2 minute read
Let's not learn about fire - s~fety the hard way
False fire alarms. They have become as routine at Cabrini College as deer sightings.
Fire alarms have been pulled countless times in each of Cabrini's residence halls, sometimes more than once in the same night.
Most residents find nothing amusing about standing outside in winter weather, wearing just pajamas and slippers. But others still find this prank to be a favorite form of "rebellion."
It almost gets to the point where it would be easier just to stay in bed. After all, what are the chances that there is an actual fire in the residence halls? Slim to none, right?
Well, there were a number of students at Seton Hall who had just that of attitude. And not paying attention to a fire alarm slowed the escape of students when there really was a fire. Three students died in that fire.
Just like most Cabrini students, the unfortunate students at Seton Hall were used to fire alarms being pulled as a prank. While most students took them seriously, there were still many who chose to take their chances and stay inside.
In the future, we need our campus community to take fire safety more seriously. Hopefully, the loss of visitation policies in the apartments will have made students think twice about pulling the fire alarms as a prank. If students' attitudes have changed as a result of the temporary policy, then it was all worthwhile.
Cigarettesare dangerousto more than lungs
These chilling descriptions of such a horrid event make me cringe when I re-tell them to a friend. For an unknown reason I became mesmerized by the news for the few days this fue was the main story.
Dormitories across the nation have been going up in flames. At Seton Hall College, one boy saw the charred body and bloody face of a student that was once his fellow classmate.
Two roommates were stunned when a ball of fire came racing towards them. It was not until they looked closer that they realized it was a student on fire.
And one poor boy raced down the steps assuming his roommate was behind him only to realize he was the only one at the exit. He would later find out that his roommate was one of the casualties.
I became completely outraged when the 10 o'clock news gave this report. "The leading cause of dorm fires are due to accidents caused by cigarette smoking."
It absolutely, positively amazes me that a huge flashing light has not been burning the eyes of officials in this country.
The answer should be simple: Cigarettes should be prohibited inside the walls of college dorms.
Students should not be allowed to light a cigarette indoors, if they are not responsible enough to completely burn out their cigarette butts before disposing of them.
I have heard stories of beds going up in flames when people fall asleep while holding a burning cigarette. Discarded butts have set trash cans on fire, nearly destroy- ing rooms completely.
These tiny pieces of paper stuffed with nicotine hold the lives of student residents every time they are lit.
Careless misuse of these lit objects have destroyed the lives of families throughout America. If I can't light a candle in my room then I don't see why smokers can light a cigarette.
It is a health risk, it is disgusting and it is a safety hazard.
Malls, movie theaters and airplanes are just a few of the places where cigarettes have been banned.
Los Angeles is one of the few places that have prohibited smoking in bars.
Maybe a few eyebrows should be raised on the issue of banning cigarettes in residential buildings as well.
Stephanie Masucci is the assistant A&E editor. Don't blame her if smoking does get banned in the residence halls. We made her write it against her will.
Did anyone miss Loquitur last week? I know, you need your fix. Well, no one man or group of men can stop Loquitur, but Mother Nature stepped in the way. But now we're back with a vengeance, baby! Don't worry, we have a whole month of stored-away sarcasm just waiting to entertain you. Enjoy!