1 minute read


The Nielsen Ratings are an occasional segment in the Perspectives Section. They represent Chris Nielsen's opinion , and also his inability to fill up space. Enjoy!

''The Blair Witch Projecr- yeah, I know, you could have made this movie yourself. But you didn't, they did, so they're rich. Deal with it



In 20 years I will still remember Tony Barrett's blue monkey story, but I have already forgotten how to find the coziness of an angle or whatever it is you do with a cosine. For the life of me I could not tell you what I got in Bob McGee's class, but I can recite plenty of late night post-Suburbia rehearsal conversations verbatim (side note- go see the play this weekend or next).

Maybe you can not find a place to park. Your midterms were an embarrassment. Your roommate is a slob. To quote Eric Bogosian's "SubUrbia" (which, by the way, starts in the Red Cloud Coffee House, in Grace Hall, Friday) "at least there's Oreos."

Jessica Snow is the assistant perspectives editor of Loquitur. She used to be Mr. McGee's favorite student. Her brand of Zen meditation always includes a pack of Marlboro lights.

Rage Against the Machine 1'The War of Los Angeles" - good Rage, but nothing I haven't heard before Guiness Stout- damn that's good stuff!

Whipped Cream Pie- my favorite kind to get hit in the face with.

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