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Bill: The Story of a TypicalCabriniStudent
As a Cabrini alum and former SGA member recently reminded me, it is the SGA's duty to the students to question the status quo. After all, the best colleges aren't the most tranquil ones, they are the most active ones.
Along with an education and a place to sleep, your tuition bought you the right to an opinion. If you think that Bingo pales in compari-
We'll almost certainly print your comments, especially if they are well thought out and about a relevant subject. Lettersshould be sent by noon on Mondays. Don't forget to include your name.
E-mail us at laura44@xavier.cabrini.edu
Even the worst math student can handle this equation. No students equals no money which equals no college. Since our college gets most of its considerable money from the students, they owe every one of you a say on campus life. For example, if the residents of Xavier Hall want PayPer-View wrestling in the Great Room, they should get it. Be loud, get involved, try and make a difference. Elections for the first year students and CAP Board begin at the end of September and I hope to see a lot of you running. If not, I hear there is a big party at Villanova on Saturday night.
ChrisNielsenis a sophomoremajoringin English/communication. Heis a staffwrite for Loquiturandlovesto watchWCWin theXavierHallGreatRoom.