4 minute read
Here'sa little-knownsecret...
Sometimes people think that they are doing the right thing. Everybody has his or her own perception of what is right and wrong. Unfortunately, at the same time, that perception is going to be against popular demand and opinion. We are all allowed to have our own opinion. Look at me, I have one every week. Some people like what I do and at the same time some people do not like what I do. - But do I care? No, I do what I want and speak my mind, regardless (,)fwhat people say.
Let me start by first explaining my role with Loquitur. I'm the perspectives editor and my job is to do the layout for the perspectives section every week. That's my job and I take a lot of pride in doing it. I will accept the criticism that is directed at me, and at the same time, I will take the compliments.
In writing and being an editor on the paper, I took journalism I last year, and I am taking journalism II this year. Dr. Jerry Zurek teaches the class, which teaches us about writing professionally for a newspaper. We learn about ETHICS and MORALS, the dos and don'ts of the newspaper world.
Every week, we are recognized in a staff box that displays our names. We are also identified with each piece of work that we do in the issues of the Loquitur. We are not an underground newspaper, because we take pride in the work that we do. We spend countless hours of work-most of which is from our free time-to make the paper look professional every week.
Over the past couple of weeks, an "underground" newspaper has been circulating from the Dixon house. It has a cost of 50 cents per month. The staff is made up of long coat-wearing "writers" that - think what they are doing is amusing.
I, personally think that the "underground" paper, which is called the 141 Newsletter, is a big sham. Its writers, who say that they are . doing it for fun, have stepped on a lot of feet on their way to mediocrity. In the past couple of weeks, they have insulted the Loquitur, faculty members such as Dr. Marilyn Johnson and countless other organizations on campus. It seems funny, because the ed-
Loquitur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of issues.
Demoralizing peoples' self-esteem is something that belongs in third grade. Last time I checked, we were in college. We have rules at this college about insulting people, some of which I can clearly tell you in person. The others are the ones that are put into the mission statement of Cabrini College, our COLLEGE handbook. Maybe you have not read it because it does not have any pictures in it. But that is just my perception. I might be wrong, but I highly doubt it. Consensus agrees this time.
Joe Elliott
itor in chief, Mike Butler, has taken poor taste to a new level. In a recent show on WYBF, The Edge, Mike Butler went on to say that he was doing the newsletter to just have fun and because he was bored and wanted something to do. At the same time, he was complaining how the people that go to this school are lazy (that's you and me) and how there is nothing to do.
I think that they should stop playing video games, come out of the rooms that they inhabit and enjoy college. People have been calling me bitter since the beginning of the semester just because I speak my mind. At the same time, I have been able to bring up relative points that interest the students. I have hit topics that are important to your life. I have looked out for the best interests of you and your little friends.
I find it amazing how you can find enough nerve to talk trash about myself and the other members of the school newspaper, while at the same time you guys swear the contents of your paper are done in good humor. Well, I do not think that calling people "smacked-asses" is good humor.
At the same time, it seems that you guys are breaking more than moral rules that our society has adopted. I personally thought that what you were doing would have to break some sort of distribution rule or illegal solicitation rules that are in the handbook. But these rules seem to be only applicable to real organizations. The other thing is that if you guys consider yourselves members of an "underground" newspaper, then why would you publish your names in every issue? Have you ever heard of being liable for something? Of course not. You're not journalists, you 're kids having fun.
In closing, some members of the Loquitur said that they did not think that the commentary that I was writing was a good idea, because it was giving press to the 141 Newsletter. Well, my job is to alert the students of what could be in their best interests. So I choose to give you the publicity that you guys deserve. Although it is not positive, it is better than nothing. I believe that is why we were smacked-asses before-because we gave you no publicity. Well, you're welcome. Have fun playing video games this weekend. I think I'll go out and enjoy my four years of college while they are still here.
JoeElliottis a juniormajoringin English/ communication.Heistheperspectives editorof Loquitur.Hehasmemorizedthe studenthandbookandplansto useit to shutdowneveryorganization,onebyone.
This serves as a notice to the Cabrini Community. Over the past two weeks, the Loquitur has received letters to the editor.We thank you for your concern and encourage more letters in the weeks to come. At the same time, the Loquitur's policy on letters to the editor is: All letters must be submitted along with the name of the writer. Only then, by the wishes of the writer, will the editor withhold the name from publication. So please, in writing letters to the editor, please include your name and a note explaining why you would like your name to be withheld.Your name will be only be known to the editors. Thank you. The Loquitur