2 minute read
Bill: The 9tory of a TypicalCabriniStudent
by MikeMcGann and Joe Elliott "
hours in the day to eat, go to school, work and sleep. I am not a lazy person and I do not just slide by in school. I work hard to attain all that I have and I stay determined to maintain every single day of every single semester. The price I pay is my precious sleep.
I am not a person who can function on just a few good hours of sleep. I need at least the typical eight hours of sleep, but even then I find myself dragging throughout the day, just waiting for that moment when I can rest my head on my pillow and close my eyes.
I have decided that in order to dispose of this nagging, tired feel-
I can only imagine what I will do once graduation arrives, which is not so far away for me. Graduation signifies stepping into the treacherous realm of the "real world." If I am complaining about lack of sleep now and an overload of work, I think the real world will kill me.
I have come to the conclusion that sleep is not in the vocabulary of a college student. I will never be fully rested as long as I continue to go to class, do all my work, and have a part-time job. In the end it's all so fun and exciting anyway because, after all, it is college. Some day I will achieve the state of being rested, but until then I will continue to miss my sleep.
MelissaLessigis a juniormajoringin English/communication.Sheisoneof Loquitur'snewseditors.Herteachers shouldtakeit easyon herthisweek.
To all the members of Cabri- debate in the minds of everyone at ni's "family:" the party Does he really need to Student Development has been go to the hospital? With this susmaking a lot of rash decisions in pension in mind, it changes things the last six months that really greatly. Now people will take the worry me. The first was men- chance of letting the sick individtioned last week, in issue three of ual ride it out, even though it may the Loquitur. mean death. I believe this rule
The new rule, that a trip in an should be revoked as soon as posambulance for alcohol poisoning sible in order to keep us from loswill get you suspended for a ing any valued member of our week, scares the hell out of me. Cabrini family.
I have many friends that did The second issue concerns the not "know when to say when" and rule that prohibits a student on have had to make the unfortunate any kind of probation from servtrip to the Bryn Mawr Hospital. ing anywhere in the Student GovDue to the availability of an am- emment Association. The way I bulance, no serious health condi- see it, if you make a couple of tions occurred. All of my friends foolish decisions, instead of the ar~ still alive, at least for now. school allowing you to keep the tive, they in tum strip them from you. This ridiculous policy banishes the student from the Cabrini family, not accepting them into the Catholic family, not accepting them like the Catholic faith teaches.
In closing, I would like Student Development and Dean Bob Bonfiglio to reread the school's charter and The Bible so they might change the way they are acting. If Mother Cabrini were still alive, she would be extremely upset.
Your Sibling, Andrew Virtue