2 minute read
Election committee rules with iron fist
The election committee would like to respond to John Mack's letter in reference to the executive board elections.
First, Mack must not have walked by the food court the days the election committee was running elections. Election polls opened at lunch, outside the cafeteria. They then moved outside the food court all three days. Therefore, the resident and nonresident students were represented in the elections.
Second, our question is, "In the real world elections are Bill Clinton or Bob Dole allowed to stand around the polls on election day?" The students are entitled to their privacy when voting. This rule was not made for this election only, it has been a rule during the history of the Student Government Association and is stated in the constitution.
Thqd, we would like to ask Mack if he read the constitution of
SGA at any time during his terms in SGA. If he did, he would not question the nature of the election committee. The constitution states on page 22, section B 2 (b), "The committee shall be chaired by [Campus Activities and Programming Board] and academic board chairs."
In reference to publicity policies, it states in the constitution on page 17, section 7, B (2), "All materials hung, circulated or posted must be approved by the Election Committee." It also states on page 22, section 10, B (d), "Election committee ,hall determine election policies "
Logically, people running for a position on the executive board would understand that candidates cannot sign their own or each other's publicity.
The Loquitur, according to the election committee, was not doing its ethical job by not Qffering thig opportunity to -all candidates. One candidate did not make this decision, but the editor of the paper did.
Mack wants to know how the votes can be counted without the candidates present. Are Bill Clinton and Bob Dole present when the presidential electoral votes are counted? He also wants to know why it took three days for the results to be announced. The constitution declares on page 18, section 7 D (1), "Election Committee shall have one week to tabulate votes, double check and announce winners to the campus community from the time of elections."
Finally, we would like to point out that the constitution, written and voted upon by the student body, proclaims on page 22, section 10 B (g), "the election committee shall tally the votes and have final say in declaration of winners."
SGA Election Committee
Stephanie Casinelli, a senior: Oprah. She shows you that you can make it, but when you get to the top you should not change the person you always were. No matter what race, color or creed a person might be, she treats everyone the same.
Katie McCarthy, a junior at Rosemont: Pat Ciarrocchi, because she graduated from Rosemont and she is a successful public figure.
Kristin Malmberg, a first-year student: Oprah, because she is a real positive person who helps you to motivate yourself to be the best person you can. That is really helpful, especially when you are graduating andgoing out to look for a job.
Paul Kleschick, a junior: Connery. Sean Connery because he would storm in and liven up those commencement addresses. It would be short and sweet. We'd probably be out of there in 20 minutes.