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EDITORIAL Making a difference
On this Cabrini Day, it is refreshing to see that some Qeople are trying to take its message seriously.
Two organizations, Phi Sigma Iota and the staff of the Red Cloud Coffeehouse, truly are reaching out and "making a.difference."
Members of Phi Sigma Iota have spent the past few weeks collecting food, clothing and other necessities to send to people ravaged by last month's Hurricane Georges.
Additionally, the staff of the Red Cloud Coffeehouse is also reaching out to the community, offering time to local teenagers to use their facility as a youth center.
We commend these two groups for their efforts. On a day when many students would rather choose to sleep in or slack off, these Cabrini community members are taking both the College's mission statement and the Cabrini Day theme to heart and making a difference in the lives of others. Other groups, ourselves included, should strive to match the generous offerings of these two groups.