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cents of the eason
staff writers ment stores.
Bath & Body Works, obviously the most popular of the stores, is proud to introduce its new scents for the holiday season.
Bath & Body Works welcomes to the market Sugar Plum and Icy Cranapple. Despite these new smells for the season, Cucumber Melon and Sun-ripened Raspberry still hold the number one spot in terms of sales.
Special or personalized gift packages or baskets are available was touched by the fact that Lipps just kept hammering away until she reached her goal. starting at $15 and ranging to a little over $35. The personalized packages feature scents and products of the individual's choosing.
Lipps seems very relaxed about the fact that she could soon model in one of the most prestigious lingerie catalogs in the world. She doesn't want to rush into anything, and is reluctant to go to New York to model because of her family. Lipps' mother just had a baby boy, and there is no job in the world that Lipps wants more than big sister and babysitter.
Another reason Lipps isn't ready to make modeling her full time passion is her other love-helping others. She wants to strengthen other people with disabilities by sharing her stories, the good and the bad.
Lipps feels fulfilled when she can reach out and offer a supportive hand to others who share a similar situation. Eventually Lipps wants to go to graduate school, study ~ciology/psychology and spread her message of strength around the world.
At Cabrini, Lipps sees a potential for more diversity.She claims that things have definitely improved in her four years here, but adds that more needs to be done to attract a more diverse student population. "There are cliques here," Lipps says. "I just talk to everyone and if they're interested they can talk back. If they're not interested, they don't have to talk back."
Lipps admits that she too has her stigmas and at times can be superficial, but she tries hard to fight against it. This model has simple dreams - to be a good person, help others with disabilities, be with her family and maybe, if things work out right, be a model for Victoria's Secret.
Eight ounce bottles of body wash are sold for $7 .50, while lotions can be purchased for $9. The newly introduced body sprays and splashes can be brqught for a minimum of $10.
The store's advertising incentive for the season is a 30 percent discount for "team players" on selected merchandise.
Bath & Body Works is located in both the plaza and the court at the King of Prussia Mall.
Victoria's Secret, located in the court, offers a unique variety of scents and fragrances. Riviera Sun, Enchanted Apple and Wildberry Bouquet are sure to capture one's senses.
Both lotions and sprays sell for $9 for eight ounces. The eight-ounce body wash can be purchased for $7.50.
Victoria's Secret features a new line of body products entitled "Second Skin Satin." These products are a bit more costly and few ounces are provided. Garden Botanika offers a more personalized line of products. Here the consumer can compose a fragrance of his or her choosing. Despite the variety of scents, Mango is described as a best seller.
For the fall season, Garden Botanika welcomes a fresh product line referred to as "Seasons in the Garden." The line features Hot Apple Pie and Spiced Pumpkin scents perfect for the holi- days.
A four-ounce cologne is marked for $6, while eight ounces of lotion, shower gel or mist are sold for $8.50. Customized gifts are also available in this plaza-located specialty store.
Crabtree & Evelyn is proud to stray from the bandwagon of body product stores. Crabtree & Evelyn carries men's products as well as sleepwear and kitchen supplies. Their new line for the season, Cooks, addresses the kitchen-oriented individual. It consists of products such as room sprays, candles, and vegetable washes. Cooks is adapted to fit scents such as fresh pastries. Food baskets can be purchased through the Cooks line.
Citrus and Apricot are two of the fragrances that can be found here. Prices here are a little more costly. Eight and a half ounces of lotion are featured for $13. Shower gels, eight and a half ounces, are sold for $11.50.
The store also took a tum in offering a line of aromathology products. These fragrances, directed towards the senses. are believed to encourage romance and success.
Department stores Iike Sears have also joined the market of body products. In order to stay in the market, the products featured in these stores tend to be a generic version of those found in specialty stores.
EDITORIAL Questionable success
According to a memorandum sent to the campus community from the· college president, Dr. Antoinette Iadarola, regarding Cabrini Day on Thursday,Nov. 6, the day was a successand one of the best CabriniDays yet Are these statementsreally true? We do not believe so.
On the surface, CabriniDay could be viewed as a success becau~ of the large number of students that attended the day's events.However,the great majorityof the studentsthat participated in the activitieswere there becauseit was required of them for their classes.Attendancewas heightened even furtherby the fact that Cabrini Day was treated as a regular class day in order to encourage facultyto incorporatethe events into their curriculum.
Why do measuressuch as theseneed to be taken to get students involvedin a day that, when it was initiated, was intended to be the most importantday next to graduation?Perhapsif the campus community treated the day as extremely important with better planning and publicity,students would attend the events on their own free will and not because they were forced to do so.
The workshopsand activitiesthat were presentedthis Cabrini Day were adequate.With more planning and thought on the part of administration,facultyand students,the eventsof the day could have been vastly improved.In addition, Cabrini Day was poorly publicized.There were no voice mail messagesor signs announcing the day's activities.The only real advertisementwas a pamphlet distributedthroughthe mail a few days prior to the day. Administration,facultyand students:let us work togetherand get involved to make next year's Cabrini Day a true celebration of Mother Cabrini and the college.
No excuses
Did anybody know or care about the fact that it was Election Day on Tuesday,Nov. 5? Accordingto the related article,it does not appear that many in the nation as well as in our campus community did, particularlythose ages 18-29.
We have only ourselvesto blame for our ignoranceand apathy towardsthis fall's elections.The informationabout the candidates and their platforms was out there. It was in the newspapers,on the T.V.and on the Internet.It only takes a momentto educateoneself - about the issues. The excuse of being away from home and not being able to vote because of locationis invalidas well. Sending away for and filling out an absentee ballot only takes a few minutes of the day.
We need to stop using excuses and start gettinginvolvedin the voting process. We have been given the privilegeof vote and we need to stop taking it for granted.