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Website, fairs increasing college applicant pool

by StephanieMasucci staff writer

Picture a college fair at the local high school.


Representatives from local colleges are passing out pamphlets and applications to high school juniors and seniors who may or may not want to go on to higher education.

Questions are asked about the size of the classrooms, the student teacher ratio, the success of the collegiate teams and the cost of the institution.

There is only one department that is responsible for attending these college fairs and answering all these questions for a college or university: the Admissions Department.

Cabrini College's admissions department is responsible for every person allowed to enter the doors of this campus.

The members of the department decide whether an applicant's grades, SAT scores and extra-curricular activities are sufficient enough to make him or her a fulltime or part-time student at Cabriru.

The admissions department is in the prime of their busy season. College fairs are almost expected at every high school in the United States.

Juniors and seniors in high school find the fairs to be a good chance to ask questions about a school's uniqueness.

Melissa Michels, assistant coach of the women's lacrosse and field hockey teams and employee of the Admission Department, is in charge of the college fairs in New Jersey.

"A lot of high school students fill out the cards at these fairs. They are interested in what Cabrini has to offer," Michels said.

The admissions department does not just approach students in person, though. Applications and information packets are sent out around the nation. over 1500 applications to date. They have even accepted between 25 and 30 students. to make this website more viewer friendly.

"Christmas is when most of the applications will start rolling in," Michels said.

The admissions department has high hopes for next year's class. They want be able to accept around 300 students for the class of 2004.

Due to the growing rate of interest in this college, standards are rising.

The SAT requirement for applicants is around a 1000, and the average GPA is a 3.0.

The Web counted over 7,100 hits on the Cabrini website as of Oct. 9.

The admissions department is even trying to allow online applications to go through.

Currently, the web page has an application form that can be downloaded through the Adobe Acrobat program; however, prospective students still have to fill out the form and mail it to the admissions office.

The material is sent out to students in local areas, in such states as New York, Maryland and Pennsylvania.

The farthest areas that receive information are such states as California and Louisiana. Cabrini has already received

Lytle hired as new learning resources director

by Kat Keser

staff writer

Dr. Eugene Lytle plans to reorganize research and technology at Cabrini College to "make the technology flow in a more directed path," rather than have things be "helter-skelter."

Lytle is the new Director of Learning Resources and Technology at Cabrini College.

In a basic office on the third floor of the Mansion, Lytle now makes his home.

The office, equipped with com- puters and a single bookcase, has a Mickey Mouse figurine adding a splash of color to one of the computer desks.

Cabrini is not the first college

Lytle has had the opportunity to work at. Lytle worked at Beaver College as Director Qf Instructional Technology and at Newman College as a PC Specialist.

Lytle has also taught in the college environment, teaching Statistics, Computer Basics and Programming at Widener University, Holy Family College and Chestnut Hill College.

Lytle also spent 10 years as an adjunct professor Lytle was also proud to say he has had the opportunity to travel to Middle East and the Far East where he worked as a High-Tech Consultant.

Lytle enjoys woodworking and model building during his time away from Cabrini. He is also an avid reader.

Lytle is fond of the Cabrini students and his feeling of his time with Cabrini College is that he has, "enjoyed it quite well."

Another way to stay connected with the department's advancements is through the college-wide Website.

Advancements are being made

New technology can allow prospective students to send in their application information through the Internet, thus avoiding long waiting periods and postage fees.

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• Women'ssoccerat EasternCollege,4 p.m.

• "What's YourLimit?" alcoholawarenessprogram, 9 p.m.,Widener CenterLectureHall

• Women's tennis vs. WesleyCollege, 1 p.m.

• Men's soccer at Holy Family College, 2 p.m.

• VolleyballFall Classic Tournament

• Legal party, 9 p.m., WidenerCenter Gathering Area

• NationalCollegiate AlcoholAwareness WeekBegins

• Women's soccer vs. Catholic University,3 p.m.

• Mass, 7 p.m., Bruckmann Chapel of St. Joseph

• PhiladelphiaAIDS walk, 9 p.m.

• lntennural Squash entries available,Dixon Center

• AmateurAfternoon,1-3 p.m.,WCGA

• Men's soccervs. Gwynedd-Mercy, 4 p.m.

• Mass,4:45 p.m., BrockmannChapel

• Volleyballvs. Misericordia,7 p.m.

• Alcoholoverdosepolicy SGAcampus-widemeeting, 12:30 p.m.,Widener CenterLectureHall

• Women'ssoccervs. King'sCollege,3:30 p.m.

• Women'sfieldhockeyat PACsemifinals,time and locationto be detennined

• Mocktails..'80sParty,9 p.m.,WoodcrestHall

• Alcohol overdosepolicy SGA campus-wide meeting, 9:30 p.m., Xavier Hall Great Room

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