2 minute read
Senior art majors display work one last time
by Kirsten Yard assistantnews editor
Imagine being able to make visible to human eyes your very own pieces of work. Imagine working so hard to have this chance for everyone to view your talent. This imagination is becoming a reality for three senior art majors, each of who will be featuring their work in the Senior Art Exhibit in the Holy Spirit library.
The Senior Art Exhibit will include works from Cabrini's own senior art majors, Stephanie Miller, Lisa Belano and Sister Regina Peterson. Miller, a studio art major, did not come to Cabrini with art in mind.
In fact, she came here as a pre-med major. Only after taking Stephanie Miller an art course for her core requirements did she become interested in the arts.
Miller has been an art major for only three semesters with her primary emphasis on the fine arts. When she decided to major in art, she had the choice of two directions to pick from, either graphic design or studio art.
Since she likes painting and drawing, but is really not a fan of the computer, she chose studio art. She has taken a design and computer class but she is mostly focusing on fine arts.
After graduation, Miller plans to attend graduate school at Immaculata College where she will focus on nutrition. This summer, she will be working on a collage for Cabrini's Mission Integration Office.
Miller feels she has learned a lot in her years here. 'Tm never going to regret being an art major, but I want other things," Miller said. 'Tm only 22 years old. I want to keep going to school."
Belano is majoring in visual arts with a graphic arts concentration. In high school, she was interested in computers and enjoyed drawing and painting.
Belano enjoys graphic design and c o m p u t e r Lisa Belano graphics as well as other types of art.
She just recently lost her portfolio containing all of her work from the past four years at Cabrini. All of her computer work was saved, but she had to start her artwork from scratch to get ready for the exhibit.
After graduation, Belano is thinking about attending graduate school. She also sees herself working in an entry-level job and then working her way up.
Sister Peterson, MSC and previous director of vocation ministry, is an art major focusing on water color and oil paintings. She also likes working with pastels and enjoys sculpting.
Sister Peterson once taught social work here at Cabrini for 11-and-a-half years. She was also vocation director for the Cabrini Sisters. During that time, the community gave her the chance for a sabbatical. She took the offer and began studying art.
Currently, she is an art major and is also helping teach an art class with Cassandra Maxwell, lecturer of fine arts.
Sister Peterson has had previous undergradu- Regina Peterson ate experience in social welfare, as well as graduate experience in social work.
She has had much experience teaching art from kindergarten to high school students.
Sister Peterson said art is something she has always enjoyed doing.
She started teaching at Cabrini in the '80s and finished teaching in 1991. From there, she became the vocational director for community from Jan. '92 to Dec. '95. From Jan. '96 until currently, she has studied art and is trying to finish classes for her degree.
When Sister Peterson graduates, she will be working at the Cabrini mission in West Park, N .Y. at a residential facility for adolescents where she will be teaching an integration of art, spirituality and social work.
"It is really like putting everything together and I can't wait," Peterson said.
For those interested in viewing some of the art majors work, the opening reception will be held on Sunday, April 27 from 3-5 p.m. in the fine arts gallery in the Holy Spirit library.
The students' work will be on displayin the Holy Spirit library until Sunday, May 18.