up. s·he bas received unsolicited letters system, Hutchinson decided to begin a to place in_tbe On-site visits are normally done by of recommendation . . . Virgo (Aug, 24-Sept23): ·September job where she would help those who Hutchinson to physically see how things student's file, and many employers conyourbirthdaymonthanditis.usuallyfabulous. sincerely want to help themselves. tinue1o return to the cooperative ed~caare going-, and ireveryone is·satisfied. This month is no exeeption to the role. On top of guiding between 40 and 70 Meanwhile, she is constantly develoption employment, year after year. September will not be a good month for students to suitable cooperative educaHutchinson believes that everything ing new co-op employment opportuniromance,though,-andproblems crop up tiona1jobs, Hutchinson speaks with each in this job _ispositive. She gets to help ties for the upcoming semester. with a lovedone on the 19, · employer, giving recommendations to Opportunities are a large part of young people become more and more each one, she put in the major effort into productive in their communities. · Hutchinson's job. She makes opportuLil:n-a (Sept. 24-0ct. 23):Money is in the combining the offices of cooperative What is rewarding, according to nities available for any student who stars. Itisnotneces.sarilymakingmoney,but education and career services. Hutchinson, is the, fact that most emshows an interest by simply. walking conttolling it Your mind.may be saying Career services has joined cooperaployers give evaluations describing stuinto her office. "Spend,Spend,Spend,"butyour pocketbook tive education this summer.' The change Senior Margit Karlson worked at dents as good wholesome people. may oot be able to deal with yout spend-lust. has caused much extra work for What she said she would like to see Wyeth Ayerst as a Human Resources Best advice: Geta job. Hutchinson. She has spent a large part more of, after her five years of expericlerk as her co-op this' summer. of her summer screening resumes, and ence, would be an increase of interest of When you go into the co-op office, Scotpio (Oct 24-Nov.22): ThisiS longinterviewing to find a new assistant, first-year students and. sophomores in she really wants to help you," Karlson terrnplanningtnonthforyou. Theauraisright since she is now on her own. the cooperative education opportunities said. forsettingupstrategies andpl:ansforthefuture, Inte_grating employees from both of''I love working with students," on campus. lining upjobs and thinkingaboutthe futurein general. Careergoalsarehighlightedon the3 and4. ·
Co-op broadenshorizons
Sagittarius(Nov. 23-Dec. 21): A money
crisisiscominguponthe 1401'15.Relationships'
are also going to prove troublesome midmonth. Use September to get reacquainted witlrfriendsandfocus onyour_career.
by Sheila Brady features editor ·
Senior Heather McAllister is one person whqse life will definitely be affected by the work of Nancy Hutchinson, C?Pricom (Dec. '22-Jan. 20): Do not kid director of cooperative education and yourself!Opportunitieswillpopuponthe15, career services. This was McAllister's but you may beadvisednotto take thein. Call second summer of co-op experience. ·alovedooeonthel9or20fortheanswers.But McAllister worked at North Amerithis is also a super ·mo1'ilb for solidifying can Publishing in center city Philadelrelation~hips.Love.interestthis weekend? phia. She worked as an editorial assis: tant for this company that distributes Aquarius (Jan. 21-Feb. 19):Watch thooe approximately 15 different magazines summerfunds fly away...Keep an eye on that on the publishing and printing industry. walletonthe 18.Trytofindtimetoworlrnp.artReplacing a woman who was out on timejob thismonth,astheadde<lcashandtime maternity leave, McAllister was rewill keep youfrom boredo~. sponsible for a real job. It was not a typical internship, with an intern' s rePisces (Feb. 20-,Mar. 20): You may be sponsibilWes. afraidtoexpressyOUJ:Selfsexually,:finlmcially, McAllister's main responsibility was creatively,andacademically,especiallyoothe Publishing and Production 20. Take !l(lvantageof a self-expressiontrend Executive(PPE.) I tis a magazine wi)ich startingthe 29. targets people who purchase publishing
She said a positive part of this expesystems, such as paper. computer sysrience was the fact that she had so much tems and printing systems. She said she knew she When she was not working as the responsibility. was indispensable. assistant editor for PPE, McAllister "Ifl wasn't there, (PPE)rea1ly would worked as needed on two other magazines, Publishing Technology and En- · have fallen apart," McAllister said, "begineering, and Package Printing and cause they really needed an assistant editor at that time." Converting. According to McAllister, this co-op On these two magazines, McAllister experience broadened her horizons. Preused press releases, took out the opinion viously, she had only wanted to write and turned them into something substantial. According to McAllister, her for a newspaper. Now, she has taken a look at a whole responsibilities at these two magazines other side of the communications field. were not as exciting as for PPE. She wrote a full-length article that She said the experienc~ was incredibly valuable for her. will be coming out in the October issue. "It's not just that (the co-op) looks She had six weeks to work on this article good on a resume," McAllister said. "I on stock photography. Her editor sugpersonally feel more confident about gested a list of people to call. Through interviewing, McAllister wrote her ar- the things I can do in the field." The cooperative education office is loticle. "I never had that long to work on a cated in Grace Hall. Opportunities are story in my life," McAllister said, "so it available there for not only co-ops, but part-time jobs. · was sort of neat."
Friday, Sept. 2, 1994
Cabrini-~tudentshares irJsightaboutJamaicanculture by Dawnielle Klopp photpgraphy editor
photo by DawnlellleKlopp
Casandra, a shop owner in Negri!, sits during the off-season patiently awaiting customers. Her shop consists of various Jamaican souvenirs.
It is the birth place of the legendary Bob Marley, home of reggae, Red Stripe and locally grown ganja. It is Jamaic11,where everything is, "No problem, man." I had finally saved up enough cash to get out of the States and experience another culture, a culture that constantly wears a smile. I flew into Montego Bay and boarded the magic bus to Negril. First there was one Rastafarian, then another, and then a whole town ofRasta mans. I wanted to say hello, but the bus moved on. The first stop, after a minor delay at a local watering hole, was Hedonism, where the beach is divided in two, one side for nude and one for the prude. Unfortunately, my cash flow did not permit me to stay and shed my traveling I moved on to my final destina-. tion: the Negril Beach Club. My room at the club was not fantastic, but ten steps outside there was sand between my toes. The sand was. white and the water appeared to be painted with shades of blue and green. Unbelievable, I was in Jamaica As some people find the beauty of Jamaica in its picturesque sunset, I found the beauty of it in the friendliness of its people. One day I went shopping at a local craft fair. The shops were poorly constructed and looked like shacks. It had begun to rain, but Jamaicans do not consider rain as a bad thing, they call it "Liquid Sunshine." I ran from shop toshop in the hope of staying a little dry. I looked around the shops, said hello to the
proprietors and moved on. The final shop I ran into was owned by a lady named Casandra. I had browsed for a while and picked out a few souvenirs, and decided to visit with her. I paid for my items , with American dollars.and travelers cheques. Casandra was hesitant to accept my ten dollar bill. When I asked her why, she told me tl\at two American boys had given her a counterfeit fifty do11arbill. I assured her that mine was real. She showed me the bill that they gave her and my heart began to bleed. It was obvious the bill was fake. It was printed with different ink on differently textured paper. I made her feel my ten dollar bill and the fake fifty. We compared the texture and ink, so that she · could see the difference. I could not believe that I come from the same country as the two boys that did that to such a sweet lady. I apologized for them, but I knew it could not replace her embarrassment at the bank when she tried to deposit her day's earnings. Despite the poverty in which the Jamaicans live, they are a very relaxed and easygoing people. No nasty words were exchanged among them, and I felt very safe on their island. ·They took care of me. · Jamaica is a place to free your mind, body and soul. It is a,pl~here people are not- · afraid to live. It is a place where you take photographs with your eyes , but to be on the safe side, bring a camera. Visiting Jamaica was exactly like living a Bob Marley song. "Don't worry about- a thing, every little thing, it gonna be alright," and it was.
See our fall tutoringschedule Sign up to work as a tutorin courses in which you have excelled
photo by DawnlelieKlopp
A small girl indulges in locally grown fruit.
Receive helpto improveyourtime management& studyskills
photo by DawnlelleKlopp
David,a localJamaican, relaxesafteran afternoon sail.
WELCOME BACK! Fromeveryoneat
See Mrs. Janet Shoemaker, room 3, the RooymanCenter.or call ext. 8567
CAMPUS MINISTRY Make sure you stop to say "HELLO"! ScottDorsey
JeanineRieley JohnDunphy
r. Have
a great
Friday,_Sept. 2, 1994
Airwaves-makenew connection by Regina Miller
tening audience that alternative. musi~ atAs a new employee at Cabrini, WYBF tracts. benefits from Sabot's ability to look objecStephanie Bieg, assistant program direc- tively at the department. "In the past, there Dust unsettles between the compact discs, tor and music director, sa~d a listening seemed to be no training program," Sabot a small reminder of the long sumnier break audience's size can not be determined by the said. "Now, everyone will have a struc· between academic years. The dark station a:raount of callers. tured training, both hands-on-and-in the lights up once agaii;i, with organized prepaCollege radio depends on grants, unlike classroom. At the end, new members will ration the main focus. The small cubicle- like outside commercial radio which counts on take a hands-on and written test. Both tests room limits movement, but the floating advertisement. "We do not get enough need to be passed to be part of the station." voices through the airwaves provides an listeners," Verna said. "When we go to try Another new change t_his fall is that escape. For another year, Cabrini's WYBF , and sell·grants, we found out the market is Cabrini is offering credit for radio involveentertains the masses, on and off campus. with blm;k format." Money talks in radio, ment. Verna, a senior, became a producWYBF executive board initiates major via grants or commercials, thus, the ultimate tion director as a second semester freshprogramming changes. Behind-the-scenes litmus test which determines success in ra- man. "The credit option is a great idea,"_ summer pl!l1lllingconfirms dedication. Al- dio. Verna said. "For years we have been trying ternative is out. Block format is in. "It was Grants versus commercials become .to get it. We would be in the studio for five an ethical problem,,. Mike Verna, senior tricky. People need to be trained to decipher hours a day, busting our butts, without reprograms director, said. "We weren't being the difference between them. "In general, ally getting anything for it." Verna actaken seriously or getting the recognition. college radio is forbidden to do commerknowledges that the jocks may be more College radio can be known as the under- cials. Commercials can ask the listeners to serious about their shifts and become iri" ground. It was a hard choice, but I am come down to check ou_tour merchandise, _volved_in other areas of the radio with the photo by OawnielleKlapp excited about it." and we can tell them wliei:e we are located," one credit option. WYBF executive staff breaks from What exactly does block format mean? Sabot · said. "Grants do not allow price The option will become mandatory in summer meeting. Sheri Sabot, WYBF's general manager, said, announcements, we can not tell them to call the spring," Verna said. Communications "Instead of one type of music, it is a variety . a number, we can't describe the merchanPeople do not have to be on-air to be 392, a three credit course, is offered to the of music and shows. During the day, the dise, we can not be too descriptive with executive staff this year. "We will learn involved," Bieg said. "There are other ways show will be a cross between adult contemmerchandise and we can not use influential how to run a specific department and how a of being a part of the radio. They can work porary and the light~r side of top ten of the words, for example, which would describe staff operates," Bieg said. "There will be on a program, do a small spot on news, or past few decades." Sabot was hired recently merchandise as the best." This is only a actual training." produce and plan talk o~ sports shows." as WYBF' s general.manager and communiglimpse of the_written grant technicalities. Of course, there will be papers to write Sabot views the execllftll!e board as a cations supervisor. As limiting as it sounds, local and small and assignments to complete," Verna said. strength of the station. "They are fantastic At WYBF, block format consists of two businesses may choose·to buy air time on "but before, jobs were not assigned." workers," Sabot said. "I have their support, hour time slots. Each period is assigned WYBF because of the cost or because of the Bieg anticipates more live coverage from and they are the key to implementing different musical sounds. Talk radio spices targeted audience desired. "If we are run- the place of the event. She desires more changes." the arrangement. WYBF executives did not ning a college special or discount, the busi- promotions. Verna wants faculty involved WYBF's executive staff anticipate the give up compJetely on alternative music. ness may want to run the ad on a college in broadcasting. Both welcome newcomers start of the year. "We should be up an They appreciate the devoted but small lis- station,". Sabot said. . and hope this year brings new faces. running by the third week in September," Verna said. arts and entertainmenteditor
WYBF Executive Committee Board appointed for 1994-1995 by ReginaMiller arts and entertainmenteditor
General Manager
SheriSabot Senior Programming Director
MikeVerna ~t.ant Programming Director & Music Director Stephanie Bieg
NewsDirector!rraffi.c LauraBarnett TrainingDirector KristenVento Co-Sports Directors Brian Mooney & Justin Mirigliana
PublicAffairs Director Jane Van lngen Programs Director DJ.Glasgow
WYBF schedules fall programs by Regina M_iller
Hits of 60s,70s, and 80s.
9 p.m. to 10 p.m. Reggae. □Monday
to Friday 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Top 40 and Adult Contemporary. □Monday
6 p.m. to 7 p.m.
welcome all new undergraduate & graduate students & welcome back all returning students. We wish you a good educational expe- rience and a happy, productive year!
7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
a.rtsand entertainmenteditor
10 p.m. to 12 a.m. Dance Show. □Sunday
Phone-in forum.
12 a.m. to l p.m. About Worn.en.
7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Grateful Dead Show.
l p.m. to 2 p.m. Country.
8 p.m. to 10 p.m Rock Show.
2 p.m._to 3 p.m. Show tunes.
10 p.m to 12 a.m. Metal.
3 p.m. to 4 p.m. Pick of the week artist.
4 p.m. to 5 p.m. Classical.
6 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Sports Source.
7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Local Band Show.
5 p.m. to 6 p.m. Talk show back stage.
6 p. m. to 7 p.m. Public affairs. - 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. Alternative.
7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Blues. 10 p.m. to 12 a.m. Alternative.
8 p.m. to 10 p.m. Jazz. □Friday
6 p.rn. to 7 p.m.
Happy Hour.
10p.m. to 12 a.m. !Jallads.
Friday, Sept. 2, 1994
First-yearstudentsvolunteer for a day by Jane S. Van lngen
experience, students are given the opportunity to continue their services. .,, The whole idea of volm;iteering started two Community service has always been years ago when Jennifer Marks Gold, internaemphasiz.ed at Cabrini. Now, for the first tional students coordinator,..feachlbout a simitime, the first- year students are required lar program that Beaver College had been to· take part in a one-day volunteering doing for five years. Robert Bonfiglio, vice experience as part of their orientation president for student development,. thought it activities. was a good-idea considering the college's During summer orientation, the first- commitment to community service. When year students were infonned about the Heidi Levine, director of counseling-services, volunteering experience and given pref- took over the position of orientation director, erence fmms. This gave the students an she was asked to take responsibility for this opportunity to choose where they would idea. like to volunteer. On Monday, Aug. 29, The United Way of Pennsylvania helped in the students found where they would vol- putting this project into motion. They arranged unteer. The next day, joined by Orienta- many of the sites that the students went to. The tion Counselors (O.C.s), they went to the places inc1uded Divine Providence Village, sites and experienced what v~lunteering House of His Creatfon, Chore Connections, is all about. Although it is only a one-day_ and the Children's Educational Center. Students also volunteered to do work on campus. Two of the biggest groups paintecf; did yard work and cleaned at various places, inc1uding Chore Connection, an agency that allows seniors to live in their own homes. KarenSzczurek, a junior, was the orientation coordinator. After Levine made the initial contacts at various locations, Szczurek and Levine worked together. They visited every site they had. Szczurek did a lot of the followup work such as making phone calls and talk. ing to people at orientation. Szczurek also arranged the van and lunch schedule for the students·. Szczurek and Levine solicited the help of campus ministry and student activities. Along photo by Rob Marish with Marianne DeFruscio, director of student Students travel to Chore activities, both Scott Dorsey, director of Connection, where they helped multicultural events, _andReverand Ambrose senior citizens with house Cashman, campus chaplain, drove vans. cleaning and grocery shopping. "It was great for the students to see them get graphics & design editor
Dawn Deshak, Nicole Hartman and Mirella Adessi participate in poof games with mentally retarded women from the Divine Providence Village in Springfield. involved," Levine said. "Driving the vans was· also helpful because it gave them a chance to interact with the students. I would like to invite the faculty, especially freshman advisers, to come to the sites next year." John Lindsay, a sophomore orientation counselor, also volunteered. The O.C.s are required to go to the sites and help thefust-year students. "Cabrini is about getting involved, and for me, getting involved is something that interests me," Lindsay said. According to Levine, the program is mandatory "because it is part of the education at Cabrini. The program fits right into the volunteering experience of SEM 300," Levine said. The O.C.s and Levine were not sure what the first-year students reception was. Some students did say, on their preference forms, that volunteering would help them in their majors, especially education. Others said that
e New and Returning Stu from Admissions and Financial Aid
Let_us know how .wecanhelp. We're located in Grace Hall. Our doors are open for you! Nancy Beth Laurie Joanne Paul
Priscilla Randy Chris Libby Scott
Chrissy Shannon Yvette Annette Gay
they were indeed interested in volunteering. Stephanie Petrellais, a first year student, said, "I went to the child day care center. It was good. We listened to kids and it was really worthwhile. I would definitely do it again." According to Levine, the turnout was wonderful. About 75 percent of the first-year students, approximately 145people, participated. "Most of them bad a good time and worked really hard," Levine said ''They did physical work and enjoyea--being with each other.I'm thrilled and really excited about it. It was worth the effort, and it will be easier in the fufurenow that I know how to do it." In addition, it was successful because the students got to know the faculty in a more relaxed setting. As for Levine's own role, she said, "I think it can reduce the stigma of my role. It makes it easier for some people to see me as a nice person, not just the director of counseling."
Friday, Sept. 2 2 1994
Last week in the world of news by Jane S. Van lngen
Floridacoast An unknownnwnberofpeople die whichhas lobbied~ively to kill it because C&mday, Augmt 28- Clintonopens along the way. Fidel Castro,Olha's l~. has itcontainsabanonthemanufactureandsaleof19 talks with Cuba been wtcharacteristicallysilent since the U.S. models of~ weapons. The Clintoo adminislrationaonowx:ed QTuesday, August n. Boardof Edu- granted-anew Cubanpolicy. Of the $30billion.more than $1:7billionis for thatit wouldopenlimitedtalkswith Cub;lon cation makes a decision tough law enforcement,includingmore money immigrationmatters in the hope of defusing Afterthreedaysofnon-stopnegotiations, mbursday, August2S-WaltDisneychair- for police, prison.5and the Violmce Against the refugee crisis.Along with bad weather, the Boardof&lucationand the Philadelphia man resigm Womenprovision.Only$2.8billionis forcrime- the agreement talk gave the administratioo Federationof Teachersmade a decisionon a JefferyKatzenberg,thelongtimechainnanof preventionprograms. Among those preventioo its firstreawn to hope thatthe outpouringof ~w contract early this morning with only the WaltDisneyStudiosandoneofHollywood's programsis a $625milliongrantto thenation's 15 refugees, which began early this month, ininordetails tobeworlcedout.Sourcessaid most famous executives,aonowx:edthat he is largestcities,includingPhiladelphia. might be broughtundercontrol. thatthe board and the teachersmade a two- · resigning.He will leave at theend of next month yeardeal.Theagreementincludedaseriesof afterfailingtobecomethepresidentoftheDisney QSaturday, August 27- Omne layer imQMonday,August29- Northlreland educationrefonns,includingalongerschool Company. proves provisionnow irrelevant dayandmoreflexibilityintheschooldistrict Katz.enberg'sfilm.makingrespomibilitieswill Theprotectiveoz.ooelayeroverNorthAmerica WithexpectationsrisinginBritainandin be takenoverby JoeRoth,thefonnerchainnanof has reboundedfrom its extremelylow levels of Northern Ireland that the outlawed Irish QWednesday,August24- U.S.grants 20lh Centwy Fox, and now head of Caravan two winters ago, but thatdoes not mean it is time RepublicanAnny is about to announce a -newCubanrefugeepolicy to relax.Accordingto the GeophysicalResearch cease-firein the North, the BritishgovemPictures, a Walt Disneylabel. Alanned that its new policy of keeping Letters,high altitudeozone over theU.S. during ment indicatedflexibility on the I.RA's out Cuban refugees has failedto stem the , QF'riday,August26Congres<ipmesmiti- the winter of 1993-1994 recovered from the ~ic demand - an end to the partitionon tlowofinnnigration,theClintonadministra- aime bill recordlow valuesof thepreviouswinter. Ozone Ireland.TheNorthemlrelandOfficesaidthe tion is considering greatly expanding the After two ~eeks ofback and forthdebatingin levels that were as much as 15 percentbelow section of the-N. IrelandActof 1920 that naval base at Guatanomo Bay, Cuba, to Congress, the Senatepassed the$30.2billionanti- nonnal two years ago have risen to just above establishedthe partitionis now irrelevant handlethem,ManyCubans, who-setsailon crimebillbya 61-38vote.Thebill's advancewas nonnal. wooden rafts, do not even make it to the a sh3Iprebuketo theNationalRifle Association, graphic & design editor
OLirbest wishes for-a happy and successful academi(;year From the staff of the ADULT and CONTINUING EDUCATION DIVISION Where we're located: Grace Hall '
Who we serve:
All Cabrini students 23 years of age and older
What we do:
-Bachelor's degree -Accelerated degree completion program -Accelerated core courses -Certificate programs -Teacher certification -Assesment of prior learning
What else we provide: Tender loving care for all our adult students
-------------------------------------------------------Help us select a mascot for our newly named Adult and Continuing Education Division I,
(ACE). Write your suggestion below and drop it off in the suggestion box in our ofice. My idea for an ACE mascot is _____________________
Friday, Sept. 2, 1994
The expectations The possibilities The academics The good times The opportunities The experience My warmest welcome to students, faculty and staff as we begin · Cabrini College's 1994~95 academic year ... th~ threshold of unprecedented pro~ess_. Dr. Toni Iadarola President .,,
Friday 2, 1994
Last week in 'the world of sports · week, it increasingly likely that a second profes_sional sports-league will be shut down soon. Determined to get a contract settlement with the players before the season begins, NHL club owners have threatened to lock the players o-ut of training ;camp. At the heart of the dispute is the owners' desire to set up a system where ·players'· -salaries are linked to club revenues. Many players call that a salary cap, and are against -it. As of Sunday, Aug. 28, there had been no deadlines set for a lockout. But the owners are unlikely to open th~ season e.ven if they allow training camps to open, believing that it would give the players too much leverage.
by Richard Jasper copy editor □Baseball
lanta cornerback Alton Montgomery came screaming in from the right side on a blitz and_buried him in the Georgia Dome carpet. · Halftime X-rays on Cunningham's throwing elbow were negative, and there was little swelling. However, he was expected to miss several days of practice while in treatment. ·Eagles trainer Otho Davis said Cunningham ·should be ready for the season opener against the New York Giants at the Meadowlands on Svnday, Sept. 4.
Remember when baseball used to be fun? With the great strike of 1994- now entering its third week with no immediate end in sight, -it has become increasingly difficult for fans of America's favorite pastime to find an exciting, funto-watch baseball game - unless they happened to catch the Little League World Series in Williamsport, Pa., on Saturday. Aug. 27. □ Skating After more than a three hour rain Having finally won Olympic gold and delay, the Little League alJ-stars from busy with endorsements and a new caMaracaibo, Venezuela, battled it out reer as a televisioIJ commentator, Dan Jansen announced his retirement from against the Northridge, Calif. team to · . ONFL In their lastprese'ason game of 1994, speed skating on Wednesday, Aug. 24. win the 48th edition of the series, 4-3. EaglesquarterbackRandaUCunningham Jansen, 29, won a gold medal in the It was tbe first time a Venezuelan team had won the championship in eight was knocked out of the Aug. 26 game 1,000 meters at Lille.hammer, Norway, tries and the first title for a Latin Ameri- _with a bruised right elbow, and the in P-ebruary, setting a new world record Eagles' offe~se sputtered for the fourth for that event. can team since Mexico won in 1958. straight pre.season game. Meanwhile, Olympic figure skating Friday night's 20-12 loss to the At- champion Oksana Baiul announced on □NHL It's beginning to-look a lot like base-_ lanta Falco~s gave the Eagles their worst . Friday, Aug. 26, that she will leave pre-season record sil'lce 1987. Ukraine next mo.nth to train permanently ball. With some NHL team training Cunningham was injured when Atat a new rink in Hartford, Conn . .camps scheduled to open in less than a
Women's Volleyball w Cabrini
Men's Soccer Sat. 9/3 Sun .. 9/4 Wed. 9f7
Men's Soccer
Scranton Tourney Scranton Tourney Cabrini
Women's Soccer Thurs. 9/8 · Cabrini Sat.. 9/1 o Cabrini
Albright Goucher
Allentown Beaver Eastern Misericordia Gwynedd - Mercy
0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
Women's Volleyball
Beaver, Eastern Misericordla
Cabrini Lebanon Valley/Urslnus Cedar Crest Tourney
Cabrini Cabrini
Phila. Textile Marywood
Women's Field Hockey Thurs. 9/8 Sat. 9/1 o
Cabrini Cabrini
Chestnut Hill Drew
L 0 0 0 0
Cross Country
Women's Tennis Thurs. 9/8 _Sat. 9/10
W 0 0 0 0
·Men's w L C&brlnl Allentown Beaver Eastern Misericordia
0 .0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
Women's w
Men's Soccer Sat. 9/3 Sun. 9/4. Wed. 9/7
Scranton Tour. Scranton Tour. F&M
2p.m. 1 p,m. 4p.m.
Allentown Beaver Eiastern Miserfcordia
0 0 0 0
L 0
0 0 0
L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0
Women's Tennis
Women's Soccer
Cabrini Phila. Col. of Bible 911,P, · Lebanon Valley Invitational 9/3
Thurs. 9/8 Sat. 9/1 0
Men's-CrossCountry Sat. Sat.
Allentown Beaver EasternMisericordia Cedar Crest Rosemont Alvernia Neumann lmmaculata Gwynedd-Mercy
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0
L 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cedar Crest
Cabrini Allentown Beaver Eastern Rosemont Neumann lmmaculata Gwynedd-Mercy
0 0 0 0
Rosemont Beaver Eastern lmmaculata Gwynedd-Mercy Marywood Alvernia Cedar Crest Misericordia
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Women's Soccer Thurs. 9/8 Sat.. 9/1 O
Albright Goucher
4p.m, 1 p.m.
Women's Cross Country Sat. Sat.
9/3 9/10
Back -seniors!
Phila. Col, Bible H noon Lebanon Valley Invitational
Women's Volleyball Thurs. 9/8 Sat. 9/10
Leb. Valley/Urs, H Cedar Crest. Tour. A
6 p.m. 10 a.m.
Women's Tennis Thurs. 9/8 Sat. 9/1O
Phila. Textile Marywood
J'rom your class office·rs ...
H 3:30 p.m.
1 P·"!·
- Women's Field Hockey Thurs. 9/8 Sat. 9/10
Chestnut Hill Drew
11 a.m.
□ ;rmy
(ja[{agfter, Presiaent 1£inkf,, '1-'iet-Pr,sitl,nl □ M,gan Mc'l(tou.gfi, Secretary □Sttpfttn :Mc(jowan, 'Treasurer· □ Jen 'Wilso;,, 'Margi, 't,n.,g[ia, 'l(risttn 'J(tnnttfy, Socia{ .Jllcts ~pr<st11tatifles □ M,rtt!itft
by Bob M;,cartney sports columnist H you settleit, we willcOITie. Baseballfanslovethegametoomuchto stay away. And every time that we are scornedby yet another baseball strike, we welcome back our lover with open anns. ~1hougn we say that we will nevergo back, this is the . last s~w, and-theyhave really done it this time... We cannot stay away. 1be game is too good So we forgive and forget andcontinueto goouttotheparkinrecordnumbers. So, if you settleit, Wewill come._ The worst part is, the owners and the players know this. So, in the game of leveragethatbothsideslovetoplay,thefans havenone. Weareforcedtowatchfromthe sidelinesas the two sides battleit out This time,it is harderto choose a sideto root for. Usually, the players have our llllU:y1.1,g ,,..,_,p01t. It is easy,as a nation of workers,to side with the contingentthatis battlingmanagement Not this time, however. 1he playersaremakingmillionsof dollars,yetcontinuetocomplainaboutthelack ofrevenuesharing,andthepossibilityofthe salary cap. It is very hard to identify with someonewho makes a milliondollarafor playingagame,andwhodoesnotthinkthat is enough. So,thistime,theplayersdonothaveour support. .
0 0 0 0 0
Women's Field Hockey C&brinl
Tap in to Mac
But, neither do the owners. Because of the aforementioneddisdain formanagementthatmostpeoplehave, the owners will never have a majority of the populousbehind them in case of a strike. Nor do they deserve it lbey refuse to elect a commissioner,thus running rampant over the game of baseball.Theynameoneoftheirown,Bud Selig, who owns the MilwaukeeBrewers; to act as commissioner. Using this to their benefit, they have institutedanew six-divisionalignmentthat has ruinedthe traditionof the pennantrace. Now, becausethey complainthat over half the·teamsin the majors are losing money, they call for the institutionof a salary cap. What we are left with is a group of greedy millionaires battling a group of greedy millionaires, Unfortunately,greed is controllingthe situation. However, we aregreedy as well. We wantthegameback. Wewantthemtoplay baseball Not because we careabout our. piayers' gripes or the o~· problems, but because we care about the game. You see, we are greedy too. So, if you settleit, we will come. Dowhateverittakes,baseball.Weneecl to hear the crack of the bat, to smell the freshly-cut green grass, to feel thegame back in our Jivesonceagain. Simplyput, we love baseball. So,please,we imploreyou, settleit, and we will come.
Friday, Sept. 2, 1994
Men's soccerreturns'readyto win by Celene Wright sports editor
The 1994 Pennsylvania Athletic Conference (PAC) Champions have come back foT a new season and they brought with them some reinforcements. The men's soccer team is detemrined to defend their spotasPAC champs and maybe take their ·win a little further. My Jong term goal would be to go to the NCAA tournament and my short term goal • is to win the PAC once again," Mike Tims, senior and team captain, said. The reinforcements mentioned would describe the eight new recruits that have joined the team. These new members will assist in fulfilling the goals the team has set this year. · The recruits consist of first-year students, Jason Weidner, Chris Schmidt, Paul Hollinger. An.tb.onyCancelliere, Anthony Noel, Darren Meder and Larry Teal and sophomore Bill Maher. · According to sophomore, John Volpe, first-year students and recruits, Darren Meder and Hollinger are very aggressive players. Senior and team captain, Steve McGowan sajd, Hollinger, Darren Meder, and Teal came in with confidence, an eagerness to play, and they were not at all . intimidated. He felt they fitinto theirwhole system of play. Anthony Noel is one of the best goalies in the Philadelphia area, said Tims._ Six of the eight recruits got a chance to show their talents and work with the veteran players this summer. The team partici-
pated in the Lower Merion Soccer League and they did very well, placing first in the league. Though the team lost mthe playoffs, placing first wasquite an accomplishment, considering their competition. -The other team in the league was made up of dub teams that composed of some graduate players. Volpe.said, the summer league gives the team a chance to get out and practice and meet new players, so they can see what talents they possess and if we play well together. Though the team has lost some experienced ·players, tltey have gotten a lot of new talent in exchange. Dan Meder, a junior, said, "We lost a few \ . p1ayers,but we gamed a ton of good players." "Jason Giles was an aggressive player, a really good defender. We are hoping Hollinger can fill his ~hoes. Not his exact shoes, because Bollinger's feet are bigger," Meder added. McGowan said, "Duncan did an excellent job of recruiting freshmen to fill those positions. If not, we have a few sophomores and juniors whoare stepping up and could possibly take those positions." No matter who fills those positions, there is. a balance of abiljty throughout the team. The players on the bench are ju,st as strong as their teammates on the field. There is a lot more balance and depth o the team, meaning our second string players are as strong as our first string players, said Meder. It looks good for the men's soccer team, elpecially if they keep tbinking like first-year student, Hollinger. ·photo by Oawniefte K1ow Hollinger said," I plan to play my best in every game and do my best to win:" Jeff Winters, a sophomore, struts his stuff on the soccer field. The men's soccer team is determined to go far in their wins this year. They plan to win the PAC along with playing in the NCAA tournament. 0
Lady Cavs kickoff new season by Jane S. Van lngen ;graphic & design editor
While the men's soccer team won the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference (PAC) championships last year and in ·1991, many may have wondered why there was not a women's so_ccer team._Well, wonder no more, because the women's soccer club is now a varsity sport. Last year the club was started at the last minute. According to Sis Slater, a sophomore, she and other first-year stu. dents were ask~d to piay the second week of school instead of being asked over the summer. There was an interest in soccer,_ so it became a club under the Student Government Association. According to Jen Wunsch, a senior, they were organized, but there were barely enough people to fill the team. The women's s_occer team played various colleges in the area and will continue to compett:_ against them in the fall. Some of these colleges are Goucher, Frostburg, Widener, Beaver and Eastern. According to Wunsch, the team did not do very well last year because it was their first. Dianne Gardner-Pierangeli, the coach of the women's soccer team, said, "If someone got tired in a game, tliey could not be taken.out because there were not enough people. T_here were also a lot of injuries. But, that will aJI change this_ year because of · new players." ·
pholo by Dawniele
Heather Teti, juhior, and Kristen Vento, a sophomore,begin practing for the season. The w(fJmen'steam changed from a club to a varsity sport. 1this year. Gardner-Pierangeli went. to various high schools last year to recruit people for the women's soccer club. As a team, they will play .more games and are eligible to go to the playoffs. In addition, playersareeligible,towinspecialawards an.d honors. With this in mind, GardnerPierangeli recruited a lot of good new players. to Wunsch, Gardner- , According
Pierangeli did all the follow up work for recruiting people and d~d an outstanding job. Wunsch was the captain of the team last year as well as the goalie. Wunsch helped recruit p'eople by going to high schools and telling students about the emerging women's soccer team. Michele McGowan, first-year student, is a recruit, from New Jersey. Other first-y~ar recruits include
Becky Ward, Marie Kaoski, Caran Senteli and Karan Leavy. According to Gardner-Pierangeli, the first-year students have played a long time and have a lot of experience. "Last year, a lot o( players were not only inexperienced, they had never played before," µardner-Pierangeli said. The addition of new players will bring the program up a lot," Gardner. Pierangeli said. "We ·have a stronger team based on the talent of the first-year students." This year is a good recruiting year, according to Gardner-Pierangeli, because she Tecruited seven people. In addition, there are eigpt players return- · ing. The first-year students are younger and have been playing longer," GardnerPierangeli said. "There is more of a focus on wanting to do well. There is more skill and the team bas more depth." "The returning players will be good this yean because they will realize that the freshmen are good," said GardnerPierangeli, "They will have to work harder since there is m'ore competition." Accor.ding to Wunsch, last year the players had a foundation and a building. block to work on. They started out small. and built thems.elves up. Accor'iJing_to Gardner-Pierangeli, because off the new players and the im~ provements they will bring, the wom.en 's soccer team has a good shot at the J> AC championships. The women's soccer team diq not practice or compete over the summer. They began practicing last Sunday, and willbegin playing Sept. I 0. ·