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Absence of malice

In response to the outrage generated by the printing of the letter to the editor, "Irate vs. IRS Incorporated," in the Feb. 20 issue of Loquitur, the editorial staff acknowledges using poor judgment in running the letter without researching its validity or explaining our reasons for printing it. We realize that printing the letter was a mistake. Its inclusion was an oversight of the entire editorial staff. Unfortunately, the contents of the letter were not perused carefully enough to realize just how hateful the letter is or how insensitive its publication truly was.


The perspectives section exists purely as a forum for the expression of opinions. In past issues, we have run letters for the sole purpose of allowing people to express these opinions, even when they have criticized staff members, stories and editorial judgement. We will continue to do so.

We would like to thank Dr. Romano and the department of religious studies for their tasteful and constructive criticism in pointing out our error in judgement.

The blatant insensitivity displayed toward Zionist Jews in Patricia Horton's letter is not necessarily the opinion of just one person. Sadly, it is a perfect example of the unfounded prejudice that exists in society and is perpetuated by groups such as the Aryan Nations or the Christian Identity Movement, who are organized against Jews for religious reasons or beliefs that the Jews control key industries in America such as banking and the media.

In hindsight, an article focusing on hate groups or prejudice on campus, inspired by the letter, would have been a better way to get the issue of anti-Semitism out on the table. It s existence is very real. One need look no further than comments like, "I jewed him down," to realize just how commonplace these prejudices truly are. However, simply printing a letter does not mean we support the views being expressed.

This editorial staff has never shown any signs of racism in the past and feels regret if that was the message that was conveyed ..,__We do realize that the contents of the letter were abrasive, hateful, controversial and offensive to many. For this, we apologize.

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