5 minute read
Welcometo Cabrini,havea niceday
In a time when people are constantly learning what they want to do when they get out of college, I find myself looking for some answers. I find it more and more of an adventure of truth and excellence, trying to find what I want to do.
Luckily for me, I still have three semesters to find out what I want to do when I get out of school.
I'm currently enrolled in as English/communication major and • I enjoy writing for the paper. I, along with the other editors on the paper, all enjoy the work that we do. We work together as a team and play pranks as though we were family. I feel that the bond between us has grown very strong and we have had a great time working together.
I think the work we do gets done for many different reasons.
The most important thing is that we do it for the thrill of giving the Cabrini community the news. We have all worked hard to make this paper a paper that does just that We put in countless hours, most of which come from our free time, to give you the news. Which brings me to this point. Because the Loquitur is a newspaper that is made up of students who gain college credits, some people feel as though it is not the voice of the students. That the only reason that we do the paper is because we get a grade for it.
So, maybe you are asking who would say something like that. Well, the president of the school, Dr. Antoinette Iadarola, would say something like that. To make things worse for the president, the vice president of finance and administration, Stephen Lightcap, would say it too.
In a recent meeting that involved the strategic planning committee, both Lightcap and Iadarola said that we do not represent the voice of the student body.
Well, the last time that I checked, I was a student. I pay the big bills and put up with the scams, so I consider myself a student. I put up with the rules, the policies and the man. So how do you consider
Loquitur a non-form of the student voice? How is it that a paper which is written by the students is not the voice of the students?
Well, remember that Iadarola and Lightcap were only sharing their opinion, which is all right. But it saddens me to think that they would say that. I consider both of these people to be people that are in support of the newspaper.
We should all look to the Mission Statement that is in the student
Most of the time, my problems have been taken care of in a quick and efficient manner. Well, I guess all good things have to come to an end sooner or later.
On Monday afternoon, I went to the health services office and spoke to Dr. Madeline Danny. See, I have poison ivy on my eye lid and on my lips. Well, for all of you that have had poison ivy, you know how uncomfortable it can be, and for those of you who don't, just imagine your lips being constantly dry and like sandpaper.
Loquitur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of issues.
Thumbs up to 89.l
Joe Elliott
handbook. It says that it is Cabrini's mission to support the students in their ventures for the future. I do not think that putting us down is going to solve anything.
It seems as though it is a reoccurring theme in this article. Last week, I showed you a letter that was sent to me by Penny Becht, executive assistant to the president. In this letter, I was personally bashed for my commentary on the deplorable condition of the food. This letter started to raise some questions between my peers and I.
What if the letter was sent as a tool to warn me? I think that Becht was put up to writing the letter,that she is a scapegoat for the hierarchy of the administration, namely President Iadarola. What I also think is that if this is true, and the letter was just typed up by Becht, then I think that the president should come out and speak her mind to my face.
I cornrnend Penny Becht, regardless if the letter was in her own words or not. I think that both the administration and students should voice their opinions.
The second topic that I would like to briefly talk about is the health services. I have gone to health services a couple of times in my three years here at Cabrini.
So I told the doctor what my symptoms are and that I have been taking all of the necessary precautions to prevent further spreading, which I have successfully done. I told her that my main problem was that I could not put ointment on my lips because they were so dry that I was constantly licking them. In past situations, I have been given medicine in a form of pill instead of the ointment. This has been much better, because it is quicker and there is no mess. Well, this time I was not as lucky.
I had already told the doctor that ointment was out of the question, so when I asked the doctor for something, she gave me more topical cream. I again told her that topical cream was not going to work. Then, in a moment of sheer brilliance, she gave me a dumfounded look and told me that she could not offer any suggestions of what to do.
So last time I checked, she was a doctor and the phrase, "I do not know" just does not seem to be an answer of a real doctor. It greatly saddens me that this would happen, so I left and was left on my own.
So the moral of this story is, plain and simple, if you have a medical problem, be sure to find a phone book with the listing of doctors who know what they are doing.
JoeElliottis a juniormajoringin English/communication.Heisthe perspectiveseditorof Loquitur. Don'ttouchhiseye.
WYBF, for giving away a lot of free stuff this week.
To the Dixon Center, for shutting down for the weekend, again.
compiled by Joe Elliott perspectives editor name may be left off the publication and an inscription insened, such as "name withheld at the requesc of the writer." Letters co the editor should be submitted by 00011 on Mondays.
To public safety, for raising the prices of all the tickets.
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