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Gore, Bradley hold similar views on issues
by Joe Holden news editor
Presidential hopefuls have hit the campaign trail as the majority of state primaries grow closer. Early primaries have placed some unexpected names in the public spotlight. A primary, which is held in each state, determines a political party's presidential candidate.
Democrats Al Gore, vice president, and Bill Bradley, New Jersey senator, are the two leading contenders for the democratic party nomination. A poll conducted by CNNrrime m early January placed Gore at 49 percent of the vote for the primary. Bradley gathered 27 percent of the polled vote.
Gore explicitly favors a woman's right to abortion. He
Al Gore contends that abortions should be safe, legal and rare with a strong focus on family planning.
Gore pledges to reduce the national debt every year and believes that low interest rates are essential for a continued strong economy.
Gore supports the "three strikesyou' re out" law and is in favor of the hiring of more than 50,000 community police officers across the nation. He is behind the death penalty for those convicted of the murder of federal officers.
Gore supports the dismantling of post-cold war nuclear weapons and backs the right of homosexuals to enlist in the military. He supports after-school programs that have traditionally reduced drug use in years past. He considers education to be the best antipoverty and anti-discrimination tool. He wants every school to have an Internet connection, and wants to draft college savings plans.
Gore does not support schoolchoice vouchers, where a parent would be able to send their child to a school of any religious denomination with federal assistance. He believes that vouchers would drain cash from the public school system; he supports publicschool choice.
Gore is against privatizing the social security system and any increase in the current retirement age. He supports the protection of social security while the economy is good.
Gore wants $1 added to the minimum wage. He backs programs to support labor conditions sponsored by faith organizations, as opposed to government sponsored programs.
Gore wants maintained standards for clean air and water and wants to work with businesses to solve environmental problems.
Gore's concern with foreign policy includes paying UN dues and responding to violence throughout the world. Gore maintains that he supported the air strikes and bombings in Iraq in 1998 and 1991, respectively.
Bradley supports a woman's choice regarding abortion. He -
Bill Bradley
wants to implement full governmental force concerning clinic bombings.
Bradley endorses open markets, low taxes and research investments. He would re-appoint Alan Greenspan as Federal Reserve commissioner.
Bradley wants wire-tapping and deportation for suspected terrorists. He voted in favor of the death penalty and is against appeals. He supports homosexuals serving openly in the military. He wants the Test Ban treaty brought back to the Senate, and contends that the United States is the world's policeman, not the UN. In years past, he voted against nuclear weapons testing and voted for a landmine ban.
Though Bradley openly admits to having used pot many years ago, he believes that long-past drug use shouldn't matter among his co-candidates. Bradley voted against funding for international narcotics control.
Bradley wants scholarships and loans to create 60,000 new teaching positions. He wants to prepare institutions for a "lifetime education." He wants an allocation of $400 million per year for community colleges and technical schools. He points out that the federal government should fulfill special education commitments.
Bradley firmly believes that a "spirit of experimentation" is the solution to urban schools' problems. He also wants to invest $90 billion in the schools over the next 10 years. He voted against school prayer, and he supports condom distribution in schools. He voted for school vouchers and for school choice. However, he added that school vouchers are not the solution to the school's problems.
Bradley thinks there is no budget surplus. He wants a separate social security system, adding that a growing economy preserves trust funds best.
Bradley wants the minimum wage raised and would seek massive changes with welfare laws. He is against any law forcing welfare mothers to work. He is supportive of unions for home-health and day-care workers.
Bradley's concern for the environment centers around the well being of the nation's children. He also supports the use of ethanol in gas to aid the farm crisis in the Midwest.
Bradley considers the United States to be the leading world power, but he wants the UN to be relied on more often, as opposed to the United States
The Democratic party has occupied the oval office for the past two presidential terms. Many political sources suspect a party changeover come this November·s election, which would mean a Republican-controlled congress and executive office. Newsweek conducted a poll in early January which placed George W. Bush, a Republican candidate, at a 50 percent favor. Gore was favored by 43 percent of the vote. Seven percent were undecided.