4 minute read
One, two, three, four, get your booty on the floor. How appropriate to start off with the lyrics to a dance song. This past weekend was the Fall Gala, a formal dance that was held in the Grace Hall Atrium.
I feel that it was a lot of fun and the people who were in attendance probably also had fun. ]'here was plenty of beer, food and, most importantly, music to dance to. I personally think it was the bt;st school dance in the past couple of years in which I have been here at Cabrini. I find it hard to believe that it took two years of Cabrini functions to prove something enjoyable. I don't think that it was the point that it was free. Things just seemed really relaxed.
Public Safety did not seem to be out looking to bust things up. Campus was bumping with excitement for the dance that was soon to take place. Except for the couple of holes that were put into the walls of our house (all of which were by non-house members), the night went pretty well.
I had a great time and pretty much enjoyed all of the activities, and sure, I ultimately paid the price of drinking too much. Well, maybe not the ultimate price, but I sure did feel like poppycock the next morning.
It got me thinking about all the ~times I have thrown up because of drinking too much. The other week, a 20-year-old died because he was drinking. It was apparent that he was at a local bar, and somehow got into the bar to drink.
It is kind of ironic, because I'm also 20 years old, and I have been able to get into bars without identification. I usually just play my luck and get in. When I'm in Pennsylvania, it seems as though beer can be obtained at just about any distributor.
For those of you not aware of New Jersey laws, beer and liquor can be obtained at any store that sells alcohol. We can buy alcohol at any time, even Sundays. Unfor- tunately, alcohol can only be purchased in Pennsylvania Monday through Saturday and you have to go to a state store for liquor and a distributor for beer.
I have partied at Rutgers University-my brother went to Rutgers for four years-and I have plenty of friends who go there ter's beginning.
I live in the Sullivan house, also known as house seven. We have a pretty good group of people, all of which I'm good friends with, which is great, because I do not have to leave and go to the apartments or another house to hang out with my friends.
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now. It seems funny how readily available alcohol is for underage people.
To say the least, I have gone to a couple of bars and gotten served at them without identification. One of them was the Old Queen Tavern, where Jason Greco had been drinking the night of his tragic death.
It seems ironic that he died in his frat house, the one institution in the college world that really promotes the use of alcohol to have a good time. I definitely feel sorry for the family of Jason Greco.
Luckily enough, Cabrini College does not offer a Greek society. We do have something close to a Greek society, through: the houses on Residential Boulevard. The one difference is that, in a Greek society, you have to buy your friends and you are living with people that are exclusive to that one house.
What I like about Cabrini is that the lottery system for picking where you live allows the people to live in almost any of the houses. Most of the time, you get a house, and hopefully your friends get in that house also. But usually it leaves a house with some pretty random occupants at the semes-
It still surprises me, though, how it seems that we must drink to have a good time. I'm just as guilty as the next person when it comes to drinking on a Thursday night. On the other hand, I have learned that you do not need to drink a lot to have fun. With the death of Jason Greco, it made me think something like that could happen to me. It made me wonder what my parents would do if they got a phone call in middle of the night saying I was dead from alcohol poisoning.
I'm sure that I will continue to drink, because I like the taste of alcohol. It is a nice way to hang out and casually talk to people. On the other hand, the use of alcohol can lead to many problems, like bad grades or even death.
I feel that as a society, drinking is something that should be done with a lot of care. Please do not drive drunk and know when to say when. I know that you do not care to hear me telling you about the responsibilities of drinking-I'm sure I sound like a parent-but I'm telling you this as a friend.
It is not a one-way road when it comes to drinking. At one time or another, we are all going to be faced with the over-indulgence of drinking. You might get sick and throw up a lot, or you might get into an accident and maybe even die. Just remember that you are not only ruining your life, but the lives of the rest of us; be smart and don't get into something that you cannot get out of.
JoeElliottis a juniormajoringin English/ communication.Heis theperspectives editorof Loquitur.
To the CAP and SGA for having a really good Fall Gala, making sure that people knew about it in advance and supplying a good night.
Thumbs up to the Winston man for giving out free tobacco products to all those smokers out on the Main Line. Somehow I got a free pack.
To the cafeteria for deciding to serve hot slop instead of serving cold slop on the weekends.
compiled by Joe El/Iott perspectives editor
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