5 minute read
Alright, who inhaled?
drugs and who has done them is once again in the news. The media drug of the moment is marijuana, and the question is "Who has inhaled?"
' Late last summer, I decided to apply for a job at the GAP. There was an initial application, an interview and a phone survey. During the phone survey, many questions which I found irrelevant were asked. One of them was have you ever possessed or consumed any controlled substances.
I now work at American Eagle.
The reason I bring up this summertime memory is because
Presidential candidate Bill Bradley has. So has Vice President Al Gore. George W. Bush continues to elude the question, which leads to the gist of my article:
George W, Bush is a spoiled, overrated and underskilled hypocrite who doesn't deserve to be the President of the United States.
There, that felt good. Now let me explain why.
Possession of a controlled substance is a felony. Saying that it was a youthful indiscretion is a cop-out. The age of reason comes for most people before they can even spell cocaine. If you try a drug, even if you're just "experimenting," then you have done drugs. Now I don't believe that any of the candidates should lose our support because of what they did decades ago. Actually, I think that it would be a gnod thing to have a president who has a checkered past. Hell, Clinton sure does, and say what you want about Bill, but we're better off now then we were when George Sr. was in charge.
So all right, back to why no one should vote for Bush. If you apply for a job at GAP or Old Navy or Banana Republic, you are going to be asked questions about your past. The employers have the right to ask, just as you have the right not to work for them.
Think of America as a company, and we have a number of candidates for employment. There is only one position available, and it is a really important
Letter To The Editor
Being a college student at Cabrini has many advantages and disadvantages. Cabrini College is supposed to be student-related. The faculty says that they listen to us, the students, and that is one characteristic that o:iakes our college so special. They claim that they try to accommodate the student. This is why I believe Cabrini is at a slight fault. Let me tell you a little story.
I have no disrespect for our staff, but the registrar's office needs to become more studentoriented. My education advisor bought to my attention that I was still considered a freshman in his records. Naturally I freaked out, as any person would that is supposed to be a sophomore with 33 credits.
So I was recommended to go to the registrar's office to fix the mistake on my record. Well, my transcripts were incomplete, my Social Security number was wrong, my major was listed differently, and I was considered a freshman.
The reason why my credits were low was because I took my language at Villanova, and the transcripts and the consent form were misplaced. I had to go to
Villanova last week to get verification that I took the class, when I registered for the class at Cabrini. I had to get the shuttle service changed just to go over there two days a week.
Of course my advisor was nowhere to be found to fill out the new paper work that I had to fill out for the third time. After I received the transcript, they ended up not needing it anyway. This greatly added to my frustra- tion, because the only reason I went over there was because the registrar's office advised me to do so.
In conclusion, I would like to know why we pay so much for our tuition and a student oriented staff that at times can be frighteningly unhelpful.
-Name withheld at request of author
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Classic mail: The Loquitur c/o Cabrini College 610 King of Prussia Rd. Radnor, PA 19087 one. You can assume that they all qualified, and any one of them could probably do the job. Remember, you can only choose one, and then you have him for the next four years.
Do you want to know about these guys' pasts? Damn straight you do, and remember, if they don't want to answer the questions honestly, they don't have to work for you.
But good old Bush, who has been involved in politics for about as long as I've had my beard, keeps avoiding the hard questions. He seems to feel that he can elude the topics that the other candidates have already openly, and in Bradley's case candidly, discussed. Maybe with all his money and Republican supporters, he can. But I hope not.
Let me end with my educated guess as to why Bush keeps I avoiding the drug issue. Texas has one of the toughest mandatory minimum laws in the country. If Bush were in his "youthful indiscretion stage" today and he got caught with a gram or less of cocaine, he would spend the better part of his life in jail. He passed this law, which in some people's eyes, mine included, makes him a hypocrite.
So let's take our candidates pasts for what they are worth. There is no particular shame in sowing your wild oats, and hell, it was the 70s. The real shame would be if we chose to elect a president who bought his way into the job without having to finish the application.
Chris Nielsen is the perspectives editor of Loquitur. He is still mad at the GAP.
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