2 minute read


by Bill Matoney assistant sports editor

• time offenders.


Those with a prior criminal record will spend 48 hours in jail, and 30 days in jail for second offenders.

"Anyone under 21 should receive a heavier penalty," first-year student Tricia Fiorelli said.

The law was passed in the summer of 1996 when the federal government threatened to cut federal highway funding to states if the legal BAC limit for adults was not reduced from .10 to .08 or a zero-tolerance law was instituted to minors. Pennsylvania chose to adopt the zero-tolerance law.

First came the record,which battled with cassette tapes for the best recording quality. Compact discs came and killed them both. Now it looks like technology will have its way with video tapes.

After years of technological developmentsand legal altercations, digital video discs expect to be the successor of today's video tape. DVDs are also expectedto run CDs and CD-ROMsout of business. DVDs, which look like CDs, only larger,hold enoughdata to play a full length movie. Due to protracted copyright conflicts, they were unavailablein most stores last year. Recent announcementsfrom two major electronicmanufacturers,


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Philips Electronics NV and Sony Electronics Corp., stated they will be sellingDVD players startingthis spring. This could mean the end for the home video tape.

Prices for DVD players will range from $600 to $900, and the price will only decrease in time as they become a common household appliance.

This spring, Americans will be able to rent DVDs in video outlets includingBlockbusterVideo.

DVD manufacturersguarantee a sharper, more vibrant picture than that produced by a video tape Freeze-framingand picture searching is also easier.

1be electronic industry expects one million DVD players to be sold worldwidethis year. Manufacturers expectationsare that 10 million will be sold by the year 2000.

New DVD owners are expected to keep their VCRs for watching older moviesthat have not been converted to DVD. VCRs will survive for awhile for this reason, plus the recording factor. DVDs are unable to record programming like the VCR does.

Unlike video tapes,DVDs do not deteriorate and lose picture quality with each viewingor recording. Computer technology will also change with the DVD. Drivers, holding a DVD, are being built into personal computers. This will enhance games and other programs that are played on the PC.

This & That

0 Join Paul Marturano in his free and final concert at Cabrini on Sunday, April 27 at 7 p.m. in the Widener Center lecture hall. He will be performing songs from his CD "How Many Days," as well as covers.

0 Mr. Greengenes will be here at Cabrini for Spring Fling Weekend on Saturday, April 26 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. outside of House three.

::J Come out and support Cabrini's own men's tennis, and women's softball and lacrosse in the PAC Tournaments on Saturday. April 26.

0 Senior Bill Matoney will win between $900 and S 1000 as a result of being the winner of Cow Pie Bingo.

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