1 minute read
A love letter from Chris to the campus
Several members of Cabrini's staff and administration kept busy over the break by writing books. Here are just a few of the titles, which are due in stores shortly. Reserve your CHRIS VESCI copies today!
#9 "Cabrini Tour Guides:-A Manual-The things we don't show visitors."
By the
#8 "Mold Makes Food Taste Better" By Wood Dining Services.
#7 "Druggies, criminals, arsonists and other important applicants" By the Admissions Office.
#6 "Your 2000-2001 tuition bills: We've already screwed them up." By the Business Office.
#5 "This Year's Housing Lottery: 1,000 beds+ 34,000 residents= You're all screwed." By Resident Life.
#4 "The Principles of Mismanagement." By the office of the president.
#3 "Help, help, get us out of here!" By the upper-class residents of Woodcrest.
#2 '"1001 Permits: The story of Cabrini's new dorm" By Radnor Township.
#1 "The Wonderful Senses of Humor of all the Offices I Just Made Fun of' By the writer of this column.
Chris Vesci is the assistant copy editor of Loquitur. He welcomes all of your hate mail with open arms. You can't scare Chris!