3 minute read
We don't want (or need) to be a dry campus
Recently, the Indiana University of Pennsylvania began working with the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board, the local government, and the community surrounding IUP in an attempt to decrease alcohol-related incidences on their campus. IUP already has an alcohol policy that forbids legal and underage alcohol consumption on campus. With other local schools such as Villanova and West Chester taking the same course of action, we have to ask if Cabrini should do the same. Would Cabrini benefit from becoming a dry campus and should we petition the state for the allotted $15,000 provided for the institutionalization of alcohol awareness programs?
It is true that both underage drinking and binge drinking have increasingly become a problem on college campuses, both local and nationwide. However, we believe that if Cabrini was to implement a policy such as IUP's, it would be too extreme in its attempts to curtail on-campus alcohol consumption for two reasons. First, it is radical to put restrictions on individuals that are of legal age to consume alcohol specifically because it conflicts with our natural-born rights as American citizens. Second, there is no need for. this type of severe regulation, according to Public Safety's Policies and Procedures handbook for the 1999-2000 school year. In 1996, only six liquor law violations were documented by public safety, zero in 1997, as well as zero in 1998. We do, however, feel that it is pertinent that college students are made aware of both the short-term and long-term risks of excessive alcohol consumption and what type of behavior is deemed "excessive." It is imperative that proper resources exist on college campuses so that students can survey the information provided and apply it to their personal drinking habits. Therefore, we applaud the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board for assisting with alcohol awareness and prevention programs as well as our peer educators for providing services that help us make informed decisions. However, additional services are not needed if the policies and programs that already exist seem to be working effectively.
Is anyone else tired of the bitching and complaining that bas been going on around campus? Is anything actually being done to correct the problems and issues of complaint?
The problem with the people around Cabrini's campus is their lack of motivation to do anything about correcting or fixing problems.
For example, yes, we all know that parking is a general problem around campus. Can anything be done to make more parking available or at least fix the problem to a certain extent? Another clear example of this concept would be parking permits. Why buy a parking permit when there is not enough parking available anyway?
Oh, and before I forget another problem that follows up on the parking permits is Public Safety's inability to perceive that there are not enough parking places to coincide with the number of cars. Public Safety has to learn to chill and not act as if they were real, frustrated cops.
Anyhow, to get back to the point of this whole article. These are just a few of the problems that can be presented for a possible course of action.
I could not help notice the article about Student Government Association and how they have no visitors stopping by in their office. There are a few possible reasons for this, here are just a few:
I) Students are not aware that the Student Government Association exists,
2) Students are lazy and lack motivation,
3) The Student Government Association has no real link of communication with the student body.
Several courses of action could be taken to fix these current
Question of the Week:
problems. Overall the student body must be made aware that the Student Government Association does exist, maybe fliers in student mailboxes etc.
The Student Government Association has to meet with the students and discuss their views on certain issues such as the ones presented earlier in this article.
In conclusion, can everyone who has a complaint either go and talk to the Student Government Association and the proper authorities or even better do not bother bitching and moaning at all. If people put as much energy into correcting problems, rather than complaining, a whole hell of a lot would get accomplished to better the college and its surrounding environment.
Matt Tholey is a staff writer for Loquitur. He hopes this article will motivate you slackers before you all end up in a van down by the river.
Cabrini College Bottled Water claims to be bottled "at the source!' Where is ''the source?"
A) The pond in front of the school
B) The leak in Dr. Zurek's office
C) The house seven basement
D) None of the above
•Last week, we spelled Gary Rupacz "Rup- f. { caz." ,,..,,,--t;,Q
•We spelled Kristie Conway-Beucler "Bue- \ cler."
•In the NHL preview, we said the Mets did not make the playoffs. They did.
•We said that Bryn Mawr College won last year's women's PAC championship. Well, they didn't; Cabrini College did.