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Bill: TheStory of a TYPicalCabriniStudent

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Cabrini Student

Cabrini Student

by Mike McGann and Joe Elliott

I feel that in the past semester, the paper has definitely improved in the content and coverage as a whole. My advice is, if you do not like it, don't read it.


Most people probably have this big idea in their mind when they hear my name mentioned "He is such an ass," "How could he say something like that?" The truth is, I write what I feel, and that is the truth. I do not intentionally go out of my way to hurt the feelings of people, but that's life. If we went around being nice to everybody, it would be pretty fake. I'm just trying to get people thinking about different things. So far so good.

All in all, it amazes me that it has taken an entire semester for people to start to write about my articles. I think that there have been plenty of things for people to write about in the Loquitur. If it took just talking about gays, lesbians and abortion, just wait until next semester, because I have plenty of time to do research on my commentaries.

In closing, I hope that everybody has a safe and happy holiday season. Keep those minds rolling and those letters in the mail.

Unlike last week, this will be a week with very little problems. Do not worry about about school and exams. enjoy the last weekend with your friends.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Your relationship is starting to get bet• ter. Don't let the temptations of vacation and seeing your friends get you in trouble. Stay in touch.

Piices (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)

Bad news. Santa Claus has been checking his list, he's going to know who is naughty and nice. You're screwed.

Aries (Mar. 21-Apr. 19)

I told you that the weather would take a tum for the worse. Make sure you revise your Christmas list. Put a star next to long underwear.

Taurus (Apr. 20-.May.20)

Act on impulses. Makesure you find out all the facts about what you are going to invest your time in for the next couple of weeks. Come out tonight and hang with your friends.

JoeElliottis a juniormajoringin English/communication. Heis theperspectiveseditorof Loquitur.Addressall fanmailto "Joe,theNewKingofAll Media."

Leo (Joly 23-Aug. 22)

Imagine yourself in a giant bubble. Pop that bubble and start to look around for all the pieces and pick them up. lt's bad to litter, and l think you can get fined. for damages and not even fixing the majority of them.

Be sure to use the front door. If you use the back door, the alarm will go off, and you will be in trouble. Especially if you live in Xavier,cause John Osborne will give you a beatdown.

Virgo (Aug. 2.1-Sept. 22)

Remember when I said to never look back? Well. I was wrong. Look out for those tm,s when you'n, driving in slippery sections.

Ubra (Sept. 23-0ct.23)

When you go home, don't get the cereal bowl confused with the dog's water bowl. It might taste bad. Not that I would know or anything.

Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov 21)

Be sure to try and make changes. Change is good. and it is fun to see what new things are going to bring. Follow your instincts.

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