1 minute read

TheStoryof a TYPicalCabriniStudent

4 :::r::-lo" 1+l<Aow wk'j 4oA'-r,r~o H--~n ... "lr; ,..- emotions which course through her veins are those of love and compassion. To Nina, her world is perfect. It is full of laughter, hugs and kisses, and it is based upon unconditional love. Nina was granted an eternal innocence, which I, and all others who have been touched by her life, have been so lucky to experience. I ask you to think about these things, and now, I dare you to call my sister a retard.

So before you write off people with special needs as retards, idiots or invalids, I ask you to look beyond those labels. Don't look at the wheelchairs or slanted eyes-in-stead, see the person. Don't hear the speech impediment or focus on the language barrier-rather, listen to the message. Medically speaking, Nina is "severely and profoundly impaired" with global developmental delays and a massive seizure disorder. However, I know that she is so much more than her label indicates. Nina is someone with her own thoughts and feelings who has made me realize the value of each person. She has taught me patience and compassion, and she has done it all without saying a word. Sometimes, words can get in the way.


JennaManciniis a first-yearstudentmajoringin psychology. Sheis a guestcolumnistfor Loquitur.

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E-mail: laura44@xavier. cabrini.edu

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