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len art found
students are found smoking in their room they will be punished.
The first offense will result in a written fine and community service hours and the second offense will result in a monetary fine.
So far, only a handful of students have been caught smoking in their rooms.
'Tm pissed," said Adam Duncan, a firstyear student. "It only hurts the people that obey the laws. Those that don't will still smoke in their rooms."
byNldtt.uchko staff writer
On Monday. March8, a piece of artwork createdby senior Trish Amato that had prcvioosly been taken from outside a library e.lassroomwas found near the scene of die criQJe.on top of an art closet next to hetl)JOfessor's office, located in the HuJIJ~~IJsa __ T 's professor, said the am right outside her 'Ihere was»cJIQte of apology or confession.
The piece thatwas stolen had been a black-and-white portrait of Chuck Close in a mosaic~._, small images.
Amato was Jleasedthat the artm so happy that it." she said. returned in perfect condition. 11le frame, which was first thought to be the real reason for the crime, was ret\U'liedalong with the picture.
"I'm especially excited that the whole picture was returned without any problems." said Amato.
As of right now, no one has admitted to the crime and no suspects are known.
Amato said that she is dropping the whole issue and that she has the picture in her possession right now.
She does, however, have some questions.
Why did it take so long to return it? How come no one saw someone take the picture and no one saw them put it back? Finally, who would want to steal a picture by a fellow student?
These questions may never be answered. However, the person who did commit this crime decided to have a conscience.