1 minute read

An Evening of One-Acts

Featuring three original plays:

The Girl Who Went There by Katherine Malone (Cabrini College graduate)


Trinitess by Renee Russo (Rosemont College student)

The Audition by Terence Gleeson (Neumann College artistic director)

Cabrini College

Red Cloud Coffeehouse

Friday, Nov. 21 at 8:00 p.m.

For information call 902-8510

TsThe banJ Brothers Pa:stw1Hbe pertorrning at the M) bcr. 56 S 2nd St. in Philadelphia, on Saturday, Nov. 21 at IOp.m. They will be opening up for Magabondu.

The Montgomery County Cultural Center ls presenting an adaptation of Ken Kesey's "One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest'' on Nov. 27 and 2S. Dec. 3-6, Dec. 10-13 and Dec. 17-20. Allperfonnances will be at 8 p.m. and tickets are $12. The play is directed by cabrini gradu~ John Doyle. The Montgomery County Cultural Center is locatedat 208 .· DeKalb St. in Norristown. For tickets call (610) 279-1013.

The following movies open on Friday, Nov. 20:

• "Enemy ofthe State," starring Will Smith and Gene Hackman.

• •'R.ugrats;'featuring the voices of David Spade and Busta Rhymes.

• The Woody Allen film "Celebrity,"starring Kenneth Branagh, Leonardo DiCaprio and Winona Ryder.

• "Savior;' starring Dennis Quaid and Nastassja .Kinski.

The VHl program "Behind the Music" will be featuring Metallica, Sunday, Nov. 22 at 9 p.m.

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