1 minute read
Life's road
byCIJrl•Vescl staff
Standingamong her colorful artwotks. highlighted by the bril1i.mlC'e of a roomful of candles.Bele-nMartins declares!bat--~,,,,_
'"DeRoadto toow.icome from within• tile ofthoseafmidof•artisticfteecbn. SheitJalsobeing pressured by the town preacher and lllOl'ati&tMarius. who wants Helen to move into a nursing home. thus shedding all of her artistic liberties. In the secondact. all tlRe characlersCOD»~ . . .
Shannon is her biggest and loudest fan in "Superstar."
'The Cd.Uc
Supporting actor Harland Williams, the hitchhiker from -
Still searching for the perfect kiss
''There's Something About Mary," adds a quirky bit of romance and suspicion to the plot.
Pay close attention to the appearances of numerous limegreen Volkswagen Beetles seen driving up and down the streets and parked in the neighbor's driveways. It is the simple things that the average viewer may miss that
Perfecting her smooch, Shannon getting intimate with a STOP sign
Kathryn Petersen. asIlle angryand confwJedElsa. is a convincing actMss. Ceal Phelan, as the older and weatheted tielen Martins.is also a joy to witness pel'fonning. Paul Mesbejian. as the strong-WillmMarius. offers a complex anddeepantagonist tbal isn't~ sarily the bad guy. However.the acamts of~ actors are not quite right. TJieydo not African.and they do not tend toMesbejian's accent for Marius is quite • :it is bard to decipherwbat nationality he-is to be.
The set, Helen's house, is designed by James F. 1'ne Jr. and is quite embracing and impressive. It provides a uniqueslice into the lives of these three people. l>ecorated hmsbly with candlel and &ten's • Jtoffffl
For ticbta aod information. call 1-610-644-3,00.