3 minute read

Justa fewwordsfromthePresident

Hi-dee-ho, everyone! After watching my new hero, President Clinton, give his State of the Union address to the country, I was inspired to give CHRIS NEILSEN one to the college.

President Clinton is the man. The reason why he is the man is not because he is a role model, but because he is not. No parent in their right mind would raise their child to act like the chief. However, the same parents are also the ones who give him a very high approval rating. His personal life may not be perfect, but he is a fine president I hope that everyone bad a really fun weekend I know I did. It seems that ever since the ice melted, people have been in a good mood. More people have been staying on campus on weekends. Some people have even had more fun so far this semester than they did last semester.


My friend from the University of Delaware came up to Cabrini for the first time on Saturday night. She probably could not have picked a better night. Every house we passed through was hopping and there was a softball beef and beer in the Atrium. Surely there was a good sense of karma going on around the campus.

Then I went up to the apartments. They were swprisingly sedate, I noticed. Later, I would find out why.

While leaving the apartments to go home to bed, I had a can of beer in my pocket Then I ran into public safety officers, who recognized that there was a bulge in my pants, and no, I was not happy to see them. come from the fetal development. This idea comes from research when twins were separated at birth and raised in different families. (This comes according to the book, Succeeding in College with Attention Deficits Disorders, by Jennifer S. Bramer, Ph.D., pg. 9)

Anyway, they warned me that I should watch where I hang out at After all, I am the student body president, and I should be some sort of role model.

So I got to thinking. First off, if I am anybody's role model, then they really need to go get some counseling. I am just a 19-year-old kid who is trying to do my part to make this college a better place for the students.

Somebody has to do the job of representing the student body in dealing with the administration, and I hope that I am the man to do it. And it is not always easy, especially since Cabrini College "is not a democracy;' remember?

I love this college and I really want everybody else to. I feel that this school does a great job of molding students into mature, thinking adults. But sometimes I get the impression that they spend too much time glorifying the students who are properly molded, while categorizing others as people not to be hung out with.

They sometimes consider the others so "dangerous" that they must be banned from campus. These students can still go to classes and pay the activities fees; they just cannot participate in any activities.

This last part goes directly against what I consider to be making a role model. To me, a role model college student gets good grades, participates in and supports school activities and hangs out with his or her friends on Saturday nights, with or without beer.

Therefore, if I do not fit the college's idea of a role model, then so it goes. I have not been impeached yet, and my approval ratings are pretty high.

I think a big thing is to remember that by having ADD, you are no different than anybody else. I think that most people are not even aware who has ADD and if they have ADD. For most, people will go their entire lives and not even realize that they have had ADD, and they will lead happy and successful lives.

As for me, I just figured that the road that I have traveled so far has been pretty good. I have finally been able to get my stuff together and have managed my work very well. I think it's just a matter of time where having A.D.D. will not make you be treated any differently.

For more information, contact:

Stephanie Bell, M.Ed.

Coordinator, Disability Support Services. Rooyman's Center, 902-8572

JoeElliottis a juniormajoringin English/communication. Heis theperspectivesedijorof Loquitur.

Loquitur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of issues.

OlrisNielsenis a sophomoremajoringin English/communications. Heistheassistantperspectiveseditorof Loquttur.Heshavedhis goateeto lookmorelikea rolemodel.Is it workingyet?

Loquitur is a laboratory newspaper written, edited and produced by students of Cabrini College registered in COM 346. 350, 351, 352, 353 and 354. Members of the campus community are invited to work on or submit stories for publication. Only students registered in the above classes, however, are eligible to receive academic credit. Subscription price is $25 per year and is included in the benefits secured by tuition and fees. Loquitur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. However, if the writer wishes and the editor agrees, the writer's name may be left off the publication and an inscription inserted. sucb as "name withheld at the request of the writer." Letters to the editor must be submitted by noon on Mondays.

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