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13 easystepstoa greatfirstyear
This viewpoint is dedicated to all the first-year students out there. It's ju~t a little bit of advice coming from a seasoned veteran.
I'm sure most of you have heard all of this before and just paid no attention, but believe me when I say this stuff is vital for your survival at Cabrini.
I First off, if you pay attention to nothing else, this is one of the most important things to remember-always, always wear shoes in the shower (Yve at Loquitur have scientific evidence that proves that unidentified objects grow in the showers here).
2. Don't order Campus Comer every other day or make midnight trips to Wawa if you don't want to gain the dreaded freshman 15. In fact, it would be wise to exercise a little every day, even if it just means taking a walk around campus.
3. If you have an 8:15 class, always wear what you'll wear to class to bed the night before. Nobody checks anybody out at 8:15 and everyone knows only first-year students dress up for 8: 15s.
4. Speaking of classes, it's all right to skip class every once in a while, but don't make a habit of it. It will catch up with you!
5. Never ever wait until the last minute to read-it's easier to read 20 pages a night than 400 pages the night before a paper is due (Beware: never watch the movie rather than reading the book-they almost always end differently).
6. Never leave your wash unattended for too long, since you never know who may be wearing your Tshirt the next day.
7. When it comes to parties, never ever leave your friends alone at the party no matter how much they insist that you can go (otherwise known as the buddy system).
8. By the way, don't expect to keep a secret here-what you do Friday night, everyone will know by Saturday at brunch
11. If you are a resident, learn to sleep with the lights on and the music playing. Respect your roommates privacy and belongings at all times.
12. Never lose touch with your friends from home. It's always good to have someone who can give you an unbiased opinion. Plus, who else will you hang out with during Christmas break and the summer?
13. Don't let members of the opposite sex come between you and your friends. Relationships come and go, but your friends will always be there for you.
9. Just because it's a Thursday night, don't be pressured to go out. Sometimes you can have the best time just hanging out with your roommates.
10. If you're a commuter, make friends with a resident. That way, NicoleKlimasis a juniormajoringin English, communicationandis themanagingeditor of Loquitur.Shelefta friendat a partyin 1996andhasnotseenhersince. you always have a place to stay. If you're a resident, make friends with a commuter so you always have someone to drive you to the mall.
Now comes the most important piece of advice anyone can ever give you. A friend of mine gave it to me when I was a first-year student and now I am passing it off to you. Here goes: everyone makes mistakes. Don't regret them. There's no point. You can't change the past no matter bow much you would like to, but your past will help you from making the same mistakes again.
One final thought. Don't let the next four years pass you by. Get involved, meet people, have fun. You don't want to waste what may be the best years of your life.
Dear Senior Class, The senior class board would like to welcome you to a new and exciting year!
We are having a senior class meeting on Monday, Sept. 21 at 9:45 p.m. in the Widener Center Lecture Hall. Please come so we can see what the senior class would like to do this year. For example, we need to discuss where we want our graduation, choose a speaker for graduation, talk about fund raisers and see what we can do this year.
It is very important that you atSo, tend this meeting! We need your input!
Thanks and welcome to your senior year!
The Senior Class Board be your name Buxbaum or Bixby or Bray or Mordecai Ali Van Aleen O'Shea, you're off to great places!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting So get on your way!
Joe Elliott
As president of the Student Government Association for '98'99, I can tell you in all certainty that the Dave Matthews Band is not going to play at Cabrini College this year.
Now that you know the truth, I am going to tell you what we can do this year. You know that extra $100 on your tuition bill this year? The Campus Activities Board and SGA get to spend that money almost l\owever we want. If we decide that this school needs to have a mime in the food court next Thursday, we can just go out and get one with your money (not that we would ever do that).
My point is, if you want things to get better around here, talk to the SGA.
By this point, you should all have figured out that this college is not the utopian society that is pictured in the Admissions Office pamphlets. This is your reality and you haveto make the best of it.
The reason why I believe the SGA is impommt is because we are the real gateway to the admin- istration. Let's face it, they already have your money. If the whole student body just lays back and doesn't make any waves, they can chalk up the year as a success. But I don't think that the administration and students of this college should always see eye-to-eye. son to a Friday night keg party at LaSalle, then you have two choices. You can go off campus, or you can try to make a change right here. Just remember, your tuition money is only going to one college, and Cabrini is the one you chose.