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College's lack of Catholic identity concerns some students
Some students say that the lack of a traditional Mass format and few Catholic religion courses take away from Cabrini's Catholic image. Faculty, however, say that they stress religion in all aspects of college life.
by Anne C. Miller assistant managing editor
About two thirds of Cabrini students are reported to be of the Catholic faith. But why, then, do only a select few attend campus masses?
The truth is that several students, including sophomore Linda Gross, feel uncomfortable with the way that mass is conducted. •.
"Mass here doesn't follow a traditional format," Gross said.
Not only do students feel uncomfortable, but they are also uneasy about the rotation of priests that come to visit each Sunday.
"It's hard to get to know and become comfortable with a priest when you know he's not going to be here next week," Gross said.
Several students are now at- tending masses held at Villanova University due to such concerns.
This issue, in addition to others of a similar nature, has come to the attention of Campus Ministry, the religion department and the administration.
Officially, Cabrini is Catholicaffiliated and does not necessarily have to follow the guidelines set by the Pope.
However, if the college does not go along with the Pope's policies, Cabrini won't be on the list of proclaimed Catholic colleges.
Currently, a committee is being established and suggestions will be made about how to solve this dilemma and enhance Cabrini's religious involvement.
"The college is seriously examining its strengths and how we can be doing more," said Dr. Margaret McGuinness, religion de- partment chair, in regards to Cabrini's support of Catholicism.
As it stands now the Catholic faith is incorporated into many of the religion courses.
Some courses such as The
Meaning touch lightly on Catholicism.
"We try to stretch Catholicism across the curriculum," McGuinness said.
In addition to the courses, Cabrini is scheduled to host the spring meeting of the Catholic Historical Association in March and will encourage students to attend.
Dr. Margaret McGuinness, religion department chair
Sacraments, The Scripture and Catholic Social Teachings, focus primarily on the faith, while others, such as African-American Religion and The Search for
Besides this particular lecture, the religion department has sponsored other speakers, but has found that student attendance is sparse.
Each semester Campus Ministry hosts the Search Retreat, a weekend get-away for self-reflection and promotion of spirit.
Despite this effort to enhance Cabrini's religious affiliation, the retreat has received mixed responses.
General aspects of Catholicism at Cabrini go beyond the obvious to include those things that are unapparent to the eyes, commented McGuinness.
"It expands to how we treat each other," McGuinness said.
McGuinness suggested that student involvement in the Catholic faith on campus may be ineffective for several reasons.
One reason is that students may commute from home for the weekly mass, and another is that students may not be practicing Catholics.
From mass to retreats to core values, Cabrini is numerous in its programs and classes in support of Catholicism.
Its only weakness, according to many students, may be its lack of religious faculty and administrators.