1 minute read
The fact of the matter is.
• George Washington did have false teeth, but they were not made of wood. They were actually made of a cows tooth, one of Washington's own teeth, hippopotamus ivory, metal and springs.
• Queen Isabella may have suggested selling the crown jewels, but her financial advisers assured her that there were other ways to pay for the voyage.
• A new star is added to the American Flag the July 4th following the entry into the Union of the new state.
• Actually George and Martha WashingtGn had no children together, but Martha was a widow with two children when she married George. Although George Washington raised the two as his own, he has no direct descendants.
• By the end of the 15th Century most everyone knew the earth was a sphere, but the question was the size of the earth--its circumference. Columbus' voyage was to answer this question. Yet he did underestimate the size of the earth by one-fourth.
• There are, in fact, four other flags containing the red, white and blue color scheme: Chile, Liberia, Malaysia, and Puerto Rico.
• Andrew Johnson was born in 1808 while Lyndon Johnson was born in 1908, 100 years apart from each other.
• George Washington was a self-taught man who never attended college. The death of his father brought an end to his formal schooling. However, Washington believed education was very important and helped establish one of the first free schools in this country.
• No one died on Columbus' maiden voyage. There was enough food aboard for one year and the weather was ideal--no storms were encountered. However, on the return trip to Spain there was a major hurricane which almost destroyed the two remaining ships.
• Not only were the elections to Congress 100 years apart, (Lincoln 1846 & Kennedy 1946), but they were elected President 100 years apart as well, (Lincoln 1860 & Kennedy 1960)
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