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Ladies beware: men will use these lines with no remorse.

0 Are you a model?


0 Have you ever had your pictures taken professionally?

0 Believe it or not, I am the last honest man on earth.

0 Let me get in your car for a second.

0 Do you want to come see my band practice?

0 I have the tastiest pillows in town.

0 Do you want to make out (with a laugh)? If it works, bonus.

0 Do you want to see me lick my eyebrow?

0 What do you want me to buy you?

How long have you and yours been together and what was your impression of him/her after the first date?

Jamie Latshaw & Joe Marturano

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Jamie and Joe, both seniors, have been seeing ~ach other for three years.

He said: I fell for Jamie after the first word she said to me. I think it was something like, "hello."

She said: I don't really remember our first date, but I knew as soon as I met him he was a lot of fun to be with.

Michelle Savage & Kevin Eppler

Kevin and Michelle, both juniors, have been seeing each other for one year and three months.

He said: I was nervous to see if it would work out. I was not sure if she was ready for a relationship because she had just gotten out of a bad one. Anyway, it did work out and we're still together.

She said: Kevin is the most unselfish person I have ever met. Ever since our first date I realized he was more than a boyfriend, be is also my best friend. This is why I love him as much as I do.

Michele Durso & Kevin Benjamin

Michele, a junior; and Kevin, a sophomore, have been seeing each other for five months.

He said: I bad a great time with a great girl. The only thing left for me to do was be myself and hope for the best.

She said: After my first date with Kevin I knew he was the one. He is very special to me and I couldn't ask for anything more. He is a real sweetheart and I hope this is the first Valentine's Day of many I hope to spend with him. 143 always.

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