4 minute read

Bunchof savages in this town

the apartments. I'm sure that those of you who have been here ,i.... • .------, for awhile remember the big fight last year between some of our Cabrini tough guys. gonna be easy. If the dean from last year had more effectively punished the participants in last spring's fight, maybe we wouldn't have to deal with this one now.



Well, the administration was ready for this one. Somewhere between six and eight Radnor cop cars were called up to break up basically another meaningless CHRIS NIELSEN fight. Was that a little extreme? ___ ...;;..;;.;;.;.;.;;..;;;;..;;..;;,;;,;;;;;,;;,;;;.;;;;.;.;. Well, maybe. As far as I know, no


Hi everyone, I'm back. Well, I've made it all the way to Issue six of this year's Loquitur without writing a truly derogatory article about the school and don't think that's been easy.

Actually, to be fair, up until last week things had been going pretty o.k. at Cabrini College. Yeah, you have to walk an extra three minutes to get to you car, yeah you can't have male guests overnight if you live in Woodcrest, I know, big deal. Real end of the world kind of stuff, right?

Until last week, I was looking at the bright side of things, really. Fires in Xavier Hall -0. Significant damages in the houses (as far as I know) -0. Misspelled signs for the school1, but hell, I think we all got a kick out of that,

We're having more legal parties than we've had in years. Students are already starting to - stay on campus on weekends. Things couldn't be better, right?

But now I'm pissed. It seems as if the savages in this town had taken it easy through September only to pick it up in October. Alright, are you ready for this?

One of the guys in my house had his wallet stolen. One of the girls in my house had her CDs stolen and later that same week, a girl in my house's boyfriend had his car's cell phone stolen, _ along with a pack of cigarettes.

Now let me explain something about this guy's cell phone: It's useless outside of his car. Whoever is trying to use it to make calls must be pretty upset right now. Anyway, we've been calling that phone's number,so please, Mr. Phone Thief, if we call don't hang up.

Then there was last Thursday night. It's been a while since we've had a good fight in one ended up in the hospital after this one. Hey, that's a relief, right?

Giving campus tours last summer, I was asked by prospective students and their parents about fights on campus. When the subject would come up, I would say that the problem has been solved, and that stuff is all over. I hate being made a liar. and is this the kind of reputation our school wants? Well, I guess we're stuck with it now.

So what is going to be the result of all of this? My fear is that the actions of these few students are going to make life harder for all of us. Most students on this campus don't fight or steal. The worst thing that the administration could do would be to implement new harder, generalized policies that punish those good students as well as the bad.

The only fair way to solve any of these problems is by directly punishing the sources of all the colleges concerns. But it ain't

Ah, but it would just be so much easier just to crack down on every one. Let's try visitation hours in the apartments, and let's stop every student who walks by with a backpack or a cup of anything on a weekend night. Maybe that will make everything all right, right?

That would be the biggest insult of all. The majority of students of Cabrini College are just looking to get a good education and have some fun on the weekends. The solution to the big problems on campus won't come by making rules that stifle the overwhelming majority of students who don't cause any trouble for anyone anyway. So I'll end with this appeal to the administration: Don't make things worse for everyone just because of the stupid actions of a few.

Chris Nielsen is the perspectives editor of Loquitur. He thinks that the Loquitur gang is the toughest at Cabrini, hands down.

Wonted: Open minds, unique thoughts, a deep Respect for all walks of life, and a cheery Disposition.

Wh&N??Every other Sunday of the Month BcgiMingOctober 1rt" in the Library board room on the second floor. llny questionsor concernsfeel free to contact Azeen x8009 Melissax8027, Steve x8012 or Cassandra at x8060. O '

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Loquitur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of issues.

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Loquitur is a laboratory riewspaper written. edited and produced by students of Cabrini College registered in COM 346. 350. 351, 352, 353 and 354. Members of the campos comrnunoty are invited to work on or submit stories for publication. Only students registered in the above classes. however, are eligible to receive academic credit. Subscription price is $25 per year and is included in the benefits secured by tuition and fees. Loquitur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. Letters to the editor must be submitted by noon on Mondays.

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