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Legendary movie director dies, but films will live on world."

by Adam Greenberg

assistant a&e editor Shining" and "Spartacus."


Spielberg, arguably the most successful director in Hollyw<><><Llamented the loss in a statement issued by EnterDirector Stanley Kubrick died on Sunday at age 70 in tainment Wire. He said that Kubrick made movies that England. With his death. the film community has lost one were "complete environmental experiences that got more, of its most original and legendary talents. not less, intense the more you watched his pictures" and The reclusive fihnmaker crafted some of cinema's finest proclaimed the late director "the grand master of film-makmoments with films like "2001: A Space Odyssey," "The ing."

Like most great art, Kubrick's works were often met with Kubrick's career stretched from 1950 until this year. De- controversy. From his· deadpan war-comedy "Dr. spite his many years in the business, he only produced 16 Strangelove; or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love films. the Bomb" to the "ultraviolence" in his interpretation of

This was supposed to be a great year for Kubrick and his Anthony Burgess' "A Clockwork Orange," his films always many admirers. "Eyes Wide Shut," Kubrick's first feature caused a stir. since 1987's "Full Metal Jacket," is scheduled to open this "2001: A Space Odyssey," perhaps his most famous summer. Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman star in the film, movie, was met with critical disdain and downright and the combination of Kubrick's visionary storytelling loathing by many viewers when it was first released in with superstar talent had many salivating with anticipation. 1968.

The release date for "Eyes Wide Shut'' looks to still be The furor that surrounded the film is well-chronicled in targeted for this summer, according to Warner Brothers., the book "The Making of Kubrick's 2001," _edited by the studio backing the movie. Jerome Agel. Reviews included in the book contain criti-

In a statement issued by the Entertainment Wire, Warner cisms such as "it's a monumentally unimaginative movie" executives expressed their sadness at the Joss and stated and the declaration that it "is a disaster." It is now univerthat a screening had recently been held for the recently fin- sally regarded as a classic. ished film. They also said in the statement that they believe Before Mike Meyers did double duty as both the hero and "Eyes Wide Shut" is excellent and serves as an appropriate villain in "Austin Powers," Peter Sellers brilliantly pulled ending to an amazing career. off the trick in Kubrick's "Dr. Strangelove," as the Presi-

The news of Kubrick's passing inspired fellow visionar- dent, a British captain, and the inventor of the bomb. This ies Arthur C. Clarke and Steven Spielberg to speak out in black comedy about a crazed U. S. military leader launchhonor of the director. ing an A-bomb attack against the Soviet Union was reScience-fiction writer Clarke collaborated with Kubrick leased in 1964 when tension between the superpowers was on the landmark "2001: A Space Odyssey." Clarke penned a constant source of fear. the novel and they co-wrote the script. Clarke said that the Kubrick's other widely known films are his adaptation of four years that they spent working on "2001" were "stimu-

Stephen King's "The Shining," which contains Jack lating-and occasionally exasperating-but great fun," ac- Nicholson's famous "Here's Johnny!" scene, and the Vietcording to a statement by the author from Reuters. nam epic ''Full Metal Jacket."

Crediting Kubrick with substantially aiding in his sue- The void left in the world of film following Kubrick's cess, Clarke also said in the statement that "my profession- death is immeasurable, but perhaps more important is the ,aJ.-~areerowe,smore to ~taajey than to anyone else


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