4 minute read

Try burningoff all of your problems

sity sports or intramural games. Unfortunately, not many students take advantage of these offerings.

How many students have taken part in the intramural sports programs this year? From talking to Joe Santorine, athletic and recreation director of the Dixon Center, the answer is not many.



Lifting a heavy metal bar with a varying number of heavy plates re-

..Next week, the college will be celebrating its annual peatedly is not most people's definCabrini Day. According to the "FYI" letter in student's ition of stress relief. Sore backs, mailboxes, the day will "educate the heart, mind and body aching muscles and physical exerof each participant." tion would seem to be a bad way to calm yourself down.

Looking at the workshops scheduled, one would have Well, 1 have to tell you, don't to try to hold back cynicism. Topics such as altruistic knock it until you tty it. women, stress and refugee resettlement are all worthy in The Dixon Center has been open the right time and place. Whether or not that place is on for two years and, there have been a · · · b few complaints and letters to the Cabnm Day remams to e seen. di bo 1 k f ail bill. , . e tor a ut ac o av a ty to

It seems that every year the school s idea of what the student body. As a frequent visCabrini Day should be changes. Some of the recent mem- itor to our schools gym, I can tell ories include the World Game from two years ago, Span- you that those concerns are mostly ish dancing and Chris Burke's speech from last year. unfounded.

One of the goals every year for this event is to find a The one area that I really see th e average student not having access way to draw average students out of their rooms to attend to is the basketball courts. The reathe workshops. Efforts to make attendance mandatory son for this should be obvious. have failed more often than not. If a workshop doesn't in- Every team in the school ends up terest the students, they will usually either leave early or using the courts for some kind of t t all practice or another. As the weather no come a • Id • will be h d gets co er, 1t ar er to get

Maybe this year's event will work out and be a wel- court time. come break from classes for the college. We heartily ad- For the time being though, there vise students to go into the day with an open mind, and of are plenty of opportunities to get a their own free will. But if things don't work out and the good pickup game going. There are day is just a day off, then maybe those in charge should also opportunities to play non-varchange the focus once again.

Last week, the Loquitur's editorial asked the question "What is our tuition going towards?" A proper Cabrini Day could provide at least some of the answers. A day o genuine interaction between the students and the Cabrini community at large would probably benefit everyone

There were a few teams out for flag football, mostly made up of sports science majors and members of other varsity teams. As for coed volleyball, the championship game was last Monday night. There were only two teams that entered, with a total of 12 players. Even though we only played one night, it was worthwhile.

What I really don't understand is why there were less teams this year than last year. Last year, there were about six teams. 1\vo of them were made up of girls from the third floor in Woodcrest. No one took it too seriously, and everyone had something to do in the middle of the week.

Up until the game last Monday, I was having a really crappy day. My car needs a tune-up, I'm almost failing nutrition and I had a nightmare about the Blair Witch being in my room on Sunday night.and not to mention the two papers I hadn't started yet for my seminar class.

Needless to say, I was way too agitated for this early in the week. I saw essentially three choices:

A. Try doing all the work in one night;

B. Drink a few beers;

C. Work out and bum off a few of last weekends beers.

I think that I made the right choice in choosing C. Playing volleyball. Then lifting weights got my mind away from the things that were stressing me out for just a few hours. Really, that was all that I needed.

There is one area in which I would really like to see the school improve it's athletic activities. Surely, with all this land we have here, a spot could be found to build an outdoor basketball court. I know many students who are not on our varsity team who would just like to be able to play basketball outside on a nice autumn day.

It would be costly, I know that, and considering the minimal student attendance at current intramurals, it's asking a lot for the school to build an additional court for student use.

Until this proposal is taken seriously, I just want to remind everyone that part of your tuition is going to the Dixon Center, so you might as well use it

Chris Nielsen is perspectives editor of Loquitur. He's got so much to burn off yet he's still going trick-or-treating.

•Cabrini College raised its tuition 9.7% from '98-'99 to '99-'00. Its room and board rose 4.3% over more so than a day of workshops that sound good in the- the same time period. ory but don't grab the average students attention.

Finally, we would like to stress that it is possible to •Tracy Defrancesco is the RA of house five. have a true and meaningful Cabrini Day. At times, it may seem that the students are motivated only by self-interest and have little school pride. But just remember the spirit •We misspelled Meghan Merkel's name. of the school when we all came together for the bone marrow drive last year, and remember the excitement every year around Midnight Madness. The student body will come together if we find the right cause.

So please, make the year's Cabrini Day a cause for all of us to celebrate.

We're awfully sorry for all of our mistakes!

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