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Loquitur is establishedas a forum for student expressionand as a voice in the uninhibited,robust, free and open discussionof issues.

The worst thing that a journalist ticket for a moving violation. can experience is "writers block." What's up with that? How can they And guess what? I seem to have it. tell if I'm speeding? Like a person


So amazingly, I have spent the ma- can get up to such high speeds with jority of Monday trying to figure all these friggin' mountains they that they need to be more careful when blowing a stop sign. the school as a whole to speak and then be taken seriously. I mean, nobody likes a hypocrite, and nobody likes to listen to a hypocrite. So I thinkthat the school's administraout something that is worthy of call speed bumps. Well, it makes no tors should come to the realization recognition in the paper. I had very sense. Public Safety cannot pull few choices, so I decided to walk you over unless they have a speed around and smoke some cigarettes. trap all set up with the proper inOne can only imagine it was a mat- struments to measure the speed of ,.,ter of time before I came up with the vehicle as it travels, could they? one conclusion, it was clear and The funny thing is that it was simple. not explained to us bow they will

So I guess you want to know go about giving a ticket for speedwhat I was thinking about. This ing without any tools to measure weekend was a good weekend. I the speed of the car. I cannot seem went home and came back with my to understand why the school confriends Malik, Jeff and Brian. They came over so they could re-live their college lives. So we came back on Saturday night and I was lucky enough to find that almost everybody was drinking. See, at first, I was nervous about bringing my friends down, because usually this campus is so boring. Luckily enough, the dance was going on and since there was an off-campus (wink-wink) cocktail party. By the time my friends got here, a party was brewing in the room.

So when everybody was nice and primed and the air was filled with the aroma of sweet Greenwich Village air, Brian, Malik and Jeff stood up and preached the righteous word of "Kooky." You might ask me what "kooky" is. Well, it ·has absolutely nothing to do with "poppycock." The meaning of "Kooky"is a whole different game of squash.

"Kooky" is a way of life. It means to be true to what you believe and that a person has one true self-being, an inner being. This is characterized in the "kooky" religion as an "Inner Vegetable." You might want to say, "what the hell is Joe saying?" Well, it's simple. Everybody has an "Inner vegetable." You just have to find it.

Mine is Archie the Arugala. What's yours?

Well, the only reason I'm talking to your about this is because "kooky" harangues to have philanthropy with you at all times. Well, I believe in doing good things, and the way that I do that is by making sure I inform you of the latest offenders of the proper moral code that I have, which is "don't screw me over!"

Well, as you all know, the Public Safety platoon can give you a tinues to come up with these new policies and then not fully explain them to the students. They keep us in total suspense at all times.

I think a couple of good things have come from this past week, on the other hand. Did anybody notice the change in the food? Everything has been changed from hot food to cold food. Have you noticed that the food has been slowly cooling down? It is not from El Nino. The food is actually getting colder. The bad thing is that the food that should be cold, like sandwich meat, is nice and warm.

First, they give a "zero tolerance" policy that has just about 10 different meanings. Then there are the moving violations, which have confused people all over the campus. So what is it all about? It makes no sense.

Being a role model is one thing, but being a person of influence and leadership is another thing. Public Safety is supposed to be a tool of leadership via the enforcement of all the rules. So why is it that I have observed, on at least three occasions, that Public Safety has blown through stop signs? lt was not like they were in a hurry, because we all know that cars that are parked don't go anywhere. So why do we have to follow the rules?

To add to all of these things, Tony Barrett wrote in issue three that his friend almost got hit by President Iadarola. Well, that friend was me. It surprised me greatly to see the president of the school has no regard to the rules of Cabrini's motor speedway. If leadership is going to be constantly on shaky ground, who is to support our young minds that are susceptible to unpositive morals?

I think that it makes it hard for

In closing, I would like to make an apology to Dr. Bob Bonfiglio. In my last commentary in issue three of the Loquitur, I made the mistake of saying that Bonfiglio had talked with McTamney, McGann and the mysterious SGA officer. Well, does that not seem funny to you? How would Bonfiglio know whether or not he spoke to the three or not?

For a fact, he spoke with McTamney, because it says in issue three of the Loquitur that McTamney spoke to Bonfiglio, Resident Life Director Cathy Caulfield and Public Safety Director Rich McErlean in a meeting with the parents of the students that were placed on probation. How could he say that he did not speak to the person that declined to have their name in the paper? If the name is not mentioned, how could he say he did not speak to him? He had to speak to at least a few of them regarding probation, especially if this person was on the SGA.

As for Mike McGann, I cannot say whether or not he spoke to Bonfiglio directly, but McGann did speak to resident life about the situation.

As I apologize for the mistake, I will leave with this. Maybe Bonfiglio should find the time to talk to these students, since he is the one who has something to do with the policy that was put into effect, but has still so little to talk about it.

JoeElliottis a juniormajoringin English/communication. Heis the perspectiveseditorof Loquitur. Heisverykooky.

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