
9 minute read
To all of my friends, Thanks for the memories over the past four years. Enjoy the holidays.
To all my roommates, Thanks to both of you for putting up with me. Have a great Christmas.
To all of the couch bums with whom I spend my afternoons, Thanks for some, uh, interesting conversations. Enjoy your holiday.
To all my wonderful friends, Have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Love, Becky
To the person who has put up with me since freshman year. You are the best friend anyone could ask for. Enjoy your break!
Thanks for everything!!
Love Always - -
Hey girls & guys, I hope your Christmas and New Year's are awesome! Don't have too much fun, though! See you all next semester!
Love ya's, Linda - -
To the staff, You guys rock! Keep up all your good work. We've had a great semester and we'll keep getting better. Enjoy your break!
Love, Laura -
To the girls in l 01, Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your help. I really appreciate it! Have a great break-see you in January!
My sweetheart! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I love you!
With all my love, your secret admirer
Happy Holidays to JoAnn!
Love, your favorite resident, Shannon
Have a nice Christmas holiday.
Heather Gillespie
To my ITALIANPRINCESS, You' re as sweet as your middle name and as BEAUTIFULas the stars in the sky.I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and I'm looking forward to the New Year with you. "I love you morell and always will.
To my Big Teddybear, Thank you for making me so happy and being there every time I need you. You are the most amazing man I have ever met. I am looking forward to spending Christmas with you and I hope we have a great New Year's together.
Love Always, Lauren p.s. Tell scooby I love him too.
To my little hottie, I am looking forward to spending X-mas breakfast with you and I promise to use the closet. You make me really happy and I'm really glad we're together.
I love you very much and I'm looking forward to starting the new year with you.
Love always, your new roomie
Tosomeone very special to me... I love you very much... more and more everyday. I hope we have a very special Christmas together and I hope Santa Claus brings you everything you want.
To all of my dear friends, Just wishing you Happy Holidays. See you in January. Ben
To Cupcake, "You're my honeybunch, sugar plum, pumpy-umpyumpkin. You're my sweetie pie u
Happy Holidays to everyone who has supported 14l, and to all who worship Jerry Springer. Happy Kwanzaa to the inanimate roommates and Happy Yule to all my demons on the dark side. '80s
To the l st floor Woodrest girls, Thanks for a great semester! Merry Christmas, Love, Ali & Jen Happy Holidays and Peace to all you wonderful kids on the 14l staff. Best wishes for a creative, thoroughly inappropriate spring semester.L.N.P.
To: Missy, Jess, Melissa, Heather, Ev, Kelly, Brian, Gavin, Brandy, Katie, and everyone from Search! Merry Christmas!
Love, Shannon PEACEand Blessingsto all of my students this semester. Thank you for a magical school year. L.N.P.
To all my roommates: Meghan, Kelli,& Karin I hope you guys have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Love, Nicole Merry Christmas to the PWI family: Mom, Dad, & Mike Love, Liss
To all my girls: Aimee, Jaime, Lisa, Helene, Linda, Laura, Erica, Candy, Meyers & Doc, Don't get in too much trouble over break, save that for when we come back.
Love, Klimax -Melissa, I Just want to let you know that you are a great friend, and that I don't know what I would have done without you. Have a wonderful Christmas. Love, Carolyn
Nick: I hope Santa's good to you! Love, Mary Melissa,Sarah, Cassandra and Nicole: Merry Christmas Girls! Love, Danielle
Kelly: Have a great Christmas! Love, JeffreyMary B: Hope you and Nick have a great holiday.
From Spotte
Merry Christmas to all of the staff and professors at Cabrini.
Karin: Happy Holidays. Hopefully 'II have better material for you after break.
To Missy,Danielle, Meghan "Doc/ Ann, Shmeg and Candy: Keep the cups full and the goggles handy!
Nick: Maybe a car will be under your tree this year!
Love, Mary
Tammy, Thanks for making my days and nights full of laughter and love. I hope this Christmas together Is the first of many.
Love, Kevin Hey Cabrini! Thanks for the memories and permanent neurological damage. I'll send you a postcard. Stick a fork in him, he's done!
Tony, I can't wait to find you under the mistletoe.
Happy Holidays to the crew of House SevenChip Myers, the crazy one don't do too much damage over break, save it for when we return! P.S. you too Candy! Love ya girl, C
To all of our friends, We hope that all of you have a very safe and happy Christmas. Thanks for all of the great memories so far this year and we can't wait to see what the new year will bring.
Love, Linda and Lauren -Merry Xmas Missy,BIii and Kristine- Someday we'll do lunch, I promise! Love, JNMerry Christmas to my Angels, Love Toni
To: Andy, Tony, Joe and Mike: Clean your own bathroom and have a great holiday.
Jen, Cynthia, Cathy, Karen, Mike, Leah, Lee, Kristin, Jane, Heather, Bill, Kelly, Evanique, Manuela, Missy, Jess - Happy Holidays! I love you all! I will try my hardest to stay out of the hospital over the break! Ha Ha!
Love, Megan
To all my friends! Cathy, Cynthia, Josh, Katie, Heather, Kelly, Billy, Steve, Christine and Bill, my radio partner, the whole crew: You guys are my extended family. Thanks for everything! Jessica.
Merry Christmas to all my friends upstairs in House 2 and my roommate. Good luck on your finals. Luv,J.B.
Dear Megan, Jen, Jane, Bill, Mike, Lee, Josh, Jess W, Katie, Jessica, Missy,Chad, Dave W, Kelly, Andi, Evanique, Heather and Cathy: Happy Holidays everyone!
Love, Cynthia
"Stupid# C. M. - "One true friend is worth a million acquaintances. N Thanks for being my one true friend. Merry Christmas!
Love ya, ·stupid* R.A.
I hope everyone has a great Christmas and a Happy New Year,especially my wonderful girlfriend, Celena Blasucci. Mike Replce
Merry Christmas Erika, Denise, and Lisa! Good thing we've all been such "good, sweetll girls this year-Santa will definitely leave us a bunch of presents. Maybe he'll be extra nice and refill our little stash In the drawer, cause you know that's what we all really want for Christmas!
Love, Janice
Erika, Denise, and Lisa-Tell your moms I said "Merry Christmas!·
Love, Janice
Lisa-Yo, Merry Christmas! We hope Santa don't play you for no nut. Peace out on the New Year! Late!
Thugs 4 Eva
Yo E-Dawg! Make sure there are no chairs under the chimney when Santa drops by, or he'll be visiting the "P" Patrol! Merry Christmas 4-Eva!
To the entire Xavier Hall community: thanks for making our job easier and making this year a great time. You guys are awesome!
From Jasmine, Janine, Nick, Neel and John
To Brandie and Steve: Thanks for making sure our Search was worthwhile and enjoyable! Group 3 rocks!
Love, Rachel, Nick, Jen, Lara, Tony, Bill, Becky, Geri Lynn
To my big sister Brandie: Thanks for everything. You are a special person in my life, Love, your little bro.
To Lower South Xavier: You guys are great. Keep up the good work and enjoy the break.
From your R.A. Nick
To Karen, Stacey, MB and Tanya: Thanks for a great year and for all of your hard work!
To my Little Redhead, You are a great friend and I love you so much. Merry Christmas.
Love,Your Geek
Hopefully Santa will grant me access to the campus. That way I can bring gifts of joy and well being to all on Thursday,Friday and Saturday nights.
Maybe Santa will bring the Valley Forge Suites a cat, a tree, a kitchen table, beer and other illegal fun stuff. Do the dishes and Merry Christmas.AndyI want to say Merry Christmas to all of my friends at Cabrini and my family in New Orleans, who I have not seen in l 0 months! I love you Mom, Dad, Maw-Maw, John and Kristen.Vicki Maumus
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to Bill, Andi, Mike,Josh, Lee, Chad, Dave, Steve,Christine, Julie, Heather, Evanique, Jess W., Jess H., Flubber, Mr. Wiley, Tony DiMarco, Tony Barrett, Camille M., Brandi, Gavin, all teachers and everyone else I could not fit on this list-Kelly Graham
To all my friends: I wish you Happy Holidays and a good break. Josh
Merry Christmas to all my friends! You are the best!
Love, Heather
To all my true friends: Have a Merry Christmas. And to Kelly,who always reinforces my strength: Be good over the holidays!
Love, Julie
Happy Holidays to all the girls on the first floor: Jen, Margaret, Melanie, Sharon Lee, Amy, Karen, Megan B, Megan H, Shayne, Merrie and Leslie: Thanks for letting me crash on your couch on those nights when the stairs were not my friends, and the second floor was way too far to travel.
Happy Holidays!
Love, Candy
Dear Dopey: You know you're pretty! Don't ever forget that I hope you have a Merry Christmas.
Love, You Know Who
To all Fame dancers: Keep your kicks high and your pelvis thrusts strong! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays-Debbie Allen.
To my Moms and Pops: Thanks for everything and have a Happy Holiday. Your son, Dave
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to House 2, From You Know Who
To: J. D., N. S., K.T.,H. C., nd N. S.: Have a safe and Happy Holiday. J. D. Happy Holidays to: Janet Jerome, , Michael, Anne, Stephen, Christine, Donald, Adeline, James, Shelly,and finally, Massimee. Sincerely, a happy student

To all of my friends and roommates: Have a nice break and happy holidays.
Love, Megan
Happy Holidays to everyone on the Loquitur staff. Finally, a break from long Monday and Tuesday nights. Love, Megan
To B: Thanks for listening and understanding, even when I throw my Bio books. You're the best.
Love You Lots,Megan
To everyone on the Loquitur staff: Have a Merry Christmas and no slacking when we come back from break. You guys are the best! Love, Julie
Happy Holidays to all my friends! Red Wings rule! Nimala
Happy Holidays to all those Flyers fans down at the FU center. Let's go Flyers!!
To Lisa, I hope you have a good break and a Merry Christmas. Joe
To: CO, CM, RA, SS,Thank you for helping me through all the hard times. You guys rock! Have a Merry Christmas. Love, Charles
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of my buddies, especially my roommates and Loquitur staff, J. z, Steve and the WYBFstaff. R, F.
To my 141 family, I couldn't have gotten through this semester without all of your help and psychotic actions. I love each and every one of you so much. I couldn't ask for a more abnormal bunch of friends.
Love, Kellie O'Neill
To Marybeth, Angela, Jen and Cathy: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Who knows what 1999 may bring? Have a nice break. Be careful.
Love, Denise
To all my future roomies in 304-Lisa, Jamie, Aimee, Heather, Linda, and weekenders, Erica, Helene and Myers: Have a great Christmas and remember the BESTdays are yet to come.
Love, Candy
To my 304 party girls, Mr. Stool, the entire 141 family, Peetah, the lmprov troupe, cast and crew of "The Girl· and my Friday girls: Thanks for the laughs and love. You all are my world. Thank you for being the greatest friends. Be safe over break. Have a wonderful holiday.
Party hard-All my love always-Lisa Nicole
P.S.-On New Year's, get on a table and dance,., you know that I will. Join me in costume if you'd like and I promise it will be a good time!
Yo Wingmen, just wanted to say Merry Christmas to you guys and the ladies of House 3. By the way, I'll be levitating over break.
Merry Christmas to my "Sloppy Sloppy· girls! I love you guys! Aimee
Nick Levandusky and Jae Elliott are my fantasy men.
To my favorite "Drinking Buddy" Myers: Happy Holidays! To the newest members of our group, Colleen and Melissa: You guys better take advantage of this Christmas break and rest upl You'll need it for next semester.
P.S,Melissa,it's on; the challenge continues.
Love, Candy
Reynold, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year! Hope Santa brings you lots of milkshakes! N, D. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year's to my girls in House 3.
Love, Michelle
To all of my friends and roommates: I hope you have a great Christmas and get lots of presents. I'll see you next semester. Ron, we still need to go to the bar. Love, Kellie O'Neill
To all my fellow editors, Thanks for putting up with all my crap. Do not worry; the worst is yet to come.
Dear J.P.,I cannot wait for you to sleep walk into my arms for the third year in a row. Love always, A.V. Joe: Sorry you had to drive all alone. Here is a holiday wish that you will alw~ have someone to ride shotgun!
Seasons Greetings to my "sista in scheming," Kelly Ann; Baby Brown, Brown Bear & now Old Brown; Marko "Erniehead"; Rooster; Opera & Ska-man; James; Nicko Luchko; Karin; Steve-o and all other YBF and newsroom people. Party, Partyl!I! Love, Colleen "Tabby"
Laura, We wouldn't be able to do the paper without you. Keep up the good work. Love, Nicole